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12-18-06, 04:12 PM

Once again i shall attempt a RP career in this great website. Some of you might remember this name. Most of you wont. But hey i see there are alot of very active people here. I recognize some.


*waves and takes a seat in a corner*

12-18-06, 08:30 PM
Hey Stevo. Sorry, I don't recognize the name...should I know you by another?

12-18-06, 08:57 PM
hihi I think I remember from back then though it's been awhile so I'm not really sure.

12-18-06, 09:00 PM
We totally need more of the dwarven folk around here. Currently, Althanas is almost dwarfless.

Welcome back to Althanas, Stevo.

12-18-06, 09:15 PM
hehe...I think I started up the Dwarven incursion when I registered Mac...hehe

12-18-06, 10:11 PM
Hi, Stevo! Glad to have you back with us!

Prepare to be dragged back to this strange world by the name of Althanas... *Ebil grin*

12-19-06, 12:10 PM
I guess its not worth mentioning. After all I only finished one battle (Armand Delacroix vs Nekoprincess). And had some fluke characters. I guess making up characters is a hobby of mine.

The main reason ive been gone so long is the demon known as World of warcraft. And also having no internet for several months.
Ive started playing neverwinter nights 2, wich completely rekindled my interest in Forgotten Realms and RP as a whole. And I quit WoW cold turkey even tho the Trolls there were the coolest in any RPG realm.

So anyway ive started studying Dwarves, shield dwarves especially and my character is in the making. (the history is the hardest part) I got this book called: "Races of Faerûn" wich will help me learn all there is to know about shield dwarves.

12-19-06, 01:02 PM
WoW... it gets the best of us. It got me, still does kinda, and it took Unseen from us too. Though I'm partial to Undead.

Anyway, welcome welcome!

I'm thinking about making a dwarven character here soon, catch me on AIM sometime... I'm interested in possibly tying my charry with another dwarf. Welcome back!

12-20-06, 12:21 AM
Armand... Delacroix...

...Delacroix? Delacroix?!

...You've ever played "System Shock 2" by any chance?

Oh ,wow. WoW really can eat souls.

Mage Hunter
12-20-06, 02:09 AM
Armand now THATS a name that takes me back....

You were over in Europe weren't you?

12-20-06, 12:26 PM
Yep, from the netherlands

I remember some of the members here thinking the netherlands was some fantasy evil land... lawl.

12-20-06, 01:17 PM
Yep, from the netherlands
Woo, you're number three, if I counted right! :D
