View Full Version : ANy of you own a PSP?

12-22-06, 02:04 PM
I'n thinking of purchasing a PSP this christmas. But i'd like some opinions before I spend the money on one. Any of you have one? What games do you recomend and would you recommend it to me?

I already ruled out a nintendo DS. They aim for the general gaming audience with their DS and *urk* Wii. A as a hardcore gamer I feel betrayed, afraid to pull a muscle swinging my arms like that.

If you think a PSP is teh crap, please do tell and why, as well. i might just skip it and wait for the PS3.

12-22-06, 02:16 PM
my cousin had a PSP for a while and I did get to play it a bit. Him and Tracy, an older friend and ex-coworker would bring theirs and we'd have little competitions with Lumines and Dark Stalkers. Sadly those seem to be the only games that really were that fun. PSP RPGs suck really badly, and most are ports of old Japanese and other Asian RPGs that would have stayed in Asia and unlike games like Seiken Densetsu 3 or Star Ocean, they really deserved to be forgotten and not ported.

So I'm sad to say that the PSP is not really that good. Though niether I, my cousin or Trace had control problems that most people claim. But still the games really are not worth it.

Though I have to agree on the DS too. the only game that I would want this moment is Final Fantasy 3. though I think it's backwards compatible so you might be able to play GBA games on it, which is a very impressive library. Sadly too many new games use it's gimmicks for gimmicks sake and on it's own it really isn't much better than the PSP.

I recomend you wait.

12-22-06, 03:01 PM
I don't have one, but I do plan to buy one in the future. And while I agree with Reiko, that currently most of the RPGs for PSP aren't too good, that could change in the future since PSP seems to have quite a support from the developers (also, I believe they are making Suikoden 1 and 2 for it). But aside from the RPG genre, PSP has quite a number of good games that will definitely keep you busy, like Killzone or Ace Combat. Shit, I'd buy it just so I can play Pro Evolution Soccer 5 wherever I go. ;)

12-22-06, 03:12 PM
Suikoden on PSP? Sounds good!
I was thinking of getting Tekken for the same reason you want PES5. For the sake of bringing out my PSP whereever I am to kill some time casually gaming. At work, on the bus etc. You can do that with RPG's too but you'll just look silly when you show a spectator how a turn based random battle works or what all the numbers in the screen mean.

Cyrus the virus
12-22-06, 03:23 PM
Get the PSP for the Final Fantasy Tactics re-release.

12-30-06, 07:52 PM
I got a PSP- I love the thing, I was told it was a waste of money- and I'd put it down in a month- still playing the Nacmo classics- still playing it whenever I want- I happen to really like it and haven't had a problem with it yet. Valkyre Profile is good- don't have many other games for it yet.

12-31-06, 10:33 PM
PSP load times are soooo fucking long though.

12-31-06, 11:28 PM
I would personally go with the DS if I were you. In addition to being cheaper it has a better selection of games. It has FF3 and two very excelent castlevania games if you're into RPGs, Mario Cart, Trauma Center, Mario DS, A remake of super mario 64, Metroid Hunters, among numerous other titles, plus backwards compatiability with GBA which (assuming you don't already own a GBA) will grant you access to an absolutely huge library of games.

The PSP has the advanatage in the graphics department but if you are a hardcore gamer as you say then gameplay should take priority over graphics. Of course if you're an RPG fan who already owns a GBA then yeah the PSP holds the advantage in the sheer number of titles available even though most of them are just ports of old PS titles. Also the PSP has more games that are playable online if that's your thing.

01-01-07, 03:09 PM
Only game I have load time issues with is Ys... Grr that one is fairly annoying.

01-13-07, 08:24 AM
Uhhh... but you can download games for PSP. So yeah, that's like 100 extra points to Sony's baby. Plus, there are emulators so you can play PS1 games? A friend of mine recently showed me he could play FFT and all the playstation FFs... which basically means that I'm gonna get one ASAP.

01-13-07, 09:03 AM
I read somewhere that you need PS3 in order to play games for PS1 on PSP, because PSP links to the Sony's network over the PS3. I could be wrong though.

Ditto about the downloaded games, though you need to have a large memory stick to store it on.

01-13-07, 09:19 AM
Not really. Most people have 1GB and that can put 2 or 3 and you can store the rest on your computer. I'm not sure of the exact amount. As for the PS3 thing, nah.

01-14-07, 03:55 AM
My friend just bought a PSP and he has an 2 80-gig memory cards. One of his memory cards has every single FF and Fire Emblem PS1 game on it, plus a N64 Emulator which only plays a handful of games [Smash Bro's 1, Crash Bandicoot, Mario 64, earlier games.]

The other memory card is almost empty with some PSP games. Plus, it has games that are transfers from PS3. Almost every game coming out for PS3 is going to also come out for PSP.

Point is, he says he loves it, and he uses it as an expansion on having an iPod. Music, video, games, and he has cords to plug it into almost any stereo system so that he blare off his massive music collection wherever he goes.

Then again, I find them pointless and annoying, but thats just me.