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12-11-06, 10:58 PM
What’s a Tear to the Rainstorm?

What had he been doing with his time here? What was he even supposed to be doing? What was he here for and, well, who was he after all? Was he here simply because he was supposed to fight? If this was the case then who was the enemy? Why were they the enemy? Was he supposed to kill for his victories, or was he raised to be a hero and lay down his life to prove that he was noble. If this was the case, then why was he fighting at all?

It was another lonely night in a small hotel’s bar a little ways outside of Radasanth, a great and noble city where Solomon thought he might be found by destiny. However, the only thing that had found him were more questions about who he was. Questions that led him to isolation, then to loneliness, and left him feeling empty when realized he could not find the answers.

The bar was reasonably small compared to the other places in Radasanth, and was outstretched from the city by roughly a thirty minute walk. The trees that shrouded the little log building he was in yielded only to two paths. The one that connected the doorstep to the capital city, and the one that stretched through the woods towards the seaside village. Solomon could smell the ocean’s pungent as it came in on the sharp easterly winds. It shook the leaves of the surrounding threes, threatening even to pluck them from their branches. They screamed for the wind to cease, making the familiar sound that was almost like running water, or thin jingly keys. Yet the wind blew regardless, bringing the warm sea breeze in through the open window and flicking the flames of the oil lamps with each mighty gust. They seemed to grow stronger as the hours grew later and later into the night.

He was sitting at an empty booth. The drink sitting on the coaster was still half full, and had long since turned warm on him. Unlike many others who came to the bar to drown their sorrows in the sweet sin of booze, Solomon could not bring himself to do so. With each sip he had he hated it more and more. His mind, it seemed, continued to assault him with doubts and self pity, which slowly turned the drink foul on him. This was only his second and he had been here all through the night. The thought of having another sip just seemed like he’d be condemning himself, and if he was out to do that than what was the point of paying for drinks when he could just throw himself into the sea?

“Has that one gone too warm on you?” The young waitress asked him, appearing from nowhere. A jolt ran through Solomon’s body as he realized he was no longer alone, causing the girl to suddenly turn her eyes up in apology.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, sorry, I was just…” Solomon tried to think of a decent reason he wasn’t alert, yet nothing came to mind. He just turned his head back on the empty seat across from him.

“Sorry. I’m finished with this, you can take it if you want.” Solomon slid her the glass and then brought his hand up under his forehead and rested gently over the table. She took his glass in hand, but did not leave.

“I was just going to say, if you wanted a cold one I could grab you one? It’d be on us, you’ve been giving us steady business for three days now. We were beginning to think that no one wander down this route anymore.”

“Oh, no thank-you.” Solomon turned his head up towards her. “No, I’m done for the night. I’ll probably just head up to my room shortly. But, thank-you though.”

“Oh, our pleasure.” She smiled. “You’re the only customer we’ve seen in almost a week. Of course, they just came and had a few, hardly anyone books a room these days. So, just our way of saying thanks. Right Arne?” She called towards the bartender, who was wiping down the counter with a clean white cloth. He turned his ‘bag of bricks’ head upwards.

“What’s that?” He said with a sandy voice. The waitress giggled and turned back to Solomon.

“We’re going to be closing up the bar now, just thought I’d let you know. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like though, we’ve still got some tiding up that we’ve been meaning to get done.”

“I’ll probably go back to my room shortly.” Solomon nodded softly. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled kindly, then turned back to take the drink to the bar. Her dark blond ponytail swishing around like a loose string as she did so. She walked away with a perk in her step with soft brown shoes that made hardly a sound on the knotted wooden floor.

Solomon turned his head away once again, and this time looked towards the open window. Another wind came whistling through, and he began to wonder just how much longer he would loiter here? Perhaps it would be better off if he just went back to his cabin in Salvar. That way at least his misery wouldn’t be in the way of anyone else.

12-11-06, 10:59 PM
The hour grew even later. It was past midnight now, and Arne the bartender was beginning to lift his stools up onto the counter as the young waitress pushed the straw broom along the floor; picking up the balls of lint and hairs that had collected over the course of a day. She reached out with the broom and brought all the debris that had scattered and hidden itself under the tables together in one pile. Yet as she did so, her eyes kept falling on the handsome and youthful man who had been sitting at the booth and staring for hours. She had seen him down there the past two nights he’d been with them, but usually he at least had something to eat before he turned his heavy head out the window. Today he seemed to be at his worst, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was really okay.

His eyes had fallen closed now, the thought that he should turn in for another night and just go to bed was beckoning him now, but he just didn’t seem to have to drive to leave. Perhaps tomorrow morning he’d get out of this place, yet even then where would he go? He had tried looking for battles, and tried to keep in the practice to keep himself honed, yet it was all proving frivolous to him. The thought of training was now empty, for what in the world was he training for? What was his purpose?

“You certainly look like you’ve got a few stories under your belt.” The young girl said to him, sweeping the area around his table. Solomon’s thoughts died away once more as he slowly turned his head back onto the young maiden. She smiled curiously, looking down on him with curious green eyes. Her skin was slightly tanned, and there was an array of freckles under her eyes and over her nose that made her seem like a child at glance, yet in her voice her maturity was revealed.

“Care to share a few with a humdrum bar maid?” She asked politely.

“You’d probably hear much more interesting stories from some of your other customers.” He said. The girl simply laughed at the thought.

“Oh please, all we get around here are the locals. They’ve got no stores except how they’re wives are always nagging and how the fish don’t bite as well as they used to.”

Solomon gave a mild hum of laugher, thinking the girl would continue on. However she only gathered the dirt around Solomon’s table and looked at him through her kind eyes and patient smile. She really was interested in what he had to say, as unexpected as that was. He figured he’s oblige her with a few of his tales. It was better than sitting there and sulking. He began with some of his citadel battles, and then moved on to his last big adventure where he and Rakiet assaulted the thieves lair outside of Concordia. He left out his excursion into the Red Forest, for it was a memory he did not want to keep.

“You really took down a whole clan of thieves? I’ve heard of Durham before, I didn’t know he was finally through.”

“Well, Durham himself actually got away.” Solomon confessed. He unleashed a strange monster on us, then bolted on out of there. Haven’t heard anything from him since.”

“Still, taking down all those swindlers? Our traveler really owe you thanks.”

“Even that’s not entirely true.” Solomon gave a light chuckle. “Once we broke out of the prison, we freed the others, many of which were formidable soldiers. We formed a mob and took out the rest of the enclave, so it really was a group effort. I can’t take much credit at all.”

“Well, it certainly makes a good story.” She smiled a little wider, and pushed the collection of dirt in with the bigger pile. “Have you even been to those tournaments I keep hearing of?”

“No, no.” Solomon shook his head. “Every time I hear they’re recruiting I end up missing registration.”

“That’s unfortunate.” She called back to him, turning her head over her shoulder. “I’ve always wanted to go and see one of them, but they’re not always allowing spectators. There were a few people in here just before the summer raving about entering one of the challenges. I forget what they called it, but it was a caged match of some kind.”

“Yes.” Solomon nodded. “That was the Cell. That would have been an interesting thing to be apart of.”

“A fellow like you probably would have been able to walk away with a prize I’m sure.” She swept the collection into the dustpan and spoke over her shoulder as she went to dump it into the garbage bucket. Solomon chucked once more, this time a little louder.

“Please. I hardly have the strength to think these days, let alone fight in a cage.” He said on his laugher. His heart started to slow down, and his mouth sealed itself shut. That was far to much to have been said. The girl looked over at him, her curious face now a little concerned for him. She spread her lips to say something, yet Solomon was quick to interrupt.

“Sorry.” He said, shaking his head and putting his hand alongside his face in embarrassment. “That was… stupid. I should be going now.”

“Ah, come on now. No worries.” She threw a limber hand in the air, and waved it away as though the comment were nothing. “You haven’t even let me give you my story yet.”

“Yes.” Solomon managed an awkward smile, his body on the edge of his bench as he was ready to leave. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” He looked even more awkward as he shook his head in apology. Finding a moment to redeem himself he looked up to her and tried to smile pleasantly. “What did you say your name was?”

“I haven’t yet.” She smiled. “It’s Kira.”

“Oh, well it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Solomon said to her. “I’m Solomon, by the way.”

12-11-06, 11:00 PM
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you too!” She smiled back at him. Solomon was put in a little more ease and he readjusted his place on the bench.

“Yeah. Arne there is my cousin. His family has had this bar for well over a hundred years now. It used to be quite a popular place, but now-a-days we’re just a quiet little Inn. Although Arne’s been almost like a father too me since my family isn’t everything you’d imagine.”

“Oh, sorry to hear.” Solomon said to her. Once again she simply shook it off and smiled.

“Naw, don’t worry about me.” She said. “Arne’s good to me. He just needs to get out from behind that counter one of these days and get himself a girlfriend.” Kira giggled and looked back towards the large man swashing the mop water around in its bucket. He didn’t even notice her blatant stare as he worked, even though she kept it up for quite a while.

“You don’t say.” Solomon laughed with her for a moment. “So, how about you though? Are you saving up to study anywhere or anything?”

“I’ve Been thinking about that actually.” She shrugged, bringing her attention back from the lummox behind the bar. “I enjoy the quiet life in this little place, but I’ve always been curious about the life that everyone I meet here seems to be leading.”

“I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.” Solomon raised a curious eyebrow.

“Hmm.” She pondered out loud. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, despite my commonplace life I’d like to head out on a great big adventure one day. You know? Search for treasure, battle the creatures in Concordia forest, maybe even take a few rounds in the citadel or something. I don’t really know to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it too much.”

“Wow really?” Solomon asked.

“You think that’s a good idea?” She asked him, her face suddenly filled with delight.

“Yeah. Well, so long as you’re sure you can do it.” Solomon slowed his enthusiasm a moment, just to make sure he wasn’t convincing her to leap head first into anything dangerous. “Everything out there is really dangerous… sometimes more dangerous than you’d think.”

“Oh, I know.” She nodded. “I’ve been practising for a little while now. I’m pretty good with my little dagger, but it’s my other abilities I was hoping could take me somewhere.”

“Other abilities?” Solomon asked, suddenly intrigued. Kira smiled a little bashfully, then checked to see if Arne was watching them. He was still content in his cleaning, and was now even humming a little melody. Kira looked back at Solomon.

“Would you mind if I showed you?” She asked him. “I’ve been working on my magic for a while now, but I’ve never really had the time to show anyone.”

“Oh, yeah. Of course.” Solomon assured her, not that it was his place to tell her not to in her own restaurant anyway. She nodded quickly then set the broom up against the side of the table and took a step back.

“It’s not going to explode or anything is it?” Solomon looked up at her curiously. She shook her head, keeping her focus on the lifeless broomstick. Solomon suddenly felt the increase in her body’s energy as she summoned up the powers that she knew. It didn’t feel terribly strong to him, but it definitely was a little stranger than what he normally sensed from magic users.

“No, you don’t have to worry, you’re safe just where you are.” She flashed a quick smile. “It’s just a trick.” She released a breath, and then the broom against the table suddenly had a twin, sitting right there next to it. Solomon’s eyes lifted in surprise, and he continued to watch as she raised the image of the broom, perfectly identical in everyway, into the air and pulled it across the floor.

“Wow, Kira. That’s really impressive.” Solomon said to her, brining his hands up in a short applause. She smiled again, gently letting the broom swoop down and around the floor.

“Thanks.” She replied. “It’s a shame I can’t actually use it to clean. It’s only an image, it goes right through the floor if I want it too.” She said, lowering the broom through the floor so only the pole was sticking out. Her eyes suddenly sparked as though she had just gotten a great idea.

“Here, watch this.” She said, then whistled to get Arne’s attention.

“Hey Arne.” She said to him, pulling the image of the broom back into her hands. “Catch.” She thrust he image towards him at an amazing speed. Arne released a holler and disappeared under the bar as the object came flying past and dissolved into the rack of mugs and bottles, without harming a single one. Kira and Solomon began to shake with laugher as the prank finished. Moments later an unimpressed Arne rose out over the counter top, his hands on his hips and his face flustered.

12-11-06, 11:01 PM
“Kira, you got to cut that out!” Arne stammered, a little angry and a little frightened. “You keep on with that and you’ll give me a heart attack alright?”

“Sorry.” Kira giggled again. Solomon tried his best to mask his laugher, yet found himself blooming red trying to keep control of it. Arne went back to his business, counting the money in the safe box, while Kira and Solomon tried to stop their childish chuckling.

“I have a feeling he’s not to fond of this?” Solomon asked hushed, trying to regain control of his smiling face.

“Naw, not really.” She said. “He doesn’t mind me practising it, but I don’t think he likes magic too much.”

“What do you call this kind of magic? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”

“Oh, well its not exactly magic.” Kira tossed her head from shoulder to shoulder. “I’ve been told it’s a psychic element, to put it technically anyway. I can create illusions with my mind and control them.”

“That really is something.” Solomon nodded. “I’ve never seen anything like that before. How long have you been able to do it?”

“Oh, a few years now.” Kira said. “I started practising with spoons and candles and all those things. The broom is an old trick, I can almost do it without thinking now. You want to see what I’ve just been working on?”

“Yeah, I’d love to.” Solomon said, not even realising he was showing off a full toothed grin. Kira seemed to glow from his enthusiasm, and gave him a smile of her own. She took in a deep breath, and then sharpened her eyes on his body.

“Oh no…” Solomon began to shake his head, realizing what she was up to.

“Stay still.” Kira said to him, giving him a stern and concentrated gaze. She held her hands out towards him, and continued to draw back so his form was better in her sights. Solomon did his best to cooperate, but found it hard to look her in the eyes when she was staring his body down so intently. Her breaths became very heavy, and the strands of her hair even began to flutter up as though something full of static was being brought towards it.

Her whole body released a sigh, and her eyes closed for a moment as she regained control of her powers. Solomon stared at her, a little worried that the ordeal had hurt her in someway. However, his words were suddenly robbed from him when he heard a voice speaking to him from right across the table.

“What are you looking at her for, the actions over here!”

12-11-06, 11:02 PM
Solomon turned his head slowly, and as his eyes fixed on the figure his jaw gaped open. Sitting there across from him, grinning wily with his hands over the table, was an exact likeness of himself. Picture perfect, everything from the tailoring in his gi to the very last hue inside of his eye.
He stared and stared at the image, trying to find something to say. Yet he just sat there, his mouth opening and closing in his astonishment.

“It’s interesting to look at isn’t it?” His likeness beat him to the punch.

“Do I really sound like that?” Solomon turned his head to Kira. She gave a quick nod, yet didn’t take her eyes of her creation. She was very tense, it could be seen in the quivering of her eyebrows.

“What? I thought you’d like me!” The image threw his hands up as though he was offended.

“No, no. I think it’s amazing Kira… I’m just. Wow.” Solomon ran a hand threw his hair, then took quick breath to stop himself from sounding so dumbfounded.

“This really is amazing Kira. You can do all kinds of things with this ability!”

“I’ll say. With these muscles I can tear through just about anyone!” The image sat back, a wide grin on his face, and flexed his arms as manly as he possibly could. Solomon couldn’t bring himself to look at it without feeling embarrassed, and so he averted his eyes to stop his cheeks from growing any redder.

“So, Solomon. What else can you do then?” He said to his likeness, trying to get him to stop showing off to him. The image put his arms down over the table, and leaned in to stare him right in the eye.

“You ever seen yourself dance?” The image spoke, a crooked grin creeping up the side of his cheeks.

“Oh, please-” Solomon begged, however the image was already leaping up from the booth and darting right on past Kira, who was now beginning to sweat under the flickering lamplights. The figure struck a pose, and began shuffling his feet to an unheard rhythm. He even began to twirl around on the cleaned wooden floors, and hum along to a mysterious melody. Solomon turned his head away, not able to take this with a straight face. There was something about seeing himself dancing that he just couldn’t take, even if he wasn’t the one actually doing it. It just made him feel uncomfortable in a way he couldn’t really describe. He wasn’t really that kind of person in reality, and he didn’t really want to be either.

Kira released a sharp breath, causing Solomon to turn and face her. Her body was beginning to shake as though she was violently ill.

“Kira?” Solomon asked, his face washing over with concern.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine.” The dancing image said to him, performing a series of back flips towards a flabbergasted Arne.

“Good grief Kira, what is this devilry?!?” Arne sputtered the words as he ducked down behind the bar. The image just winked at him, and then continued on towards Solomon at the booth.

“It’s a very strenuous skill…” The image spoke for Kira. “I don’t think I can hold it out much longer.” Kira took in a long breath through her teeth, and the image suddenly shook as though the floor beneath him was giving way.

“Uh-oh. Looks like I’m not going to last much longer.” The figure looked down at his legs, only to see they were fading away from where he stood. Solomon could hardly take his eyes off Kira, he was sensitive to life energies, and he could feel Kira’s becoming rapidly weaker and weaker.

The figure watched as his hands and lower torso began to fade away as well.

“Well, here I go.” He cracked one last smile at Solomon and gave a wink of his eye. “You won’t forget me when I’m gone will you?” The figure asked, nothing more than a floating head in the wind.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to.” Solomon said to it, laughing out loud. With that the image vanished, and Kira released her breath. She fell down to one knee, and Solomon found himself grabbing for her hand before he even realized it.

“Kira, are you okay?” He held her up, trying to get a reaction from her. She managed to smile around her tired gasps of breath, and give him an grateful flicker of her green eyes.

“Oh, I’m fine.” She said, standing up on her own once again. She looked down to her hand, captured inside of Solomon’s. Her playful eyes met his once again.

“I’m going to need that back.” She smiled. Solomon nodded curiously, not quite following what she meant. Then suddenly he realized the warmth he held in his palm. His embarrassment skipped a stage this time around and his face went straight to white.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” He bellowed, nearly throwing her hand out of his. The momentum caused her to swing backwards.

“Holy cow, you really are strong.” She said, her face full of surprise. Solomon tried to calm himself down, yet suddenly his thoughts were coming at him a mile a minute. The winds picked up violently, and screamed outside as they passed through the leaves. The sudden gust blew out one of the nearby lamps, causing Arne to abandon his station at the bar and begin to close the shutters.

“Looks like a storms on the way.” He said. “Kira, let’s get this place locked up for the night. Don’t want the rain to get in.”

“You got it.” Kira said to him. She took another moment to look at Solomon, however, he was way ahead of her.

“I really should get going to bed.” He said to her. “It’s really late, and looks like you have a lot of work to do. I’ll see you later.” He tipped his forehead to her as he quickly passed her by.

“Thanks.” She called to his back. “I hope you have a good night.”

12-11-06, 11:02 PM
Solomon fled up the stairs and quickly shut himself into his room. His lamps had not been lit, and the only light that came into his room was the thin rays that squeezed in from the cracks around the doorframe. He stood there for a moment, his back against the door, and he listened to the wind as it rattled the glass on his windows. He released a stream of his breath as the sound helped to calm him down, but then heard something inside his head. It was the soft thumping of his own heart.

“I know what you’re thinking.” He muttered to himself, lurking there in the darkness. “You know how wrong that is don’t you? You know you’d only bring a girl pain and drag her down with you. You’re a wanderer, a fighter, and you hardly even have a place as it is. Don’t even kid yourself, she’d never go for you. You’re a lowlife Solomon, get a grip.”

He finished off his speech, stopping his emotions where they stood. He lit the small lamp beside his bedpost and prepared himself for bed. A relationship really wasn’t his thing. Somehow or another he’d screw it up and he knew that. He would end up hurting another person who trusted him with their heart, and that was guilt he was not willing to take.

He put himself under his blankets and tried to keep his mind on the more important matters. As he did the eyes of Kira played back into his mind. She was talking to him wasn’t she? She was curious about what he was doing and who he was! Perhaps she kind of liked him to begin with? No, no, it couldn’t be. What were the chances of that happening right? He was a mess, he couldn’t even get his emotions straightened out. Was he really anything at all?

“But she made you feel happy.” A sudden voice spoke to him, sounding out from deep in his conscience. His tired eyes opened wide, as though he had heard a ghost in the room. That was true, it was very true. Since she asked him about himself, he hadn’t thought of his problems at all. Was it really just talking to her that made him feel so happy? Her eyes were so soft, and her hand was so warm…

For several moments he was quiet, just listening to his thoughts and feelings meld in his mind. His room fell quiet just as he was, with nothing but the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops against the window.

“Don’t go there.” He finally said to himself, stopping his mind from bringing him any more of this. The window was shrouded in darkness, yet now that his eyes were used to it he could see the faint outlines of where it stood. He watched it for several more minutes, and listened to the rain beat heavier and heavier upon it as though it grew desperate to be let inside. In the end he closed his eyes to the window, and it vanished from his sight. He turned his back on it, and pulled himself deeper into the bed and set his mind on sleeping. He’d leave here tomorrow morning. If he stayed any longer he might do something he’d regret.

12-11-06, 11:03 PM
Solomon flung upright in his bed, something was happening. Something was wrong. The window burst into light as the lightening tore the sky to shreds, and the thunder boomed with a force that rattled him in his bed. Was that what had woken him up? The thunder? No, there was something else he had heard. Crashing, and screaming. Something else was happening. Something wasn’t right.

At that moment the screaming came again. It was Kira, and immediately there were other voices, loud and angry voices amidst thuds and clatter that echoed through the walls as though they were paper thin.

What was happening? Was this a nightmare? He tried to get his mind to focus, trying to see if he was asleep or awake, but at the same moment his door was kicked in off it’s hinges and flew to the middle of the room. Solomon realized what was going on now. They were under siege. This little Inn was being robbed, and Kira was in trouble. The man that had been sent to scout the rooms and keep the hallways secure locked his eyes on Solomon, who leaped out of his bed wearing only a pair of black pants, and stood before him angrily. He gave a few toothed grin towards Solomon, and held his rusty sword towards him.

“Well well. Looky here.” The man grumbled, his voice sounding older than it should have. He was nearly six and a half feet tall, and loomed in the doorway with a rounded belly, protected by a leather vest and a ratty white shirt underneath.

“Didn’t expect this lil’place to have house guests.” The man came towards him, thrusting his blade as though Solomon were simply a cornered puppy. He pivoted to the side so the intruder’s weight carried him a few inches farther, and then Solomon threw his right foot out into the man’s hand, casting the blade onto the foot of the bed.

The lightening filled the room once more, illuminating Solomon as he jumped up on his right foot as it landed. He whipped his left leg out into the man’s cheek, hitting him with the top of his foot and following through in a spin. He landed crouched, facing the opposite way. He quickly turned himself back around as the man was stumbling towards the bed from the force of the blow. He flopped over sideways, landing on the bed and reaching for his sword. Solomon picked the door up off the floor, and the man reclaimed his weapon. He hurled the plank of wood down towards the man, and heard him holler as it crashed down on him. Not wanting to give him the chance to recover, Solomon took a jump onto the door to pin the man in place. However, he still had some fight in him, and as Solomon landed hard on the door the man rolled out from under it. The sudden change in height made his landing a little sloppy, and when his feet hit he stumbled backwards onto his backside. The man no longer grinned or laughed, but had a look of anger and fright in his eyes.

The stranger brought his sword arm around like a wind mill and tried to chop Solomon in half. He moved to the side, and the old blade fell into the wood. Taking the opportunity Solomon punched the mans sword hand, his one knuckle jutting out from the rest and hit it hard. Immediately the man screamed as his fingers knarred from the precision of the blow. Solomon wasn’t finished with him yet. The moment he let go of the blade and raised his arm, Solomon gripped his wrist firmly and with his free arm he swung it into the back of the man’s elbow. The crunching of the arm bone was heard throughout the room, and the man really showed his pain this time. He hollered, and cursed, yet Solomon was in no mood to listen to him.

With one last blow Solomon put him to sleep. His body fell limp along the bed, and Solomon leaped out and flew through the doorway. Kira and Arne were in trouble. He had to do something to help.

12-11-06, 11:04 PM
He ran quickly along the floor of the hallway, towards the clamour that rose steadily from the stairwell.

“What are you doing, let us go!” Kira’s voice sounded. Solomon found himself at the top of the stairs, looking down on the group of intruders. There were nearly twenty of them, all armed with blades and dressed in tatters. They formed a semicircle in the middle of the room, just barely within Solomon’s sight range. Arne and Kira were both held firmly by two brutes, and a man with thick black beard and a seafarer’s hat stood facing them.

“We should silence them captain, before they alert any of the villagers.” Said the man standing just behind the captain. His figure was tall and tightly bound. His arms crossed in front of his chest and his boney faced glare suggested his tolerance for captives was very little. He wore one gold loop in his ear, and his hair was mostly covered by a black cloth tied over his head.

“No, no.” The captain said to his cohort. “This place is cursed. If take the life of the heir to the Mazeroth fortune, then we’re as good as dead. We didn’t follow this map to the ends of the world to loose our lives now did we Buckthorn?”

“You had better let us go! You’ve got the wrong place. There’s no treasure here!” Arne shouted to the men. The captain merely laughed from his belly and shook his head.

“You think I’d barge into some tiny little Inn unless I was coming for something? This house ‘as been around for over a hundred years. Even you should know that. Now, which one of you is going to be kind and take ol’ Captain Stein to the cellar?” The captain walked up close to the two of them, and began pacing to and fro.

“You can forget it! We’re not helping you.” Kira shouted out. The captain stopped his pacing, and stared her sharply in the eye.

“There’s nothing saying we can’t take a few fingers, or even a leg from you.” Buckthorn said with a grin. “Only one of you is the rightful heir anyway. I’m willing to take the gamble.” Buckthorn raised his weapon, a weapon that Solomon had heard many tales of but had never seen one until now. He held a pistol in his hand, and aligned the flintlock so that the metal bullet was ready to kill. They were dangerous weapons, and very potent at both long and short range. Now, the man named Buckthorn was holding one towards Kira, who immediately stopped struggling and stared into it afraid. A slight grin passed over his face, up until the captain gave him a stern look.

“Don’t you be messy with that Buckthorn!” He scorned. “We didn’t come here to take a gamble. I’ll see to it that these two give us the help we need. You take Bug-eyes and go see what’s keeping Jack so long upstairs.”

Buckthorn didn’t say a word. He simply looked at his captain and slowly replaced his pistol. He nodded to a man near the back of the crowd, they departed from the rest of them and made their way towards the stairs.

12-11-06, 11:05 PM
“Jack. Get you’re sorry self down here right now!” Buckthorn hollered. Solomon drew back into the shadows. He had to take these two out if he was to save Kira and Arne. They came up the stairs, still calling as the thunder rolled throughout the rooms. He drew back as close to the wall as he could, preparing to attack them with all his might.

There was a holler from Arne, and a scream that followed from Kira. All the pirates laughed heartily at the scene, but Solomon could no longer see what was going on. In sudden fear for their lives he leaped out from the shadows of the staircase, the two pirates froze in their place, and stared back at him for a moment.

“Captain, we’ got campny!” Bug-eyes shouted, once he realized Solomon was not who they had been expecting. The lightening flickered through the windows, and Solomon didn’t take his time. Thinking about the best way to get to Kira and Arne he dove on the two with his arms out in front of him. They were reaching for their weapons when Solomon attacked, but failed to counter him in time. The three of them went tumbling down the stairs, and landed on top of one another.

“Get to him lads!” The captain shouted. Suddenly the grunts and growls of several angry sea dogs burst through the room as loud as the thunder.

“Solomon!” Kira shouted to him, yet he had no time to answer. He was facing off with the man he had landed on, the man named Bug-eyes. Buckthorn lay there on the floor next to them, rubbing the back of his head and arming himself with his gun and his dagger.

“You’ll pay fer that!” Bug-eyes, growled at him, trying to push Solomon off his stomach. However, Solomon had no interest in fighting with this man. All he could think about was getting to Kira, to save her and Arne from whatever disaster was looming over them. He threw himself off the man, only to stand up in the middle of a circle. About nine angry ruffians, holding swords and clubs all stood around him eager to crack some heads open. He had really done it now.

He stared at them all, eyeing them all down as they gave their grunts of laughter and lust for the fight. The thunder rolled once more, Bug-eyes squirmed away and joined the ranks of his crew in the circle. Buckthorn rose up to his feet, a sinister glare in his eyes as he stared Solomon down.

“What did you honestly think you could do?” He scoffed, along with the rest of the circle. He raised his gun on Solomon, getting mixed reactions from the crowds around him.

“Naw, gut’em.” “Blow his head off!” “Let me have a go! I ain’t seen any action in weeks!” Yet this was all silence when the captain let out a loud whistle. The men in the circle turned to face him, but Buckthorn kept his pistol aligned with Solomon’s eyes. He did not move an inch.

“Buckthorn, you come with me. Let the gents take care of him.” The captain raised his arm, and the group of pirates all reared up with cheers as they moved onwards to the stockroom, still dragging Arne and Kira along with them. Buckthorn, rolled his eyes and thrust his pistol into it’s holster.

He looked onwards to his companions, then turned and left the circle, following quickly with the moving party. They had gotten away, and had taken Kira and Arne into the next room. What were they going to do with them? Would they be alright? He couldn’t leave them to the mercy of those pirates, who knew what they would do to them.

He stared on to all the greedy swordsmen around him. The rain coming in through the broken front door and the thunder still rolling on in the distance. They were all looking to one another, deciding who should get the first stab at him. The only side of him to have no attackers was blocked off by a lofty bookshelf. He had nowhere to run.

“You’re move bucko!” Bug-eyes grinned. All the others cackled along with him.

12-11-06, 11:06 PM
“You guys want a challenge?” Solomon said to them, trying to keep focussed on the battle. He needed some way to outthink them. He couldn’t take them all on at once, not surrounded like this. He’d be skewered in the blink of an eye. If he could bring them on one at a time, then perhaps he’d get through this with is his life.

“I can take you all on.” Solomon flexed his arms over his chest, just as his reflection had done to him. “You think I’m afraid of you guys? Who’s gonna be first?” Solomon glared them at them, one at a time in the eye. Silently hoping they’d take the bait.

“Let me at’em!” One of the pirates waded his way into the circle. “I ain’t run anyone through since that ship we wreaked. I get this guy!” The other pirates all looked to one another, slightly perturbed at their comrade, but secretly couldn’t resist the sport of the fight. Solomon felt a wave of relief wash over him, they had fallen for it. He glared hard at the man, put himself in a stance with his left leg forward and his right leg back, putting the weight on the foreword leg. This would give him power to deliver a nasty kick if the opportunity arose, while at the same time gave his hands free range to thrust, hook, jab and defend.

The challenger held his thin sword out towards him. He was a medium build, and looked nimble enough to wield his weapon easily. Solomon was at a slight handicap as he was facing the man with a bare chest and bare feet. Not that his gi offered much protection anyway, but it was still a little more than bare skin.

They began to circle one another, the pirates around them kept their swords out to prevent Solomon from escaping through. He had to do this quickly, or else Kira and Arne would run out of time, whatever was going on down there. The man made his first attack, Solomon pivoted to the side as he had done to Jack. This man however was also very swift, and brought his sword back to deliver another jab at Solomon. He leaned back, just narrowly avoiding the tip of the blade, however his feet had not been in proper place to do this manoeuvre. He stumbled backwards, and fell from his feet onto the floor. The man seized the opportunity, and raised his sword to slice him as he came running. Solomon propelled himself with his elbow, rolling towards the man before he could finish his swing. The man’s sword missed him by a few inches, and Solomon’s body crashed into his feet and sent him spiralling onto his face.

This time Solomon took the opportunity, and he grabbed him by the legs as he stood himself up. There was only one thought that came to his mind. Not a tactic he generally used, but he was in a hurry and it might give him a chance to escape the crowd. Centering his weight he began to turn, making the man drag along the floor as he scrambled to get out of Solomon’s grasp. However, it was all in vein. Solomon’s strength was more than enough to elevate the man. In just a moment he had the pirate three feet off the ground, and spun him around and around in a tight circle. The pirate hollered and screamed in fright, the others in the circle stepped back in fear of being swiped by their shipmate’s mindless sword.

“Adios!” Solomon shouted. He released the man, his feet trying to catch up with him as he did. The men all ducked as their cohort sailed over them and landed roughly on the overturned barstools. Solomon doubted he’d be getting back up to quickly.

“Anyone else?” Solomon put himself back into a strong stance, and kept his hands out firmly. All the other pirates stared at him, but didn’t take long to make up their minds.

“AH!” There was a cry of war behind him. Bug-eyes lunged at him with his sword swiping horizontally. Solomon fell back in his stance as the sword went by, then stepped in towards him before the sword could come back. He thrust his forearm against the sword arm, punched him sharply in the face, then grabbed him by the belt and hurled him into the others. Bug-eyes hollered as he went flying into his two mates, yet at the same time another set of footsteps came for Solomon.

Solomon was swiped at with a spiked bat, wielded by a great burly man. He ducked under the blow and jabbed the man in the kidneys, only to have the man’s knee come out and hit in in the collar. The both of them stumbled backwards, the brute a little more shaky than Solomon. Yet someone leaped out from the circle, and got onto his back, it was another mid weight man. He wrapped his elbow around Solomon’s throat, and the bigger man charged at the both of them. The crowds cheered as it looked in their favour once more. Solomon tried to shake the man to no avail, and as the brute lifted his bat to swipe him Solomon bent down and thrust his lower torso into the air, flinging the man from his back. The man flopped right over Solomon, but the brute had been anticipating this. He didn’t swing as early as Solomon expected him to, he nearly collided with his fallen comrade, but managed to spike Solomon in the upper thigh.

The crowds cheered as Solomon shouted out in pain. The burly man crossed his arms in front of him, and smiled wickedly, while the smaller man scampered to his feet and got out of there as fast as he could.

“GET HIM!” The giant declared.

12-11-06, 11:06 PM
There was a great cry throughout the room as all the men bared their teeth and charged the battlefield. Solomon ripped the spike out from his leg, it had only gone in an inch, but it was still painful. He was done for, unless he could get out of all this he was as good as dead. There was only one way out of the displaced circle now, and he wasn’t even sure if he could make it.

As the sword, fists, clubs and curses all came at him he dropped his body and sprung up from the floor, flipping backwards over the few men behind him. He didn’t have enough room to reach the floor on the other side of them, so he targeted the only thing he could think of that would buy him some time.

The pirates all turned their heads as the warrior passed right on by their deadly assault. They raised their swords to intercept him, but they were too slow. They had not been expecting him to do this, nor were they expecting him to be able to jump so high. Solomon didn’t make enough height to land atop the bookcase as he had planned, but he managed to catch it with his elbows as he fell against it. They all turned their weapons onto his dangling feet, but he was quick to yank himself up and roll against the wall out of their reach. He’d be safe here for a few minutes.

“Come on out Arms!” Bug-eyes said to him, calling him by a nickname. “What’s a matter? Thought you said you wasn’t afraid of us!”

The snarling pirates below all agreed with a sneer or cackle. They bent the tips of their swords inwards against their finger, and stared up to the top of the case where their target could just be seen laying on his back. Solomon knew he wouldn’t have much time, and he tried his best to think about what he could do from here.

“Don’t make me bring you down!” The large man, who had just hit him in the leg, bellowed to him. The man was about six and a half feet tall. He could probably reach up to him no problem, especially if he had a sword. Fortunately, since swords didn’t bend, Solomon was safe as long as he didn’t stray away from the wall.

He tried as best he could to think of a way out of this. He couldn’t run anywhere from here, they had the case virtually surrounded. He didn’t have enough room to jump towards the front door, he’d soar right onto their weapons. If he went to either side, they could cut him off as he tried to make a break for the supply room, or even if he tried to get to the stairs. There were still eight of them ready to fight, he had to take them out somehow, but what could he do?

The only thing that came to his mind was his fatal vision attack. It would probably be enough to sit a couple of them out for a few rounds, but it wouldn’t get rid of them for good.

“Alright! Let’s bring him down!” Bug-eyes declared. The pirates agreed with a mighty cheer, and suddenly the bookcase began to rock as Solomon tried to concentrate his energy. He finally gathered himself, just before he fell between the gap the pirates had created between the shelf and the wall. His beams were ready to go, but then a second idea came to him. As they all gathered around the bookcase and shook it back and forth, Solomon let his body fall between the gap, holding onto the top with the tips of his fingers. His eyes glowing blue with the energy, he let his legs push up against the wall as they shook him and once they were locked and ready, he thrust as hard as he could and sent the bookshelf tumbling over.

12-11-06, 11:07 PM
There was a moment of mild shouts as the eight foot by six foot case came tumbling down on them. Two men were dropped right under the shelves, whereas the big man was felled as it crushed him up to his knees.

Solomon was crouched on top of it like a cat that had caught it’s mouse, and he immediately looked up and fired his energy into the first person he saw. The beams hit one of the men, and he fell over screaming. He turned his head to the other side, and fired again. This time he hit bug-eyes right in the forehead, and the man collapsed to the ground in pain.

There was a moment of quiet throughout the battlefield. Solomon was crouched on top of the twitching bookcase, with one knee bent and one raised. He leaned over his bent knee, his right hand fixed to the bookcase to help him keep stable. His breath became heavy, and he felt the cold winds of the passing storm cool the sweat that gathered on his body. Two blasts at once had taken enough of his energy to make his muscles twitch and his heart pound, however he still had more than enough to fight with, and probably enough to do one more if need be.

The echo of the thunder played through the room. The two able pirates stood there with gaping mouths and wide eyes as they saw the furious warrior, his eyes glowing with powers they did not know. They didn’t even look to one another, they only drew back cautiously, then fled for their lives.

Solomon hopped off the bookcase. Immediately the great big man tried to free himself, howling frantically as he pulled his legs out from under the weight. As he went to stand up again Solomon stomped down on his hand, causing him to topple right back over. He landed face first into the ground, and Solomon was quick to get in front of him.

“What does you captain plan on doing with my friends?” Solomon was crouched before the fallen brute, and pulled his face towards his own by the mess of his hair.

“We’re just after the treasure! There’s thousands and thousands! All buried in this house-”

“I don’t care.” Solomon growled at him. “What is this about the heir? What is going to happen to my friends?”

“I don’t know.” The man sputtered. “The heir is the only one who can guide them through the maze. The whole place is said to be cursed, if you don’t take the right paths, who knows what’ll get ya.”

“Get out of here. If I see you again, I’ll melt your head right off your shoulders!” Solomon dropped the man’s head, rather firmly, onto the wooden floor. He turned and left him, trying to get to the cellar as fast as he could. He doubted he’d have any more troubles from the men he left behind.

12-11-06, 11:07 PM
“I’m coming for you.” Solomon whispered to himself, making his way down the warped wooden stairs. With each of his footfalls he felt as though the wood might snap, but they managed to hold their own despite their groans of protest. The thunder’s shouts could still be heard from the dank stony cellar. They rattled the wooden house above, yet did not move the cold and moist stone that he now stood upon. His feet were so calloused that at first he didn’t even feel the chill, yet once it set in he felt a shiver go up his spine.

The room was cluttered with chests, trunks, and partially filled shelves which stank of mould, and looked like they were much studier once upon a time. The yellow flame of a torch illuminated the area, and revealed a few empty mounts where the other torches had been removed. Taken by the pirates no doubt, and this single one left so they could easily see where the exit lay. Their route was obvious, all it took was a gleam of his eyes to find it. There in the distance, below a pile of crumbled stones, was a gaping hole in the wall. Boy they were moving fast! How far ahead had they gotten?

He grabbed the blazing torch from its rung on the wall and jumped over the little edge at the bottom of the wall. He found himself on the slope of a vast cavern, leading downwards into the darkness. For a moment he searched with his eyes, holding the torch as high as he could in hopes it would increase his sight. He had only scouted for a moment, because shortly after he heard the voice of someone in pain. Immediately he sprang out on his feet and darted off down the tunnel.

He heard nothing but the slapping of his own feet against the rock, which was soon accompanied with the rip of his hurried breath through the gap of his teeth. It was a man’s scream, but was it one of the pirates? Or were they doing something to Arne? Or was it something they had done to Kira that made Arne scream? Increased his speed, and he bolted on down the slope as fast as he could. The wound in his leg stung him, but was nothing to stop him. If anything it felt like a bee sting, and that was nothing new to him.

He stopped abruptly, looking through the tall room with wide eyes. Where were they now? Where had they gone? It didn’t take him too long to find his answer, all it took was a few feet further into the darkness to see. Around a curve in the greater cavern there were three new tunnels laid out before him. Each curving in a different direction than the other. He ran up the thin slope towards them, but had his eyes on something far more important, something that had just appeared to him as the light fell across him.

Laying there before the doorways was Arne. His hands dripping with his own blood, and his body still with eyes closed, looking as though they were lifeless.

12-11-06, 11:09 PM
“Arne!” Solomon called out, running up to him and crouching down beside him. “Arne, are you alright! Can you hear me?”

“Oh, thank the heavens its you!” Arne stirred so suddenly that Solomon was taken back. Once the shock passed, he sighed with relief. The man was not dead, but at the same time he wasn’t in the best condition. His white and grey night clothes were red and wet from blood he had shed. It wasn’t anything critical, that was easy enough to tell because Arne himself had much more to say to him than Solomon could ask.

“They kept jabbing me with their swords, trying to get Kira to tell them where the cellar door was. They figured she’d talk. She told’em alright, but they brought us both down here and asked us which one was the heir!”

“What do they want with the heir?” Solomon asked. “Did they take Kira?”

“They’re not out to hurt the heir, but I had no idea what was going on.” Arne sobbed quietly. Solomon went silent. “I didn’t even know she was… She didn’t even know she was. All I knew was they needed the heir alive, and so I told them she was. They just ditched me and took her with them. I don’t know what they plan on doing!”

“Where did they go? I’m going after her.” Solomon turned his attention onto the tunnels. Arne grumbled and groaned as he pushed his back up against the wall.

“That’s just it.” He said. “I don’t know. The way was something only the heir knew, it wasn’t even written on the map. They started jabbing at me again, they cut my arms and my gut. Then Kira started singing this song. I don’t even remember how it went. Something about the sun rising. Something my sister taught to her apparently. She recognized the symbols on the walls and that’s what sparked the memory. It’s the legend for the maze, so you can get through it without falling into the traps.”

“There’s traps?” Solomon asked. Arne nodded.

“Dozens. Two others came bolting down here just before you. They all went in different directions. I pretended to be dead in fear they’d finish me off. I heard one of’em screaming just a few seconds before you showed up He took the wrong turn.”

“You don’t remember the song at all?” Solomon asked him, holding his torch closer to the walls. The etchings became visible as the firelight hit them, displaying patterns of the sun, of children and animals. Arne gave a heavy breath.

“No, I was afraid I was gonna bleed to death.” He said bitterly. “They went through the middle tunnel first, if that’s any help. I’m willing to risk it if you are-”

“No.” Solomon said to him. “You’re in no condition to go after them. I’ll go in after her. Are you going to be alright on your own?”

“I’ve had worse.” He smiled painfully. “Get going then, I don’t know how much time we’ve got.”

Solomon nodded, and he left Arne up against the cavern wall and vanished down the center tunnel.

12-11-06, 11:09 PM
He ran on for as long as he could. Every now and then his thigh made him wince, but it still wasn’t enough to phase him from his goal, and for that he was grateful. He could have escaped that scrap a lot worse, or perhaps not even at all.

Sure enough the tunnel forked into four different corridors, and on each one there were other symbols and designs that Solomon could not figure out for the life of him. He stopped in front of the new series of doorways, holding the torch abroad and investigating the designs as best he could. There was nothing he could pick up on, nor had Kira left any evidence for him. He hadn’t expected her to, especially under her circumstances, he was just hoping she might have had that chance. Not only that, but there was no evidence of a trail that was left by the grizzly marauders that carried her either.

Solomon paced about the end of his tunnel frantically. There had to be a sign, or some way to find her. His odds were one in four he’d get it if he took the gamble, should he take that risk?

Then it hit him. Like a hammer right on the head he found his answer. Had he not been so busy trying to guess at these patterns he might have caught onto this earlier. He had felt her energy when she was talking to him and showing off her powers. He knew what her life sign felt like, if he focussed his thoughts he’d be able to locate her. The chances that this maze went on for over two miles was highly unlikely, and so long as it didn’t she would be well within his range.

He took a moment to gather his breath, and try and center himself within himself. This was a skill his friend Rakiet had taught him many months ago, and so far it had proven itself very useful. He was getting better and better at it as time went on, and it seemed he found more and more uses for it too. He could very easily pick up on someone’s energy when talking to them, or even just being near them. In earlier days he could only get a good sense of someone’s energy pattern if he touched them, or looked deeply into their eyes for a while. Even though he was getting better at it sensing a person’s energy, reaching out and trying to find it still took him some time. Nevertheless he had no choice. All he could do was hope that time would be on his side.

12-11-06, 11:10 PM
His breath came out in a steady stream, and his body stood firm in the dank of the cavern. Although the chills and the pungent aroma could have easily gotten to him now that he was standing still, he didn’t even notice it. His mind was no longer looking after him, but instead calling out through the caves in hopes the familiar feel of Kira would answer him.

Just like he practised, his mind reached out further and further with each breath he took. The sounds of dripping water, and the scurry of rodents drifted into his waiting ears, yet he blocked them out so he could not be distracted from his goal. His mind reached upwards, as through it was no longer inside the stone walls, and instead looking down on him from the eyes of a bird. He could see the colour of his own energy, as that was how it appeared to him. Colours. Both lively and vibrant, as well as bitter and shady. It all depended on the person he sought.

There was something there, in the not to far distance. Something was coming into his mind, that lively energy he felt when sensing Kira, it was up ahead and moving on quickly. Her energy was pulsing, beating like the wings of a humming bird. She was frightened, he could feel it even in the core of his own energy, which burned as a deep blue in his thoughts. He had to get to her, she was just up ahead some few hundred feet. He had lost ground on them trying to use this ability, but now he had her, he was coming to her.

He ran through the third tunnel. Now that he had a fix on where the energy was he could track her very easily. Once his mind was set on her pattern, he could feel were it was calling him from, as though it pulled him like a compass needle. It wasn’t as much of a maze, more like a ‘choose your path’ challenge. Whoever had made it really wanted no one but the rightful heir to be able to enter it, if all the other ways lead to death. He couldn’t stop himself from wondering if it really was cursed, or if it was just rumoured that way to keep curious people out.

He flew through the passageway, taking the next tunnel as it appeared, and then the next one to follow. He was almost ten minutes behind, but he could feel her energy catching up with him. It came to him faster than before, each step soon felt like he was taking leaps towards her. She must have stopped moving, meaning they had arrived at their destination.

He took one final turn, down the tunnel he felt was going to be his last. It was best for him to be on his guard, and act as through the pirates knew he was alive, and knew he was coming for Kira. That way he’d put more effort into staying out of sight. He discarded his torch from this point on, and continued on through the darkness.

Her energy was close, but the voices of the pirates felt even closer to him now. He slowed his pace so his feet did not make enough noise for them to hear. He closed in on them, listening to their conversations. Kira could be heard loud and clear. Solomon had to restrain himself from barrelling into the scene, for as much as he wanted to get the poor girl out of there, he didn’t want to put her in any more danger.

12-11-06, 11:10 PM
“No, I’m not letting you take the treasure!” Kira’s voice echoed through the tunnel. Solomon crept in closer, and peered around a low lump that jutted out from the floor. Thankfully he land speed was a lot better then theirs. He had managed to catch up to them before they moved on ahead with their plans. Before him stood two tall stone doors, which had already been opened for the mindless crusaders, and they all stood there in a great gathering in a new and extraordinary room.

They stood on a finely chiselled floor. The cave ground had been made into diagonal tiles, which lead up to a short staircase in the middle of the room. They were all gathered just before the staircase, spread out slightly and investigating the grounds. The captain stood up on the staircase and faced downwards to a man, the man who was holding Kira captive.

He could see her. Dressed in a pink nightgown, being held at the waist by a great balled seadog with a massive loop through his ear. She continued to protest, struggling and shaking her head, yet the pirates all laughed as their captain continued to wield her.

“Come now miss.” The captain said to her. “We don’t want to be hurting ya or anything, but we’ve come a long ways for this ya know. The sooner ya tell us, the sooner we’ll be out of your life for good.”

“That treasure belongs to my family. We’re poor. It’s not yours.”

“True, true.” The captain smiled a black tooth grin. “But it’s something you never knew about. How come you’ll miss it so much if you never knew you had it?”

“It’s my families. We need it! Our little Inn won’t last much longer-”

“She’s not going to tell Captain.” Buckthorn cut in. “I say we start cutting, see how long she can take it.”

“Buckthorn, don’t you be hasty!” The captain scorned him once more. “She can’t come to harm, don’t you forget that.”

“You should keep you’re mouth shut if you know what’s good for you!” Kira sneered at him. Buckthorn glared at her, and for a moment he raised his hand to slap her, yet the captain gave him a stern eye and he lowered his hand.

“Don’t you be speaking to me first mate like that young lady.” The captain said to her. “We won’t be putting you in harms way, but there’s nothing saying we won’t be going back to your cousin.”

“No…” She shook her head. “No, no… You wouldn’t!”

“Captain!” Came a voice from down the tunnel. “Captain… Captain, I’ve got a report.”

Solomon seized up in fear. The last pirate that had wandered into the maze had actually found his way through. What were the odds of that? It was virtually impossible! The stray mans voice continued to call, coming closer and closer to him with each moment. His breath was fading fast, but his voice was shrill.

“Got… got a…report. There’s a man…”

12-11-06, 11:11 PM
“Bridges! What are you doing? What’s happened?” The captain called back. “Follow my voice lad, we’re all in here with our dear young lady. She’s just about to give us the last clue to opening the treasury.” He gave her a malnourished grin once again, this time all she could do was turn her head in protest.

“This guy… Got the jump on all of us. He’s in the maze somewhere.” Bridges shouted. “I thought I was lost, but heard one of you guys running by me-”

The man was within Solomon’s sights now, curving around the tunnel still shouting at the top of his lungs and carrying the torch Solomon had discarded. It was him who lead this guy to his kindred, he must have heard him running by and followed the sounds of his feet. Was this coming back to bite him or what? He must have been right on the edge of a wrong turn, Solomon had saved his live even. He didn’t know what to do at this point, and so in the end all he did was slump up against the stone and watch the man run around the corner with nowhere to hide.

“Who did? What’s going on?” The captain declared. He pushed his way through the crowd and turned the attention of the troop towards the corridor. Yet as their mate came into view, they saw him stop in his tracks. Solomon was sitting right there in front of him, looking up at him with fed-up eyes.

“HE’S-” The man screamed, yet Solomon leaped out from the shadows and tackled him to the floor. His cover was blown, what could he do now?

“Stop that man!” The captain declared. All the pirates ripped their weapons from their belts, the collective sounds of steel echoed their hymn to war through the room, and they all came running after him with great smirks of anger on their faces.

“Solomon!” Came her voice from over the great crowd.

“Kira!” Solomon shouted back at her. He was back on his feet and wrestling with this man. Once he heard her voice, he kicked the man backwards and dove into the room before the pirates sealed him into the tunnel. He managed to stop himself from being trapped there, but now he ran the risk of being pushed back into the corner. He rolled over his shoulder and landed low to the ground. The pirates were all coming after him, and he had to find his first target before they sliced him into ribbons.

He dashed off to his right, running sideways in hopes of singling out one of the men before he closed Solomon in. The pirate jabbed at him with his sword, but Solomon used his own sideways momentum to leap over the blade and swipe the man in the face with the inside of his foot. He landed, and fell in a crouch as he did. The moment his balance returned to him he swept his leg around and tripped the man as he was stumbling. The man fell to the ground and his sword fell from his hand.

The men were trying to surround him now, just as they had all done upstairs. Solomon grabbed the mans sword and held it firmly. Little did they know he had no skill in using the blade, but the firm steel and the scowl on his face seemed to give them a fair warning that he meant business. They maintained their distance, yet all the while he was being pushed back into the corner of the cave. A feeling that he really didn’t like.

12-11-06, 11:12 PM
“Careful, he can shoot fires out of his eyes!” Bridges warned his cohorts, staying a little father back than the rest of them.

“Sure can!” Solomon declared, waving the blade about. He stood his ground, only a foot away from the very corner now. A few beads of sweat dripped down his face, most would think it was from the combat, but it was actually from worry. He didn’t know how he could get out of this one. They had more ground, he only had one fatal vision attack left, and no bookcase to escape to. If he could keep them away with only his talk and his sword, than perhaps it would give him enough time to strike up a deal with the captain, something, anything to get himself and Kira out of this situation.

“I’ll put a hole right through you’re chest just by staring at you!” Solomon said to them, trying to seem as boastful as he could. The men didn’t loose their grips on their weapons, but they all seemed to stop closing in on him. Solomon continued.

“I was merciful to you guys upstairs, but I can guarantee I won’t be doing it again.” He said to his opponents, looking mostly to Bridges, the survivor of the two that fled. They didn’t loose their ground, but not one of them proceeded an inch after that. The warning Bridges had shouted to them was finally sinking in. That and the fact that the last time they had seen this fighter he was up against nine of their own, and only one had returned alive.

Solomon took a moment to grin, but then from in between the ranks of swordsmen Buckthorn suddenly jerked his way past. With only a look of boredom on his face he stood a pace away from Solomon’s sword and pulled his gun from his belt.

His face came over white as the barrel rose up to him. For the first time in his life he felt helpless, defenceless, abandoned by his strength on the doorstep of death itself. The gun met his eyes and the flintlock swung around to ignite the weapon.

“NO!” Kira screamed. “NO, no! Don’t kill him. Please.”

Buckthorn paused, his trigger stopping in it’s fire. He turned his head slightly over his shoulder, but did not take his eyes off Solomon. He didn’t seem to fond of being interrupted, but he seemed to know what was about to happen.

“Let him live, and I’ll tell you how to open the door.” Kira sobbed. Solomon felt the colour come back to his face, but he still dared not move. Buckthorn awaited the order from his captain, his finger twitching and itching to blow Solomon’s brain out through the back of his head.

“Buckthorn, put that away. Looks like we’ve got ourselves a bargaining chip.” The captain laughed. Buckthorn looked coldly at Solomon. With a disapproving breath he jerked his head forwards, signalling for the others to nab him. He really didn’t have a choice in the matter. As much as he didn’t want to be taken captive he wasn’t any keener on being killed. Especially not after Kira had just bought and paid for his life with her family’s fortune. He was taken by the fiends. They struck him on the head to make him dizzy, and then they bound him up with as they gave great shouts of laugher. They had won. He had been defeated.

12-11-06, 11:12 PM
Solomon looked on towards the gathering of pirates. He sat slumped up in the corner of the room, bound up with ropes that some of them had been carrying just in case prisoners had to be taken on this quest. He thought he might be able to snap them, but they were too thick to do so without being noticed, and there were two men keeping watch on him just a few paces away. If he tried to try anything, they’d end him in the blink of an eye.

The captain gave a great cheer, and his other men hurrahed along with him, their fists held high in the air. Kira sang to them the final verse of the song, telling them how to open the door to the treasury, just as she had agreed. Yet she did so with a great heaviness in her voice. She did not want to see this fortune in the hands of smugglers, yet it was worth it to her if she could save the life of Solomon. What good he had done after all that? Charging in here trying to save her and only becoming her bargaining token.

The door was against the very back wall, and jutted out from the cave just enough to see it was different from the rest of the walls. Along it were patterns similar to the tunnel’s entryway, yet significantly larger and etched with greater detail. After she had finished, they set her on the ground and bound her hands and feet with ropes. They had received their long awaited victory, and now it was time to celebrate it for all it was worth.

Kira released a holler as she was dropped down onto the rock. The bald man all but dropped her from his tall height. Solomon glared at him for hurting her, yet the man just sneered at his attempt and left them both there to observe what they had just lost. The two guards kept glancing back at them, making sure they weren’t up to anything, but for the most of it they wanted to listen to what their captain was saying, and take a share in the joy of their plunder.

He looked over at her. Her hair was in a mess around her face and neck, the playful eyes now looked on in sorrow and resentment to the ruffians that had just broken up her peaceful little home. She pulled her limbs in close to her, not wanting her bare legs to touch the cold ground.

“Are you cold?” Solomon asked her.

“Terribly.” Kira answered. Solomon looked down at his bindings. His hands and arms were all bound beside him as the ropes that went around his chest wound all the way down to his legs. They hadn’t spared an inch of rope in keeping him from escaping, but he could still find enough momentum to get closer to Kira. She caught on and pushed herself against his bound up chest to stay warm.

Her body was very soft, and extraordinarily warm. However, he kept his thoughts obedient. He knew that she probably didn’t want to be doing this, but when you were cold you had to make certain sacrifices to keep warm, and sharing body heat was one of the best ways to do so. She was very strong to go through all of this and not be near tears. He was just glad that nothing happened to her, or else his mission would have been in vein.

12-11-06, 11:13 PM
“I’m really sorry about all this!” Solomon said. “Had I been a little more cautious I would have been able to get the better of these guys. I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry!” Kira stammered. “You idiot! You’re not part of this family. You should have jumped out your bedroom window and escaped. You didn’t have to get yourself involved in this you know. You could have gotten away from it all.”

“What, and just leave you and Arne at the mercy of these villains?” Solomon asked, treating it as though it was a ridiculous question. Kira simply stared back at him, looking up at him like he was ridiculous.

“Yes.” She answered. Solomon nodded quietly, then looked away.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “You needed help, I felt I should help you.”

“Why though? You didn’t know we had any treasure. What was in it for you?” She asked him, smiling inquisitively.

It was now when Solomon suddenly became very curious about himself. He looked away to avoid captivation in her eyes, and really tried to think about what motivated him to come after her. From the moment he got out of bed he knew his fists would be needed to fight, but it wasn’t the need to fight that kept him going. It wasn’t the thrill of chasing these pirates or beating them all to the ground. No, he came because someone needed his help. He knew he was like that, he could understand that just fine. He knew that when people were in trouble, it was the right thing to help them out. That’s what he had been told, even though for many years he had been struggling with the thought. The object of heroism. He never quite felt like he was there. He never felt like the most important man in the world, as hero’s had been described to him before. He had never been able to feel right even though he was doing what he thought was right. Sure, he had helped a few people out this way, but then what was his drive besides the will to conquer his enemies? There was something different, something else that drove him. Yet what was it? There was something else that drove him, something else that made him hammer on. A drive so potent that all his questions had silenced the whole time he searched for her…

He looked back down into Kira’s intrigued eyes, the answer billowing up from deep inside of him. Great heaven! The whole time it was for her. Arne included in there, his drive was actually to see her again. To save her from these men, he didn’t want to see her come to harm. He had hated these pirates with a living passion just for making her scream. But what did this mean? Was he in love with her? Was this really what love was like?

He pulled his eyes away from hers, knowing this new feeling inside of him was about to get dangerous. No, he couldn’t be in love, something else must have driven him to do what he did. Determination to succeed? Passion for the battle? These were the things that he knew well. Love was something that couldn’t exist in his life. He couldn’t have it. He was too busy trying to focus on his training, on his life’s greatest purpose. Then again, all that was going up in his face. That was the reason he had come to this isolated hotel in the first place. He no longer knew where he belonged, or what he was. Could it really be love was what he had been looking for the whole time? Were these feelings towards Kira what really made him so determined to save her? He felt so glad being around her, once she was put in danger he wasn’t willing to stop.

“Solomon?” She looked up at him. Little did he know but his head was beginning to shake mildly, trying to figure out what was going on inside of him. Sweat even formed over his forehead, and the moment Kira spoke to him he jerked his whole face towards hers, but still didn’t have a real answer for her.

“I don’t know.” He said all of a sudden. “I’ve just been trained to help people who are being attacked. It’s all I know.” He said. His words actually sounded convincing enough to trick even him. This was who he was. He was Solomon the warrior, not Solomon the lover. Such a man did not exist. He could not share his emotions, or his life with a girl. The things he did, and the trouble he got himself into would only end up causing her harm. Just like he had harmed his father all those years ago. He was all he had in this world, and in one night of fear and confusion, Solomon had ended his father’s life. The only person in the world who had shown him love and compassion.

“I’m just that type of guy.” Solomon said with a bit of a cough. He ended all of his thoughts in that last phrase. They were still in a dangerous situation, and he still had breath in his body. If fighting was what he did best, then it was time he rescued the both of them.

12-11-06, 11:14 PM
The captain finished his glorious speech, announcing their triumph to all his crew. They gave out one final cheer, the two sentries that were supposed to be watching them had now turned their backs on Solomon and Kira. The words of their captain were just to fulfilling to resist. They all moved up the stairs to the back wall, where the lofty door marked the place where the treasure rested. All became silent as the captain laid his hands along the symbols, and whispered the song back to himself to jog his memory.

Now that he had a moment, Solomon began to press against his ropes. The guards didn’t seem to notice, but it really didn’t matter because he wasn’t having much luck. He whispered to Kira so that she lifted himself from his chest, the space she left suddenly became very cold, but he pressed on nonetheless. Buckling down and taking in a great breath he flexed his arms against his bindings. His face swelled red, and his chin began t tremble. The ropes tightened around him, and his body began to swell with pain. He gave one final yank, only to find the ties did not budge. Releasing a great breath he lost his power, and began to pant over his knees.

“For what it’s worth.” Kira pushed herself a little closer to Solomon. “Thank you for trying to rescue me. Even if we do loose our lives, Solomon, I just wanted to let you know… how grateful I am.”

“Thank you for saving mine.” Solomon said back to her. “Although, I can see them letting you live after all this. If anyone, they’ll just do me in. I think the captain is to afraid of this curse to let anything happen to you.”

“That’s it!” Kira gasped. “That’s it Solomon. The curse, they’re all afraid of the curse!”

“What?” Solomon asked, trying to keep up with her. “You can’t be serious? There’s not actually a curse is there?”

“I don’t know, but I’ve got an idea.” Kira said. “Try and look frightened, no matter what okay? He’s almost finished.” Kira took in a deep breath and narrowed her eyes on the proud form of Captain Stein. Now Solomon knew what was going on, and a grin crept its way across his face. Why hadn’t he thought of this before?

Kira began to tremble, and her breathing took on a steady beat. Solomon kept himself close to her, giving her all the support he could. He watched with delight, trying to hide it, as the captain finished his chant.

“With two hands the world is lifted, and from the glories of life all mysteries are revealed!” The captain shouted, running his filthy thumb along a crevasse in the middle of the door. There was a silence in the room, and all of a sudden the door began to quake. The pirates all murmured to one another, and drew back as the door that had not been opened in over a hundred years rose up into the stone and left them standing in a great cloud of smoke and dust.

Great gasps and coughing took over the room as the dust flittered past them all. Yet the captain was so eager to see his prize he stomped on past the clouds, only to come face to face with someone he did not expect to see. All the pirates fell silent as they looked upon their captain. He stood before the doorway, where the hidden chests all gleamed in their beauty, a dozen of them all sealed up and ready to be taken. Yet blocking their entrance, there in the settling dust, was a likeness standing there before them. It was of their captain, standing proud before them all, his sword was drawn and he would not let them pass.

“A vast ye hearties. What business brings you to this resting place?” The image spoke to them. Solomon chuckled to himself, but forced his grin into a frown. He didn’t want them to catch on.

“Who are you!” The captain declared, yanking his sword from his belt. “Tell me who ye’are or my men an I will run you through.” He shouted at the ghost, but his men did not make a sound.

“I am the man who is about to die.” The figure grinned, and stepped in closer to the captain. The real captain suddenly lost his proud height, but the spirit continued to torment him.

“You have upset the resting spirits of our family, and now it’s time to add a new soul to our collection. All those who look to this man as a leader will be pulled into the fires of the earth, ner’ to be heard from again!”

“Captain, stand aside, I’ll shoot him!” Buckthorn readied his trusty weapon, but the captain did not move. He stared back into his likeness as shiver came up through his body from his beard to his boots.

“Noble spirit. We meant not to harm.” The captain paid the ghost homage. “We intended on letting’ the young lass live-”

“You are not worthy of this. You have not read the entire scripts. Only one who is pure of heart can come through this doorway, there is blood on the hands of you all.” The spectre began to rise off it’s feet. Solomon felt Kira beginning to tremble upon his body. He hunched himself over her to keep her comforted, and in his mind he focused on sending his energy into her body, trying to do anything to keep her strength up. When he looked forward once again he saw the ghost Kira had created standing on the air with his arms spread out and his beard blowing in an invisible wind. His eyes began to turn colour, and he chanted a great curse upon them all

“I summon the souls of the ancient family. Come and claim these dastardly men.” Then he chanted things in a language Solomon doubted was even real, but by then the pirates had had more than enough.

“Flee! Flee!” The captain cried. He turned his back and raced through the crowd, all his pirates hollering and following his heels as he did so. The image continued to lay a curse upon them, his voice booming through the acoustics of the cave. The pirates all whizzed on past them, Solomon looked up at the image in terror, and even called out to the pirates for help, yet on the inside he laughed hysterically. They all ignored him and ran out of the room like a bunch of frightened school girls. The only one of them to pay any heed to him was Buckthorn. He followed right behind them, a mixture of looks put onto his face. He turned his head and glanced at Solomon for only a second as he left, probably trying to make out what he was saying. He gave him a look just before he dashed off down the tunnel, but Solomon hardly got a chance to realize it before the man was gone.

12-11-06, 11:14 PM
The ghost vanished, and Kira fell face first onto the floor, moaning in pain.

“Are you okay?” Solomon asked her, suddenly very worried. She was quiet for a moment, and Solomon felt his hear beginning to sink. Yet before he could finish the though he heard something coming from her. She was laughing.

“Thank the heavens.” She laughed aloud. She pulled herself back up, almost hidden in the darkness now that only one torch remained, dropped by one of the frightened pirates as he fled through the tunnel. She was sweating once more, and her breaths were not yet caught up to her. Yet even though she was worn out, she still smiled larger and larger with each second she looked at him.

“It worked Solomon. I can’t believe it actually worked!”

“That was ingenious Kira! You saved us both, and stopped them! That was amazing!” Solomon smiled back to her, relieved he hadn’t lost her. He knew that put a strain on her, and he was suddenly afraid it had been too much. Yet she was fine, and the more she looked at him the more she smiled and laughed and the more she laughed, the more Solomon did as well. Before they knew it they were rolling around on the ground, laughing at what had just happened, and the relief that their lives were no longer in danger.

“There’s still one problem though.” Kira said, gaining control of her laugher.

“What’s that?” Solomon asked.

“We’re still tied up.” She laughed again. Solomon laughed with her for a moment, but then began to realize that it actually was a predicament. He had already tested the ropes and it hadn‘t worked, yet looking over to the glowing torch on the cave floor he knew how to escape this.

“Leave that to me.” Solomon grinned. He squirmed up against the wall and pushed himself onto his feet and hopped the few paces over to the lowly torch. He knelt overtop of it so the rising heat would burn through the bindings on his chest. It took a few moments, and a great deal of concentration to not pull away as the heat began to hurt his bare flesh, but it was worth it in the end. The bindings snapped off his arms and fell like we spaghetti to the floor. With his hands free he undid the knots on his legs, then went and freed Kira.

“Now how about that cousin of yours?” Solomon said to her. “I’m sure he’s dying to see if you’re alright.”

12-11-06, 11:15 PM
The two of them walked through the tunnel, Kira was telling him how afraid she was that they had killed him and that they would leave her trapped down here. Then Solomon filled her in on his side of the story, everything from the fight with the pirates to his technique for locating her. She thought it was a particularly interesting ability, and made a remark that this would make a great story to tell her grandkids one day. Solomon merely laughed, and the two of them walked on.

When they found him, Arne was back on his feet and slowly making his way back to the exit. He was so relieved to see them both, to the point where he nearly cried. Kira ran out and threw her arms around him, and he did the same. Solomon stood back in the distance and held the torch so they could see one another. Yet he was suddenly surprised to see Arne lurch towards him, shouting at him with great joyful tears. He gave him a great swat on the back, while Kira simply laughed. Solomon smiled a little shyly, and merely scratched the back of his neck.

“Just do what I can.” He said to them.

The three of them returned to the old Inn. The sounds of the storm could still be heard overtop of them, it had all happened so fast. The doorway lay open and the rainwater built up on the floor, the footprints of a horde of people feeling decorated the mud just outside. The bookcase has been rolled over, and the pirates Solomon had trapped under it, and the man he flung over the bar were all gone. They probably stayed there, not wanting to risk the maze on their own, waiting for their crew to return with the good news. They must have been in for a real surprise. What a sight it must have been to see them all running away from a ghost that wasn‘t even real.

Arne couldn’t resist telling his brothers and parents right away. His wounds seemed to be nothing to him anymore, and he simply threw on his coat and boots and told them he’d be back in fifteen minutes. Kira put up a bit of a fuss, but after checking his wounds she ‘allowed’ him to go, and waved goodbye to him as he slipped out the door. The thunder from the aging storm rolled over them once again, shaking low and heavy upon the little wooden Inn.

Solomon turned his eyes towards the room he had ruined. Fortunately they had more than enough money to fix it up now. In retrospect they probably had enough money to buy Radasanth. How lucky the two of them must feel now that the threat was over and the treasure was theirs. Yet now that all was well, and Kira and Arne had their fortune to distribute, it was time for him to go. He was no longer needed in this place. He was best to carry on, and wander off to the next place in the world that might have destiny waiting for him, although he hadn’t found it here, he had managed to avoid the questions for just a few moments in time.

He turned and stared for the stairs, going back to retrieve his belongings from his room. As though she had read his mind, Kira called to him and stopped him from going on.

“You’re not leaving already are you?” She said to him, her face in a perplexed smile.

“Of course.” He said. “I’m not needed around here anymore. You two are about to be pretty busy I can imagine.” He turned back around and continued to the stairs. He didn’t want to look at her any longer to be honest. The more he did the more he began to remember what he had been feeling all through this night. It was over now, she was safe. There was no drive to save her, and he was too afraid he knew that that drive was to even spend another moment there.

Although, he didn’t even get one full foot on the step before his hand had been taken from his side. He whipped his head around, as though his enemies had caught up to him. He stared at her in disbelief, but she only looked curiously back at him, hold his hand firmly in her own. Her hair dangled about her face, and her eyes only looked into his for a moment before they had to turn away., but even then they could not stay off of him for too long.

“Kira…” Solomon said, his breath becoming frantic, and all those things he had thought he felt fought their way back into his mind. “Kira, I’ve got to go. I’ve got to find… things. I can’t stay here.”

“I don’t want you to stay.” She said to him. “But I want to come with you.”

12-11-06, 11:16 PM
“You wouldn’t understand Kira. You can’t. It’s not right.” Solomon protested.

“Solomon.” She looked up at him, her green eyes keeping him from loosing his mind completely. Before he could deny it, and that made fighting the feelings a lot easier, but now that she held it, it was virtuously impossible to stop them from coming.

“All I’ve ever wanted to do was see the world, but I never felt comfortable with my abilities-”

“What are you talking about?” Solomon said, still denying everything that happened. “It was you who did all that-”

“It’s because I had you with me! I wasn’t afraid!” Kira said to him, holding his hand so very tightly, and running her thumb along its back. His body trembled, he knew he had to get his hand away from her, but he could bring himself to do it. It just felt so nice to him. He looked back into her eyes, and as he did he began to stop his twitching and sputtering. For in her eyes he felt the words long before she said them.

“I love you Solomon.” She said to him. The words lingered in the air, and whole Inn suddenly felt very quiet. “And I want to come with you on your journey.” She looked on at him, her eyes emotional but not crying. Her freckled cheeks couldn’t help themselves from smiling happily at him. Somehow, in a way he could not understand, he really did mean something to her.

He was lost in the waiting eyes, and the joyful lips. She was glad to have told him this, she was happy about the way he made her feel. She actually felt these feelings for him, the same ones he had been hiding from himself she showed him freely. How did this happen? What did he do?

“I… I…” Solomon searched his soul for words, all these protests, all these great reasons he once had, they all tried to come out at once, none of them bearing their power any more.

“Let me help.” She smiled to him. Kira walked in closer to him, pulled him down off the step and brought her lips to his. For the first time in his life Solomon felt the kiss of a woman, her lips gave away against his own. They were warm and they were soft. She held her body against his and without even realizing it, he embraced her. His heart quivered inside of him. What was this feeling? He never wanted to let her go! It didn’t take him a single thought after to realize what was happening. He was in love with her. He had been since she had made him smile. What about his fears? What about everything he needed to be and do in this life? It all seemed to fade away, the thoughts that once screamed he now silence. Still holding her body closer to his own, he pulled back from her kiss, the words he had been fighting were now ready for her to hear.

“I love you too Kira.” Solomon confessed. The moment he did, he smiled at her. Not from embarrassment, not because he felt humour, and not just to be polite, but because he actually felt like everything was right. For the first time since he had left his father’s little cabin, he actually felt that everything was right in his world. It might not have seemed like much, but he had what he had been looking for those many years of isolation and wandering. Belonging. He had a place in this world, and it was with her. Her arms were there for him, and they would wander the land and grow with one another.

“I love you.” He said to her again, smiling as though he had been born again. This time he brought her towards him, and she embraced his kiss. They held close for one moment longer, savouring the moment to it’s very last.

12-11-06, 11:17 PM
“Let’s leave tonight!” Kira said to him. “Right after Arne gets back, we’ll let them take the treasure, and we’ll find our next-” Kira didn’t get to finish her sentence. As a matter of fact, she never even got to go on her first adventure. Solomon stood there, looking into her dazzling little face, and into the eyes as they looked wildly into his. There was a single sound that tore it all apart. A loud clapping, like a short and sudden thunder. Her eyes grew wide as the force came over her, and she stumbled to the side. Her hand slipped out of his, and she fell over onto the ground, passing by his eyes in slow motion, burning every second of it into his mind. Her young body tumbled onto the ground, and the little spill of blood that came from her temple began to dance along the cracks of the floor. She was silent, and she smiled no more.

“….no…” Solomon whispered, looking down at Kira. “NO!” He fell to his knees and held her hand in his. It had all happened so suddenly, it couldn’t be real! She was talking to him, and then it had just happened. No, this couldn’t be. It couldn’t be, it had to be an awful trick of his mind, trying one last time to stop him from falling in love.

“Sorry about that bloke.” Buckthorn said, taking the moment to reload his pistol. He stood just on the landing of the stairwell, holding his freshly loaded gun towards Solomon. “The captain may be terrified of ghosts, but I know better. If he’s going to abandon a ten month journey just because of some tick. Serves him right that I take the plunder. You’re going to help me take a few of those chests for myself before that oaf of hers gets back. Not only will I grant you your life, but I’ll probably let you keep some of the money for yourself.”

Solomon was speechless. His eyes were clenched shut, and he trembled all over his body. He held her hand firmly, hoping, begging, and wishing with all his power that she wasn’t dead. Her face had fallen limp, and her playful green eyes looked up at him but they had nothing beyond them. They would no longer make his heart skip a beat, and they would no longer make him smile.

It was true, she was gone. She had been shot dead when all was well in the world. Buckthorn wasn’t one to fall for curses. He knew just by the look of them when he ran by that they were up to something. The pirates had left him behind without even noticing him, and all he had to do was wait until the time was right.

“Oh, come on now. Didn’t seem to me like you really even knew each other.” Buckthorn said. “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot you first and took her home with me!” He took a moment to smirk. Solomon looked towards him, moving his head so slow and heavily it felt like trying to close a rusty gate. His quivering eyes, running to the brims with tears burned a hole in the head of Buckthorn. The feelings that he knew very well billowed up inside of him now, yet the pirate simply gave him a mocking grin and shook his head.

“I’ll give you to the count of thee.” Buckthorn said. He reaffirmed his pistol on Solomon, stepping to the bottom of the stairs so he didn’t try and run away. He took in an impatient breath, about to say the word ‘one’, but Solomon wouldn’t even give him the chance.

His rage could no longer be contained, and his voice screamed, ripping his throat apart as the loathing words poured out his mouth. He leaped at Buckthorn, the bullet firing off into the floor as Solomon pushed him to the ground. He landed on top of him, his speed greater than it had ever been before. His eyes burning with hatred he smashed his fists into the man, over and over again. Buckthorn hollered with each blow, and pulled out his dagger, plunging it into Solomon’s stomach. He reared back with the pain, but there was nothing this man could do to add to what he already felt. Solomon stood up, holding the man by the neck with the dagger still in his stomach. Buckthorn coughed and sputtered, he kicked at Solomon as hard at he could, but he was not going to let him go.

Solomon pulled his fist back, his breath throttling against his teeth like a stallion kicking against it’s fence. Buckthorn could to nothing to prevent the final blow, all he could so was dangle there, squirming and fighting for his life as his fist crashed into the face of Buckthorn.

“Curse YOU!” Solomon roared, his balled furry sending the man’s head back, breaking the angles it was suppose to go. His neck broke in the palm of his hand, and his fighting body fell limp and lifeless. The murderous pirate was dead.

Solomon began to cry. Too many things came into his head all at once. What had he done? Why didn’t he leave when he had the chance? Why didn’t he kill those infernal men the moment they set foot in this place. Why? Why had this happened? What had he done to Kira?

He looked over to her once again, but then he could take no more of it. He pulled the knife from his body, and without his top or boots he fled from the doorway and out into the pouring rain. He ran on, stumbling around and loosing his footing in the blotches of mud that littered the forest floor. The tears that ran down his face were overpowered by the rainstorm above him, and as the lightening flashed and the thunder rolled on over the land he remembered he had nowhere to go. He fell down to the ground in his agony and he cried out to the raging skies above him.

“WHY!” He hollered into the great darkness. “Please, please I beg of you. If you have any mercy in you at all! Just tell me why this happened? Why Kira? Why me?” He called out to the skies, and awaited an answer of any kind. There was nothing in the skies for him, nothing but the pelting rain that coated his body and left him shivering cold.

“This didn’t have to happen.” The words collected in his aching throat. It felt like it had swollen into lump, he could hardly speak anymore. His blurred eyes fell from the heavens, and his trembling could take no more of this. Softly and slowly he laid down in the mud, the ooze colleting over his wound and taking shape to his body. There in the rainstorm, layered in filth, Solomon wept softly for the loss of what he was just beginning to understand. For the loss of dear Kira, who had trusted him with her life. She was now dead because of this. Why did life slip so loosely through his fingertips. Why was he the man he was?

Although he asked the questions, and wept all through the night. No answer ever came to him. Once more, Solomon was left alone in the great and terrifying world.


12-11-06, 11:18 PM

Solomon passed out in the forest and was not found until midmorning the next day. The mud he had fallen into slowed his bleeding, but he did have a violent fever. He was found by one of the hunters in the nearby village, and was taken by horseback to Radasanth where he finally awoke five days later. Unfortunately after awaking he threw a great tantrum at the hospital and was thrown out into the streets. He spent one night in the slums, getting intoxicated and fighting with the other drifters. When he awoke the next morning he had gotten a hold of his raging emotions, and he escaped back to his cabin in Salvar where he could deal with the pain in complete solitude.

12-22-06, 06:25 PM

Continuity: - 7 It’s an interesting storyline, very down to earth in the way that it makes the characters real and believable, not that the characters aren’t already real and believable. What I mean is this is a fantasy board and you’ll always find threads with characters slaying random monsters, this is more character development driven and character orientated, it’s more about the life than the actions and it is well written. There are spots within the thread itself, as you said, that are lacking where your writing becomes lazy and I found it rather shocking to go from posts written rather well to something you clearly did not work on as hard or just did not have the motivation for. In times like that it’s best to maybe not post at all and just give your mind some time to think about it, that way the posts don’t lose something.

The part with the pirates was interesting, been there, done that, but it didn’t seem clichéd or even over done. Your character wasn’t a powerhouse who could kill them all with a flick of his finger; he acted like a mortal man in a life and death situation.

There was one inconsistency that really got me though, when Solomon is surrounded, with your wording you made it seem like only the Captain, Buckthorn, Kira and Arne went into the Cellar, yet when Solomon went down there he’s suddenly surrounded by pirates. Watch out for things like that as they are confusing to the reader and will throw them out of the story as they backtrack to read again.

Setting: - 7.5 The setting was beautifully and richly described throughout the thread. It was also described in a way that didn’t throw the entire setting at the reader. Instead of describing the tavern all at once you described it in segments, as well as the people. Kira for example, you described her curious green eyes as Solomon looked up at her, her dirty blonde ponytail as she walked away and her shoes which made barely a sound. It was well written and slowly gave the reader the surroundings, which I found drew the reader in all the more because it wasn’t dumped on them. Towards the end of the thread I found you either became bored with the quest or lazy in your own writing, the description of things slackened and it lost something there.

Pacing: - 7 You made mention of making your solo’s too long yet you think this one was too short. All in all I thought it was paced rather well. Kira and Solomon falling in love is something the reader knows is going to happen. There is no guessing work, the reader knows from the beginning of her introduction basically. The only thing that’s quick about it is how fast they fall in love. That’s not unusual for quests when you’re trying to get some story in, in an allotted time. My suggestion for this is to jump into the quest part way through Solomon’s stay at the Inn so that he’s already had time to talk to and get to know Kira, that way the love he suddenly feels isn’t so sudden.


Dialogue: - 8 The dialogue was wonderful! Every character sounded different and had their own pace to their own words; even the pirates themselves had personality in their speech. Solomon and Kira stood out greatly in this section, their times of dialogue were wonderfully cheerful and emotional, I caught myself smiling and laughing a few times, especially when Kira made that double of Solomon.

Actions: - 8 The character actions were well done and lined up well with the character personalities. I especially liked Solomon’s actions during battle. Instead of being a headstrong character that manages to kill or dispose of multiple pirates within the span of a few minutes, he has to use his wits. This, coupled with everything else you do that makes the quest more realistic just adds another dimension to it, reminding the reader that though this is fantasy the characters are mortal too and can easily die. I think as writers sometimes we put our characters into impossible situations and get them out too easily; it’s nice to see someone treating it more realistically.

Persona: - 7.5 The personalities came out really well in the characters, helped along by their dialogue and of course their actions. I especially liked the character of Kira; she was naïve yet strong and determined. If you hadn’t of killed her—which I am upset you did—I could have actually seen her surviving in the rough world of Althanas perhaps as an NPC for your character. Most of their emotions were well portrayed as well, I found Solomon’s response to Kira being killed a little lacking, it was emotional but it didn’t grab me like some death scenes have throughout the threads I’ve read. Maybe it was because I had a feeling she was going to die right in the beginning of the thread and Solomon’s response to her death was a little wooden. Death scenes are really hard to write, either there’s too much emotion or too little.

Writing Style

Mechanics: - 7 There were a few spelling mistakes, mostly just forgotten letters and very few grammatical errors. The thing you tended to do the most was mix up words, like vein instead of vain, through instead of thought and one I found particularly cute three instead of tree. I’ve never seen someone misspell tree like that before. Just watch out for those, no one’s perfect, don’t always trust spell check and read over your posts, though I’m sure you already do that.

Technique: - 6 Your writing style is very nice and throughout the beginning of this thread it felt like I was reading a book, the first paragraph needed some work though. Asking questions can be a very powerful medium to get things across to the reader, however if you ask too many—especially at once—the meaning in lost and the reader grows tired with it.

Clarity: - 6 Your posts were usually very clear and precise on what exactly was happening, especially your fighting sequences which are not the easiest things to write. You kept them clear, there was however that confusing point about how many pirates actually went down to the cellar with Kira and Arne, it seems like such a small thing but it changes so much of the following storyline.

Wild Card: - 7 An overall good quest, though you were worried about how long or short it was I found it fine. I’m sure you could have made it much longer but keep in mind that if it isn’t pertinent to the story it should be left out.

Total: 71


Solomon receives 2000 experience and 250 GP!

Cyrus the virus
12-23-06, 02:51 PM
EXP added!