View Full Version : Story Time

12-06-06, 04:42 PM
((Closed to Lucien))

Snow drifted heavily down from the sky not too far from Radasanth, blanketing the frozen ground. Already the small town’s single dirt road was turning to muddy slush. The small, orderly homes collected the white powder on their thatched roofs, and icicles adorned their edges. Winter had finally arrived, and not a soul was outside to see it. They all preferred the warm comfort of the indoors on such a frigid day.

On the other side of the common house, the peaceful, wintry serenity stopped. All was in a state of clamorous, disorderly, child-borne mayhem. Kids climbed on tables, adult’s legs, and bookshelves alike, each little voice lending its own strength to the chaotic racket around it.

One woman looked at the ruckus with apparent disdain. A thin, aging woman with graying hair, she sniffed haughtily and turned to her friend. “How, exactly, are we going to live with all of them until the storm passes?”

Her companion was her complete opposite. Young, portly, and cheerful, she smiled at her tense friend. “It’s not so bad. Makes me wish I was still young enough to play with them.” The thin lady huffed, but said nothing.

“Perhaps I could calm them down a bit?” an old voice interjected.

“Oh, let them be,” the chubby lady responded with a smile over her shoulder. “They aren’t really hurting anything.”

“Yes, but that’s only a matter of time. Don’t worry, they’ll still have fun, but perhaps they’ll do it in a way that doesn’t drive everybody else insane.”

His name was Yeomir. He was a tall old man with long, chalk-white hair and a charming personality. Everyone, especially the kids, adored him. Smiling gently, he eased his way into the kid-packed common room.

“Who wants to hear a story?” his surprisingly strong voice rang out over the infernal din. Almost immediately, the noise died down and all young eyes turned on him. Yeomir was famous for his stories.

Another figure slipped into the room. Atzar Kellon, a mage from the village of Tel’Han, was stranded by the blizzard on his way to the Citadel in Radasanth. A friendly man had invited him into the house until the snowstorm passed, an offer he was only too willing to accept. Now that he was inside, however, he was bored. The shy mage knew nobody around him, preferring to keep to himself. He was always a sucker for a good story, however, and he settled down in a cozy corner to listen in. Even a children's story was better than boredom.

Yeomir, meanwhile, took his seat in the midst of the throng of now-silent children.

“What a treasure that man is,” the old, thin lady remarked to her friend in amazement.

12-08-06, 09:56 PM
"Snow's like a sloppy blow job. It comes quick, it's hard to get over, and it's a fuck to clean up," thought a rather irate boy as he sampled warm tea given to him by friendly villagers. "Too damn friendly. That fat one wouldn't stop smiling at me. You'd think I was a turkey leg. As usually, inner monologues were the only constructive outlet for his crass comments. In truth, Lucien was thankful for all the hospitality. He just wasn't use to it. Earth didn't exactly have the best reputation when it came to nice, and the boy had yet to meet friendly people on his travels through Althanas.

All that changed on his way to Radasanth, the cosmopolitan city of the fantasy world. As he lumbered down beaten and worn dirt roads, rumors flew of all the job opportunities inside Corone's capital. It seemed only natural that curious, out of place, city raised boy in need of work would head there. But as he traversed the copses of the Concordia, he came to realize something Althanas sorely missed; A weather report. By the time the local villages dragged him out of a three foot embankment, the punk was as red as the sky at dusk.

"Why'd they have to put me here, with all these kids." Trying his best to remain seated and wrapped up at the large oaken table, Lucien found fidgeting children playing at his feet. The common house reaked of youth, the smells of sugar and unwashed body came together in a myriad that the blond was glad to escape in the inside of his blanket. The noise was deafening, screams and screeches not capable of coming from the human throat seemed to erupt at the most quiet moments."Why didn't they leave me to die... thought Lucien as he slumped over on the table.

The children quieted abruptly when a story was mentioned, Yeomir's voice managed to echo from the aged rafters and catch everyone's ears. Through the constant sniffles, Lucien managed to smile. "I haven't heard a story in long time. I guess you can escape fantasy with fantasy," he mumbled under his breath.

Yeomir cracked open a rather thick tome, filled to the brim of whimsical tales. His voice was cool, calm, almost soothing and medicinal. "Once upon a time..."