View Full Version : Good Bye

12-19-06, 09:04 AM
Edit by Santhalas:

I hate to edit your post, I really do, but threads like this that can't remain civil aren't allowed on the forum. If people have an issue with the way some things are being run, they should either contact the proper people (i.e. like myself) or make a thread in "Your Word" addressing the problem rather then just attacking others and some sort of nebulous and inprecise "conspiracy" or "overlooking" that they are the target of.

12-19-06, 09:07 AM
Don't leave!

The PG's aren't trying to screw up your story... they're actually trying to help by giving people a reason to be active.

If you don't like them, just don't involve yourself. Write like you intended, without interference by them. But don't let the PG's and the crap surrounding them send you away, that's exactly what we don't want them to do.

Max Dirks
12-19-06, 09:26 AM
To use your train of thought: a good writer doesn't need to purchase things at the Bazaar. A good writer can tell his story at level 0 with nothing and a good writer can tell his story at level 30 with everything. Please go read my post in the PG PG thread, then reconsider.

Also, Atzar is right. He and I, and I'm sure countless others, are more than willing to RP with you well outside the grip of PGs and features as a whole. Features only exist to supplement your writing, where you really shine is in the regions. So stick around at least long enough to stick it to Cyrus in the upcoming war. That always makes me feel better.

12-19-06, 11:37 AM
Cyrus, don't be so harsh...

Among the reasons for me leaving was because of the elitist bullshit that really does run Althanas as a whole. My biggest beef was that new people would start threads, not the greatest in Althanas (as everyone is expected to have) but threads that they actually tried on at least. The threads were, and still are from what I've seen, completely overlooked by the general populace... My guess, people's ego's make it so that they are too good to rp with them. Since you seem like me, worried about the little guy's and wanting to help other people more than focus on yourself, my best advice is to ignore the people's ignorance and do what you know you should. I'm always here to jump into threads here and there too, just talk to me.

Accompanying that are the people that like to run in and say how much they love you, or are going to miss you, that didn't bother even trying to help you when you were actually liking the place. Don't let that bother you like it did me, and probably everyone else. People don't come forward and outright say how much they appreciate you while your here... why? Because your here, why should they. Lol. Take to heart what everyone says (except the angry ones;)).

Personally, I returned because there isn't really anywhere worth bothering to rp on... yet. However, in the past I have seen you come and go constantly. So, in truth, I don't think you'll be gone long. If you do reconsider, like now, just PM me or catch me on AIM sometime. My hours for work are hectic because of the Christmas Season (and I work at Aeropostal in the Mall... luckily the college kids are mostly gone, went home).

Hope this helps.

P.S. To everyone else, I don't want this to seem like it was written to spite anyone or put a negative light on anyone. I'm wrote what I think and how I feel, without trying to bash anyone in particular. I even added smilie's to make it less intimidating... :D

12-19-06, 12:06 PM
Cy, I really didn't expect you to react that way. ESPECIALLY considering what happened in the ToL, and everything you said there. That was beneath you, and you know it.

Reiko, please reconsider. What happens to the Bazaar shouldn't even affect anyone. I know it's how this was actually accepted that irked you, but in the long run, if they actually do get to tax the metal (fat chance :P) then we'd just have one more reason to do them in at later times. This is actually fun!

I'm sorry you're not loving this, but that guy, from what I've heard, is a moderator or something. So I don't think he's all that new. They're just brewing things up, and you can just choose to ignore what happens later on if it's really that bad for your story.

And seriously, you're not having ANY fun? I mean, I know I'm not that good a writer, but do I actually bore you in our Citadel fight? :(

Please, don't make such a decision because that post, and others in the past were unorthodox. Are you seriously going to dismiss that there are incredible stories that have been, that are being and that will be written? Don't flush away all the good for so little bad. Please, reconsider.

12-19-06, 12:16 PM
I'm sorry to see you go, Reiko, after being here for so long. I do hope you'll reconsider or at least talk to me before leaving.

Sadly, threads like this that don't remain civil can't be allowed on the forum. If people have an issue with the way some things are being run, they should contact the proper people (i.e. like myself) rather then just attacking others or some sort of nebulous "conspiracy" or "overlooking" that they believe themselves to be the target of.

It's not hard...a Your Word post or an IM (on the new AIM you can even send messages to offline people) works wonders.

Cyrus the virus
12-19-06, 12:39 PM
Sorry, Reiko. I don't react the proper way most of the time, and now, especially, I'm having a very hard time keeping my emotions in check. You know part of what I'm going through, but there's more than just that. I've been reacting this way with everyone in the past weeks, and while I try not to make excuses for it, I know part of the reason is the recent happenings in my life.

I get very upset when this elitism is spoken of because of a few reasons. I make a very big effort to role play with newer players, and people don't seem to even realize it when they're complaining about the lack of support for newbies. There are a few of us moderators who forego our own storylines for the sake of Althanas' activity, and it's unfair for someone to suggest elitism when no other site like Althanas has this kind of dedication to new players.

Osato knows how things used to be in the mod forum (they have genuinely changed since then), so I can't blame him and his opinion on things, but I've never felt the new players were ignored. New threads are made every day, it's impossible to get in on them all. I make new characters for the purpose of writing with new people, and they almost always go nowhere, so can I be blamed for wanting to RP with Letho and Witchy sometimes, when I know they won't bail on me?

Anyway, Reiko, if you come back I'll conduct myself and my opinions better from now on. But I would really appreciate it if you'd do the same. You sometimes personally attack the staff, and I take that to heart because I know how hard we all work, even if others don't.

So yeah... And stuff.

12-19-06, 09:25 PM
And seriously, you're not having ANY fun? I mean, I know I'm not that good a writer, but do I actually bore you in our Citadel fight? :(

please don't take it the wrong way. I really think you're Roleplaying is really good, better than mine also.

I'm terribly sorry for how I conducted myself. I overreacted with something that's probably shouldn't be my business. I have been facing some of the worst depression in my life right now, though I guess it's no excuse for such a stupid outburst. I guess I should thank you all for being far more mature than me and am glad you still want me around despite such an outburst.

Cyrus the virus
12-20-06, 01:17 AM
Beh, you're in the same boat as me, then, though I think I went a little more zany than you did. Being depressed is some tough stuff, I know.

I'll take a shot for ya tomorrow :p

12-20-06, 01:23 AM
please don't take it the wrong way. I really think you're Roleplaying is really good, better than mine also.

I'm terribly sorry for how I conducted myself. I overreacted with something that's probably shouldn't be my business. I have been facing some of the worst depression in my life right now, though I guess it's no excuse for such a stupid outburst. I guess I should thank you all for being far more mature than me and am glad you still want me around despite such an outburst.

Yeah, I think we all go through phases like that Reiko, you know? I said this earlier, but I know you have my AIM (or at least used to), so if you ever want to talk just send me an IM and I'd be happy to hear from you.

Mage Hunter
12-20-06, 01:26 AM
I still can't find what happened, probably best. I have to echo Cyrus' statement about the elitist thing, however I do understand where it comes form having started at the same time as you Reiko. All I can say is that the curtain hides alot of what goes on in the backrooms. I haven't been back there in months but I can say the climate feels alot better than back then, the climate back then was part of the reason I took a hiatus...

12-20-06, 01:55 AM
Myu~? I think I missed something really, really bad that I should be looking into... :(

I hope everyone is all calmed down now, Nyu~?

12-21-06, 07:15 AM
Whoa, what the fuck is going on!? I go away for two days and somebody chases Reiko away? Who do I have to hit with a really big sword for doing that? ;)

Anyways, just wanted to say that I'm glad you changed your mind, Reiko, and that you decided to stay. We all have things that we don't like about Althanas - after all, nothing is perfect - but losing a member due to one of these things would definitely be a shame. So yeah, let's all get focused on what we do best. No, not bitching and bickering and arguing, but writing. :cool: