View Full Version : The Brotherhood Revival

Slayer of the Rot
12-07-06, 08:19 PM
A few of us, a core group of the few willing and ready members of the old Brotherhood before it was abolished, were considering bringing it back. Well, in my opinion, we're bringing the damn thing back from the grave whether anyone likes it or not. Althanas is in dire need of active power groups.

The first step is to probably get a base of operations...The Valkyrie/Slavegirl/Skyler Manfield suggested clearing out and destroying the Radasanth Crime Syndicate and taking their headquarters as our own.

Thoughts on this? Any other suggestions?

12-07-06, 08:22 PM
My idea was that instead of a leader we have a Council of Elders or some such tripe, comprised of say, my character Natalya, Duro's character Rheawien, Dan's character Ren, Dissinger's character either Seth or Sarah, and of course Storm Veritas. Then we take over the RCS. I invented it and handed it to Duro, so I don't think it should be a problem, and I know all the details about it since I created it.

Ideas? Roll call? Anyone? Anyone? Beuler?

12-07-06, 08:28 PM
I liked the former divisions of the Brotherhood. Granted, they probably won't be operational until we recruit more members, but I think we should eventually have these divisions and have every council member lead one of them like before. Is five too much though? I mean, maybe we don't need that many divisions and the divisionless council members could have some other duties.

Rajani Aishwara
12-07-06, 09:11 PM
I really don't want to be a party pooper or anything, but wouldn't it be kind of boring to be the only active power group around. I thought the purpose of such entities on sites like this was interaction with other groups.

Two's company.

The Valkyrie
12-07-06, 09:15 PM
Well if eveyrone says that then no one will ever revitalize the first PG so that the others can follow and there can be rivalries to begin with. Besides, Step exists, and I'm sure that others will follow. Either way, we're bringing the BB back, and it will have power, starting in Corone - hence the name, Power Group! :D

12-07-06, 09:17 PM
Actually Step was abolished as a PG, now it just exists as another group in Corone.

Cyrus the virus
12-07-06, 09:17 PM
Grander's Order exists. Step does not.

I need that shit removed from the PG list... Yarg.

12-07-06, 09:22 PM
Besides, if we make a powergourp then others will arise or return. Also my thought is that those who are divisionless can make pseudo divisions. Like the Shadow was about stealth and espionage so we work with intelligence and once we build up enough, we'll reform...

So we should have the division leaders take on tasks training everyone until there is enough, yeah we'll get a few members who are elite, but at least thats preferrable to a bunch of half done training...

12-07-06, 09:28 PM
I'll join. With his shadowmelding skills, Talon would be perfect for this.

12-08-06, 03:43 AM
well, i might be interested in joining

The Madd Hatter
12-08-06, 08:56 AM
I will join. Akuro used to be a part of this and now I intend to take a more active role in the Brotherhood.

Freddy might be insane, but he can be useful.

Slayer of the Rot
12-08-06, 09:09 AM
I really don't want to be a party pooper or anything, but wouldn't it be kind of boring to be the only active power group around. I thought the purpose of such entities on sites like this was interaction with other groups.

Two's company.

In addition to all that's been said by others, a PG spawns activity. Look at Althanas now -- you can almost hear those tumbleweeds. People are bored, and quests are going slow.

Also, I'm sure once the Brotherhood starts moving around, doing things, other PG's will begin to crop up. Everyone wants to be king of the hill, and once the members start flaunting their importance, people will say "Hey! I can be better than that!"

Althanas is just recovering, even still, from it's crash. Soon enough, we'll have our wars again, like the Ice Reaver one, and maybe even something great like the Bazaar War...you'll see, Aishwara. It'll be fun. And maybe, in time, you'll want to get n on that fun with entrepeneuring nature, by making a PG of your own.

Chidori Draconid
12-08-06, 12:36 PM
Also, I'm sure once the Brotherhood starts moving around, doing things, other PG's will begin to crop up.

*sly chuckle* Well said, my good man. Well said.

Rajani Aishwara
12-08-06, 02:27 PM
And maybe, in time, you'll want to get n on that fun with entrepeneuring nature, by making a PG of your own. Fair enough, but has a level 0 been able to start a power group and keep it strong?

*sly chuckle* Well said, my good man. Well said.
What are you getting at, roomie?

12-08-06, 04:41 PM
I say to get PGs active we have another PG, I know you're like we can't have a war if no one is active in the PGs but thats how we got alot of activity when Max came after us at the Grey Braves Tower. Just a suggestion to get them active

12-09-06, 01:28 AM
Personally I would like to see some more active PG's. I've wanted to be part of a PG war, but I don't think I was around for it. Of course for that to happen, we'll need more than one active PG. Either way I'm hoping for good things to happen.

12-09-06, 06:52 AM
I've had an idea for a PG for a while now, but I just don't think it'll work on Althanas :)

But yeah, we need more active PG's! With PG wars and PG parties! PG slumber parties and PG barbecues! I've wanted to join a PG ever since I got here but there hadn't been any that were really suited for Krugor. We need more PG's, 'cause more PG's mostly means more diversity amongst those power groups. Which is very good. Come on people, create your own PG, the time is nigh!

Anyway, I cheer for you Slayer, for reviving an old PG. Let others follow in your footsteps and pave the way for a new era in Althanas' history!

Slayer of the Rot
12-12-06, 08:06 AM
It's been settled before we do anything, we're going to have a thread where the the new founders meet by chance and decide to reinstate the Brotherhood. It shouldn't take long at all, just one of us bringing it up, and the rest agreeing to it. I'll have the thread up later on in the evening, once I get home from Christmas shopping. From there I will be doing IC recruitment, since I've been considering the idea of having an item or weapon like the Bandit Brotherhood and the first Brotherhood before us, who had iron daggers and plynt kriss knives respectively. Still, the idea isn't concrete, as I'll have to talk to the other four first about the idea.

Also, has anyone noticed the few other new PG's? I think we just needed a jumpstart. Power Groups were one of my favorite facets of Althanas all those years ago. I'm hoping that in the end, we'll have a lot of exciting wars, allies, all that good stuff.

To The Staff: Are the HQ's still in effect?

Cyrus the virus
12-12-06, 08:09 AM
No HQ's right now, but they could return in the future if you go complain that you want them, I'm sure. Make a thread specifically tailored to asking for their return or something.

Slayer of the Rot
12-13-06, 05:16 PM
Returning Divisions (In a nutshell)

The Shadow
Captain: Natalya Tichenyanchova
This Division's primary usage is espionage and reconnaissance, though on occasion is used for assassinations.

The Sword
Captain: Rheawien Mal'Ganis Lightbringer
The Brotherhood's muscle, the Sword is the sole military might and is the most common unit to find on missions.

The Hand
Captain: Storm Veritas
The Hand is in charge of research and development, and is often sent out in search of artifacts or objects of interest to the Brotherhood.

The Tower
Captain: Dann Lagh'ratham
The "boring" Division, the Tower is in charge primarily of maintenance, but also of security in the Brotherhood's home.

New Divisions

The Word
Captain: Sarah Dahlios
The Word is responsible for diplomatic relations with both the Coronian government, as well as other clans.

I would very much appreciate it if all Council members will post here and tell me what Division they would like to head. Once that is done, I can go and make our registration.

The Valkyrie
12-13-06, 07:23 PM
I'll retake the Shadow happily. That was my baby before, when Ghaun died and passed it to me, and I'll take it now.

And I nominate Storm as Captain for the Word.

12-13-06, 07:25 PM
Now, that would be funny. A man wanted in pretty much every part of Corone doing the negotiations. ;)

I'll take whatever is left, though I'd prefer either The Sword or The Hand.

Slayer of the Rot
12-13-06, 07:32 PM
God damn long ass names. I gave Rheawien Sword, just no fucking the female recruits without passing it through the Council.

List updated.

Lavinian Pride
12-14-06, 02:27 AM
Sarah will take the Word.

12-21-06, 07:06 AM
Well, with Pat taking the Word, Storm is left with the Hand. So I guess that completes the Council.

Now, we need some members other then just the five of us. I'm thinking about starting an IC recruitment with Rheawien. I thought it to be just for Sword, but I think making a single recruitment thread for all Divisions would be better given the activity. So yeah, everybody cool with the IC recruitment? I know we haven't finished the Reunion yet, but with liquid time, it doesn't matter. By the time we finish that thread, we could be halfway through the recruitment which would speed things up.

Also, if anybody wants to join Rheawien in this recruitment, let me know.

Slayer of the Rot
12-22-06, 03:25 AM
I see no problem with IC recruiting; I was planning on doing it soon enough, at any rate. I think I'm going to go pick up something for recruited members to have to signify their membership.

Anyways, Dann will jump into your IC recruitment, to kill two birds with one stone, and if we want to kill three more, the other Captains can join so they don't have to create. That, or if they're too busy, we could have one of the others handle it and say "they're away on business", or something to that effect.