View Full Version : Silver Harmony (Closed)

12-20-06, 04:26 PM
The day was daunting on the horizons and the night fled in it’s oncoming presence, fading the stars of it’s endeavor one by one. The birds now awakening from their roosts within the trees began their vivid songs that rang across the solemn forest. Foxes and the many other majestic creatures weaved in and out of the maze of trees as they chased the remaining prey that remained now obvious in the crimson light of the sun that peered through the livening forest. A tree that lay now dead and covered with the decaying evidence of moss now lay partially afloat on the banks of a glistening lake that now shown of vibrant blue, and of the colors of terrain below. Otters now beginning their solemn daily task took to the hearty trees so misfortunate to be placed near shore, for their was still the constant calling of work that urged them on to improve their territorial dams.
For several minutes the live took to the soul of the forest, and laid the slumbering creatures of day in the way of the awakening rays of sunlight. Yet one soul so stubborn to awakening remained in the trance of night, and let the cumbersome dreams continue to envelope within it’s mind. The body of which pertained to this soul, slept with a peaceful expression upon it’s face, but it was only momentary as sweat began to accumulate and run across the face now exempting the expression of mortal fear.
“Mother…Mother!”, cried the figure now illuminated in full detail by the sun. “Mother!”, the word echoed once more from the lungs of the figure as swelling tears begin to drop upon the forest of which the voice was lost in oblivion. The figure jerked striking it’s arm against the base of a tree of where it lay, screaming the word, “mother”, once more, alarming many creatures within the vicinity causing mixed reactions of both fear and dismay.
For nearly hours the figure that lay unconscious cried out the same word, and the ground below had moistened into a small circuit of puddles, until finally the woods became silent of it’s screams. The sweat and tears receded slowly as the salt stained cheeks became flourished with life in the place of the cold, death emanating white cheeks. Though at the end of the final lapse the watery eyes of the figure opened to the scenery before it, and the blinding morning rays of sunlight that infringed and progressed the gradual renewal of the figures sight.
Though now awake and conscious, the figure remained still with the emotion of fear still noticeable on it’s feminine face. It seemed to be engrossed with endeavor in it’s thoughts while it’s blank gaze remained undiverted from the scenery before it. Another time set passed, and the shadows of the variously figured leaves above were cast down sheltering the now dry blue eyes of motionless body below. Then at last the crippling expression that plagued the beautiful face seemed to diminish, and the figure that was now in plain stature and in fully illuminated detail in the sunlight once more, now solemnly arose to see the world that welcomed it.
Curina, feeling the resistance of the salty texture on her face, walked with the feeling of remorse, leaving the cumbersome weapons in their immobile stance upon the moistened and leaf painted soil, towards the lake’s shoreline. The feelings of the nightmare still crippled Curina’s normally lively stature, as she recollected the fearful images that had tormented Curina in her slumber.
“Why…Why do I always have to visit this place!”, screamed Curina into the vast opening before her, “Why must I fantasize about my parent’s death? Why now do these nightmares haunt me?”, the tears beginning to stream once more down Curina’s face as she sunk into the pebbled shore beneath her. Time past as her pleas and cries rang through the animated forest around the lake, and then finally the forest was silent of her voice once more, and in remorse she walked silently with salty tears, into the welcoming and refreshing waters that move with a recessive motion that created a soothing rhyme that sent her worries that were harnessed to her soul to the void of eternal oblivion.
With the relief of the emotional burden off of her mind, the refreshing feeling of serenity quickly filled in the empty space of which the previous feelings had dwelled, lifting not only her emotions but her stature as well.
Curina now knee deep in the receding and oppressing waters suddenly remembered that her clothes were still on, and quickly turned and headed back to where she had spent her previous night to dash the majority of the clothes that bade her warmth in the ever more chilling nights of fall. The scythe and daggers stood implanted in the ground in the same position as they had been left, and the small nest of damp tinder that marked her bed was as well untainted with the minor exception of the silver flute laying off-centered near the right edge. Partially astonished but mostly ashamed that she could have left something so dear to her unattended, she quickly undressed herself by unfastening the golden lacing of her satin skirt, and then relieved herself of first her fur trimmed garments and then her black sweater tank top, until she was finally exposed in her white satin undergarments. Then at last she picked up her clothes from upon the tinder bed of which she had laid them, and hung them with care upon the head of the scythe and the bare low lying tree branches of the tree that had served as the heading of her bed. Now at last with her clothes hung without the daunting fear of tear, she retrieved the glimmering flute and stole down the short distance to the lake shore, and entered the once more rythmatic waters of which had now been jointed in symphony with the arrival of a flock of lively birds scattered about the various trees that hung, overseeing the lake and it’s endeavors.
Carelessly while listening intently to the rhythm of the jointed melodies, Curina entered deeper in the near chilling, yet replenishing waters of the transparent lake. Though all in the meanwhile Curina’s eyes were fixated on the crimson and maroon bodies of the joyous birds that sat on the extremities of the trees singing intently and unaware of their admirer below. For minutes Curina observed the tweaked, but entwined melodies of the birds until at last she raised the flute, and gave life to a new tune the joint array of natural melodies.
With a focused heart, and with the repetition of the melody of the birds, she increased in tempo, and as the melody grew richer, a new presence began to take form in the rippling waters several feet before her. Slowly with each strike and further progression of the melody, the presence began to take shape into a figure, and within time became animated as it’s form stabilized. It was the vague but the gradually defining form of a small bird, and now aware and charmed by the figure before her, Curina began the descent in tempo and volume until at last she came to the resolution of her melody and the conclusion to the birth of the animated bird before her.
Contently she watched as the animated figure as it rose from the fluctuating surface of water, and began a low lying flight leaving a small trail of wispy vapor that sunk back down towards the translucent lake waters, until at last the entire mass of the figure had sunken back into the receding waters of the lake. Now with the desertion of the figure, Curina laid her flute upon an old moss tree that lay water logged on the lake shore, and then disappointed by the additional departure of the birds she walked into the gradually warming waters.