View Full Version : Kithsanth M'Altair

04-05-06, 09:19 PM
Name: Kithsanth M'Altair
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 203
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Cyan


Kithsanth is an average looking male in his mid twenties. He has dark blue hair, and bright cyan eyes, these eyes are often staring down the shaft of an arrow. He wears simple studded leather armour when he is hunting. When he is traveling the town, he dresses in simple breeches and tunic.

Kithsanth's bow is made of the rib bone of a whale. This unique bow was passed down from his great grand father to him. The arrows he uses are simple oak and maple shafts with iron and stone heads.


Kind hearted, good natured, stubborn at times are the best way to describe Kithsanth. He is very kind to everyone he meets, not wanting to step on anyones toes. He tries to make friends with everyone, but will stand his ground on anything he does not agree with. He will do everything in his power to live the way he feels everyone should live, but is also kind enough to accept other peoples views on different subjects, this way always being openminded.


Composite Bow made from bone, and 15 normal arrows. This bow was passed down from his great grandfather. He aquired the bow upon his 12th birthday from his father, and hunted with it since then.


Studded Leather Armour that he purchased about one year ago from saving up his money for about three years prior. This armor is treated every day, and is cleaned after every use. Kithsanth treasures this armour, and does not want to see it rot in any way.


Hunting Knife, flint and steel, three days rations, back pack, water skin, quiver of arrows.


Archery - Has some skill with a bow, and can aim fairly well without looking down the shaft, but only using the arrow tip and generalizing distance.

Tracking - Can track animals in the woods, but only if certain conditions are met, such conditions are as follows: Tracking in mud, sand, or soft earth; Tracking in snow; or following blood patterns.

Skinning - Can take field dress an animal, discard the wastes, and make sure the animal is properly treated for travel.


Kithsanth was born to your average Underwood logging family. His dad worked most days to try to support him and his two younger brothers and one elder sister. His mom stayed home and took care of the house while dad was away. She also did minor mending jobs for people in the comuntity, fixing shirts, dresses, and other clothing wares that people brought to her. This allowed them to make a little extra and help out in the family's expenses.

When Kithsanth turned 12 he was given a bow, this bow was one that was handed down from previous generations. It had no special qualities, other then that it was made from the bone of a whale. This bow was bought by Kith's great grandfather, and has since been passes down through the years. Kith took the bow out to test it, he was rather excited to have such a treasure, being the first born son, he was destined to have this bow. He knocked an arrow, drew back the string, and released the arrow, which went nowhere, in fact the arrow jumped back and smacked him in the forehead, leaving a small bruise.

At this point, Kith decided that he should learn how to shoot the bow before he tries to be a master hunter. He went to Anead Tialta, a local fletcher, to learn the art of archery. Anead declined to help the child, because Kith could not afford to pay. However, the son of Anead, Dranis Tialta told Kith that he would teach Kith how to fire a bow.

With four years of practice, and countless bruises later, Kith was a rather good shot. He often went with Dranis and Anead on hunting trips in the woods around the town. Finally at the age of 16, he felt it was time to move on, and ease the burden on his parents. He packed his few meager posessions and left his child-hood home to live on his own.

Kith has spent the last ten years on his own, making a simple living hunting, and selling the pelts from his prey. He often splits the meat he recieves into three equal shares, one part for his family, one part for trading for living materials(clothing, vegitables, etc.), and one part for him to eat. He has since saved enough to do a little adventuring, something he always wanted to try, but never had the ability for. So with a wave to his parents, he packed a few things from his one room home, and set out to look for an adventuring job, and he found one, nothing too complicatd, no dragon slaying, or griffon hunting, but a simple body guard position, something that he could easily do.

Cyrus the virus
04-05-06, 09:37 PM
Just need to know how many arrows he's currently carrying. Can't have unlimited ammo here :p

Fifteen's a good start.

Cyrus the virus
04-05-06, 09:47 PM
Approved, hubby-guy.

Man, I'm a loser...