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12-15-06, 09:25 AM
Shadow was walking down the long dirt street towards the local bazaar he was looking for something that would sway a fight in his favor and for this reason was the purpose of his visit.

He walked in the front bazaar door with it nearly hitting his head. he walked over to the counter and spoke boldly.

"I require some sort of magical item that will sway a battle in my favor once i use it or even some sort of weapon that i could effectively use. i was more so looking towards gloves that are magicly enchanted to increase spell power or something along those lines. If nothing is available i will gladly take whatever armor you have that i can buy for under 590 gold."

Max stood and waited for a response.

12-18-06, 05:46 AM
People far and wide across Althanas, no matter they be down-to-earth Dwarves or the frail-bodied Humans and Concordian Elves, said that the best place to buy your wares was at the Bazaar. Whether it be swords or bows, jerkins or plate armors, there seemed to be endless variations in designs, uses and costs.

The hunched man behind the counter nodded his graying head after hearing his customer's request, mulling over the idea of what would be needed and what needed to be sought. Stroking his bleached long beard, Relan glanced up at his customer with a tired grunt.

"Yes, I see where you are getting at, sir. However... My shop does have a lot of wares to go through..." Relan paused to stifle a cough before resuming his scratchy speech. "Saying you merely want something to sway your battle is a very long shot... especially since you only have a little less than... how much was it, now? 600 pieces?"

The old man casted his eyes about his dim-lit store, looking for something that might be of use to his blue-skinned buyer. He marched over to a nearby shelf and took down a pair of steel gauntlets before returning to the counter, gently placing them on the weathered oak surface.

"Eh-hem... Yes, this might do you some good, sir. The Blaze Sage's Wraps can, and should, help add a little more punch to your fire spells... if you have any... But mind you, that it will not go well with any of your water or ice-based spells... Moreso against the gauntlets themselves..."

Relan paused to stop a hacking cough again before returning his attention to Shadow.

"Erm, yes. The gauntlets will cost you 450 gold pieces along with the minor enchantment, a mere 70 pieces for ones without the enchantment. Either way, you will at least have some protection when the other person gets up close and personal."

Even before his customer can respond, Relan remembered one thing about the gauntlets and quickly interjected, not wanting to seem like the old merchant was trying to rip him off.

"Oh, right. If you try casting water or ice spells while wearing them, you may find your spells weakened by half... As for the gauntlets, they may very well break apart in your hands. That is all dependant on the strength of your spells, after all..."

The Blaze Sage's Wraps were not really the strongest spell-enhancing gloves he had in stock, but they were about the most affordable ones Relan could find. What with the Coronian Civil War going on just a few days' travel away and the rumor about turmoil in Alerar, he had to be careful who his wares were going to serve...

12-19-06, 09:08 AM
"Blaze Sage's Wraps huh? they seem all right but do u have anything that increases all spells in general or how about something that focuses pure mana power?" Shadow said as he pulled a piece of parchment from his side to read the name of the object he wanted.

"i believe it's name was Utinu en lokirim it is an elven pair of cloth gloves and a friend told me it shouldnt cost no more then 600 gp. It supposedly gathers mana from the air around you giving you about a 1.4x boost to your magic."

Shadow then placed the parchment back in his pocket and look at the gloves ahead of him.

"these seem to be of human make got anything of elven if you dont have my gloves?" Shadow spoke to the man in a very bold tone trying to get this very specific item.

12-20-06, 02:56 AM
Relan leaned against his counter as the magey customer read out the name on his list, making a mental note of the specific traits that seemed to be present in the enchantment. The old man nodded as Shadow finished and cleared his throat.

"The Utinu en Lokirim I have heard many times during my traveling years, yes... But I'm afraid I will have to check if I have it in stock. It is a rather... rare item, so to say..."

He had heard about its capabilities to literally draw power from the owner's surrounding, but the concept of "mana" was still a new idea to him. He may be a merchant leaning towards the powers of sorcery, but even his knowledge has its limits.

"But for something as powerful as that... I'm afraid it will cost you well more than merely 600 gold pieces..." The old man shook his graying head and flipped through a tome listing the many enchanted elven gloves in the back room. "If it is still where I believe it is..."

His wrinkly fingers skimmed over the yellowish pages, resting on a few choice items as his eyes continued to move over the book before he closed the thick tome and headed for the back room.

"Please wait one moment, sir. I have a few items that may be close to what you need."

A few moments passed and Relan reappeared through the oaken door, from his hands a pair of leather gloves appeared and spread themselves out onto the counter.

"These may not be nearly as powerful as the Utinu en Lokirim you seek, yet they may be able to substitute its use... for a while."

The old man touched the pair of gloves with his bony hand and described its powers.

"Fraelis Shana, Glove of Awakening. These are simple Elven-made leather gloves blessed by the Song Magic of the Raiaeran Schools. They will help empower your spells up to, perhaps, two-fifths more power than your spells are now. However, because of the limitations imposed by the Raiaeran Elves, they insisted on keeping the boosting power in spell charges. Each time a spell is casted, one charge is used up and burns away whether or not you wished it to be used... When all the charges are gone, Fraelis Shana will still give you at most a one-fifths boost to your spells. True, it is not nearly as powerful as the Utinu en Lokirim, but it should prove somewhat more useful..."

The shrewd merchant could see it in his customer's eyes at the mention of Charge Counters imposed on the enchantment so he continued on with the description after a short, hacking cough.

"By the way, son... Charges can be restored here, at my shop, for a mere 50 pieces per charge. As this glove operates on a charge counter, there are two charges on each glove for you to use. Without the enchantments, the elven gloves costs merely 30 gold pieces. Along with the enchantment, however, they cost 550 pieces total."

12-20-06, 07:30 AM
Shadow looked down at the gloves that the merchant had brought out. they were quite expensivebut they may serve the cause, But only two charges each glove Shadow would go through that in a few minutes in a fight.

"So you said you can add charges here eh?" Shadow said as he reached into his back "i will also sell three Elven Healing potions and this human made oak staff. plus 50 gold for as many charges as i can."

Shadow placed all the items on the table plus his gold sack.

12-21-06, 02:58 AM
Staring oddly at the Elven healing potions and the rather unremarkable staff, the old man glanced up from the wares Shadow intended to trade in and gave him a weary sigh.

"Fine, boy. I'll add a few more charges to your gloves. Still, I can't go beyond its capacity or else we'll be looking at one very messy... mess."

Pausing to stop a nasty, ragged cough with his hands, the shopkeeper checked the Elven gloves and tallied up the cost of adding the maximum charges while weighing it against the trade-in value of his customer's wares.

"Alright, sir... That'll be 20 pieces for the walking stick... I don't know about those... "potions"... but that we can discuss later... As for the charges, I can add them up to eight charges total... Four on each hand... though you should be wary that anymore than that may very well cause a large enough explosion of elemental magic that can kill you in an instant if used. I strongly advice against such... thoughtless power... So I can only add add four more charges to your gloves. That will cost an additional..."

Relan reached his hand up and counted them off, pausing for a moment and holding up two fingers to the customer. "Two hundred gold pieces."

On that note, the merchant wandered over to his tome of Concordian Potions and Concoctions in a nearby shelf and flipped through the pages, looking for any similarities he could use as identification.

"I don't believe you have enough to add all the possible charges, sir." He said between coughs that stirred up a light could of dust in the rather dim and stuffy shop, regardless of the sunny ray piercing in through a dust-coated window. "But I am more curious as to where you acquired these... potions. I do not believe I have seen them before... Though I can be wrong at times..."

((OOC Note: Please attach a link stating the origin of those three Elven potions in an OOC note at the beginning of the responding post, please.))

12-21-06, 09:21 AM
((OOC:I had these potions in althanas before the crash and i can not locate a valid link to them sorry about that but i would appreciate it if you trusted me on this when i say they can heal wounds at 3x their normal rate))

Shadow looked at his oak staff.

"20 gp! for this piece of mastorwork staff i must be getting behind in the times i for sure thought it was atleast 50 gp. Atleast i was told it was masterwork"

shadow then but his hand down on the counter.

"these potions i recieved from my mother before she was dragged away and killed and before that she told me if i ever recieved a wound and hate atleast 1-3 days to rest to drink one and it heals wounds 3x the normal rate." Shadow explained "they are of great sentlemental value to me but i need these gloves more then those potions."

Shadow then rested his one knee on the ground and was now just a bit above eye level of the guy behind the counter.

"i need these gloves with those added charges, seeing as i am going to the citadel to take on a few warriors in what i heard people call was a battle tour."

12-26-06, 11:29 PM
((OOC Note: Next time, please have any items gained before the Crash listed in your profile for approval, no matter what.))

Relan leaned against the counter as his ears picked up on the magey customer's plead, still thumbing through the heavy tome in his arms. The odd man seemed to be in some sort of a hurry to get to a fight, which sounded rather curious to the merchant. He did not know many people who were so willing to risk life and limb for a "Battle Tour."

Then again, it was supposed to be going on in the Citadel.

"Fine, sir. I'll give you 35 pieces for the staff. That's my final offer." The old man sighed as his fingers traced a few scribbled notes on the weathered tome's worn pages. The wrinkly index finger paused momentarily on one set of words and he eyed them curiously before setting the book down on behind the counter.

"I see... Yes, these potions are quite... unique. To me, anyways. I'll be willing to give you..." The graying man mumbled to himself. "... 55 pieces each. That will be up to 165 pieces for all three. Along with your staff, the total coverage reach 200 gold pieces exactly. If it is fine with you, I shall require... an hour to add the charges for you... Please wait one moment..."

With the words still hanging in the stuffy air whirling about the store, Relan turned around and marched off through the oak door with the elven gloves, the potions and the staff in his hands. Once behind the wooden walls of his store, the magey merchant began his muted incantation away from prying eyes.

Just a little under an hour, the merchant reappeared at the store front, the fully-charged Fraelis Shana resting in his hands. He glanced up at the gigantic mage with weary gray eyes and spoke in usual grating, wheezy voice.

"That will be 550 gold pieces for the enchanted gloves, sir. I do hope they will suit your need... Well..."