View Full Version : Alexis DragonRider

04-05-06, 04:12 PM
Name: Alexis DragonRider - The first name is his birth name and the second name was give to him when he came of age. Neither is his 'last' name and he will respond equally to Alexis or DragonRider.

Titles: The Eighth Of Twelve, Fourth Red DragonLord, Son of Silofan GreenDragon and Vralic BlackDragon, DragonKing, Brother to Drake FrostHeart and Jxom ChillWind, Uncle to Arwen FreeBorn, Husband to Alicia FrostFormer, Father to Zachariah ShaltarsGift, Nemesis of Liam HeartBreaker, Wielder of the Sword of Ages, Bearer of the Shield of Kings, the ReBorn, the Scarred One, the Last Warrior, the Final Hero, the Soul of Shaltar's Avatar, SoulTwin to Melenie WaveRider.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - He respects only strength and has no real moral groundwork to live amidst humanity as he views them all as the usurpers of his races correct place in the grand scheme of power.

Race: Red DragonLord - Gifted with strength, speed, endurance, regeneration, senses and skill at arms beyond that of humanity, DragonLords are the next step in the evolution of DragonKind. They are a Warrior race and live for combat; however this has caused a sharp decline in their numbers, leaving only three Full Blooded DragonLord's left alive, Jxom ChillWind having died several years ago.

Age: 23

Height: Six foot and four inches.

Weight: 18 stone - This is mostly muscle mass and the weight of his thicker then human bones.

Physical Description: A physically large and overbearing humanoid male, his square jawed, roughly handsome features marred by a long scar from the corner of his left eye to under his chin. His head is topped with a thick thatch of auburn, naturally spiky hair, his dark eyes equipped with a secondary nictating membrane and his jaws reinforced with additional layers of muscle to give his razor sharp teeth more power into their bite.

He is well muscled, but it doesn't look ridiculous on his body frame as most of it lies in almost unique musculature and bone structure. He possesses thick, iron hard bones, layers of muscles under other muscles and a triple thickness spine to protect his otherwise vulnerable main nerve column. His blood is very dark, thick with a DragonLord's oxygenators, allowing him to be active for longer periods of time without building up lactic acid.

As a Red DragonLord, the sub-species of DragonLord that are best known for their speed, his muscles all contain snap points, allowing them to jerk quickly from point to point. Though this means he can move very quickly, it reduces his manual dexterity, resulting in him being mostly unable to handle fragile objects without breaking them.

His flesh is covered in pale scars, lining his body in almost every possible patch of skin. These are due to wounds caused in combat with Dragons or with magical weapon armed opponents. A DragonLord is capable of healing almost any wound within minutes, yet the flesh of another Dragon contains oil that paralyzes the healing process, forcing a scar to form instead, and magical weapons, if powerful enough, can disrupt it completely.

On his throat, are scars that he chose to keep, mentally arresting the healing process until a scar formed. These scars are teeth marks, a DragonLord mating tradition where the pair bites each other on the neck until the blood flows, thus claiming the other for their own. Alexis bears his proudly, clearly showing himself as the chosen mate of Alicia FrostFormer.

Personality: Aggressive and angry, almost to the point of berserk, Alexis has good reason for it. He is the last true blood of his entire race and he knows that with his death, his race will be ended, for Drake is now too old to sire children and Melenie has lost her mind turning her into a gibbering shell of the woman she once was. The burden of this rests heavily on his mind, causing him to slip into fits of rage, or dark despair if he thinks to hard upon his destiny.

As a DragonLord he can live almost forever, his body regenerating his cells constantly and keeping them new and active. Yet, it is likely that with the death of his wife, Alicia FrostFormer, he will choose to simply end his immortal life to be with her in the AfterTime.

Family and History: Alexis has no immediate blood family, though it is suspected by Alicia that he and Drake FrostFormer are distantly related due to their similarities of fighting styles and attitude towards life. Alexis is married however, to the Born Undead, Alicia FrostFormer, the Half-Banshee, and Ice Sect Leader and together the two have a young son, Zachariah ShaltarsGift, who is already showing the potential to be every bit as powerful as his father and forebears.

Alexis and the other surviving DragonLords and Lady's are very close however, as befits the only remaining members of a dying race. Alexis and Drake, though closest in mind, do not normally get on well, probably due to them simply being TOO similar in outlook and mental attitude, though on occasion they have fought together and when working in a group, they are nigh unstoppable.

Alexis and Jxom got on well, the elder White DragonLord viewing his younger 'brother' with affection and a kind of amused incomprehension, whilst Alexis respected Jxom for his skill and superior experience, the White DragonLord having been alive for almost five thousand years at the time of his death.

Melenie and Alexis are the two closest of the surviving DragonLords however, since there is less then a year in their ages and the two where rose together. In fact, though it cannot be proven, both suspect that the other is actually true flesh and blood, if not twins, as the two actually have no idea of their exact birth dates and they where found at a similar time, not more then five miles from the other, at a very young age.

As they grew up, they came to rely on each other, each saving the others life on more then one occasion. Alexis, able to fly, carried Melenie to places she could not reach, and the gilled Blue DragonLady was able to take Alexis to the depths of the seas, passing oxygen onto him via a swift 'kiss'. This eventually grew to the point at which each swore KinShip to the other in a process called the SoulBinding, linking each to the other for eternity.

Though the SoulBinding does allow each to see the others thoughts and feelings at anytime, it also can be a weakness, for when Alexis grows into a rage, so does Melenie and vice-versa. Unfortunately, due to Melenie's slip into madness, Alexis has been forced to block the link, for fear of losing his own mind in the process.

Recently, Melenie used the power the SoulBinding granted her mind to calm the insanity inside, granting her a small core of her self again, allowing her to communicate with Alexis mentally again, albeit in a much reduced form. It also allowed her to link minds with the Priest of the One, Zadok, lending him aid as he was forced to fight off his own personal demons. This process probably aided her more then anything else, as it showed her that she could be restored. This in turn gave Alexis hope for his sister/twin that cheered him immensely, beginning to turn him away from the rage that was consuming him.

Combat Experience: Though young, Alexis' experiences during the War of the Five, including his death, have brought a great deal of combat experience to the DragonLord.

Clothing: As Alexis normally wears only his armour, the only clothing he normally bears is a pair of long legged linen shorts to protect his legs and crotch against the rubbing of his plate armour. He does own a full length white robe for when he is forced into a non-combat role however.

Armour: He normally wears a kind of mix and match of armour, mostly things that he has scavenged from the field of battle, nothing really more the trophies. But as he wears them all over his body, and combined with his natural resistance, it becomes the equivalent of Half-Plate Mail Armour.

Iron Half-Plate -

Damage Resistance - Alexis has extensively converted his armour, threading it through with copper wires, so that he will not take any additional damage from Lightning Attacks due to his metal armour.

Description - Mostly consisting of a large mail vest over his torso, it also includes damaged leg plates, a massive shoulder guard on his left shoulder and a bracer on his right wrist.

Weaponry: Alexis bears a great deal of weaponry, though he is more then capable of tearing a man in two with his bare hands. This is due to his single minded determination to be ready to face any foe, no matter how powerful.

Steel Bastard Sword

Description - A finely crafted bastard sword, just over four and a half feet in length with a wheel pommel, leather bound grip, crusader variant hilt (makes the entire weapon look like a crucifix), a tapering blade with each edge razor sharp.

Abilities - None.

Steel Throwing Knife

Description - A simple long knife that sits in a concealed sheath strapped to the small of Alexis back, hidden by a flap of armour. Narrow bladed and razor tipped, it is designed to pierce mail armour and flesh with equal ease, and as it is almost a foot long, if it did pierce then you would know about it. It has no hilt and no pommel, the grip being simple carved wood, the entire weapon carefully balanced for throwing.

Abilities - None, other then the fact that it will pierce mail armour as easily as flesh.

Iron Sword Hilt

Description - A roughly made sword hilt that dangles from Alexis' belt, which still bears a shard of its broken blade. This is all that remains of Alexis' first sword, the weapon shattered long ago during the War of the Five. He bears it as a sentimental reminder of what he had been, rather then as a weapon.

Abilities - None.


Flash Orb -

Description - A simple glass orb filled with an incandescent white light. Alexis carries about half a dozen of these in his belt at any given point in time.

Abilities - When broken they release a blinding flash of light, which allows Alexis a moment to close with a blinded and stunned enemy. Blinds an opponent for one post.


Healing Draught - Restores "moderate"

Description - The only sort of healing magic that will work on Alexis is carried in the three vials of this stuff he carries. A thick and blood red liquid, it almost pulses with sheer power in their case on his belt.

Abilities - When drunk will restore "moderate" to any DragonLord/Lady or Half-DragonLord/Lady and "minor" to anyone else.




Flare - Minor

Description - Unleashes a raw blast of hot light energy from Alexis' palm, in a bolt form. The spell is simple and Alexis can cast it with but a thought. It's damage potential is low, but since the spell is simple to cast, this makes little difference.

Layover Time - Currently Alexis can only cast about once every ten seconds(once per post), not having the inherent skill needed to control the Mani to such a degree yet.


Racial Abilities:

DragonLord Regeneration (1/5) - DragonLords can regenerate wounds quicker then humans. Alexis can heal minor scrapes and cuts within a couple of hours. Other wounds take much longer.

Red DragonLord Speed (1/3) - Red DragonLords are the fastest breed. Alexis is currently capable of moving twice as fast as a human for ten seconds. He requires a full minute of rest before he can do it again.

Disclaimer: All DragonLord and DragonLord references are licenced to www.tal-vorn.com and PaladinStudios INC, all rights reserved.

Automatic Dread
04-05-06, 05:06 PM
Combat Experience: Though young, Alexis' experiences during the War of the Five, including his death, have brought a great deal of combat experience to the DragonLord, allowing him the insight to defeat nigh any foe, and knowledge of almost every possible combat situation and facet of war.

That will never be approved at level 0. You need to basically be extremely weak.

Also, Althanas doesn't deal in hit points. In battles, the winner is the better writer, not the one K'Od

Just trying to give a little advice (was given to me when I signed up)

04-05-06, 05:14 PM
Cat, please don't post in the reg forums unless its a profile that belongs to you. This could easily have been pm'ed. In the meantime, yes she's right. Please modify it to a scale of light damage moderate damage severe damage ect.

04-05-06, 05:17 PM
Done! :D What next?

04-05-06, 05:34 PM
I need the materials that the armor/weapons are made out of now. Also you don't need to put damage codes on all your stuff. I know a broadsword can do much more than moderate damage on a successful hit. I just need to know for spells how much damage it can deal. Whether its a few scratches (light), a few deep gashes (moderate), whether you better get a healer to fix it (severe), or if its a deathblow (deadly).

Also we aren't as hardcore on the roleplaying aspect of Althanas as other sites. If you can write a logical explanaition and do it well, chances are you will get it done. Think of us as more of a storytelling board than a true roleplaying board.

04-05-06, 05:39 PM

04-05-06, 05:42 PM
Still need throwing knife, the Tiny sword, and how much damage your flare spell causes. Also racial traits should be fully described so I have an idea of your power. Stating he has strength speed and regeneration beyond normal mortals is a bit much considering you are here in Althanas.

04-05-06, 06:08 PM
The 1/5 shows its the first in a series of five strengths for that ability.

04-05-06, 06:43 PM
Still forgot the metals on the throwing knife and the hilt ;)

04-05-06, 06:55 PM
We'll get there in the end . . . heh


04-05-06, 07:04 PM
Alright, now for damage on flare, also cut back on your flashbangs. I want you carrying at most about 5-6. Also the part about lightning immunity has to go. Might I also point out copper wiring is quite common and so you would not benefit from using copper wire. You need a metalloid metal like aluminum before you can start thinking about non-conductive metals.

I think we're almost there.

04-05-06, 07:07 PM
Ah, it isn't Lightning Immunity. It's preventing ADDITIONAL lightning damage due to the metal armour is all. :) Other then that, it does bugger all.

04-05-06, 07:14 PM
Alright lets have a cooldown on the flare of at least a post or two (your discretion) simply so you don't go machine gun kelly on me. Its the home stretch!

04-05-06, 07:17 PM
Heh, no fear of that. He has a spell JUST for that which I'll be adding MUCH later. :D

04-05-06, 07:19 PM
Alright, now sing I'm a little teapot out loud video tape yourself and post it on Althanas. After that you must start spinning in circles until you fall down screaming "SANTHALAS IS THE MAN!" Then you are done...

Or you could just wait for me to say "Approved."
