View Full Version : Nymphetamine

12-22-06, 10:17 PM
yeah thats her name, got a problem? Suck it up]

Hmmmmmmmmmm I guess I should character sheet this one ^^;

Name: Nymphetamine [full name]

Alias: Phet

Age: 25

Eyes: Red, long and cat shaped.

Hair: Waist length, black with Green highlights more to the front.

Race: Elven

Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral[?]

Appearance: Nymphetamine is tall for her race, standing at about 5'8" and weighing in at 125 lbs. Though she is a forest elf, her skin tone is paler then most, suggesting that she may have spent little time out during the day to gain the tannish colour of the rest of her family. Her face is left clear of her hair, except for two peices hanging lightly against her cheeks. Normally her eyes are down cast as if she was scared or hiding something, rarely do they open widely to expose the full crimson colour. She regularly wears light clothing, designed for optimal movement. Her top usually consists of darker coloured shirts that are fitted to her body, few wrinkles around her waist, and her skirt is kept down to her knees and loose, usually the colour of dark brown or black, and common to most elves she tends to wear no shoes, but strange jewelry that covers the top part of her feet. But I'd guess you'd say the strangest thing about her is her hair, Unlike elven hair, her hair is thick and straight, unlike the usual thick and wild look. She puts no jewelry in it, nor does she keep it down, it is always tied tightly in a low fashion to keep it from falling into her face, and the wild green streaks flood through the raven black colour.

Weaponry: Two small knives that she carries on her sides, the blades have no history behind them, hell, no one even knows where they came from. Their handles are made from a strange stone, more then likely marble, and the metal of the blade is sharp enough to cut through almost anything thats not metal.

Fighting Style:
Tiger Palm style, but when using weapons it switches to praying mantis style.

Magical Attacks:

12-23-06, 05:45 AM
Did you intentionally leave history and personality out of the profile? While it’s not necessary to have a personality section, it would be nice to see some history of this character.

Also, the blades can be made of steel and no sharper then steel usually is.

And finally, are “Tiger Palm” and “Praying Mantis” just styles of combat or does she have any special abilities while using them?

12-26-06, 11:05 PM
Hmm, Im still working on the history, I'll have it ASAP, and the blades, fine fine, I'll have one of my knives checked to see how sharp it is and use that as reference, and they are just fighting styles, I prefer no special abilities.

12-27-06, 02:26 AM
Alright. Post here again when you've made the edits.