View Full Version : Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 Part 2

12-01-06, 04:22 PM
Well, now that all three of the next-gen consoles have been released, I think it may be a good time to revisit this discussion? Any of you have a Wii or a PS3 yet? Do you even want one? Any tried getting one and failed?

Personally, I want a Wii more then a PS3 at this point, but I don't think I'm going to get a Wii until the new Mario game is out.

12-01-06, 04:35 PM
That's kinda what I'm doing, too. I doubt that I'll ever get a PS3, but I won't consider buying an XBox360 until Halo 3 is out. As for the Wii... I don't know, we'll see. My sister at home will probably end up with one at some point, and I'll just play on hers.

12-01-06, 05:00 PM
I'm waiting for the consoles to get some good games and by the time I'm sure it won't require lots of frustration to get one. Though Wii had a strong launch the PS3 has better hardware and thus have a better future. 360 looks ok but the only game that had me excited is being made for the PS3 as well. But I'm probably going to wait so i don't end up with wasted money and a paperweight with lots of wires.

12-01-06, 05:44 PM
I am so not making the same mistake I did with PS2. I bought PS2 when it just came out, wound up paying an arm and a leg for it and couldn't get all the games I wanted due to the lack of money and unavailability here. This time around, I think I'll wait for at least a half of year or more until I buy it. I think PS3 has a rather nice launch line-up, but since the selection will get substantially better with time, I think I'll do the same as Reiko. Let all the clamor douse down and buy it when it's more established on the market.

I really saw nothing that would draw my interest towards the other two consoles. I followed most of the announced/published games for them and there is maybe a handful of them that I would be interested in playing, though none of them would make me buy the console for it. Besides, developers tend to make their games for all consoles more and more, to cover as much market as possible.

12-01-06, 05:56 PM
I like the Wii and my friend got one the day it came out. He was first in his line, which he found very funny cause they told him there was a three mile long wait. :) And it's cheap, only 250 which is awesome considering it's a nice system over all. I want a 360 at some point, but by the time I get around to buying one the next one will be out, anyone here up for dibs on it being called the 1080?

Oh, as for the PS3. . .No comment.

Cyrus the virus
12-01-06, 06:45 PM
I think the Wii's novelty will wear off in time, the 360 has very few exciting titles (much like Xbox), but the PS3 will get the best games.

Nintendo's always plagued by shitty software, save for the first-person stuff that comes along every few months. Basically, they get one great game a month, and when they get one, it's AMAZING. 360 occasionally has terrific games. PS3 will likely have the best flow of good games.

That's if history repeats itself, anyway. I know the 360 has a much better lineup than the Xbox did.

12-01-06, 09:21 PM
For the previous generation, the PS2 was my clear favorite, no question; there were only a couple games I'd even consider getting on the Xbox, and I couldn't stand Gamecube's controller (once described as looking like "a robot threw up on a boomerang," with which I agree).

This time around, though, I'm torn. I actually do want to get all three consoles for various games. I'm very excited about the Wii, actually; though I think Cyrus is right that the PS3 will have more staying power, I think the sheer interactivity of the Wii will keep me occupied for a long time. My thinking on the Wii is this: If developers decide they want to dedicate the time and energy into coming up with creative, intuitive ways to take advantage of the unique control system, there will be some fantastic games for the Wii. If they get lazy, and decide not to take full advantage of the Nunchuck, instead just porting things from other consoles with reduced graphics and some gimicky control schemes, it's going to flop. It all depends on the games, more so than with the other two consoles, because the controller is so unlike that of Xbox or Playstation.

I like the looks of a number of games on the 360, but I don't know if I like them enough to invest in one over a PS3.

As for the PS3 itself, I'll be waiting for a while. -Hopefully- for the price to go down (though that will take quite some time, I'm sure), but primarily to see what kind of bugs will invariably crop up with the console. Also, it bugs me that with the previous two Playstations, I bought the original version only to have it re-released later in a sleeker, more efficient form. This time, I'm going to try to hold off until then... Depending on how long it takes. There's still a bunch of games I have to play on my PS2, and I figure within the next few months more of them will start getting cheaper as the PS3 gains dominance over the old console.

Slayer of the Rot
12-01-06, 09:30 PM
The PS3 has an ugly design, and all it's launch titles failed to raise my interest.

The 360 -- I'll get eventually. I usually wait for a year or so, for the prices to drop, so I don't blow so much money on it. But there are a lot of games I'd like to be playing on it; Dead Rising to name one. Screw Halo 3, though. I never liked Halo.

Ahh...the Wii. I grew up mainly with the original NES, moved to the SNES, so on. I'm a Nintendo fiend, and the titles they have right now, I'd love to play; Trauma Center, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2, LoZ: Twilight Princess (drool). It's gimmick is what drew me. No matter how miniscule it is, Nintendo is urging fans to be active, and I like the thought of that.

Cyrus the virus
12-01-06, 09:35 PM
RE: Dan's PS3 comment.

You mean like the PS2? ;)

12-02-06, 10:05 AM
I'm a nintendo fan, and being so I will probably get a Wii! There might not be as many games available, but the games that are available are enough to keep me content, and probably have me playing them over and over again for quite a while.

Rajani Aishwara
12-06-06, 06:51 PM
The only reason I ever had the X-Box is because of Morrowind, but my desire to seek a good story kept me commited to SquareEnix and the Playstation 2. I'm going to wait before I buy any new generation system to see where my people go, and I'm going to buy that system. However, now that Elder Schrolls is coming to PS3 it looks like I'll be stickin round.