View Full Version : Quick Quirky Quest

Rok the Blade
12-23-06, 02:15 PM
Hello, there. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to join me in a little introductory quest. You can talk here and if you have any ideas then tell them to me!

I will come up with some of my own ideas shortly.

12-23-06, 04:36 PM
I could devote myself to a short quest. I noticed you had joined the OD, so since we are both initiates, perhaps we can make a thread together, revolving around how our paths are crossed through being recruited.

I planned on having my ranger enter the Peaceful Promenade for a short thread, following the last post I left in "The First Big Step." Maybe they could meet there or something.

Other than that, if you'd like to just wing a quest, I'd be up for it. I'm looking for a little more activity, anyway.

12-23-06, 04:58 PM
I would be more than interested. I work a lot, here lately due to Christmas, so just PM me whenever and I'll get back to you whenever.

Rok the Blade
12-23-06, 05:08 PM
Rokusho isn't very fond of taverns... The stagnant air in them is usually filled with smoke and things of the like, with drunkards lumbering all over the place. So I wasn't thinking of a tavern... I was thinking of something more along the lines some caravan guarding job, under nature's boughs.

Guarding a small merchant caravan one day and something gets stolen from the load which just so happens to be one of the merchant's most prized possessions, so then the adventurer has to go retrieve it. I don't know, does that sound too generic? I just came up with that on the spot.

That, or I was going to do one of the quests for the OD, but seeing as how Osato is here that'd be hard.

I want the quest to be introductory, but to also have meaning rather than just having Rok live through a normal day in Underwood or something.


12-23-06, 05:58 PM
im good for a short quest....if you won't mind me going with you's.

Rok the Blade
12-23-06, 07:36 PM
Scrap the quick quest idea. I want a big one now, for some reason. I was about to start a solo in Radasanth, but decided that I wanted it to be a group quest instead. Though, I won't be able to start it until about a week after Christmas. I will tell you all the quest then.

12-23-06, 11:23 PM
hey im up for it if there still romm in this Big quest my guy requires a bit more activity anyways i want some action going down.

Rok the Blade
12-23-06, 11:27 PM
Oo yay. With 5 people(including me) this could indeed be quite big and fun. Anyway, like I already said, this will wait though till after New Years, because I leave tomorrow for vacation. When I come back, i'll lay out the entire quest plan for you guys. Maybe even by then some more people will want to join.

Come on, you know you want to!

12-23-06, 11:29 PM
STAY AWAY OTHER PEOPLE too many people make for slow posting. lol

12-24-06, 12:19 AM
That and every added person equals the potential for dire inactivity... heh.

I'm still interested though.


Vamrsh Skylare
01-17-07, 11:04 AM
So you planing on anything big still? Or not getting into this character yet.

Ravenok Kinnes
01-18-07, 04:38 PM
Yes, I still plan on doing some sort of quest with these people that sho winterest. But I don't plan on doing so anytime soon. I have not had any time to do any role playing lately, with either character. So yeah, it's postponed for now. But I am pretty sure it will come sometime.