View Full Version : Level 3 after way too long a wait

Artifex Felicis
12-23-06, 11:03 PM
All the updates are mentioned in the bottom of the post

Name: Leon “Leo” Timyon
Race: Cat-boy or Neko, take your pick
Gender: male
Age: 19 ish
Height: 5’ 11” when slouched and 6'3" standing straight
Weight: Seems thin, but well muscled
Hair Color: Very light blue, could be confused with whitish blond
Eye Color: Blue
School of Thought: Epicurean (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurean)
Remarable Things of Note: Hero Status in Raiaera for Saving from Undead Plague in Adventurers' Crown, Well-known in Scara Brae for the Magus Cup, Some fame in Corone for the Furry Procterate and especially around Concordia.


Leo was born not in the dead of night or in a hidden field, but in a normal place with medics helping his mother. Cat-girls were common on the land he lived upon, as such so was a cat-girl having birth. All of the normal procedures were taken place, and so was the birth. If anything, the only thing special was that Leo male, and not a female.Life went on for him as simple as the others, although he always did get some more attention in his life than others. He was used to it, putting up with it as a child puts up waiting to buy a new toy he wants. He did fairly well in school, coming out about average in his grades. He wasn’t the smartest in his grade, but he was one of the best athletes. Sparring was among his favorite pastimes, to the point where he was the top of his class. He started when he was about 14 years old, and trained hard in his self taught fighting style. The four years put him at an advantage at most others, but Leo could always find someone who could beat him. He even preferred it, as he could try to figure out weaknesses in his style.

He received his yarn ball close to a few months ago, on his birthday. It was customary to receive one at someone’s birthday even then, and his favorite was the Super Yarn Ball. It was a gift from his girl friend, someone he broke up with a few weeks later when he found her with another guy. He wasn’t broken up with it, but he still didn’t want to get another girl so quickly.

He graduated from school later in the year with honors, but not as a valedictorian. He went by through life with his buddies, sparring and working a few odd jobs to get some extra gold in his pocket when he spoke with his parents about what he wanted to do. He wanted to run off around Althanas in general as an explorer, but they said he shouldn’t for a while, until he had some more money. Leo reluctantly agreed, and spent a while working various odd jobs around his town for money. His buddies were with him most of the time, although they all already had full time jobs somewhere. He was the only one who didn’t, but for a good reason. He really couldn’t focus on a single thing for too long.

Later, he went to his parents showing 100 gold that he had saved up, the rest paying for food and stuff along with his parents. After leaving school, they were adamant about him pulling his weight around the house. Even then they were reluctant to let him go. They were reluctant about it, not against it.

A few days later, after hard work and effort to get as much stuff for the trip that he needed to he wouldn’t need to use a backpack, he set off from his homeland. With the help of a boat, he crossed the ocean on a short voyage, landing in the Corone country side. Leo looked out at the countryside and joined the rest of the people in their trek to the nearby town. He adventures had begun.

Leon has now made and met a few close friends such as Rainee and a few others, as well as started up the group known as the Furry Procterate. He also decided to participate in the Magus, which he is currently fighting in. The cat boy is still unsure of his future, and beginning to slow down his mad rush to get to whatever he needs to go to next.

More adventures have happened to the cat boy, enough to make some other people jealous. – He fought in the Theater of War once, before losing interest in it for the time being. His battle was against the female vampire Sivienna, whom he also tore her neck open, accidentally swallowing some of her flesh. Not enough, but he has changed slightly. Though not many could notice it. He fought against Joshua in the Magus, and ended up sacrificing himself a second time to save the kitsune from death. Currently he has placed 3rd in the magus, and his name, while not household, could be recognized by many who knew about the tourney and of his adventures as part of the team Wicked Things. Though, this has lately only influenced his standing in the Scara Brae and Raiaera.

Also something important to be of note would be the boy’s budding romance with the kitsune Doji Kadenza, though it was cut cruelly short as authorities for a crime neither of them committed split them apart. Also as something to be noted, He had found his love hurt in the Lissin School of Magic, and found out that she was pregnant with his child. A rather eye popping experience.

The cat boys adventures have been just as interesting as the last ones, broadening the range. Later, he joined up in the Adventurers Crown, hurting himself badly in the first round while saving a teammates life and going to the hospital. After a series of strange occurrences, he had saved Raiaera along with the rest of his group Wicked Things. He became a Hero of Raiaera, along with his teammates as they saved the country’s capital from being overrun by undead. Along with that he’s also changed somewhat, becoming a bit more experienced and wary of betrayal.

Nearly a year later, he fought against another man whom he does not remember the name of, but was Kit’s new “boyfriend.” Hearing that his daughter, barely a month or so old, was changed somehow, Leon has decided to seek her out once again to see them after a long time. The Furry Procterate has been given over to a new leader, one that Leon had picked earlier, leaving him free to roam without worry for them. In addition, he has also participated in two mor etournements, but in both nothing of importace had happened, and are merely just tallies on his history. One thing of note is that Leon is getting a better understanding of his own mind and body, and he is begining to get worried somewhat about this.

Personality Quirks
-Known to ignore many advances made by those who want him at times, yet unable to resist the feeblist attempts of others.
-Sometimes bad mouths considerably when in battle
-Arrogant and sure of himself in the sense of his own limits, and often won't be intimidated until someone has shown they are better than him in actual combat
-Obsesses at times
-Often ignores most physical aspects of people without much of a second thought. However this only applies to things like jewelry and whatnot. Non-natural things.
-Tends to be headstrong, rushing into situations/battles/plans/knives without a second thought.
-Often has a couple tricks hidden up his sleeve in most instances, though they are generally the same no matter what situation.

Appearance: Leon is almost hard to look on upon first glance. While graceful, and also good looking, there is something disconcerning upon first glance. Many pass it off to their eyes playing tricks on them, and leave it be. This is mostly due to his somewhat longer arms. As well, they are not terribly larger, but are more muscled now, and his hands at the end are closer to paws. An interesting note, is that he only has three thick fingers, and a thumb at each hand. His legs are the same, and end with four thick toes on each paw. One important note is the retractable claws where ordinary humans have finger and toenails. His claws and teeth are sufficiently strong to puncture sheet steel, such as that found in a car body with a considerable amount of effort, though doing so with his teeth would crack them badly. His claws would still be fine, though his hand would probably be broken.

Two fuzzy white ears stick out the side of his head, somewhat above the place where a normal ear would be. As well, he is somewhat more feline in face, though hardly enough to truly warrent an inspection. A curious thing to note as well, is that when he smilies, it is almost as if there are too many teeth, or that they are larger and pointier than they should be. In reality, they are. His tail is considerablly longer as well, trailing along the ground most of the time It is also semi-prehensile, and can contact (but not grasp and lift) objects with it. There are a considerable amount of scars that littter his chest, many of which look old, as if they happened many many years ago. Oddly enough,He often wears baggy clothes, hiding a somewhat muscular form underneath, combined with a slouch he appears considerabler smaller than he really is. He also doesn't wear shoes, the thick pads of his feet providing more than enough padding.


Super Yarn Ball: This is a special magic Yarn ball that Leo got from a friend. There are special qualities to this little ball of yarn though, some that can make it a formidable weapon in the right hands. For this is no ordinary yarn, for its fibers are as hard as copper. Leo has gotten over this, for it is an exceptionally good-looking ball of yarn. It’s dark blue; almost so much that it appears to be black. Its touch, while hard, is still soft and warm. Also, Leo can make the yarn into something of a bandage if truly needed, although it doesn’t do much to stop blood flow. Can’t be used for what yarn is really meant for though. It is roughly 100 feet when completely un-furled. Strength of copper.

“Stealth” yarn- Magic yarn ball that is able to change to basically any color at the owner’s mental command, however, it cannot change colors quickly, and is easily seen when not agianst something. 50 yards long, considered to be copper.

Yo-Yo: A blunt yo-yo that has a special string attached to it. That being that the strong has the resistance strength of iron. The actual yo-yo itself though is made of steel, and the string is roughly 4 feet long.

Natural Weapons
Claws = Able to pierce steel. On his hands and feet. Bone in reality
Teeth = able to pierce iron in hardness, Bone in reality. See Apperance for another small tidbit.

((Note, it's become apparent that, for whatever reason, Leon is slowed consideribly by most objects on his person, from shoes to hats))
Collar- A simple cat collar with a bell. Currently made of Leather and Damascus and dawrvern make. ((Since this really doesn't apply anymore, it's expensive =P))
Sifan Hat – A black sifan hat that can cover basically all of Leon’s hair and ears. It can be pulled down to also easily let the wearer sleep when the sun is around.

Pack of Cards- Leo carries around these cards for when he gets bored and wants to play some games with others.
Yarn Balls (3)- Three yarn balls that Leo almost endlessly plays around with. One would wonder how he was able to stay entertained for so long with them and not get bored. Are Fire retardant. To be honest though, he doesn’t know himself. All 100 feet right now Colors= Dark Green, Crimson, and Blue
Energy Pills (7)- This is what most humans call a coffee bean. Being a cat-boy and not a full human, these have an added effect on him. What humans need to grind down and mix with water, he can just chew and get the same energy as a single cup of coffee for each pill.
Knife- Used in case so entangled in yarn there is no escape. Not sharp enough to cut through much above linen.

Special Traits

Name-description (where it is from)
Speed/Agility/Reflexes- Leon is known to be incredibly fast (5x a normal human), but also is able to control is better. ((Cat side innate))
Strength- Oddly enough Leon is able to match most peoples strength with little trouble, though upwards 300 pounds it get harder, hitting a max quickly after. However, this is only when pushed, otherwise his strikes are generally about the same as a weak man his size. Though with claws it makes little diffrence.((Naturel))
Hide of Scars- His body can repel most attacks with blunter edges without a bit of force. It is also shown this is slightly more effective on his furred parts((Battle Life/Fur))
Senses: Leon's sense of taste, smell, and sight are equel to that of a humans. His hearing is sub-par, and his sense of touch is supberd for his body. One important thing, is that he relies on all of his senses with a general amount of equality. So while blinding him would hurt him greatly, not so much as some may expect. (Unknwon)
Carnivore- Leon prefers meat as opposed to anything else. Has a tough time eating greens. ((Cat side innate))
Healing- Leon heals 2x faster than a normal human. ((Unknwon))
Bone Strength: Leon's bones are somewhat harder than an average humans, enough to take a bit more blunt force to break.
Magic Resistance - Not the most useful thing, but Leon has shown a strange resistance to white magic (Only) lately. ((Unknown))


Weapon Skill- Leo is very skilled with using his Super Yarn Ball in battle, but has no really special attacks with it. He does have some cool moves though. Leon has improved to the point where he is thinking about sifting this type to more effective and dangerous weapons. In addition, the following weapons he is at a higher level than he normally is. Unarmed/claws, spear, and knives.

Omniskill- Leon can, in effect, use any weapon he finds somewhat effectively and with some proficiency. For ranged weapons he is bad, but acceptable, aim. Also, it has been shown that he is able to pick up many different things, such as drawing or playing a game quickly. He can use any weapon without danger to himself, and gains some skill with ranged items like a bow or shuriken. A small note, this applies to magic as well, though requires a bit more focus than he is willing to give.

Yarn Ball Manipulation: Leo can control Yarn so that it can wrap around, tangle, tie knots, etc. He pretty much has full control of the Yarn as long as he is touching the strand that it’s coming from, from bandaging his own wounds to choking his opponent. Actual strength of the yarn grip depends on how strong the breaking point of the material is and how strong Leo is at the moment. He can also unravel the yarn and control each separate strand if said yarn is large enough. Though it has been seen that he cannot control it so well as the yarn moves farther away from his body. Leon can control effectivly up to 3 yarn balls so long as they are within a reletivly short distance from his body.

Second Thought: This is a passive ability that Leon is not directly in control of, or one that can be actively switched on or off. In essence, his mind is split into two different parts, both with the same personality and etc. One mind is often blank as well, and is “above” or easier to access than the bottom mind. When both minds are full and in use, Leon can focus on more than one thing at a time. One example, is that he can listen to more than one conversation and knows what is going on in both as if he was only listening to one. Though he wouldn’t know it himself, unless considerable effort is put into it, his mind is very easy to read through telepathy and the like. But it is much harder to attack psionically and blows to the head aren't as likely to knock him out.

Basic Medical knowledge- Enough to cover up wounds and help sprains from hurting so much.

The Kitty Side-When danger arises enough, Leon submits to something called the Kitty Side at times. His agility and reflexes are enhanced slightly (2x in addition to whatever it is at now), as well as he also uses less human words and becomes more cat-like. After a short while when the danger dies down he returns to normal.

Roar: Not so much a skill now, but much closer to that of a strange trait. At times Leon can roar in a voice far louder than would seem possible from his body. No splitting eardrums or anything, just loud.

Additions and stuff
-Increase in Speed
-Personality Quirks
-Magic Resistance
-Armor Clarification
-Naturel Weapons
-Bone strength
-Edit to Hide of Scars
-Added the Senses stuff.
-Size in general, like weight and height
-Goddamn Length

12-24-06, 03:35 PM
This would've been a hell of a lot easier if you just colored/bolded the updates, at least the important parts like skills and traits.

I would have just one remark, nothing you need editing, but a word of advice. If you take into calculation that an average human can run at approximately 25-30 km/h, and Leon can go 5 times that speed, that brings it up to some 150 km/h (the Kitty side enhances only his reflexes and agility, but not speed from what I could gather). For reference, cheetah, the fastest mammal in existence, can only do about 110 km/h and only for short amounts of time. So yeah, what I'm trying to say is to be watchful not to powergame that speed, because it is bound to have some drawbacks like fatigue and difficulty to control body movement due to the momentum.

Artifex Felicis
12-24-06, 04:31 PM
Sorry bout that. I was writing this over a while and got kinda annoyed at how big the (COLOR=Red0Babble(/COLOR) things looked in areas. I'll make it a bit easier next time for you guys.

As for that, I promise not to powergame. And the Kitty side only affects those too. They're surprisingly little opprutunities to run really fast and away for a while when you're a good member of sociaty.

12-24-06, 04:35 PM
If you do powergame, I'm gonna getcha. You can't run faster then a bullet. ;)

On a more serious note, you are approved!