View Full Version : The Order of Dratmos

12-13-06, 09:19 PM
The Order of Dratmos


The Order of Dratmos is a loose group of the warriors and adventurers of Althanas. While some tend to believe that the power these individuals have belong to those that buy their services, This Order thinks differently. Instead, The Order of Dratmos stands for the belief that it’s members are the ones that really hold the power. They choose were to align themselves with and what they put their skills towards. In short, it’s mostly an adventurer’s or mercenary guild. However, the highest bidder doesn’t necessarily get to borrow their skills, but rather to whom they choose to work for.

The Order isn’t closed to just those that can wield a weapon either. It reconigizes the fact that there are those that wield magic or other skills as well. As long as you consider yourself and warrior, knight, adventurer, mercenary or someone that may end up fighting for what they believe in or for what they stand for you’re welcome to join the Order. Just be prepared that we’re the ones that sometimes risk our lives and may eventually be hired to help fight in a war.


Membership into the Order is open to anyone that expresses interest in joining. Although the initation process hasn’t been decided yet, the idea of holding a small tournament is being considered. If this does happen, all participants will be initiated just for competing. If this does not happen or if someone joins after the Order has obtained a few members, newcomers will be initiated by means of fighting against a member of the order in the Citadel. This is just so that the Order can evaluate the ability of the initiate and find a suitable place for him in the Order.


Since the Order of Dratmos (OD) is somewhat of a mercenary group. It is only logical that the major source of income comes from those that buy the guild’s services. Of course, most of the gold goes to the members who completed the task. The Order understands that money can be a problem for most adventurers. Which is why we are satisfied with ten percent of the earnings. All gold received from the members will be held in a bank until a need arises for it. Such as if a member needs a new weapon or a piece of armor.

It’s also said that one member is interested in purchasing some land in Salvar in order to create a mining site. Once that gets established it should help the Order greatly.


The leadership of the OD will be comprised of five individuals. These five will meet regularly and make make the important decisions such as where to assign new recruits, purchasing food and water, diplomatic negotiations and which contracts the OD will accept. Each of the five is given the privilege to have a title of their choosing and each one is head of a division of the Order. The Divisions have yet to been named, but it’s clear that each one will be geared towards the different methods the members work. For example, one division will be for those that use an arsenal of magic, while another will be for stealth and assassination. From there, each one of the five will decide which rank to give to those in his division and will give promotions as he/she sees fit.

The ranks are as follows, keep in mind names are likely to change.

The Five

Code of Conduct:

1. Under no circumstance is one member to kill another unless the two of them are either competing in a tournament or fighting in the Citadel. In these two cases the Order encourages the member to fight their hardest. That way they can receive construction critisism from their opponent and learn where they can improve.
2. If there is a dispute between members outside of a tournament or the Citadel, it will be taken care of in the means of a one on one fight. However, the fighters are given wooden weapons and killing the opponent is strictly prohibited. To ensure there are no ‘accidents’, the match will be witnessed by a group of fellow members.
3. Members must contribute ten percent of earning received from jobs given to them by the Order. All other earnings a member receives is seen as theirs, Therefore it completely belong to them.
4. While members are allowed to be a part of other institutions, Loyalty is important to the OD. Therefore, if a member is part of another group that goes to war against the Order he/she must comes to the Order’s defense. If the individual chooses to side with the other group, he/she will be shown no mercy in the coming battle.
5. All private meetings between members of the Order are to be kept private. If you take a top-secret mission given to you by the Order, there’s a reason it’s a secret.


Zerith Dracosius- Member
Oriseus Dargonis- Initiate
Jasmine Matrino- Initiate
Diane Terringail [Secretary Extraordinaire]- Initiate
Luc Kraus [Cyrus the Virus]- Initiate
Dann Lagh'ratham [Slayer of the Rot]- Initiate
Zelos "Zel" Donovan- Initiate
Asuka Murakama [Aukastrikes]- Initiate
Dante Nix- Initiate
Rokusho "Rok" Wulfenbraz- Initiate
Anenfel Saendithas [Vampiric Angel]- Initiate
Doji Ki [Reiko]- Initiate


In order to maintain the Order the OD, members will be occasionally be asked to complete assignments. Members are advised to be prepared for anything from simple tasks to difficult missions. We just give you a basic outline of what needs to be done. How it's accomplished and the outcome is completely up the members

1: It came from the desert
Description: Word has travelled from Fallien of strange sightings of a monster near the Ruins of Kesta. It's not the fact that this creature is near the ruins, it's the description of the fiend. Witnesses descripe it things as a large, scaled creature with massive front claws that leaps out from underneath the sand. Lightning crackles at the end of its mace-like tail and it attacks swiftly and suddenly. The thing that worries most people is this. The frightening thing about it is that it resembles a blue dragon. You job is to find out if these rumors are true and where the creature came from. If you happen to encounter it, avoid it. If you think you can kill it, you're more than welcome to try. Just remember it's your life on the line.
Reward: 500 gold

Alright, hopefully this will interest some people. Once we get enough member we'll discuss ideas for possible benefits and such. Hopefully I'll be able to answer any questions.

12-14-06, 03:14 PM
I know this is a doublepost, but it's not like I had the choice.

Anyways, now that the roster has started to grow. I think we should decide what the OD is going to do as a PG when it comes to the Citadel and Bazaar war. Chances are both are going to happen for real. So which side of the fence do you guys was the OD to take? Helping the IE or helping the monks and the Peregrine Group?

Please PM me with what side you think we should take and I'll let you know what the outcome is. Also, if you know anyone or have any ideas on who we can ask to join us, go ahead and try to recruit.

This war is the perfect chance for us to make an impact. I don't want the OD to become just a name.

Slayer of the Rot
12-14-06, 03:22 PM
Well, before I forget to mention it, I'm interested in joining.

12-14-06, 03:25 PM
You sir, are approved! I figure if we participate in this War we can get everyone initiated then.

12-15-06, 01:16 AM
Interesting, so far it's tied 50/50. Keep in mind that there could be other options like go neutral, or even just siding with the monks of the Citadel. Get your vote in if you haven't.

Mithranduil Treasury
12-15-06, 02:12 AM
All members should note that if they wish to dontate starting funds to the OD, they need to PM or IM me with the amount they are wishing to add as I will be documenting all funds going into and out of the OD checkbook.

oh and this is Jasmine. This account is just for financial purposes.

Cyrus the virus
12-15-06, 03:15 AM
PG advice on treasuries should be up soon, it's very much similar to what we're doing here. Just gotta hammer out the details.

I'll transfer that gold, but just mentioning it here isn't gonna work in the future, Zer. Just PM me, that way the gold isn't added multiple times, and I'll definately see it.

Hi, I'm in this PG :)

Zel Donovan
12-17-06, 10:08 PM
Zelos Donovan would love a chance to join a power group such as this one. I'm in.

12-17-06, 11:23 PM
Excellent to see that you accepted my offer Zelos. Welcome to the OD.

((EDIT)) Alright guys, I've added a few mission/tasks to the first post. They're open to anyone who expresses interest in them.

12-19-06, 12:02 AM
You PMed Master Raven about asking me to join the OD?

Well... Making cash on the side does sound interesting... At least I get to fight, right?

Heh, count me in. I could use a nice little fight now and then. Especially against those IE creeps... *scowls at the IE*

12-19-06, 01:48 PM
Could I join this?

12-19-06, 03:41 PM
Alright, you're both in. Welcome to the OD.

Now, to touch on a subject that might annoy some people. I know Zel has already made a decision regarding which side he'll be on in the "Rise of the IE" thread. But I think it would be interesting to have a few of us arrive and try to rescue Sevrath from both the PG and Max Dirks.

You can call me crazy for coming up with the idea. But so far, this is hardly a war at all.

So does anyone want to form a team with Z-Man and try to help the IE?

Cyrus the virus
12-19-06, 04:36 PM
Luc is indeed on IE's side ;)

12-19-06, 04:41 PM
I am completely in the dark about this, so: Who's Sevrath, Who's PG, and What's the IE?

12-19-06, 05:28 PM
Dante: Sevrath is the leader of the IE, a group who wants to seize the bazaar and inforce a 10% tax on some of its good. Another group, the PG, is strictly against what the IE is doing and is choosing to fight back.

Cyrus: Excellent, Now we just need to come up with how our characters will get involved.

Anyone else want to join in?

Slayer of the Rot
12-19-06, 05:32 PM
Dante: Sevrath is the leader of the IE, a group who wants to seize the bazaar and inforce a 10% tax on some of its good. Another group, the PG, is strictly against what the IE is doing and is choosing to fight back.

Cyrus: Excellent, Now we just need to come up with how our characters will get involved.

Anyone else want to join in?


12-19-06, 05:38 PM
I'm going to join mostly for fun. However I don't see how we benefit from a tax.

12-20-06, 01:52 AM
that's just it...we don't. the IE has said that if you help them, then you won't have to pay a tax. but I'd rather just squash their attempts to tax the general populance and still not pay stupid sales taxes. I HATE sales taxes.

Cyrus the virus
12-20-06, 08:46 AM
So do I, but Luc is kind of on the fence about it. I'm just having him support IE so they have some more muscle, though I'm fully willing to not have things work out his way. Tornadoes go!

12-20-06, 09:32 AM
Alright then, given that we don't benefit much at all, I'm going to have to withdraw from that.

12-20-06, 11:20 AM
I guess It depends on how you look at things ICly. On one side, you can help get rid of the tax and not have to pay it. Standing up for the people is also a plus as well. On the other side, you could see that this tax is discouraging people from buying weapons. Or the OD could always just negotiate a price for their services (like 25% of the gold the IE gains from these taxes) on top of not having to pay the tax at all.

Or we could do what Cyrus suggested and screw up their plans when the time is right.

12-20-06, 06:27 PM
I guess an archer could complete the party to side with the IE.

Since you HAD to beg me earlier today, count me in on your side bro. :p

I think I can probably tie in a hook to even joining in on our little escapade in one of my current threads, since it's coming to a close soon.

12-20-06, 06:35 PM
Actually, I didn't beg you. I asked what your reasoning was behind your choice earlier.

Besides, if we do jump in when Dirks leaves the building. Someone else may be joining us as well. I just have to work out the details with him/her.

12-21-06, 12:36 AM
my dislike for sales tax is purely OOC...Anchorage does not have a sales tax, so i never have to deal with them and i don't particularly care for it when i go to another city that does, cause i always forget about it.

12-21-06, 01:01 AM
Heck, I was already planning on jumping in that thread along with Victor even before those kids crashed the party. Now, I'm just standing off to the side and see how things turn out.

By my bet, you guys on the IE side will be facing me as an IC outsider. Along with Ol' Padre, anyways. See you guys on the other side. ;)

12-21-06, 08:42 AM
By my bet, you guys on the IE side will be facing me as an IC outsider. Along with Ol' Padre, anyways. See you guys on the other side. ;)

Nice. Sounds to me like we'll be having a Serenti rematch. I can't wait.

Rok the Blade
12-23-06, 02:25 PM
Hey Zerith! i said I would join your Order, so here I am. It will be a pleasure being in the Dratmos Order.

12-23-06, 03:34 PM
Excellent, and just as I said, you're approved.

Update: Now the this war is getting started, I will be added a few non-war missions to the first post for those that want to do a quest or to when their not busy with this war. The first one is already up, more will be added when I come up with them.

Moving on, I'd like to open the floor to discussion. Firstly, the OD is still in need of a IC base of operations. The AG has their castle and the PG has the Peregrine, so what do you think the OD should have? Feel free to suggest ideas (Like rebuilding the Grey Braves Tower or for example).

Secondly, what benefits do you think the OD should offer to it's members?

With that said, the floor is now open for discussion.

12-26-06, 07:07 AM
I think I can ask Master Raven for a base in the borders of Akashima, though I'll keep that off the list for now. He's awfully busy this time of year.

As for benefits... Uhh... private smithy? A place to custom-make armor, weapons and whatnots? Something along those lines should be OK, though I'm not sure if the other Power Groups have that as a perk or not.

12-29-06, 01:13 PM
So far, I'm going to say I like the idea of having a base of operations in Akashima. Jasmine has offered us her estate in Moriah since she spends most of her IC time at Erebus. If the league of the salvic states continue, I'll hopefully get Xer'Doc approved and make it something useful to the guild.

So I'll keep in touch with Master Raven and discuss the possibilities.

Vampiric Angel
01-06-07, 04:06 PM
Yeah, if it's too late that's fine, but I'm interested in joining.

01-07-07, 12:21 AM
Actually, no it's not to late. Welcome to the OD VA.

On a side note. I'm pleased to announce that if everything goes well, we may just be able to have our base of operations in Akashima. Since Raven is being so kind as to allow it, I think it's only fair that he gets to name the establishment and decide it's appearance.

Once we get our base established, we can start a thread where some of us help build it ICly or something like that.

01-07-07, 09:18 AM
Hmm I think Ki might fit in, would it be alright for me to join?

01-07-07, 11:25 AM
Approved, providing that your membership with the Peregrine in no way interferes with the OD.

Also, the details have been sorted out and there is an available place for the OD to set up base in Akashima. As it turns out, there are a number of granite fortress Akashima uses to house it's military. However, it appears that one of the these fortresses has been abandoned. While the military doesn't use it anymore, it has become some sort of 'bandit's den'.

If we want to, I'm sure we can do a thread where we take the fortress for our own. If we do though, there is a good chance of a follow-up thread where we are investigated and may have to negotiate with the Akashiman military.

So what do you think? Does this sound like something we want to do?

01-07-07, 11:30 AM
Approved, providing that your membership with the Peregrine in no way interferes with the OD.

it won't, I'm no longer a member of the Peregrine. If you check the list I've been removed.

01-07-07, 11:32 AM
Oh, my bad.

Well it's a pleasure to have another join us. I never thought the OD would have this many members already.

03-30-07, 01:04 AM
I am please to announce that this week (hopefully tomorrow), I will be starting a new thread and would like some members of the OD to be a part of it.

It'll involve a kidnapping, and eventually Z and others will travel to Akashima. There they will find out the truth, storm into a fortress and take down a lord. I'm hoping to have Slayer be part of the thread as a surprise guest villian or obstacle (kinda like Lu Bu in the Dynasty Warriors Series).

If anyone in interested in being part of this, just mention your interested. From there we'll figure out how you can join in on the fun ICly.

Though if you're not too overwhelmed Reiko, I'd love it if you'd be a part of this. Seeing as how Ki lives in Akashima, she'd be a big help.

So c'mon. Who wants to help take over a fortress?

03-30-07, 01:20 AM
Well, I would have Asuka join in your little battle, but I don't want her to run into her sister yet...

...Or do I? ;)

Well, I'll go ask her what she thinks and hopefully she will respond in time. :p

04-10-07, 12:53 PM
Well while you're at it, tell Asuka I think I've found the perfect place for her to join. I'll PM you with the details.

Anyone else? This is a great way to get initiated as well.

04-11-07, 10:49 PM
Alright, I'll join ya. Can't promise much, though...

Still... who else is coming along for the party?

Slayer of the Rot
04-18-07, 08:59 PM
Are you still going to be using me in that thread, Zerith?

06-13-07, 11:01 AM
I'm still trying to figure out a good place to have you, probably as a secret weapon of the bad guy or something. That's only if you're still interested.

However, given the recent news of what is going to be done with PG's. It's about time to try and get the OD active. So this is open to all current members and any interested in joining...

...I'm going to have Zerith ICly recruit any challengers that are willing to do a Citadel match. So if you want a quick way to become a member. Just post here saying you're interested in a Citadel match with me. Also, I think I'll only be able to do a maximum of three at once. Once people show some interest, I'll create a list of challengers and who are the current three.

I'm also looking for a partner to team up with an challenge a champion in Fallien's Prahna'dyuta. If anyone wants to form a PG team, just post here or send me a pm.

06-13-07, 05:35 PM
i'm up for it

06-13-07, 10:45 PM
Alright then Streak, looks like you'll be first. Do you want to make the first post? Or should I?

06-14-07, 08:40 PM
you should