View Full Version : backstabbers...((closed...sdwdrake only))

12-13-06, 01:34 PM
Jon had just woken up from his slumber in the local tavern, Stretching relaxed his back muscles and yet made him feel comfortable. When he brought his arms down from stretching there was something smooth yet warm and firm under his hand. He looked down and smiled the young lady that he had the best night of his life with and he was pretty sure it was her best night so far also. She opened her eyes and saw him and saw where his hand was and smiled. Jon bent over and kissed her on the lips as he got dressed and started heading towards the local chop for him to buy equipment.

On his way to the shop Jon heard faint footsteps rushing towards him. He didn’t care for what this was he just wanted to get better equipment. There was a bright light beside Jon’s head which he was accustomed to it was his familiar. Jon turned around to try and stop his familiar as he books it towards the two fairly young men charging at Jon swords drawn.

Jon’s familiar jumps up and bites one of the young guys’ head clear off of his shoulder spraying blood all over his friend.

“Max why did you have to kill him I’m sure there is a viable reason for them rushing at me with their swords drawn.” Jon said to his familiar

The other rushing man was on the ground cowering at this point as he was trying to grab something from inside his shirt. Max just started growling which must of scared this man a lot cause his pants got wet around his groin.

“Hey you man down there, I don’t think he will hurt you as long as you don’t motion that u want to inflict pain towards me or him so whatever it was in your shirt remove it slowly or your fate is the same as your friends there.” Jon said as boldly as he could.

The man on the ground slowly took out a piece of parchment and Max grabbed it with his teeth. At this point I guess the man was too scared as he got up and started running away. Max heard this and growled towards jon.

“Fine go ahead but only scare him he has other business by the looks of it.” Max gets down on all fours and sprints towards the man as he nips towards the man’s heels.

Max takes the parchment and reads it.

(( ran out of time will say what letter says next post))

12-13-06, 07:12 PM
The town was fairly small and none descript. It had one small tavern and a mayor’s office. There was only one blacksmith, but he only sold farm equipment. There where many farms outside of town but they where all wheat farms.

Crum was walking around town when he sensed a man approaching him from behind, not knowing who or why they where approaching him he instantly his blade was unsheathed and wisped a quick cut along the skin of the mans neck. The man yelped.

“What do you want?”

“Message for you.” The man said in a trembling voice.

Crum notices the blood on his face and that his pants where wet. The cut he had made wouldn't have bled that much. The man was defiantly terrified but from what he didn’t care.

“Looks like your having a bad day.” Crum says as he reads the delivered note.

The note was from his merc. Commander, he had a job for him.

“Bygone before I decide you are annoying and kill you.”

The man runs at full speed away, Crum smiles.

“So he finally found a war for me to have some fun in. Been to long since my last fight.”

12-16-06, 11:57 AM
Jon opened the letter and read it.

To Jon,

This is a mission i would not give anyone. i trust you and your partner for this missin and you two alone. both of you will be leading an army of bandits on an attack on the castle of Uchangard. they also have a army and will most likely see you coming. so get ready for a war and meet me at the Abdugah beach and be ready to get started right away.

the bandit lord,


Jon was not expecting his mission to come at a time like this but it was welcome he needed the cash to get better equipment anyways.

there was one word that struck Jon's mind at this point, Partner!, i dont have a partner. Jon thought about this as he started his walk to the Beach it was a good few hours walk one he needed to start right away.

Half way there Max had come out of the gateway and nudged Jon in the back.

"What is it Max? is there danger anywhere around?" Jon asked as he started petting his familiars head.

his familiar nudged him again and brought his head back as if motioning for him to get on his back. this was new to Jon but he figured why not it will speed up their process and maybe get him to shock the bandit lord a bit more.

12-16-06, 12:28 PM
The note Crum had received said:



You are one of the best fighters there are and I would trust this battle in the hands of anyone’s but you, and your partner. I know that you have been itching to get in a good fight for a while now but I haven’t been able to do so until now so be prepared for a long battle.
You are to go to Abdugah beach and be ready to leave at once.

Fight well.


Crum was intrigued by one thing. The note he had received said that he had a partner, but he had never had one and never wanted one.

“What is this, is this a joke?” he said to himself. “I have no partner.”

Crum ponders this as he heads for the appointed meeting place.

“This bandit lord must be out of his mind, if he thinks that I will be fighting with anyone, but his army.”

He might be mad about the idea of himself having a partner but the prospect of battle made it all better.

“Dang, why does this place have to be so far away. I really don’t like the ocean.” He grumbles.

01-18-07, 08:15 AM
Jon grabbed his piece of parchment and read it as Max was giving him a free ride to the beach. He had read it over for now the eighth time but he still couldn't get over the fact that he had a 'partner'. Max stopped abrupt sending Jon carreaning off his abck and sliding within inches of falling off of atleast a hundred foot cliff.

"Max you almost sent me over." Jon said as he got up and dusted himself off. "please be careful with me on your back."

Max walked over and nudged him and growled while staring at what looked like an encampment.

"Yes that's Abdugah beach and that's most likely the bandit camp." Jon said as max instantly started shaking his head. "It's fine Max we have been hired for this mission they wouldnt kill us. Anyways want to appear in the middle of the camp with me or stay in the gateway?"

Max nudged Jon again.

"So you want to come with me. that's fine let's go" Jon motioned as he opened up a gateway and stepped through.

No matter how many times he had done this he never did get used to it. The mana in the gateway tore him apart molecule by molecule and rebuilt him molecule by molecule at the targeted point. Jon had appeared just outside the bandit lord's tent and Max had appeared a few feet ahead of him which scared the bandits.

Jon laughed as he said "A six foot wolf would scare anyone."

Max then turned around and leapt to something that was right beside Jon. Something Jon didn't want to know what.

01-18-07, 12:19 PM
Crum had been traveling hard for the last few hours and had just arrived at the bandit camp, it was a sorry a camp that he has ever seen. They’re a few guards around and one gave him some trouble.

“I’m sorry kid but you can’t come in here.”

A few of the bandits in the camp knew Crum and knew not to mess with him, but this fool didn’t.

“You will let me in.”

The fool had a look of amusement on his face.

‘This will be fun’ Crum thinks to himself.

He lifts the pathetic fool off the ground and slammed him back down at full force.

“Thanks ill let my self in.” and enters the bandit camp

Crum was just about to the commander’s tent when a man and a huge wolf appeared out of nowhere.

“Interesting.” Crum says to himself.

All the bandits flee the giant wolf; the appearance of the man and wolf didn’t faze Crum much so he continued to the tent.

The wolf sees Crum and leaps at him, which Crum easily dodges and then nudges the wolf out of the way, and continues to the tent.

02-03-07, 06:39 PM
Jon turned around slowly and saw Max slide a bit on the sandy beach. he saw the flap of the tent close.

"Max disappear only appear if theres any danger around me." Jon said as he started walking into the tent that he had figured was the bandit lord's tent but just as he entered two gaurds came rushing out to attack him.

"woah bandits everywhere ehh?" Jon said as he backflipped and kicked the gaurds in the mouth as Max came out and riped off the two attacking bandit's heads.

"Uthgard whats with the attacking bandits as i entered?" Jon chuckled as Max disappeared in a blinding light. "but yeah anyways whats with this mission?"

02-03-07, 07:03 PM
Crum got into the tent and instantly wanted answers.


“Calm down Crum the reason is that…” Uthgard wasn’t able to finish speaking when a man bust into the tent.

"Uthgard what’s with the attacking bandits as I entered?" the man asked, suddenly with a flash of light the wolf that Crum had nudged out of his way appeared. “But yeah anyways what’s with this mission?"

“Like I was saying this job is to important to leave to one of you but had to be left to you both, so meet your new partner for this mission.” Uthgard paused to observe their reaction, than continued, “Crum this is Jon, and Jon this is Crum, don’t complain and don’t worry this is only for this mission. And make sure you both return home alive.”

“As long as this fool doesn’t get in my way he will live.”

08-26-07, 06:22 PM
Jon was Amazed he had a lil prepubecent boy as his partner. but it was something that Uthgard believed in so he went with it.

"Uthgard, i Trust your judgement." Jon said as he stepped outside the tent and Max showed up beside him.

"Max, i want you to scout the area and tell me if theres any dangers and see if you can eavesdrop where this castle is." He said as he petted Max's Head.

Max nodded and disappeared in a Bright light as Jon entered the Tent again and asked "So how many soldiers and how are we getting there?"

Uthgard seemed tinkled pink at this question.

"you have 20,000 Men at your disposal, and your traveling by the sea"

10-02-07, 10:16 AM
Crum’s face twists in feral rage, “Over the ocean…I would rather walk.” He says in anger, he hates traveling on the ocean more than anything…well…next to elf’s that is. Crum rips out his blade and swings it around wildly in anger.

Crum growls at his boss, “I’ll be at the boat in the morning.” Crum grumbles as he leaves the tent.

10-19-07, 08:35 AM
"Looks like the littleBaby is Afraid of Water haha." Jon laughed as he walked up to Uthgard. "My Usual Half upfront And the Other Half when we get back." Jon said as he put his hand out.

As uthgard put half the payment which was 1000 gold pieces in his hand he disappeared in a blinding white light and he would reappear in the morning for the departure.

04-06-08, 07:54 PM
Crum gives the man an obscene gesture and starts for the nearest town to find some ruffians to take his anger out on, his rage will most likely land those poor men in some sick beads for a good few weeks.

05-02-08, 08:16 AM
Jon Smiled as he dispersed his mana gateway in the morning only to arrive in the middle of Bandit's, and not just any bandits they were mostly high ranking bandit's also.

he saw the two ships waiting off shore as his Familiar warned him that he shouldn't trust these bandits.

"Don't worry i never trust these bandits" Jon telepathicly said to his familiar.

"So Let's get this going before that wimp half dragon shows up." Jon laughed as he headed for the lifeboats to take him back to his ship.

05-02-08, 01:07 PM
Crum still pissed off that he was having to go on a boat knocked a few heads in as he headed to the boat.

"why a boat..." Crum growls to himself as the boat comes into view "I would rather have walked" and quickly finds himself at the lifeboats for the ships...

01-14-09, 12:13 PM
Jon smiled as he and Max disappeared into mana gateways and reappeared on their ship, and got familiar with it as they waited for their crew to row out to it.

"Max go sniff around see what's here what were carrying and if theres anything potentially dangerous" Jon said as he walked up to the wheel and stood beside the navigation officer

"so where we headed?" Jon said trying to make idle chit chat

"To assault a castle and bring the enemy to their knee's" he said

Jon was surprised he didnt know this was his task, but he knew it would be difficult, but not this difficult. and that Half-dragon he knew could be a threat, but how much, and would he turn once the castle is taken down, if so, he would need to come up for a plan to take him out

01-15-09, 11:50 AM
Once Crum arrived on the ship they set off, the ship rocking gently with the waves the crack of the sales as they catch a particularly strong gust of wind, the wind this day was pleasantly warm, and gentle.

No matter how nice this start was Crum was still as pissed off as ever, he hated boats more then anything, it's not that he gets sea sick, it's he isn't very good at swimming, and every other time he has ever been on a boat he has always had bad luck. He has never been able to properly walk on a boat, making fighting very difficult in rough weather.

Crum looks around quickly to find a suitable place to sit and as quickly as he can heads there. The weird looks that the sailors give Crum just served to further his rage, 'the quicker this voyage was over the better.' Crum grumbles to himself.