View Full Version : The Rise of The Illicit Entrepreneurs

Khariss Sevrath
12-13-06, 01:05 AM
Khariss Sevrath, leader of the Illicit Entrepreneurs, strode confidently into the dimly-lit smithy. Thin wisps of smoke, along with loud clanks of metal on metal, emitted from the back room. He couldn’t prevent the triumphant smile from showing on his face as he looked the shopkeeper directly in the eye.

This time, his plan was foolproof. It was nearly impossible to screw this scheme up.

Racks of weapons and armor littered the store, holding large arrays of metal weapons, tools, and armor. The muscular, bearded man paid them no heed; he wanted to get his info straight from the source.

“Good evening,” Khariss began with a friendly smile. He was going to get his way, so he could afford to be courteous. “D’you mind if I ask you a question?”

The dwarven storeowner smiled back. “Sure, what can I do ya fer?” His own demeanor matched Khariss’s façade. It could be assumed that many of the short man’s customers were less than civil. The scheming merchant exulted inwardly. That would make this job that much easier.

“Can you tell me what your most popular merchandise is?” The question was phrased carefully.

Well that’d be weapons, o’ course,” he answered immediately. “We’re not far from the Citadel, so folks come here a lot to stock up fer the fights. Is that what ya wanna know?”

The expression on Khariss’s face didn’t change as he nodded. It was exactly as he had been told; the dwarf’s name was Zurig, and he was reputed to be the best smith in all of Corone. As such, he was given first pick of incoming shipments of metal from the mines of the Jagged Mountains. His equipment was also sold in a vast number of markets all across Althanas. There was nobody better to help him hatch his plan.

“Precisely. One more thing: how widely-distributed is your work?” The question was just as rehearsed as the first.

“It’s sold in shops ‘most anywhere I know of. Any shop in any major city probably sells work by me or me apprentices.”


“Excellent. From now on, I will be in charge of everything that happens in this shop. All aspects of this shop’s finance will be run as I dictate. Congratulations… Zurig, is it?... you now work for the Illicit Entrepreneurs.” His speech was bold, clear. The big dwarf could have no doubts about his intentions.

Slowly, the enormity of the event dawned on Zurig. The pleasant smile changed to shock, then outrage. “Y’ can’t do that! I won’t… you can’t… why, you little punk! I’ll break you in half!” The last sentence was said with a snarl as the strong man climbed over the counter to get at Khariss.

The businessman stood firm, same confident smile pasted to his face. He calmly raised his fingers to his lips and blew a loud, shrill whistle. At the signal, ten big, armor-clad men marched into the store and placed themselves between Khariss and the irate shopkeeper, swords in hands. And there were plenty more where they came from.

“No, Zurig, you won’t,” the pleasant tone had dropped from his voice. Now, it dripped with ice. “You’ll continue to work in the forge, manufacturing weapons. Your weapons will continue to be sold across the world, but they will have a new name attached to them.” The smith growled irately, but stopped his advance. Angry as he was, the man wasn’t foolish enough to take on those odds. He helplessly glared beams of fire at Khariss. Had he a means to kill the cocky man, he would have done it without hesitation.

No OOC complaints will be acknowledged. Without IC intervention within this thread, it will be assumed that the takeover of the smithy was successful, and metal weapons will be immediately taxed in the bazaar. Be reminded that death in Radasanth is not subject to typical resurrection like it is in the Citadel.

12-18-06, 03:06 PM
Khariss Sevrath was not a hard man to track down, not with his growing notoriety of bringing in large groups of warriors to attempt to force his will on others. The white of her robe had become a light tan from the dusty streets. She had been given a tip by the vender a few blocks back that he had just walked by, heading down to Zurig’s.

She caught sight of him just before he entered the smithy and pulled out her pocket knife, unfolding the blade under the long sleeve of her robe. She lifted the hood on her robes to cover herself from immediate identification as she approached the open doorway.

She leaned against the wall and listened with more than just her mortal senses, she could hear them talking about how much of Zurig’s produce was sold in mass. Then the words came that she was waiting to hear, the dear Khariss forcing his will on a free man.

However just as she was reading to enter a loud whistle cut the air and ten armored men rushed in from around the side of the building. She hesitated for a moment, listening again.

There’s more mercs?

She shuffled slightly to the edge of the building, looking back down the ally from whence the ten mercenaries had come. Halfway down the ally she spied two more, one sitting on a crate smoking a cigarette, the other taking a piss behind a stack of boxes.

Well, this will do just fine, there’s only a dozen of them….

Moving back to the door she looked in, smiling when she saw Khariss with his back to her, and the ten dunderheaded mercs in front of him.

Now or never…

She stepped in silently, as the noise of falling hammers and steel muffled the sounds of her boots. she stood within inches of his back before lifting her right arm up, leveling the blade with his throat, her other hand standing on the handle of her sword.

“Khariss Servath,” she spoke from under her shadowed hood, “The oppression of free people will no longer be tolerated in the known world. Tell your men to drop their weapons, and leave slowly with their hands held high, or I cut your throat.”

She hoped that blood would not be spilled this day, and that Khariss could be taken to have justice dealt by the courts.

12-18-06, 05:06 PM
Everlast was sitting down on his perch where he usually sat to meditate during the day. When a man no older then Everlast came running towards him almost scared half to death. Everlast didn’t care the only thing that bothered him was when the man ran into him.

“Hey you who are you and watch where your going!” Everlast screamed as he got up and saw several men walk into the local shop here.

“Those men are here to kill me!” The man screamed as he got up and continued running.

“Idiot, hopefully you die in the most painful way.” The man said under his breath as he ran Everlast did not hear this.

“Well it has been a while since I have had a nice fight I guess I’ll give them a try.”

Everlast ran down the hill and climbed to the roof of the build the men had just entered. He stopped and looked in a window that was on the roof he could hear them talking, barely but he could.

“Khariss Servath, The oppression of free people will no longer be tolerated in the known world. Tell your men to drop their weapons, and leave slowly with their hands held high, or I cut your throat.” A female voice said

At this point all the men turned their eyes on her, this was Everlast’s Chance he could get in there. He took the chance and jumped in, bvroke the window and fell right onto two of the men’s heads knocking them too the ground. Everlast wasted no time and stabbed them both in the back of the neck.

“Now what’s going on I believe there’s something worth telling me going on here.” Everlast said as he rested his sword on his shoulders.

Zel Donovan
12-18-06, 10:26 PM
Zelos Donovan had been enjoying the sport of tossing rocks off of the roofs of various shops in Radasanth when he spotted an important-looking man and a group of a dozen warriors marching through the streets towards the nearby smithy. Looks like trouble, he thought. At least for the owner. Business for me.

He stood, pulling his black silken mask on over his silvery locks, leaving only a small amount of pale skin and his cold eyes visible underneath. Legs pumping, the ex-monk rushed across the rooftops, leaping from building to building with ease, until he reached the weaponshop, where he listened at one of the many chimneys as the man and his soldiers entered.

Over the roar of the hearth below, he heard a commotion. Threats. Pleading. More threats and the stamping of armored feet. Finally, he heard the breaking of glass, and he leapt down to the ground and through the shattered window that a large, sword-weilding man had just thrown himself through.

As he came down on the floor within, he adjusted his arc to spin into a powerful kick to the spine of one of the warriors. Bullseye!

"You'll owe me after this, shorty."

Zook Murnig
12-18-06, 10:45 PM
"Ouch!" exclaimed Caduceus as a rock struck him square in the crown of his head. The magician looked around quickly, trying to find the source, and not noticing the young man on the roof above him.

As he looked about, he spotted Khariss Sevrath hustling down the street, with several warriors in tow. Cade had heard about the stunt he had pulled in the Citadel not long ago, and was sure he was up to no good yet again. Especially with this entourage, he thought.

The robed man ducked into a nearby alley as the group passed, cloth trailing behind ever so slightly. As soon as they had gone, he darted after them. When he got to the shop they had gone into, a large smithy by the looks, a young elf was entering quietly, shortly followed, albeit through the window, by a brutish looking man and a dark figure. Blows sounded within, and Caduceus slammed open the wooden door, drawing very quickly upon the Fire element surrounding him in the workshop, sending it through his arms into a single explosive ball of fire that flew across the room towards one of the soldiers. As he did this, he shouted, "Yohd-Heh-Vahv-Heh Tzah-bah-ohth!"

Max Dirks
12-19-06, 12:39 AM
One by one they entered. The frail elfish woman went in first, managing to sneak by the Illicit Entrepreneur thugs that remained outside undetected. Then two of them climbed onto the roof of the smithy. The first apparently did not know he was being followed, as he didn’t even turn to look at the monk hurtling along the rooftops to the smithy. The last one came from the front shortly after the first words were exchanged. He literally entered with a bang, an action that put a smirk on a nearby bystander’s face. The fools rush in, the bystander thought to himself.

The irony of all their sneaking was that they all seemed oblivious to the fact that Max Dirks, Althanas’ most infamous criminal, stood with his arms crossed against a pillar right outside the door. Dirks waited a few more moments before pulling his guns from their shoulder holsters. He wanted to be sure that he was the last to enter. Satisfied, Dirks pushed off the pillar and started walking towards the door. When he entered, he arrived at an amusing scene. The assassins had made quick work of the IE cronies, and the female elf was already holding the prize hostage.

He knew why they all were there. In fact, he was there for the same reason. Ranger Nailo, priest of Thayne and Dirks’ former opponent in the LCC, had put a price on the head of the enigmatic leader of the IE. 1000 GP was to be rewarded to the person who brought Khariss Sevrath to justice, but Dirks did not care for all the rhetoric. The LCC reminded him about the fragility of life. There was no point of living if one did not enjoy life. Unlike the rest, it was not the money that drove Dirks to the bounty, nor did he feel that the IE’s tactics were unjust. He simply was driven by the will to be involved. Althanas without Max Dirks wasn’t really Althanas at all.

Dirks flew through the door in a sprint. He met little resistance as Caduceus, Zelos and Everlast had given the criminal a fairly clear shot at Mia and Khariss. The criminal finally stopped when he was right behind Mia. Provided she was too caught in the moment to hear him approach, she would be greeted to the click of a Beretta 950 aimed at her left temple from less than a few inches away. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, dear.” Dirks called out loud enough to catch everyone’s attention. “They don’t resurrect you for free out here, tax or not.”

Attempting to take advantage of the situation, one of Khariss’ guards advanced on Mia just after Dirks finished his threat. He was right upon her, sword raised high into the air when Dirks spun his body and situated himself between his hostage and the thug. He too was greeted by a click of a second Beretta 950. The thug, after nearly tripping on air, gulped and fell back into the circle of thugs that surrounded the hostages. “I wouldn’t do that either, if I were you.” Dirks growled.

“That goes for the rest of you too.” Dirks said, briefly pointing his gun at Everlast and then resting his sway in the general direction of the fire toting, Caduceus. “Here’s how it’s going to work. You,” referring to Mia, “are going to drop your sword and go join the others. The dynamic duo,” referring to Everlast and Zelos, “is going to move out of the door way. And you,” referring to Khariss, “are going to come with me.” Dirks lowered his eyebrow. “Any funny business and this will turn very ugly, very quickly. It’s your move, dear.” Dirks said, pushing his gun closer to Mia.

(Mia, be weary of power-gaming when you sneak up on characters like that. Try to add some sort of “attempt” qualifier to signify that you’re not forcing the opposite character to be caught off guard. More often than not, even with the attempt qualifier, players will allow their characters to be surprised for the sake of the story)

Khariss Sevrath
12-19-06, 04:09 PM
The now-cornered man simply stood still, not daring to move for fear of the weapon at his throat. It was at that time, however, when the biggest threat bolted into the store, guns in his hands.

Who was this man? Khariss had seen a gun once in his life, and it was being sold for an insanely high price. How did this man come to possess two?

Regardless of the answer to that question, his arrival completely changed the scene once again. The pistol-wielder ordered everyone aside. And Khariss… Khariss was to follow him. He knew not what the man’s intentions were, but he did know that escaping from one man would be much easier than escaping from four. The merchant decided then and there that he would comply.

With a contemptuous glance at the sword-wielding woman, Khariss reached up to slap the blade away and join the gunman. As he walked, he took another look at the carnage that had erupted instantaneously around him. Three men were dead, another one wounded. A window was broken, and glass littered the once-clean floor.

How the hell had this happened? The man swallowed hard past the lump of fear that built in his throat. Nobody was supposed to know about his plan. He was supposed to have vanished before anybody could do anything. At the very worst, the good-for-nothing mercenaries that he had bought were supposed to protect him. But now, they had been proven useless and his life had been cast into the hands of fate.

And fate stood, personified by the enigmatic gunman that had turned the situation upside-down.

12-19-06, 11:35 PM
Within moments the room had turned into a full three ring circus, A duo breaking in from the skylights above, a pyromaniac made his way in, turning a mercenary to ash. All within a moment of acquiring a hold on Khariss Servath.

Friend or Foe?

She began to think of ways out of this when suddenly a sound that was from some distant memory sharpened her to a figure standing to the side of her. She held fast as he spoke, and as one of Khariss’s mercenaries was halted in an attack.

She was about to spin, placing Khariss, between her and a nearly familiar voice, when she felt her captive place his hand on her wrist and push it away. She could have held fast, but this was no time for sudden moves. Stepping back a foot and turning slowly she looked at the man now holding all the chips.


Her mind finally dug to the right memory. She knew him, just as well as any person on Althanas could.

“This is a really bad idea Dirks.” She said as her right hand folded the knife and replaced it in her robe, “I can’t say that I don’t wish my Fiancé had put a bullet in your skull when he had the chance,” she reached up slowly with her hands and pulled her hood back, showing her face, “But either way, you are not taking Servath with you, he is going with me to have justice dealt by the courts.”

She let her senses reach out, as they stood silently after her words. Her eyes lost focus, seeing only the astral realm before using her mind’s words to call to a small number of elemental spirits.

A small smile crested her lips as the room was suddenly flooded from floor to ceiling in thick black smoke. Within the moment that sight was blurred between her and the crime lord she ducked, pulling her hood around her face to filter the smoke before drawing her blades and moving quickly low to the ground. She brought her right blade low, hoping to catch him in the knees while the other went higher, aimed for his guts.

12-20-06, 09:08 AM
So much chaos, too much chaos. The little shop here had gotten crowded fast. With people Everlast had no idea if they were friend or foe and if all hell broke loose he did not want to attack a ally.

When the newest man wieling what Everlast had heard rumors of were guns. He froze he could try to deflect the shots with his sword but those bullets fly out fast and something everlast did not have the reflexes to defend against.

So when the room started to fill with a gas Everlast didn't realize from where he took this chance to get out of the shop and wait for anyone trying to run. He jumped up and used several planes of wood to climb up. once he was at the window he had come in from. he looked down Smoke had engulfed everything something he did not know how to fight in.

He jumped outside the window and ran to the front door and leaned up against the shop's front just out of viewing range if anyone did exit through the doors.

Zook Murnig
12-20-06, 10:07 AM
Caduceus froze as the gun-toting man aimed for him with his second firearm. Shit! he mentally exclaimed. Any spells I cast will have to be quick. No rituals to help, either.

Then, the woman began to speak, mentioning that she had met the thug before. Slowly, the room began to fill with smoke, and Caduceus realized this was his chance.

He closed his eyes, mentally intoning, Ain Soph Aur. (Limitless Light) He concentrated on gathering energies into his eyes. After a few seconds of this, his eyes opened again, seeing perfectly clearly with his Etheric Vision. He glanced about, recognizing several auras matching to their owners. The woman seemed to have revenge of some sort mixed in her aura. The ruffian's full of greed...no...not quite that. He focused on that aura, not paying any attention to the others in the room.

If I can just get his guns pointed away for a moment... He focused on gathering Air element from around him, feeling, and, with his Etheric Vision, seeing the energy seeping into him. Without the rituals, I'll have to use more of my own energy... He focused the energy into his solar plexus, then released the Air energy in a burst of wind rushing towards the gunner.

Rajani Aishwara
12-22-06, 12:04 AM
The scroll in the hand of Gaius Dove was moist with sweat by the time it made its way to the captain’s study partially due to the fragile state it was already in, but mostly because it had been passed from ship hand to ship hand and finally to him. It was a surprise that he, the youngest member of The Peregrine was mature enough to realize the severity of the document. After punishing his colleagues a brief scolding the young man dashed down the corridor to the captain’s study. The cracked open door failed to slow him down as his shoulder hit it with unforgiving speed. The noise of the collision failed to catch the attention of Rajani Aishwara and his friends, who were consumed in loud debate. They all sat around a table with cigars and wine flutes in hand. A scrambled chess game sat on the table’s surface.

Gaius entered just in time to once again witness the path to power through his Captain’s eyes. “Ladies and gentlemen, there are various conducts and definitions to power, but I pray you keep benevolence in the picture. It is far better to act in pragmatic charity, good will, and mercy than to act with the tip of the blade. When your days end and you are no longer present to figuratively and literally cut the tongues of those who speak of you, how will they do so. Will your name live on in pride or shame? Say what you will. None of you wish to have your sons inherit a dishonorable name. If power for you means intimidation and underhanded tactics, then the majority of your resources will be spent securing your backside. This is opposed to benevolent power wherein your backside has little reason to be struck. Just like making an investment in a prosperous venture, good deeds will come back ten fold. Sine qua non kindness is much more profitable than cruelty, and if nothing else convinces you of my side of the argument that should.”

Silence followed as the baker’s dozen of men and women started at him. The expression on each face was dependant on the processing of Rajani’s verbose use of words. Gaius finally stepped up and handed Rajani the scroll speaking as he unraveled it. “As you know the Illicit Entrepreneurs are moving to take an important smithy near the Citadel.”

“And?” Rajani said with aggravation. “To what effect does this bounty have on the situation?” The man’s name rose gasps and looks of astonishment throughout the room.

A greater look of urgency arose on Gaius’ face. It was followed by quick and fearful speech. “We’re not the only ones keeping a tab on Khariss Sevrath. A member of the Cult of the Thayne has put a bounty on his head, which is likely to attract many people. If we had the ability to find the wherabouts of Sevrath's plans, any resourceful mercenary does as well. Our Peregrines ”

Rajani fell breathless at the startling realization that this small vie on Radasanth soil between the two organizations was similar to the chess game being played on the table. One had to think two moves ahead of the other in order to secure victory. It seemed as though he was at a loss. Or was he?

“Well that is an unexpected turn of events. Our group’s intention is to truly bring Sevrath to justice in front of a Radasanth court, not a Thayne church. Nor do we intend on bringing death upon this man. His actions fail to warrant such extreme measures, and to be frank we are the only force restraining him from making such actions. It seems we must take more extreme measures. I'll go to the Citadel and appeal to the warriors there. What say you, Draconid?”

Rajani looked across the table to the young man in all black with feet on the surface and a cigar in his mouth. They were relentless enemies in the world of chess, but as far as Althanas was concerned, Chidori Draconid was a trusted member of the Peregrine Group. Chidori was more versed in the city than he.

12-23-06, 02:02 AM
“Khariss Sevrath? Why yes, somebody matching his description walked by here not too long ago.” The young woman said as she looked up at the man that asked her if she had seen someone matching the description he gave. “I think he was heading down to Zurig’s shop, you can’t miss the place. It’s just down that road and on your left. Why on althanas do you need to speak to a man like him. I bet they’re a lot of people after his head.”

“That’s exactly what I’m betting on as well,” the mercenary thought. “I just have a little business proposition for him,” the man replied from atop his warhorse. “Thanks for the help.”

After bowing his head in thanks, the halberdier dug his heels into the side of his mount and pushed the beast to a full gallop. He couldn’t afford to waste the slightest amount of time. The man known as Khariss Sevrath had already made his presence known throughout Althanas, though many believed the reasons for his popularity weren’t exactly in his favor. The stunt he pulled at the Citadel definitely caught the attention of some. If for some reason he wasn’t aware of it, both he and the group he lead known as the IE were quickly making enemies.

Among those that stood against the Entrepreneurs, one wasn’t afraid to make its opinion public. Another group, calling itself the Peregrine Group clearly stated that they stood completely against the IE. A definite bad thing for Sevrath, the Peregrines were quickly becoming an organization that had the power to fight back at anything the IE could throw at them. At the rate the Peregrine was growing, this so-called war Sevrath declared on the Citadel would end before it would even start. Khariss probably wouldn’t admit it due to the fact he was a arrogant businessman, but the truth was that unless he received a miracle, he had no chance at standing the slightest chance against the Peregrine Group.

Luckily for Sevrath, this was were at least one mercenary came into the picture. Driven by his own personal reasons, Zerith found himself rushing to meet with the leader of the IE. For many, bringing Sevrath to justice or even killing him would make them a hero. It seemed that for the majority of people, standing against the IE was the ‘right’ thing to do. Yet the same couldn’t be said for the halberdier, not yet at least. First he wanted to speak to Khariss and offer him a deal. Afterall, there was no point choosing a side until the battle became a little more even. For Sevrath, Zerith was the one that held a way to possibly level the playing field.

Yet before Zerith and the leader of the IE could discuss business, it appeared as if some Peregrines had gotten in the way. As Exarion, the black stallion the halberdier rode upon neared the stop. Thick, black smoke poured out of the open doorway and broken window of the shop the woman spoke of. The commotion inside the shop seemed to drown out the sound of Exarion’ss hooves as they hit beat upon the stone street. Outside the building, one man stood looking into the shop, a longsword held tightly in his hand. He didn’t match the description of Khariss, so Zerith simply assumed he belonged to the Peregrine Group.

“I’ll be damned if any Peregrines get to deal with Sevrath before I do!” the halberdier told himself as he gripped onto his halberd tightly with one hand. As he galloped past the shop, he swung his pole-arm low toward the swordsman. Regardless if the attack connected or missed, Zerith would continue to ride right by his first target until there he could safely turn around to attack as second time. Then when the swordsman was taken care of, he would dismount and head into the shop to retrieve the man he was looking for.

While he did have a unfair advantage of being mounted while his opponent wasn’t, Zerith didn’t have a problem with it. He needed Sevrath alive and no Peregrine tool would get in his way.

Chidori Draconid
12-23-06, 04:48 PM
“Yes, my dear Chidori. What say you?” A feminine voice chanted into the right ear of Chidori Draconid with a mocking tone. He couldn’t help but smile. The voice of his mate, Avakra Ambul never ceased to fill him with joy.

He was hoping to finish the chess game some time this year. It would have been over a long time ago, but the other guests of the small social event had distracted both Chidori and his opponent, Rajani. The lengthy conversations and argument stretched this game out to a three hour stand still at which point Chidori became a little too tipsy to play effectively. However, he wasn’t too tipsy to know that Aishwara hadn’t the aptitude to call ordinary fighters to war. His language was too savvy, and even if he was able to speak plainly now wasn’t the time to risk finding out. Avakra perceived this as well hence her mocking interjection.

“You stay here. I’ll go. As the leader of the Peregrine Group, a financial firm suited to move the market, you shouldn’t be putting yourself in harm’s way. Instead you should be working on providing market alternatives against the moves of the IE.” He got up and grabbed his cane, which quietly concealed a sword. “Besides, your little Gaius would have a better chance winning the favor of the Citadel. Your elegant words may work well in the meeting room, but the hearts of the warriors won’t be swayed if their minds are too busy catching up with your Avalonian speech.”

The junior deity and his semi divine girlfriend swiftly left the room before firm leader could object.

The grand Citadel was busy on this day. The voices of a myriad of warriors and monks combined to create a dull hum of conversation that bounced off the archaic walls and filled the ears. The patter and tapping of boots sandals and even bare feet came together to form a drumbeat. They were all accompaniments to a dance, a ballet of sorts as wave after wave of enthusiastic men and women would enter, speak with the monks to become their own attorneys, and then enter arenas to become combatant. In this musical every occupant of the Citadel was a villain to his or her opponent, but a hero to his own salvation. Little did they all know that this was dress rehearsal for an unusual performance striving for the Citadel.

Two new additions to the cast of this musical entered to a different beat, humming to a different tune. The young couple entered carrying with them the scent of the divine lotus flower. The female strode in ocean blue cloths that rippled like the body of water they were styled after as her mocha skin and bronze eyes mixed with the dull lamp light to create an enchanting glow. She stopped in the middle of the crowd and opened up a long scroll reading from it verbatim.

“By Order of the Office of Corrections of the Entrepreneurs:” She spoke in a loud echoing voice. “Effective immediately, the Entrepreneurs are declaring WAR on the Citadel and the renegade faction of Ai'Bron monks that murdered several innocent people earlier this morning. Those that assist the Entrepreneurs achieve justice will be rewarded greatly, and will not be subject to any tax imposed on Althanas services. Other special arrangements will be considered by any person or group who assists the Entrepreneurs in their quest for justice.”

The once frantic room had fallen silent and still with all eyes on Avakra. She continued after ripping the declaration in half just in case anyone thought she was heralding, “I’m glad I have your attention now. This declaration was presented after the Illicit Entrepreneurs were reprimanded, and rightfully so, for trying to impose a resurrection tax on the Citadel. They weren’t bluffing. The Peregrine Group has found out that the IE is going to make its first move against the Citadel in less than a half an hour.”

The room reacted in shock. They could see some angry faces in the crowd. Avakra stepped back and allowed Chidori to take the floor. “Eons ago this great structure stood the test of time by surviving Radasanth’s most devastating attack. Unfortunately today the solid ziggurat can’t guard against a different kind of attack. This attack is aimed at the very organization of the Citadel. As said before in less than thirty minutes the IE will attack again. Their very leader, Khariss Sevrath, is going to impose a tax on a very prominent blacksmith. I’m sure you all know him, you know his name, he works only a few blocks from here, and most of you buy from him. Rightfully so. He makes good weapons and armor and sells at a reasonable price. But now the IE is going to impose a sales tax just like the resurrection tax, and if you do the math they will take the same amount of money out of your pockets.”

A sound rejection echoed throughout the building. “Now now now. In his defence, I don’t consider Sevrath a necessarily evil man. He wants to make a living and make his life better, just like a flower leans towards the sun to get more energy. Everyone wants to make a living, but making a living by suppressing someone else’s way of life? That is wrong! That is evil!”

Everyone within hearing range roared in agreement. Weapons and armor clashed in applause. Chidori motioned for them to quiet down so he could conclude his speech. “This city was named after one of its ancient figures to honor the heroes of the city. After today, we won’t have to use his name to honor you. We’ll use your name to honor him. If you care to thwart this unconventional threat follow me. We have planning to do.”

(continue your playing, kids)

Zel Donovan
12-23-06, 10:45 PM
The young martial artist froze in shock and horror, neither of which he was accustomed to experiencing, when the criminal known as Max Dirks made his way in and leveled threats against all in the smithy. Shortly after he came in, however, the room started filling with a strange haze and he heard the swordsman he had followed in quickly leave, as this would likely be the last chance.

Should I follow? he wondered. If I do, it will take a lot of work to build up a reputation again. Then again, if I don't, I may not survive this encounter.

Zelos had lived with the idea of certain doom most of his life since leaving the monestary. Still, this was a bit too certain for his tastes. As much as I hate to do this...

He leapt out the window, after the sword-weilding warrior, to find that Zerith, the leader of his Order of Dratmos, was out there doing battle with the fine bladesman.

Not really caring for whether the swordsman survived, Zel Donovan ran as far as he could from the smithy, leaping to the rooftops and out of sight in order to save as much of his reputation as possible.

In the business of mercenaries, reputation was everything, whether one was a good fighter or not.

Max Dirks
01-10-07, 05:48 PM
Max Dirks paid little attention to the woman as she spoke. His eyes were focused behind her, trying to find an alternative exit from the smithy. It became apparent to Dirks that this building was not designed for such a crowd. There was just the one door, and two high windows to allow in light. There were several counters, tools and an oven, but nothing else that was of any use to him. When Mia Kane revealed herself to him, Dirks looked briefly at her. He did not recognize her, nor had any idea of who her husband might be. Then, when Mia began her spell, Dirks saw it. In the corner were three large barrels. The barrels were sealed, but Dirks could see a small black substance on the ground before it. He could barely make out the words burned onto the side: “Alerar” and “Powder!” A smirk appeared on his face.

As a dark fog began to take over the room, Dirks turned and pushed his gun against Khariss’ ribs and said, “Come on, we’re leaving.” Under the brief cover of Darkness, Dirks “pushed” Khariss towards what he assumed was gunpowder. Mia’s attack would be met with nothing but a very strong gust of air, courtesy of Caduceus. “Put your head down” Dirks whispered to Khariss under the howl of the wind. Dirks waited a moment, mostly to add drama to the situation. When the dark fog started to rise and the room began to clear up, Dirks took aim at the gunpowder and fired a single shot from his Beretta 950.

The sound of the gunshot filled the room with a chorus of echoes that failed to crescendo into a large explosion that Dirks thought would tore through the smithy. The bullet had passed straight through the barrel, and more black powder was pouring from the hole. Dirks was close enough now to read the entire inscription on the barrel. “Iron Powder, from Alerar,” Dirks swore, and then jumped to his feet. “Looks like I’m going to have to do this the hard way.” He grabbed Khariss by the arm and pulled him along as he ran towards the doorway. As he approached, one of the large thugs stepped in front of him, but Dirks did not stop. He lowered his shoulder, and bowled right over the thug, sending Khariss’ crony to the ground.

Once the two were out the door and looking daylight in the eye, a pole arm came out of nowhere and nearly cleaved Dirks in two. He narrowly managed to duck out of its way by falling forward onto the ground. In the process he released his grip on Khariss and tumbled head first along the ground. Coincidentally, the sharp edge of the pole-arm got caught in Dirks’ coat, and the point followed him to the ground. If its owner did not let go or yank the weapon free, he could be thrown off his horse. Dirks trench coat had inadvertently protected the Peregrine agent from Zerith’s attack. Once Dirks had regained his balance and climbed to his feet, he reached out to grab his bounty.

Of course, Khariss was already on the run.

(I bunnied Khariss a bit for continuity. If you object, I’ll change the post. Same with you Zerith, if you’d like you can pull the pole-arm free.)

Khariss Sevrath
01-17-07, 04:33 PM
As soon as he felt himself slip from the grasp of the hand that held him, Khariss made his action. Although his blade hung in the sheath on his waist, he had no intention of trying to fight his way out. He was a man of business, after all, and men of business only resort to violence when there is no other possibility. Right now, there was a much more attractive possibility.

Running for his life.

Buildings, signs, alleys and startled peasants passed by in a blur as the fleeing merchant sprinted away from the accursed smithy and the melee it housed. The plan had gone wrong in every possible way; that much was obvious. The situation could not be saved, and so the leader of the Illicit Entrepreneurs made his grand exit.

Two Radasanth guards walked proudly down the other side of the street, presumably on their customary afternoon rounds. When they caught sight of Khariss both of them stopped and watched him, suspicion clearly evident in their expressions. The merchant merely averted his eyes and continued his breakneck pace, hoping to the Gods of all religions that they’d leave him alone.

They did, and so they were pushed from his mind. Finally, luck reared its beautiful head and smiled on him. The Entrepreneur could see a main boulevard up ahead. People crowded together on that boulevard; it was late afternoon, and many would be on their way home. Perfect. In spite of all of his horrid luck, Khariss nearly smiled as something went right for the first time in a long time. It would be almost impossibly hard for anybody to track him in that mob.

The merchant reached the end of the shadowy street and pushed his way into the mass. Suppressing the ragged gasps from breath that rose loudly in his throat, he ducked low slowed to match the pace of the crowd. He was as safe here as he was anywhere. Nobody in this mob knew about his latest blown venture, and would see him as nothing more than another soul on his way back to see his family. Even if somebody did recognize him for who he was, they wouldn’t be likely to take action with so many witnesses.

The exultant smile finally broke through. Khariss would live to swindle and backstab another day.

Zook Murnig
01-20-07, 10:27 AM
As the spell was cast, Caduceus had focused his concentration solely on the control of the energy, losing his Etheric Vision, and could not see what had gone on before him afterwards. He heard a loud gunshot, and felt himself grow weak. He thought how odd it was that being shot didn't hurt, but still he fell to his knees, collapsing truly from the exhaustion of his spellcasting, and not from any injuries.

He knew nothing of Dirks' plan to blow up a corner of the smithy for his escape. He knew nothing of two allies disappearing out of the workshop. He knew nothing of the iron powder that had spilled over the floor, or Khariss Sevrath's escape.

All he knew was darkness...

01-21-07, 01:33 AM
The notorious gangster had moved almost unnaturally fast, taking Khariss with him. A great thunder caught her sensitive elven ears as her foot fell, taking her weight as she tried to turn to follow Dirks.

The Wind was knocked from her as a gust of wind took her by surprise, making her skid across the blackened floor as she barreled over a one of the mercenaries.

Son of a bitch...

The ice elf leapt to her feat, not even worrying about a mercenary blade that swung close to severing her head. The black smoke followed her as she emerged into the blinding light of the sun. Before her was Dirks, rolling on the ground with a pole arm hopefully deep in his flesh.

“I’ll deal with you later Dirks, “she yelled as she took off after Khariss, whom had a good head start as he just entered the denser crowds of the square.

Mia followed, dodging through the masses as she ran after him, even though within moments he was gone.

“Shit…” she yelled as she stopped and looked around.

I’ll get you Khariss, Don’t think I'll rest till I bring you to justice for your crimes.

Kak Zalta
01-21-07, 12:36 PM
One occupant of the shop had gone unnoticed since the entrance of Khariss. The gnome was browsing the shop in a corner near the door and Sevrath had walked past, paying no attention to the gnome. As tension rose and several armed parties made their entrance, Kak hid in the shadows of a rack full of weapons. Threats were made, attacks executed, a swordsman drops through the roof, and smoke filled the room. General chaos ensues. In all this, Kak remains calmly hidden, trying to sort through the intentions of each of the occupants of the shop as he draws his gladius and readies his buckler, in case he is spotted.

An extortionist….I like him, but he clearly has enemies. Too many enemies for my taste. An elf interested in justice, I certainly don’t like her. The rest seem to be a fairly generic group of do-gooders, the type that fall best with a knife in their back. But this last man, Dirks, with those fascinating weapons. He seems to be on his own, yet commands the whole room. We will see what favors I may gain from him.

The light from the door was enough that Kak recognizes Dirks legs running past through the door. Kak rises from his hiding to follow Dirks, pausing long enough to allow the elf to sprint by before he makes his way through the door.

The scene is confusing, a mounted halberdier, a swordsmen to his right, and Dirks sprawled in the dust.

Opportunity knocks…

As Dirks rises to his feet searches for his lost quarry, Kak enters the fray. Spotting the swordsman from in the shop, Kak assumes he will threaten the gunman and he places himself between Dirks and Everlast. Pairing the gladius and buckler in his left hand, Kak readies a handful of explosive pellets, light, smoke and explosive, in his right hand.

“You are outmatched, I suggest you flee lest you find yourself dead.”

Despite his stature, it is clear the gnome means precisely what he says and is ready to strike. Any aggressive move by the swordsmen and Kak will let fly the explosive pellets at the swordsman’s feet, producing a blast of light, a cloud of smoke, and a weak explosive blast. Nothing deadly, but enough of a distraction to greatly increase the success of the sword thrust that would follow.

This is a bit confusing, so I am going to OOC clarify. Everlast is by the door, I am between Everlast and Dirks. Not sure where Zerith is, most likely passed us on his horse. If Everlast tries to attack, I throw the explosive pellets and attack with a sword thrust. If he chooses to run, I do not attack. Hopefully that makes sense.

Skie and Avery
02-20-08, 05:01 PM
Quest Judging
The Rise of the Illicit Entrepreneurs

As this was incomplete, I’ll just give you guys numbers.


Continuity ~ 3/10.
Setting ~ 3/10.
Pacing ~ 4/10.


Dialogue ~ 3/10.
Action ~ 4/10.
Persona ~ 2/10.


Technique ~ 4/10.
Mechanics ~ 6/10.
Clarity ~ 5/10.


Wild Card ~ 1/10.

TOTAL ~ 35/100.


Khariss Sevrath gains 151 EXP and 52 GP
MiaKane gains 151 EXP and 52 GP
Everlast gains 124 EXP and 35 GP
Zel Donovan gains 124 EXP and 35 GP
Zook Murnig gains 311 EXP and 52 GP
Max Dirks gains 485 EXP and 35 GP
Rajani Aishwara gains 85 EXP and 17 GP
Zerith gains 249 EXP and 17 GP
Chidori Draconid gains 85 EXP and 17 GP
Kak Zalta gains 85 EXP and 17 GP

02-21-08, 11:24 AM
EXP/GP added! Dirks levels up!