View Full Version : Thank Whoever's Up There for Althanas

12-24-06, 10:10 AM
Hello again

When I first rped here my characters were kind of a joke. In fact, when I actually began to take rping seriously my characters began to bug me which affected my writing. In short I made my characters look like idiots because I thought they were idiots. So eventually I just left Althanas without ever finishing anything.

So I am back. After a long time away and on many different sites I have been writing in environments where the people took IC conflicts to OOC, had their characters spend "quality time together" in the middle of a war thread without ever posting a warning, wrote only one-liners, and wouldn't shut the fuck up about My Chemical Romance. My characters have been bunnied, sexually harassed, killed (without my permission), and swamped with certain offers… Eventually it occurred to me that I should probably come back here to wonderful rule abiding Althanas where the people actually care about writing and don't talk about Panic at the Disco with religious like reverence.

And no, I don't expect anyone to read all of that or reply. :D Unless they were incredibly bored…

12-24-06, 10:21 AM
Thank Whoever's Up There for Althanas
Oh, that would be me.

Welcome back! Glad to have you. Sometimes I think that people get spoiled by our community and system here, and then when they try to migrate away, discover that there's nothing else quite like it. I've always believed that it was the people make Althanas great.

Best of luck to you.

12-24-06, 10:22 AM
...had their characters spend "quality time together" in the middle of a war thread without ever posting a warning...

Guilty as charged~_^

Though you will never here me talk about MCR like that. Though I do hear fans hate it when you call them MCR.

hih and welcome back, I hope you have fun and all. at least Althanas is perfectly guarded against lazy roleplaying and most the community's nice and won't go bonkers over an IC thing.

12-24-06, 10:43 AM
Serriliant- Thank you. Yes, I am spoiled by this place. It was the first place I ever rped on so I automatically assumed everywhere else would be this nice. After even trying to run my own rp site at one point, I now understand how hard it is to keep things under control like it is here.

I hardly hear MCR called anything but. Take for example, this: "OMG!!!1! I <3 MCR! If u cud only scru 1 member who wud u chus? *fangirl giggle*" Excuse me, for that but due to such experiences I have a deep ingrained hate of My Chemical Romance.
Thank you for the welcome. I think I quested with you at one point but I'm not sure... If I did I apologize for not finishing.

12-24-06, 11:05 AM
hey no worries, we can't finish them all. If I didn't forgive that I'd be quite the hypocrite and wouldn't have anyone to quest with^^

12-24-06, 11:14 AM
Oh, that would be me.

Actually, he's wrong. The real owners/creators/designers of this site are the benevolent members of the My Chemical Romance Band. They're the ones to thank!

But seriously, welcome back Dante, glad you decided to rejoin us!

12-24-06, 11:43 AM
Thanks Reiko.

Santhalas, I highly doubt that MCR has the time to uphold Althanas. What with the mobs of crazed fangirls (most of which I probably wrote with at one point or another most unfortunately) and "overcoming emo" I think they have a lot to handle. Thank you for the welcome though.

12-25-06, 08:42 AM
Hey~! S'bout time you posted an Intro thread, Nyu~! :D

Glad to have you back with us. Like that other catboy said about a month ago - "Althanas is the Internet version of Crack - You just can't go without it for long."

On a serious note, stay and enjoy the fun with us. :)

Rok the Blade
12-25-06, 10:48 AM
I just have to say... I love Althanas.

Bearded Gnome
12-25-06, 11:58 AM
Santhalas, I highly doubt that MCR has the time to uphold Althanas.

...That's what we call a 'joke'.

12-25-06, 12:09 PM
"Althanas is the Internet version of Crack - You just can't go without it for long."

No, thats World of Warcraft.

12-25-06, 01:37 PM
No, thats World of Warcraft.
Well actually, I haven't been playing WoW for about 7 months now, but I came crawling back to Althanas after not even two whole months :D

But yeah, welcome back Dante! Althanas loves you too.

Cyrus the virus
12-25-06, 01:52 PM
WoW is fine if you like pointless nothingness black hole suction. Meaning there's no point in playing, really :p

Hi Dante!

Rok the Blade
12-25-06, 08:05 PM
I think WoW is overrated. Althanas is great AND free! WoW might be great, but it's one of the most fucking expensive MMOs out there!

12-25-06, 08:30 PM
I love Panic! At the Disco. If you ever forget the exclamation mark again, I will devour your testicles.

Cyrus the virus
12-26-06, 01:22 AM
I love Supreme Homos To Touch Me Please! Okay. If you ever forget the exclamation mark again, I will devour your testicles.

I wish I could write shitty music and take a headline from a newspaper as my band's name.

12-26-06, 02:04 AM
Don't talk about Cory like that.

12-26-06, 03:43 AM
I'm agreeing with Raelyse, for once.

1.) I am the supreme homo.
2.) Panic! at the Disco is unbelievably wonderful. Like a ball of pure singing and writing talent wrapped up in pretty. Boys will be boys.

My Chemical Romance scares me. No one should be that pale unless you're a friggin' Spooky Kid. Although their early work kind'a makes me see that side of them.

But yes! Althanas is the best roleplaying/writing site I've ever come across. Like a second home on the internet.

12-26-06, 12:09 PM
you dislike MCR and therefore I like you. I'd welcome you to Althanas but I'm just as new as you are, so it might be a bit presumptuous.

12-28-06, 07:15 AM
Thanks everyone.
Raelyse you can try.
1) I'll give Panic at the Disco the pretty part but that's just about it from my end. I'm not saying their music sucks but I personally don't like it.
2) Gerard wears more makeup then my Mom.

12-28-06, 08:16 AM
Well, I can honestly say I have no idea what the band look like so I wouldn't know on the makeup account. And as for the testicle eating part, you name the time and place big boy. Make sure to roll out the welcome mat though, I get awfully shy without it. Plus I'm pompous.

12-28-06, 08:22 AM
*Smacks Raelyse upside the head with a giant snowboard*

That's not a nice thing to say, Nyu~! Remember that this is a PG-13 rated public forum. Anything beyond that should remain vague and in role-playing elements.

Think of the children, Myao~! :p

12-28-06, 11:27 AM
Right. The children.

Make up dude:

12-28-06, 12:56 PM
God, he looked like Micheal Jackson in the video for Helena.

Although Helena was a sweet fucking video.

12-28-06, 01:38 PM
Meh, it was okay. You have to give them credit for using their fans as cast and paying them. That was pretty cool of the band to do that.

Now the funniest music video would still be AFI's Silver and Cold.