View Full Version : A long time...

Ieou Fateflame
12-18-06, 06:09 PM
It's been quite a while since I've been on a major site like this. So I need a little push forward. Can anyone help me a quest idea?

12-18-06, 06:57 PM
Well if your character is fresh out of the bag, and still new, I would suggest starting with a solo that involves a lot of the character's history. That way you not only defined the character in depth for other people, but also for yourself. Doing this will allow you to r-play more effectively with other people because you've resolved a greater part of your character.

12-18-06, 07:10 PM
Compounding on the above said, it also allows you to learn about yourself, to figure out how you write, and what, exactly, you need to fix.

As for a quest idea, try one that is logical according to your history. Shen, for instance, was fresh out of her village in Brokenthorn Forest in Scara Brae, which is a good continent to start on, unless your history says otherwise. Shen's first quest was entirely based around her leaving the Forest.

By the way, nice avie :)

12-18-06, 11:38 PM
If you're having trouble getting things started on your own, I'll see if one of my Girls can help you out.

Yamihara: Hey~ I'm game. I need to loosen up a bit before heading back home.

...Alright, then. I guess Yamihara can help you out. Are you good with that? :)

12-19-06, 12:24 AM
*looks up at "Master Raven"*

Someone got some problems... you need to get those voices out or you're gonna splode all over the furniture.

*shakes head*

Anyway, I'll help you if you just need something smaller. I don't have much planned besides turning Osato into the mage-hunter he was meant to be, and furthering Ranger's study of the Thayne religion. If you want a thread in SB than I can do so with Osato... if you're interested in following a Thayne I can help you with Ranger.