View Full Version : taxing?

Lady Blackwell
12-13-06, 09:21 AM
is all this taxing stuff actually going to happen and this is to all gm's not the one posting this tax stuff cause if it is i am leaving althanas no point in draining our gold for something we enjoy let althanas be the way it is.

It is fine the way it is taxing everything will only make it get worse and worse unless we get special tax thing every once in a while :)

but yeah i thihnk we all want to know what the heck is going on with this taxes

Slayer of the Rot
12-13-06, 09:28 AM
It's another thing PG's can do, if they play it out right. The Red Hand long ago attacked the Bazaar, and they won, though the change wasn't anything major.

As for my view on the attempted tax, I will eventually jump into the thread they're doing to try and impose it in order to attack them and fight it. 10% tax isn't something I'll stand for.

Lady Blackwell
12-13-06, 09:30 AM
hmm well it looks like all my chars are being awaken from the dust and they are all joining this so 6 chars possibly more right now are in plus you slayer anyone else caring to join? i would be okay with 5% tax but 10 this soon no thank you

12-13-06, 09:39 AM
it's a cheap shot to try and make their PG special, so far it's just been powergaming and disruption of people's threads and I'm glad someone put their foot down. I don't mind people earning discounts but being able to try and earn money off of the bazaar or citadel is just going to far. The Red hand really broke Althanas during that time they had the bazaar prices skyrocket and allowed players who did minimal work to amass tons of gold unfairly. I really hope this junk doesn't go too far and someone stops them.

Sadly I don't have the time to fight it IC but I think it should be stopped at an OOC level before things get out of hand.

Lady Blackwell
12-13-06, 09:44 AM
i agree with that but if the fight goes IC then its going to be a fight indeed i have 5-8 characters all level 0 but pretty powerful and i will fight and even kill 99% of them to save the taxes from being put inplace.

Cyrus the virus
12-13-06, 09:56 AM
It's a perfectly viable thing to do, if you do it fairly. That means going through the neccessary steps to ICly build your PG's army, then ICly actually going through the steps of getting a hold on the bazaar and citadel like they did. Naturally, since they just came out of nowhere and said they were charging taxes, it's completely not allowed.

However, if a PG assaulted the Citadel, won, and demanded they impose a tax, we would all be fair and pay the tax until our characters all rallied and took the Citadel 'back'.

This, in a way, is exactly the right way to make Althanas more 'real'. But since this is th efirst attempt at something like this in a long time, the PG doing it missed a few steps.

12-13-06, 10:57 AM
As of now, all activity of the Illicit Entrepreneurs has been reversed pending their going through the correct channels for such an action.

As Cyrus mentioned, Althanas's freeform style of role-play does allow for things like this to happen. However, IC justification is a prerequisite for any such large scale activity. The Althanas staff is currently speaking with the powergroup to explain these rules. Everyone will be kept up-to-date. Thank you for your concerns.

Rajani Aishwara
12-13-06, 11:03 AM
Realisticly speaking, the IE put a tax on all metals sold in the bazaar, and I'm sure the Grander's Order, a group who makes profit off of global mining, would have something to say about that.

By the way, what say you, Grander's Order?

The Peregrine Group wont stand for such a thing, and we'll do anything in our power to stop this from happening.

12-13-06, 02:38 PM
Shejara, a potentially powerful force of "nature" agrees, and will use any resources at her disposal to prevent such a travesty from oppresing the good Althanians. Kishurin and Mac have sworn fealty to Shen in regards to the situation.

By the way...the attacks on the Citadel and the Bazaar were actually meant to be somewhat desperate attempts to get the attention of many of the Althanian heros and to attempt to make a cataclysmic event out of it. Think Lord of the Rings or Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2(if you've ever played that game). I contacted what's-his-face and told him off for his actions until I found out he was actually a moderator and told me the above details. I don't think he ever really planned to go through with the "taxes" bit.

Cyrus the virus
12-13-06, 03:09 PM
Whatever the purpose was, Serilliant's wording is perfect about the channels they would have needed to go through.

The Grander's Order has no IC knowledge of the events as they've not quite occurred, I suppose. I imagine, though, that if we are providing the metals, it would not affect us much. Depending on who's in charge of it, I imagine the GO could take the tax idea and overrun IE, stealing it. Heh.

12-13-06, 03:27 PM
Oh he knew what he was doing, he just needed IC justification for a war. Now that the Monks laughtered the guys at the citadel he's got it. See a return of the Bazaar War and the Citadel Wars coming to fruition. However, when that happens you can bet people are going to stand up and take notice.

12-13-06, 03:37 PM
Umm...quick point...I noticed, I think, that I was the only one targeted. Well, my two characters. And I wasn't the only one that died in the battle with my ninja in it!!!! Rawr, that eats at my nerves.

Rajani Aishwara
12-13-06, 03:44 PM
... Question ...
How the hell can the Citadel can be taken over when people are coming back to life all willie nillie?

12-13-06, 03:48 PM
... Question ...
How the hell can the Citadel can be taken over when people are coming back to life all willie nillie?

A Dis-Spell spell. Or maybe a holding spell, to keep the monks locked in stasus until the guards or other magics have been neutralized.

12-13-06, 04:48 PM
Or just keeping a Magic Immune person nearby with a smmoth wrist and a sharp sword.

Though, I thinks Lionel's actually going to be useful for once beyond minor threads. *begins to plan out the Bazaar defense*

12-14-06, 12:36 AM
the heck with that shiz, Im just fighting for the Ai'bron monks and btw, where is this thread in which the monks killed someone? i saw the one where the IE tried to tax Komo, but that seemed taken care of to me.

Edit: Okay, i found the short thread in which the killin happened
and now im twice as ready for this war. Those IE kids just asked for a whole heapin plate O pain with a healthy side of suffrin

Nobody messes with my favorite monks!!!

12-14-06, 12:47 AM
I have a great personal solution for this.... have all of Jasmine's purchases be made in her hometown where the IE would not be permitted to operate.

I am glad someone else posted this. I was too ticked off last night to have been able to word it nicely. I am so very against this ENTIRE taxation in general, that if it does get implemented, I will never step foot into the Bazaar again.

12-14-06, 04:48 AM
I apologise for being a grammar-fiend, but when you put an s at the end of magic, it's spelled magicks...with a K.

12-14-06, 05:29 AM

Well~ "Magics" is also acceptable here. Plus, it is the correct spelling according to the American Heritage Dictionary. You can scroll down to see the spelling... here (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/magic).

As for the Bazaar Defense, speaking as a Bazaar Mod, the merchants, smithy and other "gifted" individuals working there would not even allow that to happen without at least a minor intervention. Somewhat the same way the Ai'Brone monks did at the Citadel Assault.

Which reminds me... *Goes to check on the Bazaar Forum*

Lady Blackwell
12-14-06, 07:31 AM
meanwhile... i think we should start several threads that link together when this happens of just one great big fight but in seperate threads so one thread isnt too long

12-14-06, 08:15 AM
Uhhh... Pardon? Can you explain that in a bit more detail? I couldn't quite understand what you mean... :confused:

12-14-06, 11:27 AM
I did, and don't worry. When this comes to fruition, you will know what's going on and where.

Slayer of the Rot
12-14-06, 11:39 AM
You're all seeing too much evil in this situation. The impending war has brought us more activity than we've had for a while, and an Althanian war, in my eyes, has always been enjoyable.

Lady Blackwell
12-14-06, 12:12 PM
what i mean is that we need to fight them. we need to kill them outside of the citadel so it will delay them make them less numerous and slow their efforts.

of cource after they have taken it makes it a hell of a lot more interesting.

12-14-06, 01:35 PM
You're all seeing too much evil in this situation. The impending war has brought us more activity than we've had for a while, and an Althanian war, in my eyes, has always been enjoyable.

sadly I don't see wars in the same light. I don't really enjoy taking part in them or the results of them and since this one's going to affect the bazaar and since everyone uses it I'm not really happy about it. There should be positive ways to support activity instead of negative ways. It's better to give bees flowers to make them busy instead of poking the hive with a stick.

Slayer of the Rot
12-14-06, 01:53 PM
Still, there are better ways to acquire your items than through the Bazaar, and if you say, "Well, not always!" Then that extra little thing is something you don't honestly need, like another dagger or extra bullets when you already have dozens (Though I'm not one to talk, I guess. Beside the point). Dark Magus went through most of his career with only a steel sword.

Positive ways to up activity have been tried numerous times in the past; Atjylias' Verse, our tournaments, Featured Quests. And wars. Reiko my friend, wars have been fought between PG's and even the Bazaar numerous times since before many of the people here now who are fighting this one came along, and they will be fought long after the both of us are gone, or so I hope Althanas still has dedicated writers in the years to come to spawn those activities.

The Red Hand did this thing before. Did they succeed? Absolutely. Did everyone continue on with their writing? They most certainly did. And you know what? That Bazaar War one of the most memorable things, in my mind, that I've done.

12-14-06, 02:15 PM
As for my two cents...

...Z-Man is an unofficial man of war. So if there turns out to be a war, you can be damn sure he'll be part of it.

12-14-06, 02:17 PM
I agree that wars are great for the activity of Althanas, and I enjoy participating in them. I actually participated in the Bazaar war as a mercenary fighting AGAINST the Bazaar, which led to my joining the Red Hand.

However the result of the Bazaar war was a raise in Bazaar prices, which, contrary to popular belief, did NOT go to the Red Hand. The only reason this was done was to promote the Red Hand's own shop, which could still sell goods at the original prices. So even if you didn't want to actually quest for your items (which you could still do for free), you could buy them at the Red Hand shop for the same price as always.

In contrast, the result of this war would be a tax on getting revived in the Citadel, which, unlike the bazaar war, would go STRAIGHT into the pockets of the IE. The other huge difference that I see that is a big reason I'm opposed to this idea, is the fact that it's totally involuntary. If you fight in the Citadel and die, you HAVE to pay the tax or else be violating the rules. In the case of the RH war, you didn't have to buy at the bazaar, you could quest items or buy them from the RH. But if you want to fight a battle to the death and don't want to have to worry about your character being killed off, you HAVE to fight in the Citadel where the monks can revive you.

That said, I think the war is a great idea to promote Althanas activity, and I will be defending the Citadel in it. However if we lose and the Citadel is conquered, I will probably end up leaving Althanas. I personally like to fight battles to the death without worrying about killing off my character OR having to shell out 10% of my cash (which would be quite a bit at the moment) if I die.

The Bard
12-14-06, 02:35 PM
Realisticly speaking, the IE put a tax on all metals sold in the bazaar, and I'm sure the Grander's Order, a group who makes profit off of global mining, would have something to say about that.

By the way, what say you, Grander's Order?

The Peregrine Group wont stand for such a thing, and we'll do anything in our power to stop this from happening.

I'm with you my lord

12-14-06, 02:38 PM
First of all, it's looking like IE isn't going after the Bazaar anymore - at least not right now. So don't let that get you riled up.

As for the Citadel... there are ways to get around that tax. I'm thinking of three that are very easy to do right off the top of my head.

Anyway... the point of my post is that Slayer is absolutely right - you're looking at the bad side of the situation. Try not to get angry OOC, if at all possible - put your heads together and get even IC. I can think of one idea in particular that hasn't been broached yet that would effectively cancel the tax on the Citadel with no need of bloodshed at all.

But, since one of my characters is supporting the IE... I'll leave you to puzzle it out. :p

12-14-06, 02:38 PM
im with sorahn and slayer of the rot, it's great for activity, but it still is a very nasty thing. i mean, without knowing about this war, i already created a story line that pretty much forces my character to defend the monks, and even if we lose (the citadel loses) then maybe a new story in althanas could begin, like a far off branch group of the ai'bron monks in like salvar or something could come about.

Cyrus the virus
12-14-06, 02:38 PM
The great, and I mean great part about this idea, when it eventually starts up 'officially', is that it will FORCE people to be active. This is what FQ's should have always been like. Althanas is a living world, and huge events in a real world are not confined to a single area of a country.

Big deal, you need to pay 50 gold extra for a while. Althanas will evolve because of it, and we all have a stake in whether or not the taxes continue.

My only issue is that it wasn't executed fairly, and that's being taken care of.

12-14-06, 02:46 PM
Says the guy who'd only have to pay 1.2 gold in order to be revived. :-P

The Bard
12-14-06, 02:48 PM
I have three questions What are we being taxed on exactly and what would happen if we didn't pay this tax? and say if a rebellion started where a group of people didn't pay tax, would this be at all close to shay's rebellion in the revolutionary war?

Cyrus the virus
12-14-06, 02:51 PM
Quiet, Talon!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't expose my horribly selfish tendencies!

Bard: You're not being taxed on anything right now. What would happen if you didn't pay it, though, depends on when someone's taking your gold and crap like that. It's circumstancial.

The Bard
12-14-06, 03:02 PM
okay I got'cha but anyway this actually sounds pretty fun I'm gonna enjoy this but it stinks I'm leaving in a week to go on a Christmas vacation