View Full Version : Kalush

04-06-06, 07:44 AM
Name: Kalush

Race: Unknown

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless

Height : 5' 6

Weight: 102

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Appearance: She is everything a young lady ought to be; she is curved, slim, and has a darkness about her that is alluring. Her black hair falls far down her back, matching her tan skin perfectly. Though her build is slight, she has all the fullness of a woman. Gold eyes shine under thick lashes and are often the subject of many stares. Her wings, full of thick dark feathers, spread from two diagonal lances in her back. She is beautiful, captivating, and terrifying.

Her dress, as black as her hair, is floor length and nearly covers her bare feet. The back of her outfit has a half oval cut out from her shoulders to her midsection, making room for her wings to spread. The sleeves are wispy and thin, flaring out at the ends of her arms.

Personality: The best way to describe her at this point is indifferent. She does not yet know how to behave or what to do with herself, and so she puts on a mask of calm and neutrality. However, if pressed, her passionately violent side will emerge on whatever danger is before her.

Weapons: A set of three throwing knives made of steel kept on the inside of her sleeve.

Armor: None but her black dress.

Items: None.

Skills: Her only ability is that of retracting her wings and flying. She is able to fold them beneath her skin to conform with the rest of her body, seemingly causing them to disappear inside her.

History: It is a curious thing, to see the flow of time. Years pass and change everything you once knew so well. Your friends and family will grow old and die. Places you once visited as sanctuary become populated and defiled. There is sadness in these things. There is a lack of sentiment and respect for things once sound and holy. Seeing this day after day is enough to crush the spirit of even the strongest. To see things you once knew and loved flitter away before your eyes at such an alarming rate is overwhelming and sometimes you may feel taken aback as you are thrust forward into a new world more strange and unfamiliar than anything you ever experienced. Yet, for reasons you cannot begin to comprehend, you move forward.

This is my life.

I suppose “life” is too brief a word though, isn’t it? You see, with the word “life” later comes the word “death.” That is where I have a problem. Somewhere between these two words is where I reside, unable to move forward yet not quite at the starting point. I am, for lack of a better term, stuck in my limbo of existence.

I believe I stopped aging physically at 21. At this point, my body had filled out enough to become desirable and my mind had set a constant pace of growth. However while my mind continued to grow, my body didn’t. Oh certainly for a few years there was always a reasonable explanation. “She hasn’t been eating well” or “She has been eating too well.” Indeed, such were the excuses people came up with. This worked out well for about a decade. Then, as swift as the excuses of my youth came, they were taken away to suspicion and anger. “Witch. That’s what she is. Kills the young and steals their youth.” “No no, you have it wrong She is a spirit, come to steal away souls and keep them for her fine body ” “Nonsense. Have you seen her eyes? That hue is always changing. From violet to gold. Every time her eyes turn gold, she is consorting with demons.” Now, I must admit, that last one was creative.

So it happened that I put up with this for a few more years before I simply left. Honestly, it was enough. I was not some martyr for their amusement, nor was I a helpless sap. I didn’t like the conditions, so I left. It was that simple. No village needed to kick me out of their ignorant little seclusion.

I cannot say I had some magnificent journey where I felled many creatures of power, met some remarkable people, and fell in love with a wealthy adventurer. No, actually, it was all quite boring and mundane. I drifted from town to town, never staying in one place too long but not too little to be suspicious of, and I had little contact with people. I would stay a few turn of seasons for work of a simple sort and be on my way before anyone became too used to having me around.

Somehow along the way, I decided this life wasn’t good enough.

I’m not sure if it was because of the constant traveling over the years or because my mind had finally matured to this stage of life, but something began to stir. It was a need of some sort, but one I couldn’t yet place. Only later did I realize it was duty.

Duty, of any kind, is usually known to the person to fulfill it. I suppose something went wrong with me. I had no family, and if I did I didn’t remember them, to guide me through my next phase of purpose. There was no one to encourage me to behave a certain way or what to do with myself. So, I decided to find my own. The longing for leadership stirred inside me as a spreading wildfire. I began to seek a place, a permanent place, that would suit my needs. Somewhere I could guide. Somewhere I could become known and thought of to call on when necessary. Somewhere...with a dark sanctuary of trees and water where I could search for my purpose, my duty to this world.

Only then may I go in peace to the Death that has always been waiting and away from the Forever that has always been there.

Cyrus the virus
04-06-06, 12:45 PM
Just so you know, if you want her to fly, you need to have 'flight' listed as a skill. If you knew that, just let me know and you're approved. I just figured you'd want that.

04-06-06, 03:09 PM
Yep, definently knew that.

Cyrus the virus
04-06-06, 03:16 PM
i had 2 check ok lolz
