View Full Version : The Wandering (Open to all)

12-18-06, 05:03 PM
((OOC: Hai! This is my first roleplaying thing.. I'd like to invite you all to have some fun with me because uhh I really dunno what I'm doing here.))

After walking for miles and miles, Frost begins to look at the sky. What was once a nice sunny day, has turned into a dark night with a full moon. Simone, his black cat familiar was unable to keep afloat in the air. She had had been resting on his shoulder as they continue to walk from where he has awoken from his long slumber in the regenerative ball of water and ice. As they continue to walk through the night, they find a lake.

Frost examines the water by uses senses such as sight, smell, touch, and even taste. The water seems fresh to him.

Simone whom is now resting on the ground looks at him and says "Why don't you practice some of that water manipulation you have? Practice makes perfect! The stronger your abilities are the better you'll survive on adventures, and out in the real world!"

Frost, barely understanding his familiar tilts his head and gives Simone a quizzical look.

"Move the water around! Make it swoosh!"

Frost just looks at the water and Simone sighs trying to figure out how to make him understand... He clearly doesn't understand language too well. But she understands why, this is probably his first time in a while having consciousness, and she feels sad for him. For a long time, her clan has been in charge of keeping an eye on him while he was unconscious. Simone thinks hard, and decides she has a plan. She flies around Frost in circles and plays with the water, splashing and she is trying to get him in this state of mind where "i-can-do-you-one-better"

Frost mites on her bait, and moves his arms around as if he is water, and this is causing the water to move around to match his motions as he tries to get Simone wet.

"Easy there frost! I dont like water!! AHHH!"

12-20-06, 10:54 PM
It is now daytime, Frost and his familiar wake up with the sunrise, yawning and stretching at the same time, Simone looks in the pack to see what they can have for breakfast "Oy, looks like we're fishing for breakfast Frost." Frost nods and puts his hands on his face to manipulate the face a fish would make and says "Fish?" Simones happy hes learning! "Yes! Fish! Remember how we caught fish last time?" Frost nods, and he goes to the water. With one hand he manipulates some of the water, lifting a chunk hoping fish were in it. He puts his other hand in the floating chunk of water and grabs fish out one by one, and he threw them out of the lake, for Simone to catch. "We got enough Frost!"

they had 4 fish. Frost nods, and puts down his hand manipulating the water, the water just splashes down, and he walks to the camp and sits, while Simone cooks. He stares at the fire that Simone cooks with, and curiously he walks closer "Oh, I wouldn't touch it Frost. It can burn you." Frost touches anyways, and he yelps. Tearing, as he just for the first time, learned that fire hurts. He looked at his hand and tried licking the wound, no dice. It didn't feel like it was helping. Simone puts down the fish and has a look at it "Hmm, why dont you try putting it in the lake waters?" Frost nods, and goes back down to the lake. He puts his hand in, and it glows. He now just discovered a new ability, he heals with water.

He walks back to Simone, quite happy and shouts "tada!", Simone looks at Frost and got excited "Frosty! You can heal with water! This is awesome! That skill will become a valuable asset to you during your journey!" Frost, who understood some of what she just said, responded to Simones happy way about her, and nods with a smile.

They sit together, and eat their fish. When they finish, they gather their things, and they're off walking into the daylight again. Where they stop? When they can find people.

Uukan Kimari
12-22-06, 09:37 PM

"Hey what are you doing up there?"

Darkness deluded the light shimmering from a single lit lantern. A short, slender man held the metal container upward to the mast. It revealed a figure in a lotus position resting next to the canopy. Beside him sat a sheathed sword wrapped in white cloth to protect it from the ocean air.

"Sir, passengers are not allowed out here at night."

Uukan jerked his head in response to the loud yell that echoed through the cold, night air. Unfolding his body from his resting spot, he violently grasped for the rope ladder that lead below. Sword in hand, Uukan slowly lowered himself down to the wooden floor. He flailed his hands to the direction of the center of the ship hoping to find the door way. With the metal handle in hand, Uukan turned back to the man from before.

"Is there something wrong?" The man with lantern in hand asked.

"No, but I want to ask a question before heading back to my room." Uukan replied quizitively.

"I am only a ship mate, but I will try to answer any of your questions about this ship or our destination."

"Have you ever killed a man?" Uukan's face became a new shade of white.

"What?" The crew member gasped.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Well, did you?" Uukan raised the tone of voice.

"No, sir, I did not." The shipmate raised the lantern toward the face of the passenger.

"I, on the other hand, am haunted by dreams of men, women and children rendered motionless. Their hides' torn to shreds. Although I am currently blind, I can still see their glass doll eyes beaming lifeless at me." Uukan rambled.

"How did you lose your sight, mister?" The crewmen asked after seeing the bandages wrapped around the young man's face.

"That's a whole different story for a completely different time. The moral of the story? I just wish to be left on my own or I might do something that I will later regret." Uukan enlightened the person in front of him.

"Are you threatening me?" The bewildered seaman retorted.

"No, but keep that in mind the next time you interrupt my meditative state."
Uukan growled less miffed than before, after he let the door fall shut behind him.

"I am sorry, sir, but this not a luxury cruise and you will have to abide by the captain's rules." The crew mate explained in seething anger.

Chapter 1: A new day, a new land

Am I lost?

Because of the morning sun barely shining through the cloud cover Uukan could not determine day from night like normal people. He had to rely on his sharp sense of time.

"It has been a whole day since I arrived, and they only said the trek would be only seven hours. I think I just learned my lesson to not take directions on land from sailors." Uukan gave a look of dissatisfaction.

"Give me all of your money." A disembodied voice commanded.

"What? I have money to give?" Uukan raised his hands in question.

"Well if you are poor, Samurai, you can give me your sword you won't be needing." The voice grew, when the thief noticed his target was blind.

"Of course I won't need my sword to take care of you." Uukan mused.

"I am the one here who will be taking care of somebody." The robber announced thoroughly pissed.

"What are you going to do, rob me blind?" The blind samurai chuckled to himself.

Without replying, the person lunged at Uukan before he could unsheathe his sword in response.

Serge Fireblade
12-23-06, 05:21 AM
A man looked from a slight distance as the thief atacked Uukan. He didn't seem to go help either parties, although he was a Ruffian and what he did best was steal and fight, two things included in the scene he was just watching.

"I'll just watch for a while, I guess this ought to be amusing. A thief versus a blind man. If the thief wins, there's less one loser in this world. If he loses, there's less competition in this world." The man thought, smirking as he awaited for the events to unfold. "We'll just wait and see, Serge, we'll just wait and see..." He thought, as he patted his scimitars quietly, obviously intending to finish off either parties once the whole deal was over.

06-13-09, 02:09 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.