View Full Version : The Call of Fate: The Return of Rook Galadesh

12-04-06, 11:54 PM
((OOC: A big thanks to Max Dirks for finding my old profile!))

The waves crashed against the sides of the ship as it neared closer to port. The gulls screeched in the sky and the smell of salt was aloft in the air. As it reached closer the distant noise of the familiar city began to grow stronger, eventually it would drown out the sea. The busy metropolis was once one of the many places he called home; it felt good to be back.

He slid the Titanium vest over his muscular form, and hid it well beneath his shirt. The gauntlets, plated with the same metal, felt tighter than he remembered. Its leather was coarse and it took his hands some time to adjust. His dirks, crafted of Delyn, slid well into his boots. The sai shone like the moon on a clear night. Their Mythril gleamed; it was as if they had never been used. He placed the pair comfortably into his belt. Next, he held up the ornate scabbard that housed his most prized possession. Tharid. Removing the blade to gaze at it again, he smiled. Sliding it back he placed it on his back and fastened the leather straps.

Stepping out of the cabin of the ship he inhaled deeply, taking in all the familiarity with all senses. He couldn’t help but smile again seeing the city in all its glory. The wind blew through his golden hair as his sapphire eyes scanned the shoreline. This place had not changed. It was just as he remembered. Rook Galadesh was home.

Formerly Lv. 2- (I get hazy on the exact exp count)

Name: Rook Galadesh
Age: 30
Race: Half-Elf, though he appears human
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 220lbs.
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Occupation: None

Rook stands at an even 6'. He bears the appearance of a human despite his father being of Elven descent. He has a fair complexion although his gaze most often appears cold, though it’s not always depicting of his mood. Rook’s eyes add to this effect due to their colour. His hair is blonde although one could argue it is bright as gold. He also has sideburns that extend inward along his cheekbones and a goatee that runs halfway along his jaw. He is quite muscular though it is well proportioned and anything but bulky. He tends to wear unassuming, common clothing because he prefers not to be known.

Tharid – An enchanted broadsword that is enhanced to give it the defensive properties of titanium.

Mythril Sai (x2) – In previous Althanas RPing they were purchased at the bazaar.

Delyn Dirks (x2) – Also purchased at the bazaar.

Titanium Chainmail Vest – Purchased from the bazaar along with his gauntlets
Titanium Plated Gauntlets – Leather gauntlets with titanium plates protecting his forearm and the back of his hand. (purchased from the bazaar)

A Gold Ring – Once belonged to his mother (will not be sold)
Miniatire Chess Set – Won as a prize in a Citadel battle
Money Pouch – Holds his gold. It’s currently empty

Rapid Slash – A sudden burst of energy that rapidly unleashes 8-10 quick slashes (16-20 if using two daggers) that are difficult to block but deal minimal damage. This skill uses a lot of energy. If he does it twice in a row without adequate rest he will pass out.

Holy Burn – (Inactive) – Ignites his sword in a white glow that allows him to deal extreme damage to anyone with an evil heart/soul. This attack drains his energy rapidly and the amount it drains doubles after a set time (depicted below). This attack has no effect on the pure of heart. (The quest to gain this skill was never completed)

Holy Burn drain percentage:
20% for 5 minutes then increases to 40%. After 10 minutes of continuous use he will pass out.

Rook became fairly well known during his time in Althanas. His more notable credits included fighting alongside Damon Kaosi in the Elven army, commanding hundreds of soldiers in an effort to aid “Silence Sei” Orlouge, nearly defeating the Elf Eleric in the citadel and coming to the aid of just about anyone who sought it.

His leave of Althanas was yet again in an effort to seek peace. Throughout his entire life Rook had been surrounded by combat. His own father was killed while he was still at a very young age. Though in realizing that he could not escape his destiny he ventured back yet again in an effort to bring justice to those who had none. He had accepted his role and now has come back for good though his ultimate goal has already remained the same.

Rook is determined to find the man who killed his father. Believing it to be an act of deceit and treachery he has searched endlessly for some answer as to who or what brought such a famous warrior to his end. Realizing that such a man or beast, if he yet lives, may be impossible to find he still tirelessly roams the countryside searching for the closure of this sad tale.

12-05-06, 08:04 AM
Does "inactive" mean that he cannot use it at the present time? Either way, 5/10 minutes of dealing "extreme" damage to an evil opponent is a bit much. Most battles (one-on-one especially) usually last under five minutes of real time, so you basically get to be in this "quad damage" mode for the entire duration of the battle, which is unfair. Tone it down to 3/5.

A sword that cannot bend, break, chip or dull is a description of something made out of adamantine. I know it says that it has the attacking strength of steel, but what does that really mean? You cannot pierce, let's say, a mythril plate mail with it, but because it cannot break or chip, you can successfully sustain a massive blow from an adamantine weapon? Was this enchantment on the sword approved with your profile or did you earn it in a quest?

12-05-06, 03:25 PM
The Holy Burn skill cannot be used at the present time. Its going to be gained in a coming quest, (solo) and then he will not be able to use it again for at least 2 levels.

Tharid cannot bring damage to anything stronger than steel. The enchantment just prevents the blade from coming to harm. Something made from adamantine stirking the blade, would not bring damage to the blade itself but would have a strong effect on the user (ie loss of weapon)

My account was previously approved with this weapon, yes. It dates back to the days of allrpg.com/althanas.

((EDIT: Rook generally uses his sai or dirks if faced against an opponent with a stronger weapon craft anyway. Eventually the enchantment will raise (gradually) the offensive strength but not for at least 2 levels.))

12-05-06, 05:58 PM
Usually people don't mention the abilities before they can use them, but it does say "inactive" and I figure you're smart enough to follow the restrictions you mentioned here yourself. You don't have to wait for two levels though. I reckon that ability would be perfectly acceptable at level 3 update. Though, how long it would last is something for a RoG mod to decide then.

Tharid, however, was probably overlooked by whoever approved your profile in the beginning. Since we try to balance the profiles even if they were approved on Althanas once upon a time, I'm going to have to ask you to lower the strength of that enchantment. While it doesn't have the offensive strength, it's a very powerful defensive weapon. So yeah, something along the lines "as strong as titanium" or "less prone to chipping and breaking" or "made from folded steel that has a significantly enhanced durability". With that you probably won't have to worry about Tharid breaking (I play swordfighters almost exclusively and my swords never broke, even when they were made out of steel) and yet you don't have an indestructible weapon.

12-05-06, 09:54 PM
Fair enough, I can agree with that. Tharid is now enchanted to "raise its defensive properties to that of titanium".

Does that work?

12-06-06, 05:10 AM
Edit that in your description of Tharid and you're set to go.

12-06-06, 03:20 PM
Done. Good to go.

12-06-06, 05:27 PM
Hmm... It's not missing the fact that it's as strong as steel offensively, but I reckon you know better then to try disregarding that.

You are approved! Welcome (back) to Althanas.

EDIT: Since you don't know the exact amount of your EXP, I'm approving you with 5,000 EXP which is a level 2 threshold.