View Full Version : To let you know

12-05-06, 10:57 PM
I'm sure those of you who have reason to notice have already noticed that I haven't been active lately (either on this account or Christina Bredith), and the reason is simply that I'm right into the thick of the end-of-semester stuff in school right now. I had an essay to write earlier, and now I have exams over the next couple of weeks that I will literally have to study day and night for in order to have enough time, as the faculty has so graciously smushed my heaviest exams right next to other ones with no time in between.

I'll be back, don't worry. Just don't crucify me if it takes a little while. ;)

12-06-06, 05:18 AM
Good luck with your exams and don't worry about "The Price of Freedom". I may advance the story without you as far as Gisela since not much will happen during that time. But other then that, we'll be waiting for you to return. :)

12-06-06, 06:02 AM
Reminds me of me. :D

Seriously, take care of your health and make sure you eat right. Going to a test on an empty stomach is not what you want to have. I tell you from first-hand experience. ;)

12-22-06, 06:21 PM
Well, I'm back! Backish, anyway. My internet connection has been a bit spazzy lately but I don't think it's anything serious anymore. And exams are finally overrr! Yeah, Christmas is here too, and that means a whole new slew of crap to do, but it won't be as time consuming as exams were, I can tell you that much.

So! I won't be able to magically post in all my quests overnight, but rest assured that I will be getting to work on catching up with the reading and posting ASAP. That goes for both characters.

12-22-06, 06:24 PM
Awesome news. I was just about to bug you to post in "The Price of Freedom" since Cyrus is getting antsy. ;)

12-22-06, 07:15 PM
hih welcome back. I hope you have fun again and all kinds of good stuff.

12-24-06, 08:32 AM
Yay! Welcome back!

And now, for some mayhem... *evil smirk*

12-24-06, 11:11 AM
How'd your tests go, Elrundir?