View Full Version : Concordia Forest (Corone)

12-18-06, 04:17 PM

Drow Woman known for attacking passerby. No demands have been issued by the woman but it is known that she resides deeper in the forest than any sane person would go. While not close to the N'jalian Spider Magi she does however hover close to the one time area known for Bandit Brotherhood activity. Force is recommended as she refuses to come peacefully. Several guard have been dispatched to look for her.

Rewards for Capture can be inquired for by the Coronian Authorities!

Mage Hunter
12-18-06, 04:18 PM
Day 12

The sounds of the forest rang out into the morning as the birds chirped and sang. The flora and fauna coming alive all to well as the sun began creep out from its resting place. Raising up slowly upon the horizon its rays stretched out in the morning to seek those who were still sleeping. As the rays encroached in forest intimately caressing the grass and trees they found once again a lone figure sitting upon a mat in a forest clearing. The light began to warm the skin and heat the body for awhile, its golden rays stubbornly trying to move the immobile figure. The slender hands of the feminine creature were resting upon her knees in a meditative pose. Finally the purple hues of her skin began to flush as her body shook.

Shaking the blackened locks of hair form around her face the arms stiffly rose up to put them back in a neat ponytail. A soft sigh rang through the clearing as the slim figure stretched making sure to relax the tensed muscles form sleeping in a position not quite suited for the task. Humming softly as her eyes remained closed she continued to stretch and relax, before the cold eyes of Drusilia Liadon opened to the world about her. A soft snort left her as she looked upon the downed body before him, the corpse beginning to attract wildlife as the flies buzzed about it. It was the corpse of her last victim, a middle aged man who was versed in the magical arts. He had been a challenge to be sure, but like all challenges before her she overcame.

“Figures, humans are always frail cowards, it amazes me they got past the Stone Age,” She muttered as she got up ignoring the corpse. The robes were long since shredded in the search for magical artifacts, a spell book and a few scrolls used to start the fire the previous night as she kept watch for danger. It was a two fold task, destroying a tomb of knowledge about Magic, and serving as a campfire as she kept vigilant watch. The past few nights had been intriguing as she thought she could see glimpses of something just at the edge of her sight. As good as she was at spotting things with the aid of a campfire, she still couldn’t make out the presence hovering just at the edge.

Her mind was focused as it usually always was following a trance. Her mind was supposed to be trained razor sharp in order to see through the lies to the truth the hunt would bring. Rummaging through her pack she sighed as she pulled out yet more dried meat. She then muttered softly, “Jerky for twelve days is unsatisfying, I’ll need to look for better soon or I’ll go crazy form the repetitiveness.”

Sighing she strapped on her gear once more. Making sure that the quiver went over the sheath and that the sheath at the small of her back was properly balanced so as to allow her a quick draw of the blades. Her mind still focused on the things about her as she filtered through the sounds and the background noise. Her mind was trying to seek out a new target. Finding nothing immediate she sighed as she moved. Pouring a bit of water on the remains of the campfire she scattered the ashes before she moved from the site. She had been moving through the area camping in various locales so as to avoid capture. The guard had gotten militant after she had killed the first one trying to apprehend her.

The poor pathetic Human had barely enough time to consider drawing his weapon before sword was drawn across his chest. When he had attempted to scream out in anguish she silenced him with an upward blow and finished the deed leaving his body like the mage she had slept through the night with in the morning. Only washing her blades had slowed her down then, and with the retrieval of her arrows the mage had also left no trace of her.

With a light hearted sigh she began to move through the forest. A part of her was wistfully sad at the departure from Alerar her home. However as the grief began to try and swell she bit down on it. She had a job to do, and if she had to kill every mage in Corone she would do it if it meant she could continue on the Path of Hunter. Her shirt while loose kept her marginally warm, and also kept her from being accurately sized up. While she was no buxom beauty she was fairly endowed as was the fact her training regiment kept her body toned. Perhaps one day she could give birth to a strong daughter to enroll in the Hunters, but now she had to focus on the task at hand. Being absolved of her crime, and returning to Alerar so she could continue her career.

As she moved through the forest carefully she tried to remain inconspicuous as she made her way towards the road. She would camp a new section today and hope that the next victim would put up more of a fight. Climbing up into a tree she waited silently as she drew her bow. Knocking an arrow she drew the shaft back slightly to prepare for a shot as she eyed the road carefully.

Drusilia was hunting…

12-20-06, 03:24 AM
The aforementioned tree rustled slightly as the demon Ter-Thok, two feet and eight inches of crimson competence, shifted slightly on his leafy perch. He scratched his head, not so much irritated as utterly perplexed. Even Hans could do this; hell, he could do it with three appendages.

Why the hell was it so hard to learn how to juggle?

Ter-Thok sighed, and held up his hands. In each set of three, nailless fingers, not to forget that party animal the opposable thumb, was an orange. The demon took a deep breath, and tossed them both into the air at once. One managed to land with surprising accuracy on the point of his left upturned horn. The other tumbled downwards a good ways, splattering against a rock by the road. Wiping the citrus viscera from his face, Ter-Thok's gaze followed the erstwhile fruit downwards.

However, even while flummoxed at his inexplicable ability to make a ball go where it needs to go without psychically whipping the damn thing around, the demon was unable to miss the fact that he was not alone in the tree. A ways below him, nocking an arrow, was a woman; dark of hair and with crazy purple skin, not to mention the pointed ears. A grin split the demon's face, and he rapidly calculated the most nonchalant method of surprising her.

Quickly giving his shirt an extra tuck, Ter-Thok stood up and popped his neck loudly. Even quicker, his hooves left the company of the fat branch he'd been seated on, and he let himself rotate to an upside-down position. He shifted sideways and dropped like a Tetris block, until his head was about level with the young lady's ear. He sniffed, and said with his customary volume, "Let's see...skin tone, hair...ridiculous get-up...outdated weaponry. Let me guess:" the demon sniffed again, "Dark elf, right? Either you're dark elf, or really into tattooing and rolling in drow scat. The name's Ter-Thok. Your bow looks like it pulls to the left, by the way. You should buy a gun,"

The second orange, which had remained up until then on the demon's horn, slipped off with a wet sound, and joined its twin at ground level.

Mage Hunter
12-28-06, 01:29 AM
"Vith!" Drusilia shouted as she felt herself startled. The sudden shift in momentum caused her to begin slipping from the tree as she reached out for something to halt her downward spiral. As she grabbed a branch she felt her arm jerk and the soreness of the almost dislocation began. Halted the tree shuddered making sure that even the most casual of observers could find out just where the expletive could be heard from.

Looking at the cause of her sudden shock she narrowed her eyes as she spat, "You pathetic demonic pup. Leave me the hells alone. I don't need the filth ridden refuse of Haidia intervening!" She then dropped to the ground before she shrugged her shoulder letting her arm try and rest after the hard jolt it had received. If she was forced to fight, it would be with her off hand today. She couldn't even afford the bow she was porting at the moment, and so she growled placing the arrow back in the quiver as she drew the steel of her sword.

"Get out of here before I make you my next magical aberration exterminated," She spat arrogantly as she looked around for anyone else in the area. It was a bad situation to be so close to the road when the guard was most certainly after her. As she spied the surrounding are she frowned as she waited for some sign of anything, or if she would have to carry out her threat upon the diminutive demon.

05-29-07, 11:17 PM
(Joining this a lil late I know but should be fun)


Servants working within the Cormyr's house were going missing left and right, dropping like flies. Rumors of a plague whispered upon the lips of the survivors of this recent epidemic. Days earlier, the Lord of the Cormyr house sent an expidition deeper into the Concordia Forest to attempt to locate the source of the vanishings. No-one ever returned.

Duke Gallen Cormyr paced back and forth in his hallway. A decision had to be made--one that he knew he would not like.

Soon there after a group of skilled Trackers, a couple of Mages and his son's old Butler and the boy himself were sent to investigate. Gallen did not like having to send his son on such a potentially dangerous mission, but the aging Duke knew he could not leave the old house unattended. Many rogues and bandits lurked in the Forest even after Yari's Age had passed.


"How many does that make now?"

"Five Sir. Sakyn went missing last night." The more experience Monk, Doukem shook his head. They were tenting somewhere deep in the Concordia Forest not too far off from Drusilia and Ter-Thok's current positions in the wilderness. "How are our supplies doing?"

"Theres a lake nearby we can replenish our fresh water. But game is unusually short for this sector of the Forest. It seems that some larger predator has moved in."

Doukem pondered these matters.

"Cursed Cormyr household. I knew working for them would be our downfall."

The Monk spat out his curse. "Where's the boy now?"

"He's with two Monks training outside. I must admit he is exceptionally skilled for a lad his age."

The Monk nodded.

"I will agree with you on that point. Fetch him for me. We are going to have to figure out a plan."


The sparring lasted for several hours as it always did. Alberdyne kept to his trainings, his studies almost vigorously. The boy was obssessed with becoming a skilled warrior, one that would make his household worthy of the attention of the aristocracy once more. Alberdyne'd carefully cleaned his own wounds from the fighting when one of the Monks approached his group from the tent. Two Monks were in charged with keeping up Alberdyne's teachings whilst the others handled the rest of the affairs of this ill-fated expedition.

Alberdyne knew that the adults were worried. The boy also knew that this would be a chance to test his skill against a real challenge.

"Sir Alberdyne. The young Lord has made excellent progress."

The boy merely nodded. The forest suddenly grew quiet and a foul smell of brim-stone filled the boy's nostrils. Alberdyne gagged for a moment but composed himself quickly refusing to allow himself a show of weakness. He looked over to the rest of the Monks, they sensed danger all around as well.

One of the Monks had an Eye of Seeing with them. A small glowing orb that could detect when Evil was about.

"By Corone! DEMONS!" The Monk said.

Alberdyne knew what that would meant. In an insant the camp came alive and several warriors gathered their supplies including Alberdyne to face whatever threat came their way.

The camp was merely but a few yards south of the two darkly inclined warriors.