View Full Version : And your name is...? ((greeting thread))

12-12-06, 02:08 PM
This is just a thread for newcomers who want to meet friends, aquaintences or maybe soul mates. Just post here!

The swordsman wondered what it was like to get drunk. His demon blood prevented him from entering such a random, chaotic state, but as the demon swordsman watched the party-goers swagger in such fashion, he felt a pulling at his heart strings.

Some times he wished he had never been born a demon. He was turned against, biased against, attacked, all because of the fact that he existed. Was simply existing a crime?

Most of the time, however, he feigned simple annoyance or indifference to this fact, but it really hurt him inside that he could never be like everyone else. Sometimes he wished he had a companion, someone to watch his back with. It would be nice, he thought to himself wryly, just to have a friend.

And so the swordsman sat alone in a roomful of people in the Peaceful Promenade.

12-13-06, 09:30 PM
"You, demon," greeted Alayna roughly to the man. She sat opposite him at a table by herself. Being there for quite awhile it would surprise many to know that not a drop of liqueor had passed her lips. Grey eyes stared levelly at the face of the demon man, and her face was decidedly expressionless, revealing no emotions other than neutrality in the face of a creature most feared or loathed.

Having traveled quite a ways from her current place of residence on no particular errand but to see the world and get up to some mischeivous adventure, Alayna knew it was high time to make some friends in the world and force her introverted self into society, demon or no.

"My name is Alayna," she said more kindly.

12-14-06, 11:33 AM
"You, demon." The elf said to him in a manner befitting her countenance. She had been sitting at a table by herself but by her expression it merely looked like she had wanted to be left alone. Ifrit had obliged that, but now...

He wasn't up for a fight because of his heritage, and was about to say so when the elf said, "My name is Alayna." in a softer tone.

The demon arched a white eyebrow. What was up with this elf? Whatever. He was feeling a little lonely anyways, and a belligerent elf sometimes wasn't a bad thing.

"My name...my name is Ifrit Obsidian, Captain of the Seventh Company. It is nice to meet your aquaintence, miss Alayna." He smiled and showed his fangs a bit. "How'd you know I was a demon?"

12-14-06, 12:59 PM
Gala strolled in to the fine drinking establishment, thinking that it was perhaps a resting area. Little did she know, she was in for a large surprise. Where she came from, people consumed alcohol only for ceremonial purposes, not for entertainment. She flipped her blue hair behind her shoulder, and walked straight in. Her nostrils flared, this place reeked--of sweat, of booze, and of stale food. She knitted her eyebrows, and looked around. Of all the many people busy eating and drinking in the establishment, there were two who weren't.

She bit the inside of her lip. She of course had picked up common rather easily, as it was faily simple compared to the elven she had spoken as a child. Her indecision wasn't with her speaking abilities, but with her conversating abilities. Back in her village, the other children revered her, and she didn't let anyone push her around, but these people were new. She pulled her shoulders back, and raised her chin. What are these people to me, anyway? she thought.

She walked over to the pair, a rather tall swordsman who perhaps had a bit of demon in him by the looks of it, and another female elf with obsidian hair. Gala was unsure of how one greets a demon, so she decided to speak to the elf, but in elvish or common? She supposed it would be rude to the demon-man if he didn't speak elvish, and it would probably be better not to offend anyone.

She waved at them, and spoke to the black-haired elf.

"Hi, I'm Gala."

Good going, now what else do you say? she cringed internally.

"(er...) How are you?"

12-14-06, 02:35 PM
"You have that certain look about you," responded Alayna politely, her mouth curving upward into a brief smile, glancing at the man's dark skin and crimson eyes. "Forgive me for my brash greeting earlier. We are all entitled to bad days every so often, wouldn't you say?" Then she laughed softly, very melodic sound in all the cacophony that was the apparently misnamed Peaceful Promenade.

Just then another figure approached before either Alayna or the demon could reply. It was an elven woman, Alayna saw, and looking quite out of place in the ruckus of the inn.

"Welcome, Gala," said Alayna with a nod of her head. "I am quite fine myself though I cannot speak for our friend here. He seems a bit down."

Then Alayna suddenly grinned. "Join us!" she invited, pulling another chair next to her table with a scrape of wood on wood. Her face was nothing but friendliness now. All her past troubles were forgotten in the face of companionship, a thing which Alayna had sorely forsaken for the last few months and missed terribly.

12-15-06, 06:40 AM
Another elf!? Suddenly Ifrit felt sorrounded by elven woman, and wondered what his fiance' would say if she could see him now. He coughed awkwardly in his throat, and said, "Well...hello, Gala. What brought you to our table?"

It wasn't that they weren't beautiful - both woman had striking, elven features that, in any other case, he thought were very attractive. But he still felt uncomfortable at that fact, and knew that no elf or other being would find him attractive.

No one other than Shiva.

12-15-06, 11:03 AM
"Join us!" the elf-woman (who was apparently called Alayna by the way the demon-man (who introduced himself as Ifrit Obsidian, Captain of the Seventh Company) addressed her) grinned at her.

She smiled, at ease now, and lowered herself into the chair. She turned behind her and grabbed the back of the chair, which had several dents and splinterings in it from many a-fight, and turned. ::crrrrrrick:: She did it the other way. ::crick:: She faced forward, and moved her shoulders from side to side vertically. Much, much better.

"What brought you to our table?" the demon-man inquired, with what could almost be perceived as an air of distaste.

She leaned forward and put her elbows on the smooth, wooden table, smoothed down by years of service to the Peaceful Promenade, and put her face in her hands. Her emerald eyes gazed at the demon-man's red ones. Why would he feel the need to rub a title in their faces? Perhaps he feels he has no other way to impress upon people that he is an important person who((m?)) other people like? ....but maybe in doing that, he really didn't make too many friends that way. He's too distant. She smiled.

"Well," she began, "you're the only two sans any sort of alcoholic beverage in this whole establishment, and I thought I'd drop by and say hello.... if that's ok with you, that is." She moved her eye contact to the elf-woman and arched her eyebrow in order to imply that if either of them didn't want her here, she didn't plan on leaving.

"Does this place have anything good to eat? Everything in here smells stale..." she trailed off. The sound of someone puking could be distinctly heard in the background.

12-15-06, 11:26 AM
Ifrit watched the elfin woman Gala make herself comfortable at the table, and his eyes met hers. She stared into them for a while, and the demon knew she was judging his soul. He wanted to break contact, as her green eyes reminded him of alot of things, but still he held her gaze until she smiled at him, like a mother consoling a child. He wasn't offended though. When she began speaking it had a sort of arrogant feeling to it, like it didn't matter what they said, cause it wouldn't change a thing, but he didn't mind. It was nice just having some company once in a while.

Gala inquired about food just as a retching sound was made in the backround. Perfect timing. He thought to himself. But she's right - everything does smell of liquor or stale food. "I don't know about something to eat, but I do know that this tavern has some good drinks." He smiled slightly and revealed a hint of his ivory fangs. "Does anybody want anything?" He asked as he beckoned a bored waitress over with a claw.

12-15-06, 03:08 PM
Alayna eyed the approaching waitress with a keen eye. "I think I shall pass," she declared, turning her critical gaze over the rest of the establishment's patrons. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a reeling man staggering to his feet, wiping at his mouth absently. Alayna shuddered.

"Honestly, it's so hard to find a decent meal away from home," she commented dryly. "I merely stopped here myself to relieve myself of the boredom of traveling."

She gazed at her two companions, who were so different. We're a motley crew, to be sure, she thought to herself wryly. "What sorts of harrowing quests have brought you two to this little out of the way village?" she inquired with genuine curiosity.

12-16-06, 10:29 AM
Her nostrils flared. Did she want anything? She thought not. "No, thank you though for the offer." she quipped. The demon-man was, in fact, a demon. Not only did he have claws, but his teeth were also pointier than most. She wondered about treating him to a manicure, but then decided that he would probably take it the wrong way.

The waitress seemed as if she'd rather be a rallying, partying drunk than getting other people drunk. Her dusky brown eyes lacked a certain sense of oomph. her uniform had the tell-tale traces of stains that didn't get washed out early enough, and weren't ironed--this was someone who didn't much care for her job. She didn't make anyone want to beckon her over for more drink, that was for sure. Maybe this is a family-run joint....

She wondered how clean the water would be, but decided to not even get a glass. Better safe than sorry when it comes to offending ones senses was always a good motto to live by she decided.

What had brought her here, indeed? Hmm... "Well, other than an over-powering sense of boredom, I suppose I thought it might be nice to get in from the rain. And I was hungry, but this place is obviously not patronized for its food."

12-18-06, 01:31 PM
Gala looked at his long claws with what seemed to Ifrit to be disgust. Well, it wasn't to be helped; he had often looked at them himself with the same look. Still, it bothered him that other people noticed.

Both elves refused his offer for a drink, and he didn't blame them one bit. I wouldn't get anything here to drink, that's for sure. The Peaceful Promenade, although clean most of the time, was filled with such filth tonight that he wouldn't have been more surprised to see fungus creatures coming out of the walls.

Alayna asked abruptly what had brought him and the other elf here, and the demon was caught off guard. He had no real reason why he was here...he had just wandered into the tavern out of boredom and had seated himself at this table. Gala had bassically said the same thing, but also that she had wanted to get out of the rain.

As soon as she said rain, something flashed in between Ifrit's aura and his conciousness. Images began relaying themselves in his head...

A lone figure. A sharp, long blade. Bodies leaking blood on the earthen ground. Rain...lots of rain. There was also steam. Why would there be steam?

Another figure, this one hooded. It hisses, "Skin brother. Stay away!"
The other figure gestures menacingly. "You stay away, Mriswith. I know you now...I know what you did!"

All is black.

Ifrit found himself on the floor. I must've fallen... and got up hurridly, brushing off his long red cloak. What was that?

As he got to his feet he noticed the two elven woman and the rest of the customers staring at him in alarm. "I'm fine..." he muttered, and returned to his seat by the table. He turned to Gala and said in a tone that warned her not to bring up what had just happened, "So...you were saying?"

01-16-07, 11:28 PM
Karuka looked around this 'promenade,' hoping that she'd see her new friend approaching from whatever errand he had decided to run.

Mayhap 'ee grew awearied o' mi company...after all, 'tisnae easy fer him t' understan' me...'spose I do ha' a funny way o' talkin', roun' these parts.

The skinny red-head sighed, brushing a wisp of hair out of her face. "T'would be a pity," she finally muttered aloud to herself. "I've ne'er ha' a frien' afore 'im."

She sighed, then looked around once more. There seemed to be plenty of places where one could sit and be merry for only a small price...and while Karuka was fairly certain she didn't have the right kind of money, maybe they'd be willing to trade a drink or two for a merry tune or two from the Emerald Isle. And she was Irish, she could hold her liquor well enough.

"But which o' these fine establishments would be th' best un, I wonder?"

A honey-brown hand slipped a shining dark pendant off of a slender neck.

"Tell me where I'm 'sposed t' go."

The pendant held still for one moment, then another, before swinging weakly in the direction of the tavern where the two elves and the demon were meeting.

As she entered, she grinned. "Well, 'tis a right regular party in here!"

Unfortunately...most of the patrons in this bar were already far too gone to enjoy a jig...it might even incite a riot at this stage.

Karuka sighed. Oh well. 'Twas none th' worse.

A loud THUNK of someone falling over caught Karuka's attention. She noted the two pointed eared beings that were at his table, and noted the lack of flagons and mugs on the table.

"I' they arenae drinkin'..." she muttered, and she (unlike the inebriated denizens of the bar), walked on over, not arriving in time to hear this other mutter to the Elves -- Odin's EYE, real Elves! -- that he was fine.

He dinna be somethin' normal...I think he be wha' those pesky Catholics call t' be a demon...oh strange new world tha' ha' such people in i'!

Yes, indeed, if anyone asked her to spin yarns from her world, they'd get some butchered versions. But mayhap the Bard wasn't known in these parts...in this strange new world.

"Hallo," she said. Her voice had a light, laughing lilt, and she smiled pleasantly. "Y' took quite a spill there. Are y' all right?"

She looked around at the other two, as well as the demon she had just addressed.

"'S mise Karuka..." here she trailed off and laughed at her own slip into her native tongue. "Tha' is t' say...I am Karuka an' 'tis a right merry pleasure t' meetcha all."

She must have looked quite a sight to the regal Elves and the battle-toughened demon. Her clothes, once white, were tattered and faded grey with dirt rubbed in irreparably. Her dark skin showed at a noticable midriff gap and she had a small belly-button ring in the Indian style. Her red hair was pulled back, otherwise it would have straggled all over the place, and she had dirt on her from her long and (although she was loath to admit it) weary travels, yet her smile still shone radiantly and her blue eyes sparkled with cheer.

If this isn't an open to all thread, please just ignore me, other than that, hi!

01-30-07, 01:56 PM
The woman had appeared out of nowhere. Although her accent was different and her appearence...well to say the least was not as well as it should have been, her concern for the demon and her merry manner touched Ifrit. Introductions were in order.

"I am Ifrit Obsidian, Ms. Karuka..." he said as he finnaly regained his balance. "...and by the way, what type of language were you speaking? It wasn't any that I know."

Ifrit spead his arm like a curtain and waved it to his other two companions, only to find one of them missing. Where is Alayna? he wondered silently, and as he gave Gala a look she returned him one that said she did not know where the other elfin woman had dissapeared to either. Shrugging silently, he addressed the newcomer again. "And this is my companion Galadra."

01-30-07, 02:08 PM
"Hallo, Galadra," said Karuka in response to the Elf at the table, before turning to answer Ifrit again.

"I slipped back inta Gaelic fer jus' a wee bit. English isnae mi ain tongue, an' 'tis quite new, bein' here. Well, dinna let me bother y', since y' seem t' be jus' fine. 'Tis jus' a wee bit uncommon t' see a sober man collapse in a bar like tha'."

She looked down at her clothes, watching the others scrutinize her. "I jus' stopped in t' see what th' local establishments are like here...I've been travellin' fer ay a long time."

The slender red-head took a step back, as though unsure if she should stay or leave. "'Tis good t' make yer aquaintence, th' both o' y'."

02-03-07, 09:25 AM
It had been such a long day and her poor muscles couldn’t take it anymore. She was glad to be out of her normal routine for even just a short while. And though she loved her ‘career’, it tended to get exhausting at times. She had to run from her home for a bit, but it was nothing new. In about a weeks time she could return and they would have moved on. She opened the door to the tavern which apparently named the Peaceful Promenade. She wondered if the name held any merit because it was time for some peace tonight, and maybe some small pleasure.

She didn’t walk far into the establishment automatically judging the condition of the place by merely smelling it. It didn’t seem to incredibly bad. She hadn’t yet changed from her traveling leathers but they still served a little purpose. She blew a loose strand of her raven black hair from her face before walking towards the bar.

“I’d like something to drink…” She started in her demanding voice. She immediately flashed a smile to soften her tone. She didn’t mean to sound so…crude; all the more reason why she needed a drink. “And make it as strong as you can.” She said in a softer, sweeter voice.

“Pardon, my lady,” The bartender started as he cloth dried some mugs. “But there is an age policy to buying drinks.” He continued as he put down the cloth.

“Well, my name is Dineia and I assure you that I am of age.” She started as she pulled back her hair to reveal the presence of her elvish blood. Her pointed ears weren’t as drastic as a true elf but it was still present. “My mom worked at a brothel, what can I say?” She joked hoping he would get the picture. She looked mostly human but if someone really were to investigate her features they would definitely find the elvish blood.

“I’m sorry miss,” He said as he went to fix her a drink. Dineia smiled and quickly adjusted the leather corset which was threatening to slide down to a dangerous level. She then turned to look for something that would prove entertaining. Scanning the tavern she found them in the corner; two elves, a very ragged looking human and something else, definitely an interesting bunch.

“Here you go miss,” the bartender said handing her a frothing mug. The smell was strong which sent chills of excitement running down her spine. This would most definitely take her past troubles from her mind. Slowly she started to the interesting crew in the corner.

“Hello!” She said with a wide smile. She spoke in the common tongue, but if she had to she could easily revert to elvish.

((OOC: pardon if I am not allowed, I will delete the post if it is closed))

02-08-07, 12:05 PM
(( Thread is not closed. Is open to all. Pardon for this post all, but I am awaiting for Galadra to post.))

02-19-07, 09:26 PM
A man wearing, outlandish clothing stepped into the bar, a sword across his back with a cape swooshing across his back, an emblem of the Elfin lords across his back. The man had a look about him that made him seem unaware of his surroundings, and almost like he was slightly drunk. But in all reality, his blue eyes surveyed everything, and the fact that he was staring at another Demon being was impressive.

"So," said Harbringer, pointing a finger at the demon "I guess I'm not the only Demon on the earth anymore, and I thought after the Fall, that the Extermination had taken care of them."

Looking around to the others, Harbringer nodded, "Greetings to ya'll," he said in a slight drawl, "I am Sir Lord Harbringer Estaros, but you may call me Harbringer."

Looking around, he pulled up a seat and sat down, his sword now by his side.

04-09-07, 09:32 AM
I walked in to the dingy tavern right as the rain was starting to let up. Soaked, I had to stop, my wings wouldnt carry me any farther. The tavern looked as though it had been through hundreds of fights. Many drunk men, women and other beings sat arround the bar. The most creative bunch sitting together was a table where two demons and two elves sat and where talking.

There is no possible way I am sitting with demons, but then again, I have been on earth long enough. Demons are starting to be a regular thing here, plus I dont really feel like fighting with anything or anyone.

"Greetings, may I sit with you all?"

06-05-07, 12:07 AM
Harbringer looked up and noticed the newcomer. Hmm. A guy with enough reason not to be not asking questions. he was another of the fallen, but not on demonside, more on angelic side.

"Greetings," said Harbringer to the winged one, "I am Sir Lord Harbringer Estaros, last of the fallen, but now a memeber of the force that is here on earth to wipe out the remnants that fell during the first war, call me Harbringer, for I was the original God of War."

Blood Dancer
08-20-07, 03:16 AM
Examining the bar from the front he declined going in, but remember seeing an angel looking guy walking in not too long ago the blood dancer changed his mind and allowed his little black bat, Dark Star, to sit on his covered shoulder. He wondered in heading straight for the bar and haled for a keep.

"How may i help you?" the bar keeps exclaimed
"2 please, one of your strongest in a glass and a weak one of a dish for my little friend."

The bar keep looked surprised, this elfish man was offering ale to his pet bat?
The keep left that aside and went on getting the 2 ale's,
"How much do i owe you?" the hooded man asked
"Don’t worry it's on the house, don't seem to many getting their pets drunk around these parts," the bar keep said with a look of pleasure on his face

As the man grabbed his ale's, he looked for a place to sit. There a table with a olderish human sleeping on its chair, the hooded man walked over to it and move the table about 3 feet away from the sleeping old human and sat down on a chair he pulled up. Letting his bat have a drink of the weak ale and taking a sip of his own, he couldn't help but over hear a odd group talking, and there that angel looking man was talking to what seems some demons, elves and a human or two.
He wondered over with his ale in his hand and continued

"I am sorry but i couldn't help to hear your a angel?" continuing on "no to be rude or anything but would u lot mind if i grab a chair so myself and my little friend here have some other to drink with?"

"By the way i am Hellion Von Ulf, known as blood dancer in most parts though" the hooded man imposed happily

09-09-07, 06:58 AM
Affra stepped lightly into the bar, bumping her head on a hanging lantern in the process. She was thirsty after a long day, but everyone already in the bar looked so menacing and serious. "Should I go and try to find another bar, or stay here?" she thought. "I heard that this place was the best in town, but I feel so out of place" she thought.
Affra was about to leave when one of bar patrons stood up. Affra then realized she was the tallest one here. Feeling slightly more confident, Affra sat down at one of the smaller tables and ordered, since she had never drank actual ale before and wasn't about to try it, (Alchohol does terrible things to Trolls, haven't you seen any of those poor drunks under bridges?) the only other thing on the menu, coffee.

06-02-09, 03:52 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.