View Full Version : Can't let it go

04-05-06, 11:44 PM
Name: Lin Verai
Race: Human (Half-Eudaemonian)
Age: Nineteen
Eyes: Brown and narrow
Hair: Brown and short
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 110 lbs

Personality: Raised to be rather trusting and faithful, Lin has a soft heart, but years of suffering have hardened her exterior and given her a rather flat affect. Her words are few and direct. She is quick to act and slow to care.

Appearance: Short and slender, Lin's appearance reflects her Eudaemonian heritage. Her frame is gaunt and fragile with pronounced cheekbones and narrow eyes. Her chest is well-perportioned to her build but not particularly notable. Her face is plain but elegant.

History: Born of a Eudaemonian military man and a Coronian woman, Lin is typical of her hometown of Idereth. After the end of the occupation, however, her father vanished along with all Eudaemonian support for the newly refitted provincial town. As the city decayed, the citizens' resolve only became stonger as they forged feirce beliefs that one day their saviors would return. After the death of her mother, Lin leaves the delapidated town to search out her background and determine the truth of the fanatical stories she grew up on.

Abilities: Lin lacks any substantial combat prowess, but she is rather agile. She is capable of weilding simple weapons if neccessary and performs about as well as any common person would. As a Eudaemonian she has a natural racial proficiency for technological weapons. Her experience with such devices is limited but she is capable of firing energy weapons and weiling a beam sword. She posesses neither.

Equipment: She wears a common leather outfit for basic protection both from attacks and the elements. The outfit has an undershirt for warmer climates and a fur overcoat for colder ones. She carries a small steel blade about ten inches long for protection in her travels. She also has flint and tinder and a bedroll with warm blankets. She also carries a satchel of Eudaemonian scrap from her hometown.

Cyrus the virus
04-06-06, 03:31 AM
Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahah!

Just can't help yourself, eh? Gonna get yourself all admired and then leave again, eh?! EH EH EH!?!

You're such a bastard.

You are NOT APPROVED EVER except for now.