View Full Version : A Slayer on the loose...((closed to Tal'gor))

12-21-06, 11:42 AM
The older man wiped clean one of his three katanas on his newest victim's clothing, and smiled at the disgusting sounds the blade made upon the other man's broken rip cage. He was tall, taller than most men, and seemed to be about 40-something years old. He wore a white long coat with buttons along its seams, and a hat that most farmers wore, except it was black. His eyes were wide and brown, and his skin was tanned from what seemed to be hours in the sun.

But, around his neck was a red, teardrop-shaped amulet with dancing designs.

He sheathed his katana at his side and stood up, white coat blowing backwards in the wind. He smiled wider, and an observer would be able to see two rows of shiny, white, pearly teeth.

Leaving the body in the middle of the road, the man walked off, awaiting his next victim.


"Who is this?" Ifrit inquired to bounty officer, who was currently picking his nose while staring at Ifrit's odd appearence. Ifrit was holding up a WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE poster with a picture of an older man with smiling brown eyes and hair. The officer didn't know who this black skinned being was, and decided to be rude to him just to make him go away. I don't have time for amatuers... the officer thought to himself as he took in Ifrit.

"I said, who is this?" Ifrit was getting impaetient with the man's silence, and pointed one claw at the picture. "What has he done to get a reward of 5000 gold pieces on his head?"

"That person is Regrasoon, a swordsman extroirdinair and currently, insane psychopath." The officer responded in monotone. He had others come up to him and ask the same question. "He is too much for the likes of you."

Ifrit bristled at this. How did this man know anything about him? "Oh really." he responded dryly. He started to turn away, then with one swift motion that it seemed to be a blur, Ifrit had drawn his giant falchion from his back and swung it so it rested an inch in front of the man's nose. "What were you saying?" Ifrit snarled, baring his fangs.

The man yawned. Others before this swordsman had done the same thing, and he was not impressed. "I said, he is too much for the likes of you. Now go and scramble, before I call the guards."

Normally this got people away, but Ifrit was not normal. He simply sheathed his blade back upon his back and set the paper down on the counter. "I'll take it." stated the demon firmly.

"What?" Did the man hear right? He mentally cleaned out his ears.

"I said, I'll take this guy. If he's as good as you say, then this should be fun." Ifrit smiled for added effect, and the man shivered. He's not even human!! the officer thought to himself.

"Alright, but if he kills you its no problem of mine." The officer took out a stamp beneath the counter and placed a large, gryphon symbol on a blank space on the poster. "Bounty affirmed to..." the man lifted an eyebrow to the demon as he took out another sheet of paper.

"Captain Ifrit Obsidian, of the Seventh Company of the Bladewraiths." Ifrit stated this calmly but proudly as he took his bounty and strode off.

However, the man he had left behind immediately widened his eyes and stared after the demon. Did he just say...Bladewraiths?! the man thought to himself.

Because Regrasoon is a Bladewraith!!!

12-21-06, 04:16 PM
Tal’Gor had just left his camping ground and was on his walk to town. He needed a few more gold coins to buy food with, so hopefully there was a nice little job there for him to do for maybe 10 gp.

On his way back to town he decided to hop on the road for an almost straight path. As he rounded a bend in the road he saw someone wipe a blade of some sort, from here Tal’Gor couldn’t tell, the man then got up and walked away casually.

Did that man just kill that person on the road?

Tal’Gor raised his hand toward the man walking away and then motioned with his hand to come back. Instantly an incredibly strong gust of wind came out from the forest pushing the man back towards Tal’Gor.

“Hey Bakudon!” Max said as he rolled his head to look beside him. “Mind doing the favor for me?”

Tal’Gor just heard like a low grumbling noise as a giant semi-invisible fist materialized beside him and headed straight towards the man.

if you can survive Bakudon’s attack I may ask you a few questions.

12-22-06, 11:48 AM
Ifrit watched the tall man say something to an invisible being at his side, so it looked like he was talking to himself. He had just got here and saw the man in white walking off and the bloody corpse on the ground, and assumed that the other man was the infamous Regrasoon, psychopathic swordsman. He didn't know, however, how great the skills of this man were, for when he checked the murderer's aura, it seemed that he didn't have one. This disturbed the demon a great deal for it meant either one of two things;

That the man had no power at all, or that his was so great that he could control his aura at will. Either way, it was bad for Ifrit.

The other man, however, had gone straight ahead and attacked without even thinking, launching what seemed to be a nie-invisible fist towards him. Bastard!!! Ifrit thought angrily. He's my bounty! The demon swordsman sprang in between Regrasoon and the taller man, pulling Beowulf half-way to block the fist.

12-22-06, 08:01 PM
Tal’Gor was surprised at this Demon man coming in out of no where to protect this Murderer!

“Why are you protecting this Murderer he just committed a murder.” Tal’Gor said as he nodded to an invisible Bakudon, The fist that the Demon had tried to stop totally disappeared into a very incredibly strong gust of wind and then reformed behind the demon going towards the murderer that was now being pushed back.

“Well if you insist on protecting this man then so be it you will have to die with him.” Tal’Gor said as he made a bunch of different symbols with his hand and Bakudon appeared in the exact same form as the demon in front of him just two feet bigger.

01-04-07, 09:30 AM
Ifrit was dumbfounded by this man's seemingly mastery over the wind, and even more so when an exact replica of himself appeared before him in a menacing position, although it was slightly bigger than himself. He wasn't sure if this was an illusion or not, but wasn't one to think before he leapt. He held Beowulf in a position that would allow him the greatest leg movement and thought to himself, It may look like me but I doubt it has my abilities..., and began to spin his blade in a circle.

Suddenly he remembered Regrasoon, and spun around, momentarily ignoring the other man in order to confront his bounty. However, to his dismay, he realized that in the middle of the chaos that had ensued Ifrit had allowed his prey to escape, as the swordsman had dissapeared. "Damn!" he swore involuntarily. Only amateurs allowed this to happen, and he was no amateur. Yet...

Ifrit spun on the other man in a rage and cut through his duplicate with one slice, so that the being floated away in twin pieces. Ignoring this new revelation, the demon stepped up to the other man and grabbed him by the collar, yelling up into his face, "What do you think you are doing!? Thanks to you, you allowed Regrasoon to get away!"

01-08-07, 08:02 AM
“What! Because of you that murder got away I would have had him if it wasn’t for you he would have been knocked out and waiting for authorities to pick him up. I don’t think you know who your dealing with but I’m not one that lets Murderers get away so if you will excuse me.” Tal’Gor said as he created a gust of wind to push this Demon away.

Tal’Gor bent over the dead corpse on the ground all bloody and sliced open.

“Do you think they were a female or male?” Tal’Gor said with a look of disgust “Whoever they are they require a proper burial I don’t feel like leaving them above ground and waiting for someone else to mutilate or humiliate their corpse.”

Tal’Gor felt rage come through him as he got and yelled for Bakudon.

“Bakudon! How could you let him escape I taught you how to make duplicates of yourself why didn’t you keep with the fist and attack at the same time.” Tal’Gor turned to this Demon Looking thing “Look! Come if you want but if you get in the way of me bringing this man in I will kill you.” He said as he turned around and looked at the corpse. “That’s not a threat that’s a promise.”

01-08-07, 11:50 AM
For once, Ifrit had been buffeted by shock by the man's attitude. The man seemed to be not afraid of Ifrit's heritage and had pushed him away like a rag doll. Although he took into account that the man was a good six inches taller than himself, Ifrit was still suprised by this action as his size was one of his biggest assets. Yet, Ifrit recovered from the man's words with assuredness as it sounded like something he himself would have said.

Taking a couple moments to examine the body, Ifrit tasted the blood. He then spit it out in disgust. "Poison. Not very strong, but it must be how Regrasoon kills his victims so easily." He then examined a lock of hair and smelled it. "Perfume, so i'm guessing the victim is a female." He said after a couple moments. Then, ignoring the plumes of blood spilling form the body, he picked it up and slung it over his shoulder. Then he extended his hand and pointed to a spot beside the road and, ignoring the other man for a moment, concentrated, then yelled, "Burst!"

A fireball of darkness erupted from his hand and caused the ground to explode in bits of earth and dirt. Ifrit dumped the body inside the small hole and then began proceeding to fill in the hole with the dirt around it. "Alright, I won't get in the way. I am after this man too, you know."

01-08-07, 12:47 PM
Tal’Gor Smiled as this man said he was also hunting this man and will not get in the way. He walked over and patted the man on the shoulder

“The only thing I can’t tolerate is power hungry men killing females.” He said as he commanded Bakudon to grab all the earth that was flown from the attack and fill the whole.

“Now I say its time we track that man down. Bakudon go on ahead, our new friend and me will walk just come back and report once you have found him. If you can use your wind and bring him back to me we need something to be done with him.” Tal’Gor offered a hand to this man as he spoke and said “I’m Tal’Gor what’s your name?”

01-09-07, 01:39 PM
The taller man announced himself to be named Tal'Gor, but in Ifrit's mind he decided just to call him Tal for the time being, as the man defenitely was larger than himself. But that wasn't what caught Ifrit's attention. It was his mastery over some unknown force called Bakudon that made the demon bristle all over at his words.

"My name is Captain Ifrit Obsidian." Ifrit replied and shook the man's extended hand. He noticed that he had a nice, firm grip that contained a strength that surprised the demon. He didn't think that humans had the strength of supernatural beings. Ifrit narrowed his eyes. He must not be human..."What is this thing call Bakudon that you keep on talking to? Because, sorry to say, you sound like your crazy, talking to thin air like that." Ifrit smiled in reassurence. "I know."

01-09-07, 11:38 PM
Tal’Gor smiled “Well Seth…Bakudon is a wind elemental you can’t see him until he is in attacking form and he moves faster then normal eyes can see. As you well know I can call of his attack in an instant and make another attack within the blink of an eye.”

Tal’Gor smiled as he realized the handshake was different then normal human’s it had a nice firm feel to it.

“Seth if you haven’t noticed I’m not a Human I’m a Zalmunich. I’m not going to sit here and explain what a Zalmunich is I’m just going to say I’m the very last one. Bakudon here is what comes with being the last Zalmunich he is what me and a few survivors of what I have attacked call a ‘Doll’ and each ‘Doll’ has its own effects and magic. You already know Bakudon currently is wind.”

Tal’Gor then felt a gust of wind hit him quite hard from the back and then stop and then kept going for several seconds.

“YES! Bakudon what is it?” Tal’Gor angrily said as he motioned for a few strong gusts to hit his friend Seth here as a little friendly joke.

01-10-07, 09:44 AM
"Seth?" Did the demon hear the man right? It seemed to him that he had just been called Seth. The name clicked in Ifrit's mind, but other than that there was no registering of the name. "I'm sorry, my name is Ifrit. Why'd you just call me Seth?"

Ifrit then felt several invisible blows strike him from behind, and instantly spun and stuck out with the back of his hand in reflex. He was surprised when he felt his hand hit nothing but hand. Bewildered, he turned to his new companion Tal'Gor, only to find him standing there smirking. Ifrit narrowed his eyes. "Was that Bakudon?"

When Tal'Gor answered yes and explained what he and Bakudon were, Ifrit was only slightly surprised. The man had possessed too much strength to be only human. Still, this man's mastery was too great for him to be a simple "survivor"...

01-11-07, 08:20 AM
((Sorry I guess I wasn’t looking but lets see if I can fix in IC instead of OOC))

Tal’Gor couldn’t believe his mind he had called this man Seth, an old friend from when Tal’Gor was maybe 120 yrs old. This was very embarrassing at the moment.

“Ohh, Sorry Ifrit you just kind a looked like a friend from over 200 years ago. And just so you know I’m 367 years old.” Tal’Gor said as Bakudon acknowledged the findings of the Murder but stated that he was stopping his attempts to blow him back here.

“Well Ifrit I am sorry about that name mishap but Bakudon has located the murderer. What did you call him? Tal’Gor got ready as he waited for a response, after a while Tal’Gor left ordering Bakudon to make Ifrit fly as well. Within Moments they were just above the man.

01-30-07, 01:48 PM
Regrasoon paused. Had he heard something? Nah. He must've been hearing things. Unconciously he fingered the katana at his hip and ran his fingers through his brown hair, smiling at the memory of the woman's death scream. Oh how he longed to see her face again, poised in perfect agony, as he ran his blades through her stomach. He wondered-

Suddenly he did hear something. A swoosh, a changing in the wind. The only thing that saved him next was his roll away from where he was standing as a giant falchion, with the width the size of his head, slammed into the spot where he had been just seconds before hand.

Calmly, he stood and turned, brushing off his white coat. A demon stood there, with black skin and glowing red veins. His eyes shone with bright fire as he stared at Regrasoon with unbridled rage. At first, the swordsman thought the demon was staring at him, but then he realized it was something on him; the red ruby which hung around his neck.


I'm flying...

Ifrit felt his stomach swoosh and dive as he realized this fact. The invisible entity known as Bakudon had picked him up with such suddeness that he had no time to react. If he and this man had been in battle, the demon realized immediately that the man would have had the upper hand.

Fortunately this was not the case, and the man rose into the air as well. Then they flew with such speed that they overtook a hawk riding the current. Ifrit was amazed, and for a few moments he forgot about his mission and Tal'Gor's words. Then, as he spotted the murderer, he pointed down and tried to yell above the wind, "There he is! There's Regrasoon!" But his efforts were in vain.

The demon gritted his teeth, and he concentrated. If he couldn't make Bakudon let go of him willingly, he would have to do it forcefully. He could always apologize later. The air around him heated up as Ifrit began growling, and he could sense Bakudon now as a constantly flowing substance that glowed blue and green with his aura sense. He could also feel the pain he was causing Bakudon, and within moments the entity released him.

As he fell, he withdrew Beowulf and, hoping to catch the swordsman by surprise, slammed it to the ground where he thought the man would be. However, the other swordsman was faster than the demon expected, and dodged the sword like quicksilver.

When the demon stood, he stood face to face with the calm, innocent face of the man he knew to be Regrasoon. Yet, his gaze was drawn to a red pendant hanging from the man's neck, and shortly he realized what it was;

It was Bladewraith symbol!

Ifrit began to feel his anger rising to the surface. What right did this man have to wear a bladewraith pendant?! Who was he?!

03-01-07, 07:19 PM
As Ifrit struggled to fight against bakudon once they were above the man Tal'Gor smirked and waved his hand as Ifrit sliced towards Bakudon. Ifrit dropped to the ground nearly cleaving the man in two but the man had rolled in the nic of time.

"Bakudon lets show this Murderor how we deal with them." Tal'Gor said as he started falling from the sky charging all of Bakudon's power that he himself could control over his hands that would slowly rip apart what ever it was touching. "Bakudon show yourself to ifrit and tell him that he needs to distract this guy as i get him from above."

Max sat there hovering in mid air throwing wind beneath him to keep him afloat and after a few moments re arranged his body and pointed head fist towards teh guy falling like a rock. within seconds the man's head was a dot to Tal'gor so he charged up his ripping ability and pointed at the man. unless he rolled or blocked it with his blade he was dead for sure.

((p.s the ripping ability is a ability that allows me to throw my hand in severe winds teh will slowly rip apart whatever i touch and makes my hand an invisible barrier at which it comes to a point almost like a sword. also what ever happens when i hit a huge explosion of wind will go off sending me flying for sure and i have mastery of win :p lol)

06-13-09, 02:11 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.