View Full Version : Aishwara’s IMC (International Magician’s Congregation)

Rajani Aishwara
12-05-06, 01:47 PM
Segregation is by far this world’s most lethal flaw. With a handful of exceptions, one such as I will have to suffer the demise of separation. People separate themselves from each other, if not by decree then by de facto nature. Either way it is all intentional. Humans, High Elves, Dark Elves, Demons, Dwarves, Coronians, Raiaerans, Alerarians, Haidians. They all separate themselves out of fear. Nothing they say can convince me otherwise. However, I found a sparkle of hope while traversing the Raiaera/Alerar Subcontinent, a High Elf professor at Istien, and a Dark Elf engineer in Ettermire. The two of them see more than just their peoples and nations. They, like I, are children of the world yet they have never stepped foot on foreign soil. One glorious day I shall find neutral ground for them to convene… A match made in heaven.

-Avanti Aishwara

“What a heinous crime for all the known world to commit!” Rajani Aishwara said in an angry whisper as he slammed the giant book shut. “Millennia upon millennia of civilization and not one institution of magic lasting nearly as long as Istien University. Every respective region and nation has established and disbanded at least three. Scara Brae, Alerar, Salvar, all of them. One should think Corone in all its eclectic glory would be able to sustain one, but no!”

“Perhaps Istien possesses something the others do not.” A set of slender vanilla hands gently set down yet another book beside Rajani on the long oaken table. The librarian pulled a chair out and sat down beside the young entrepreneur. All things about the High Elf Viastil were elegant, including her voice and smile. Rajani couldn’t help but smile back, his frustrations completely forgotten if only for a moment. “Tender with the books. The lot of them here are frail and old at best.”

Rajani nodded in compliance as he reached for the new book. “And this thing Istien possesses.” He paused to blow the dust off of the cover of the old book. This had been done many times, so that the air was full of dusty haze. It mixed with the morning light, which poured in through the tall windows of Radasanth’s library, to create long slanting luminescent pillars. “Let me guess. Istien possesses music?”

“Precisely. Chanting and music makes for more potent magic. If it weren’t for that institution many an evil would cover the world right now.”

“Good and evil are subjective terms, my lady, and I do not believe in them. There is no one force in this world that bids simply because it is bad. Greed, hatred, heartbreak, these are all destructive causes that consume those we call ‘evil’. And exactly how is chanting tactically sound? The opponent can hear you singing your spell before you cast it, so what of those who prefer stealth?” Rajani looked up to see Viastil hanging her head. He had said too much. “I’m sorry! Do I offend?”

“No not at all. Your words, although harsh, are pragmatic.” She looked up with an amused glare. “This is Radasanth, Sir, where people meet and clash. I have heard much worse about my kind.”

“Well under any circumstance let me know if I do offend. And call me Rajani.” He said as he stood up with a smile. “I must take my leave now, Lady Viastil. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. It seems as though I must go to Istien to actually learn magic.”

“Oh such a heavy hearted tone you take.” Viastil rose with him. She made a fake frown where her little candy lips turned down and her violet eyes glistened with joy. The Raiaeran was obviously happy to hear that another would be exposed to her culture.

“My liege.” A voice echoed throughout the library. The call was not for him. It was for Viastil. A short human in glasses came stumbling towards them with a tower of books in his hands. “The entry records for the ferry have arrived.”

The High Elf woman turned quickly, her red hair almost slapping Rajani in the face. “Thank you. I shall take them.” She spoke too hastily for her eyes widened when she realized how many books there were. The commuter vessel must have been very busy these past few days. It was a surprise that frail fellow was able to carry them all.

Rajani intervened and took them. “Where to?” She pointed to a dark isle near the back of the library. The stack of books was quite heavy. The young entrepreneur’s steps were shortened due to the stack’s weight. It was fortunate that Viastil was in front of him. He didn’t want to look like a weakling. “What are these, by the way?”

“We keep records of all those who use the ferry. Before they enter the vessel they are required to give their name, race, age, and other relevant information.” Viastil turned around and took a single book from the top of the stack.

“And what pre tell constitutes relevant information?”

“Any information they are willing to give. Skills, homeland, profession…”

“Like magician?” Rajani said with a sly smile on his amber face.

“Yes.” Viastil watched with amusement as the young Avalonian put the stack down and started flipping through the pages of the topmost record book in a frantic enthusiasm. He pulled out a pen and wrote several names on his hand. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that a windmill turning in your head?”

“With this I shall establish a grand conference of magicians of all disciplines. Look at the variety here! Atzar Kellon is a mage who has skill in almost every element, this Faeron SilverStone himself is made of an element and is highly skilled in air manipulation, and this one woman her name being a mouthful, she is able to enchant her weapons. We can travel the world on my ship to invite other magicians from far away land, and to pay for the expenses the magicians will have to pay a small fee, with the exception of these three. They will be the first. Is there any way to contact them, my lady?”

“I shall make sure that they are contacted personally. Where will the meeting take place?”

“On my ship The Peregrine at the western docks.”

12-05-06, 06:54 PM
A young messenger boy ran up to Séreméla and handed her a wax sealed letter. The seal was that of the same seal used when she registered with the ship. Great, what did I leave off. She thought to herself as she opened it.

Your presence is requested at young sir Rajani Aishwara’s ship docked at the western docks. Your trip will be free aboard The Peregrine; information will be provided once you arrive. Hope to see you there.


Séreméla closed the letter and placed it in her pocket. She wondered what someone she had never even heard of wanted from her, and how they even knew about her.

He knows about the Tap…
He’s going to try and stop you…

The voice of the Drow spoke in her ear. Séreméla shook her head and ignored the voice. She had learned over her journeys that very few people knew about the Eternal Tap and what it could do, and even less knew of her because of it. Still, she knew she had to be careful with her ever growing knowledge of the power.

Séreméla looked around and found a sign that pointed towards the docks. She debated if she should go to the docks and find out just what this man wanted. Her mind was made up, she would go but not be seen. She started to walk towards the dock as the sun’s light slowly pulled away from her. A slight breeze blew through the air catching the cool temperature from the water.

The image of a large luxury ship with the words The Peregrine was outline with the last of the suns light. The ships deck seemed to be busy with crewmen bustling about trying to get a voyage ready. Séreméla hadn’t planned on going anywhere on such a ship with people she didn’t know. Quickly and quietly she made her way through what was left of the midday crowd of the town and snuck aboard the ship.

She still wasn’t sure if she trusted this Aishwara, but she knew she would find out what he wanted soon enough. She ran into a small room and shut the door before a few crewmen turned the corner.

12-06-06, 07:15 PM
Every step brought a new stab of pain.

He stepped out of the enormous building that was Radasanth’s Citadel. Atzar looked through the dying light of late day, glancing around the still-busy street to get his bearings.

He had just battled with the creepiest figure he had ever seen. Clad completely in black, his female opponent’s lips were sown shut with string. He had never even stood a chance against this foe. She had overpowered him in every way. He had been revived by the monks, of course, but their abilities were only so powerful. While they could restore his life and take away the wounds, they could only do so much for the pain.

What he really needed was a good night’s sleep in a decent hotel. That would help. After a good rest, perhaps his knee wouldn’t feel like it was going to buckle underneath him.

The mage only took a few limping steps, however, when an unknown figure broke through the throng of people and rushed up to him, panting heavily. “Atzar Kellon?” the man asked him between gasping breaths.

Atzar only nodded, unsure of the reason for the encounter. Who knew his name? And, more importantly, why did they know his name?

Relief washed over the figure’s sweating face at his nod, and the man laughed. “Excellent, thank the heavens a thousand times for leading me to you!” A smile touching his chubby features, the portly man put thick hands on knees in an effort to regain his breath.

The mage, meanwhile, was completely dumbfounded. “Err… excuse me,” he floundered, “can I help you with something?”

The big man suddenly smacked an open palm to his forehead. “So sorry, so sorry, please forgive my atrocious behavior! A businessman, one Rajani Aishwara, requested to meet you on the western docks as soon as possible. He has a proposal that he believes will intrigue you. I wasn’t given many details, unfortunately. If you want to know more, you’ll have to follow me.”

A hundred cautions leapt into Atzar’s mind at this information. Radasanth had an unsavory reputation, especially with night approaching as it was. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to do better than that. I’m no fool,” he told the overweight man bluntly.

The messenger shook his head vigorously. “No no no, I assure you, it’s nothing like that. Mr. Aishwara’s intentions are completely lawful. The only additional information I was given is that it has something to do with a ‘magic convention’ of sorts. I’m truly sorry, but I just don’t know any more than that. You’ll have to meet Mr. Aishwara if you are interested.” His words seemed to tumble out of his mouth, as if the words could hardly get out fast enough.

Magic convention? An awkward moment of silence passed between the two men on the sidewalk as the mage thought hard. It sounded like a very intriguing idea, to be sure. He still didn’t know what it was about, but an opportunity ignored was an opportunity missed. Going against his better judgment, Atzar finally nodded his assent to the man.

The slightly foolish grin appeared back on the man’s face. “Excellent! Just follow me; we’ll have you there in no time! Mr. Aishwara has a ship, The Peregrine, a fine ship it is. I’m sure you’ll be impressed, I do not know him personally but I have been assured that he is a very fine individual…”

Atzar followed the chubby messenger away. His pain was forgotten for the moment; his curiosity pushed it to the back of his conscience, assisted by the ceaseless chatter of his guide.

Rajani Aishwara
12-08-06, 08:47 PM
“You requested my presence, Captain? Shall we make this brief? I have a sirloin grilling in the…” Mohana Colville, Head Cook of Rajani Aishwara’s ship, was halted in her words at the sight of her captain topless once again. She rolled her emerald eyes. “One would swear by the powers that be that it was you who ordered that everyone be in their uniforms.” The captain rarely ordered the crew to wear their uniforms, but now they would have guests to tend to and distinguish themselves from.

“Why, Madame Colville.” Rajani said with a smile as he rose from behind his desk with both arms open to show his uniform top tied around his waist. “I am in my uniform.” He chuckled as he put it on and fastened the mahogany toggles. His uniform, like everyone else’s, matched the color scheme of the ship, which matched the color scheme of the bird of prey it was named after, The Peregrine. All around them pearl white and mahogany brown filled their vision. The officers of the ship wore shawls on their shoulders, the men brown and women white. “I called you hear to give you forewarning. We will have a few guests arriving shortly.”

“I appreciate the warning. I will summon my staff straight away.” On the standard schedule, crewmembers would cook for themselves on their own time and in their own cabins. But in special occasions, Mohana Colville and her staff of chefs would cook a feast accordingly. She and the captain found each other at odds on the ship’s maiden voyage, when he ordered a grand feast for the thirty eight native Coronians in the crew. Mohana spoke poniards and her words stabbed. Rajani experienced that first hand.

Before they could continue the door to his captain’s quarters blasted open with a blur of jet black and crimson red. A woman stood at approximately his height. He walked around his mahogany desk and extended his hand with a smile. “You must be Lady Baxter. My name is Rajani Aishwara, entrepreneur and captain of this humble vessel you are on.”

“More hospitality than his own crew received.” Mohana said as she crossed her arms and looked upon the captain with a piercing look. Before his verbal retort was coiled for attack the door opened once again to reveal a tall fellow. With the presence of guests, Rajani thought it best not to make a scene of their unique relationship dynamic. Instead he motioned for her to leave, and she smiled knowing that she’d made the last blow in this trivial bout of their ever mounting war of wits. No matter. Rajani would demonstrate his superiority before the day was done.

“You must be Sir. Kellon. How convenient that the both of you show up now. Once again I introduce myself as Rajani Aishwara, entrepreneur and captain of The Peregrine, and I have requested your presence to offer a business proposal. Please sit.” He said as he went back around and sat in his chair behind the desk.

“My ship is a swift and luxurious vessel, so I find it easy to travel. I find it atrocious that across the surface of this vast world there is only one prominent institution that offers an empirical source of magic academia. It teaches magic through music. Magicians must be musicians at Istien University, and silent allegiance is sworn to the High Bard Council. Other than that… old books, hieroglyphics, runes, enchanted items that we find ourselves at the mercy of. That is why I want to establish an international magician’s congregation on my ship, a meeting where magicians of all disciplines can convene and solidify their methods in, discussion, debate, and demonstration. Of course as a businessman I must seek some form of profit, which is why I want to charge magicians admission to this event, with only a few exceptions, you two. Your benefits would include a free trip around the world, and an opportunity to empower yourselves by learning from others. So what will it be?”

12-11-06, 02:05 AM
((Sorry it's short, when we get more of a storyline my posts will grow.))

Séreméla was caught off guard from a voice behind her. She spun around quickly and saw a man standing behind a mahogany desk and a woman standing on the opposite side. They both looked at her for a moment then the man, obviously the captain, walked around the desk and outstretched his hand. Séreméla did the same out of reflex. Her plan to figure out what was wanted of her before agreeing to anything had been ruined due to her lack of choosing the right rooms to walk into.

A few seconds later another man entered the room behind her, startling her and making her hand shoot down to the handle of her sword. Séreméla had been jumpy after her encounter with the evil drows in Salvar, and now she feared that the world knew she was after the Eternal Tap and that every meeting she had was ultimately a trap to gain her map.

The second man however was not after her, and it seemed he too had been summoned by Rajani. She removed her hand from her sword and listened as Rajani began to speak of why he wanted them.

The man’s proposition seemed very fair as Séreméla flashed back to the image of the luxurious ship on the outside. A free trip with magicians, learning more magic; what more could an elf want?

She thought for a moment longer then began to speak. “Well, this does seem like a very lovely ship, and my own ship couldn’t compare in size or speed. A free trip around the world you say? Hmmm…I guess I will have to say yes, on a few conditions of my own if you don’t mind. First, if I am allowed to tie my small ship to the back of your own and am able to leave as I please, due to the fact that I have some unfinished business throughout the continents; second, that….well…I think that’s it.” She stopped and thought to herself for a minute, “Yeah, that’s it. Count me in.”

Séreméla smiled hoping that she wasn’t going to regret this, although the chance to learn more about the world of magic seemed larger here then if she journeyed by herself.

12-13-06, 10:44 PM
Rajani did not even come close to the mental image that Atzar’s mind had manufactured.

The mage had pictured him as a big, well-built man with a commanding physical presence. The eyes would be sharp and piercing, the voice booming and authoritative.

In reality, Rajani was none of those. His muscles were toned, but he was small and slender nonetheless. The eyes were dark, lacking the intimidating glare that the mage had envisioned. The voice was deep, but it didn’t carry that commanding tone. The man’s skin was tan and golden, and his lips gave his face a slightly sullen expression.

Despite his appearance, however, Rajani was obviously a man of intelligence. Atzar listened intently as the plan was mapped out before him.

Most of the information was new to the reclusive mage. Tel’Han was tucked back in the Comb Mountains, subject only to rare interaction with the outside world. Therefore, he never even knew that there was only one real magical school in the world. He had heard of Istien University, to be sure, but he knew little of its teachings. Still, it sounded like a good idea. He could both teach and learn many things in such a “congregation,” as Rajani put it.

Besides, Rajani was offering him a trip around the world, free of charge. That itself made the entire idea worth it.

He did have a question before he gave his assent, however.

“It sounds like a good idea,” he acknowledged to Rajani when the lady had agreed. “I’m curious about a few things, though. How, exactly, do you know who I am? How’d you know that I’m a mage? And how did you know where to find me?” If his reasons were good enough, Atzar was more than willing to accept his offer.

A smile appeared on the entrepreneur’s face. “Easy. You took a ferry to get here. The records of the ferry have information on every passenger aboard: name, profession, even destination. This was all the information I needed to track you down.”

A genuine smile spread across Atzar’s face; that was good enough for him. “Alright. You have my company, then, on your trip around the world.” The mage stood up and extended a hand formally over the desk for the businessman to shake. “Rajani Aishwara. Good to be working with you.”

12-18-06, 12:17 PM
He was so late, he had been sent the letter, five days ago, but he nevered ooked at it. No body knew him around these parts he was new for Godsakes! Now though he was soaring over clouds and skies, looking over hte little city, "And from up here you al look like little ats." He laughed at his lame jokes, ones he was prone to make at times.

Fareron only remembered one word and that was The Peregrine, or how ever you prounouced it, he was never good at reading, his mom always jumped on his case when he was young for not being able to read. He kept a sharp eyes on the ground it was a good thing he was already in Corone other wise it would have took him even longer then usuall to get to the Boats and docking space. Mahogany and White, what kind of ship color was that, he though as he was looking down at the ground, the vast blue below him, he thought he might have gotten air sick from this, he was never fond of the water.

then it dawned on him white and brown was the color of a bird caed the Peregrin, oh he got that was the boat he was looking for. He dived down hands pinned aginst his side, falling like a rock into the sea, pulling up just in time, the air encasing him allowing him to stay afloat on air.

The ship was large and beautiful, and for a second he thought he might say, Oh matey's or something of the other sorts that sailors say. He started to float towards the boat as if a magnet was drawing him in. "Ahoy there who are ya?" Startled out of his day dreaming he looked up, What the hell? he silently cursed as he saw a man standing on the deck, out of his line of vision, no wonder he didn't see him, his attire matching the boat. "It's alright...uh matey, I got an invitation, yeah."

"I'll just ask someone about that, you stay right there bird boy." With that he left. areron not inquired he was sure being a guest, left the spot he was standing at to explore. A hall way doors, why not go into one, he though as he walked along, then he heard foot steps coming "Hey bird boy was here a second ago I swear. " "Shut up Tiny people can't fly."

I beg to differ. Fareron whispered under his breath. "Let's find him then, 'll teach him about disobeying me."
"well it seems I have to go into a room after all, well here goes nothing", and with that, Farero touched the cold metal knob and pushed on the mahogany door walking into a room of four people. "Geesh" he said scratching his head, "I hope I'm not interupting any thing, oh I'm Fareron SilverStone, the Aeromancer.

Rajani Aishwara
12-31-06, 01:11 AM
(oh shit I totally forgot about this thread. Soooo sorry, guys!)

Séreméla had her own demands, which was to be expected, but this was somewhat of a surprise to Rajani. To attach another ship to his, may it be a small jump ship or an ocean liner, would exponentially lengthen their trip due to drag. But giving him and the other attendees more time to learn from each other was the worst it would do.

“I would usually turn down such a demand, but I’ll be willing to make an exception seeing as it doesn’t have any negative effects on our operation.” He stood straight up and made his way towards the door. “Now that we have negotiations out of the way, how about I escort you to your rooms?”

The door was opened for Rajani as an eccentric looking young man stepped through. “Faeron, I presume?” Before he could answer one of the deck hands came barreling down the corridor. Out of breath the dolt made word of flight, which confirmed Rajani’s assumption. He continued. “Welcome Silver Stone to the first International Magician’s Congregation, where magic users of all disciplines can discuss, debate, and demonstrate for the… Aw this is far too taxing on my indolent soul to repeat this once again. Allow me to escort you to your rooms, we will all meet on deck in two hours, and if you disapprove feel free to fly away.”


Rajani watched the tangerine sun sluggishly fall and give way to the sapphire horizon of the ocean. It danced a waltz similar to that of the city of Radasanth, which was also shrinking into the distance. This was his favorite place to retreat, the aft portion of the main deck, not his room, not the captain’s quarters. The quarters was more so a public office where Rajani would do his business. There was no lock on the door, and many bodies came in and out throughout the day. His room would have been his preferred retreat, however Mohana Colville, the Head Cook made it clear with a few abrupt entrances that it was insufficient. This area, surprisingly public domain, was the most solitary spot on the ship, but no spot was solitary for the captain when he was needed.

A familiar voice from behind him sounded off. “Sir, all of the attendees are on deck and ready for the event to commence.”

Rajani signaled for the deck hand to leave and he heard the steps go into the distance. He followed those footsteps along the side of the ship, around the corner of the helm, and to the long table of some thirty men and women. The table was pinned down, as were the incandescent lamps on top, proper provision for a fast ship like his. He thought it would be productive to begin right away.

“Welcome everyone to the first International Magician’s Congregation taking place on this humble vessel of mine I call The Peregrine. I am Captain Rajani Aishwara. This…” He directed their attention to a bald middle aged man standing on the opposite side of the table from him. “Is my good Chief Mate, Aton Mira. He is the second authority on this ship, and if you’re in need of anything and I am nowhere to be found he is likely to be present. We will also have a stenographer for the event, Gaius Dove.” The timid seventeen year old gave them a hasty wave with wide eyes and took his pen back to his book ready to write. “Now shall we begin with a roll call? Offer your name and the field of magic you excell in.”

Each of you introduce yourselves and three npc magicians. The npc's you introduce will be the ones you controll for the remainder of the thread.

01-15-07, 03:32 PM
“Welcome everyone to the first International Magician’s Congregation taking place on this humble vessel of mine I call The Peregrine. I am Captain Rajani Aishwara. This…” He directed their attention to a bald middle aged man standing on the opposite side of the table from him. “Is my good Chief Mate, Aton Mira. He is the second authority on this ship, and if you’re in need of anything and I am nowhere to be found he is likely to be present. We will also have a stenographer for the event, Gaius Dove.”

Fareron nodded his head; not really paying attention, long drawn out speeches didn't interest him unless he was making the speech. Once Rajani asked for roll call, everyone was silent looking as if they didn't want to go first. Fareron sighed and shook his head; these slack-a-billys wouldn't amount to much he thought silently.

He decided to show off some powers while introducing himself. "I'm Fareron Silverstone." He said flying into the air, he smiled when he heard the foolish mortal say, "I told ya he could fly."
"Well I'll be he can fly!" said another, Fareron finished introducing himself saying, "Air Duke, to the throne of Genasi in Fareria!" He landed with a great gust leaving from under his feet.

Another women looked up she was reading a book, her red head of braids, tight around her skull. She pushed up her glass with a shove of her finger and spoke. Trisana Sanders, stitch witch." She went back to reading the book when she heard the comment, "Ooh a witch I'm scared what are girls doing on this boat?" She looked up and frowned she could easily argue with the man, but she decided to show him her powers. She moved her fingers at the speaker still reading at the same time, lots of concentration didn't have to go into her magic. The man stitches started to come unloose traveling down each seam in his little clothing. They eventually disappeared. He covered his privates managing to look angry at the same time.

A manly laugh came out of nowhere. “That’s a good one Trisana.” This was Terrance the Dwarf, a little man that Fareron had met during his travels in Scara Brea, a weapon smith by heart, his magic was in his weapons, known for the great sword of Terrance. A sword that delivered fire attacks, and could block magic if need be. “I’m Terrance Gudrunny, weapons mage smith whatever!” He said in a loud deep gruff voice. This hearty man stood only 4’5 and weighed about 169. His cheeks always red and flaming his brown hair curly hanging down below his beard usually but it was now tied up in a tight pony tail behind his head. No one else said anything for a while the boat was once again silent as the people more shy about speaking said nothing, then there was one little voice which spoke up, “Faro Gray.” Everyone turned to look at the voice which had spoken, a little girl only 4’0 feet tall wearing a pink dress which hung so that you could not see her feet. Her face was ashen gray and she held a tea cup in one hand, as if she had been playing dress up. She said nothing else and nobody seemed to want to say anything. Usually mages learned early big things come in small packages. She smiled at every one, and then looked on as if nothing had been said. This girl was from the weird family of Gray’s her whole family was gray and they always came with weird powers. Traveling performers before came to Althanas, now they just used their magic when they needed too. You will have to wait to see what this girl’s power is.

02-10-07, 02:53 PM
Bah… at the risk of being repetitive…

“My name be Shig,” the next man in the circle gave his introduction. “I dabbles in a bunch o’ things, but my main thing be earth magic.” Atzar looked the man up and down. The rotund, shabbily-dressed man didn’t look impressive, but if he was really adept with earth magic… perhaps this was one man that the elementalist had to meet.

Lost in his thoughts, it was some time until the mage realized that everybody was staring expectantly at him. Snapping away from his musings with an embarrassed smile, Atzar spoke. “I’m Atzar Kellon,” he said politely. “I work with the elements. I’m balanced, I guess. I don’t specialize in any one thing.” The mage took a small step back, relieved to be done. He had never been one for speaking to groups.

A woman to his left continued the introductions. “I’m Jurra,” she rasped before breaking down into a fit of coughing. Wiping her mouth on her long sleeve, she continued. “So sorry. It’s the illness, see. Chronic. Anyway, my forte is water magic. Particularly, I’m good at creating it, a skill not too many possess.”

The circle continued. “Lord Quilna, at your service,” the next voice rang in formally. “I have minor talent in the fields of fire and air, but my true talent lies in the arts of lightning magic. For years, I have worked with various engineers and scientists in an effort to bring electricity to my estate in Salvar. I am very fortunate to have been visiting Corone at this time, for attending such a meeting is truly an honor.”

A momentary lull descended upon the room, giving Atzar time to think. Shig, Jurra and Quilna were all wizards worth talking to at some point. The expedition began to take a whole new light in the mage’s mind. Perhaps Rajani had been right. It sounded as if such a journey could be very beneficial to him.

A serene smile found its way onto his face. He could only imagine what other unique talents would be displayed on The Peregrine over the course of the cruise.