View Full Version : Return of the Outcast

12-10-06, 12:27 AM
((Whee! I'm all growed up now! Level 1 updates are in Red.))

Name: Asuka Yamihara
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Copper red
Eye Color: Light Brown


A rather fragile frame for a wandering fighter, but not so for an ex-noble. She has casted away much of her nobility to blend in with the population but one can always tell she was of noble birth. Her long, copper-red hair curls slightly as it droops over her shoulders and ends in the middle of her back. Her skin had turned a nice shade of tan and would not be as prone to getting sunburnt as it was before, though a day out in the Fallien sun would still give her a nasty case. She has sparkling light-brown eyes that shimmered in the morning rays, though she wished she had those azure-color eyes her younger sister has.

Though still somewhat underweight, she had become accustomed to the rigors of the outdoors and can survive quite well on her own. Asuka's frail form prevented her from engaging in much physically demanding adventure, though. But that also gives her the much-needed agility to evade most attacks and her clothing allows her to do just that.

Wearing a short, sleeveless tattered brown leather jacket that frays around her waist, her worn-down leather chest armor could be seen underneath. She has on a pair of knee-high hiking boots over her linen pants with her first-aid kit hanging in a bag from her belt. Leather armbands that stretched from her wrist almost to her elbows with strips of bronze running under the leather binding serves as primitive protection. She is often seen with her hair tied back with a strip of black ribbon, letting her copper ponytail hang loose behind her while a few stray strands of hair flop over her shoulders.


Sprightly and too bold for her own good, she will enthusiastically join other adventurers just for the thrill of adventuring. Sometimes she can have wild mood swings, especially if that time of month comes along or gets emotional. But generally, she is a happy, compassionate, fun-loving girl who is trying to learn from everyone she meets and be courteous at it, too.

But when she has to fight, boy, can she fight. So don’t get on her bad side often. She somewhat looks down on mercy killing and tries her best to keep killing to a minimal. She is dead scared of spiders can be somewhat jumpy when facing them, especially around the large, hairy-legged ones.

After wandering around the world of Althanas for an entire year, she had gained a sense of free spirit and a brighter outlook on the world. Her disdain for the nobility still lingers, especially with the encounter with the pompous Prince Raelyse, but she had come to accept that it was the social upbringing that brought about the traits she dislike.

Weapons: Though she had some experience with swords, she preferred the Katar, similar to the clawed gauntlets, but easier for her to wield and a lot simpler in design. Each set of katar has a grip, flanked by simple oak bars to protect and reinforced the blade. An iron clasp that keeps the katar from falling off when letting go of the grip protects the back of the hand, which also allows the wielder to use it as a simple shield, though not effective enough to deflect most heavy blows. The katar blade on this one is rather simple. About three inches wide and a quarter inch thick, the blade tapers towards the center and ends in a sharp point about ten inches outward. Both sides of the flat iron blade are sharpened so as to allow best penetration through the armour crevices. The katar is usually, if not always, used in pairs—one set for each hand.

Her two katars had been through many adventures and now has visible cracks and wears on the blade. How much longer they will last before breaking is anyone's guess.

Armor: Simple tanned leather chest armour, worn like a tank top. The leather armour covers her body from the armpits down to her waist and a strap from hardened leather keeps the armour in place. It looks uncomfortable, but it is just enough protection for her upper portion and flexible enough to allow her to move her waist freely.


Smoke bomb - Simple smoke bombs are basically made from hardened clay balls the size of a grape tightly compacted with a sort of talc powder and some sort of repellent. When thrown to the ground, the clay cracks open and the powder erupt out, creating a smoke screen that allows her to escape unharmed. Some side effects may occur, usually from allergic reactions to dust. Currently 3 in stock.

First-aid kit - A small bag with bandages, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and a set of pins for treating minor wounds.


Dodge - a skill she quickly learned and felt needed the most. By moving her body slightly out of the attack path at the last second, she can successfully evade most physical attacks done at close range. However, she is still too slow to dodge every attack successfully, especially attacks done in succession. The attack would usually grazes her or gets hit close enough to knock her senses silly. Doesn’t always work, especially against magical projectiles. She is quicker and more limber with dodging attacks, though the lack of experience facing off against mages still rendered this skill ineffective against their elemental projectiles.

Dash - Rushes quickly to close the distance between herself and the opponent. Usually followed by the Triple Jab to take advantage of the surprise factor. She can also use it to evade attacks from medium or long range. This move, however, requires quite a bit of room to maneuver so that’s one of its downside. She can rush around quickly for a good two minutes before tiring herself out and resort to merely hopping around and dodging incoming strikes. She would be just a bit slower than twice a normal human's running speed.

Triple Jab - A skill she learned while experimenting with her new weapon. Three blows with the tip of the blade to the torso of the opponent. Because it requires quite a bit of concentration and only used at close quarters, it is a bit hard to aim accurately at her current ability that it usually doesn’t do much damage. Asuka had gotten a bit stronger since she first left the Estate and now has more power behind each punch. The inherently inaccurate attack still rendered this technique sorely underpowered.

First-Aid - a skill she learned from the housemaids at the Yamihara estate. She can treat minor wounds with her first-aid kit and treat minor illness, such as the flu or fever. She hasn’t learned how to mend broken bones or treat poison, though, since she have yet to encounter any case.


Asuka Yamihara, a maiden of noble birth, was thrown from her home in Akashima for her steadfast insistence on dressing in a man's clothing. Upon exiting her Estate's main gates, she immediately sold off most of her regal belongings - even the emerald brooch that was to serve as a reminder of her lineage and her right to reclaim the Estate should something happen to the current Head of the Yamihara Household - Duke Hiroi Yamihara.

And just a year later since her exile, the dreadful news reached her ears.

The Duke was dead.

Now, as the eldest of the Yamihara bloodline who had yet to be married, Asuka must travel back to Akashima and to the very place she had been removed from by an ultimatum. Along with her trusted friend Tokita who had ventured all the way to send her news, she was determined to reclaim what little respect and honor left of her household.

Even if it would mean spilling her blood.

Accompanying NPC

Name: Tokita Namashiki
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 155
Hair Color: Deep brown
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown


Tokita is a rather tall man with fair build, looking more like a high-born than a mere errand boy employed by the House. His rugged look and clothing style remained true to his persona and his earth-tone cotton work clothes were stained with dirt and leaves - something he really did not mind at all. His short, shaggy hair that seemed to be in perpetual mess is clear evidence of his easy-going nature.


Care-free and easy-going, Tokita is more of a a typical commoner even though he was raised around those of noble birth. He holds an admiration for Asuka for her friendly treatment despite their different social classes. He seeks to finally earn the right to belong in the higher strata, partly to finally rid himself of the ridicule imposed by the other self-absorbed nobility as well as for an ulterior motive he dared not share with anyone. He also is a very bad liar - simply because he cannot tell a lie.


Tokita wears nothing of the traditional armor, though his rough cotton jerkins and pants were more than enough protection for him.


Tokita carries only a sturdy steel rapier at his side, though he rarely unsheath it in combat unless in a dire situation. The simple design has a distinct dragon motif at the base of the blade, announcing that the fine blade was made by the hands of the late Kashihiro Murakama - a well-known blacksmith who created fine blades for both the commoners and the nobles.

Skills and Abilities:

Basic Swordplay - Tokita knows a few basic swordplay maneuvers and tactics, though a well-trained sword fighter or even a common soldier can outright overpower his "Stab and Retreat" tactics. Because he only knows swordplay, he knows no "dirty tricks" that can be used to tip the scales in his favor. Or rather, he looks down on it completely.

Fist-Fighting - Reserving the blade only as a last resort defense, Tokita often times fight his opponents with his bare hands. Utilizing mainly striking palms and fists, he also knows basic footwork and has been known to use his knees when the opportunity arises. He is rather slow for the most parts and would rather not try kicking his opponents with his legs.

12-10-06, 04:30 AM
Everything seems to be in order except her speed while dashing. You say that she's a bit slower then arrow speed. Well, arrows fired from modern bows travel approximately at 55 m/s, which is close to 200 km/h. Running around for two minutes at even 150 km/h is way too much. I would recommend altering the definition of her speed, maybe displaying it as a multiplier of the speed of a normal human.

12-10-06, 05:13 AM
...Wow. That is really fast! Too fast, actually...

OK~! I've change it to only 2 times the normal running speed now. :p

12-10-06, 07:58 AM
You're all set to go then. This reminds me that I have to do a quest with the gentler of the two Asukas some time soon. ;)

You are approved!