View Full Version : On tongues and battles

12-24-06, 02:37 PM
If any of you read the Gol'bron thread, you know that I've ticked off Ithermoss, and that he wants to remove my tongue....

Need some advice, cause as all my readers know, I cast spells with words. So I need my tongue. HELP!!!!

Slayer of the Rot
12-24-06, 02:42 PM
Let's see...concede? No offense Hamnat, but Rakh can take you apart with his bare hands. There are very few people left on the site that my character would be worried about fighting, and Ithy is not one of them.


So long as you are fighting in The Citadel, upon Resurrection, all wounds will be healed, so your tongue will grow back. Just enjoy your battle with one of Althanas' Greats...lucky.

12-24-06, 02:51 PM
I dont consider myself very lucky...Ill be lucky if he decides to vaporize me in the citadel instead of in his guildhall...

12-24-06, 03:13 PM
Offer him a flea collar. A lot of his transformations are very hairy and maybe he'll be thankful enough not to do anything drastic if you manage to rid him of all the fleas. ;)

Seriously though, Slayer said it, it takes place in the Citadel, so even if he rips your tongue out, it gets healed. Hell, I tore Vorin's head once and it grew back. Other then that, it depends on the transformation he uses. The general advice is to keep the distance and burn him. I mean, burning fur smells really bad, I know, but it'll still get him nice and crispy.

Or, in case he doesn't transform and remains an old man in loin cloth, I suggest hitting him in the nuts with a stick. :P

12-24-06, 03:16 PM
Lol. You people are terrible.

If everyone's wondering how, and why, I'll make it clear. There's no beef between Hamnat and I. I don't even know her. However, she did come into the Cult of the Thayne's guildhall and spoke as she was told not to. Rakh is a barbarian. He's a brutal, heavy-handed, yet honorable savage. If he says he'll do something, he will do it. His word was challenged, and he has no recourse but to make good on it. That's not to say he takes pleasure in causing someone pain.

There was a battle in the past with Chromanon Rockskin, where somethinig very similar took place. She, true to her character, tried his patience to the umpteenth degree. Rakh's recourse was to take her tongue, which he wears as jewelry. This is simply me playing his character, I just want everyone to know. I'm not pushing anyone around, or anything like that.

However, he's also a reasonable person (to a degree, of course), and will not take a life unless it threatens his own, or if he intends on devouring it. Sometimes he eats part of someone who tries to kill him, yes, but that is how he honors a fallen enemy. There's no wendigo-esque absorbption of powers in the equation. Destruction of something is the ultimate form of ownership. And use of said destruction for positive means (sustainance) is how he takes responsibility for it.

In this instance, all Rakh would want is her tongue. After that, they'd be even-steven, in his book. Getting her healed is a given.

12-24-06, 03:28 PM
Hell, I tore Vorin's head once and it grew back. Bullshit. You threw a rock at me. Monkeys do that....bastard.

I'd offer to jump in to help, but alas Hamnat, I WANT TO LIVE!

Beg for your life?

12-24-06, 03:39 PM
Oh come on! Be nice. Don't be cruel.

12-24-06, 03:39 PM
@Vorin: NEVAH!!!!I will not beg like some helpless dog....

@Ithy: Cool, so that means you wont leaave any scars after I've been restored to my former not-quite-glory? I do hope so...Shen is not with out friends:P

12-24-06, 03:45 PM
Scars are the spice of life! But getting her healed is all up to you. The extent of the healing will be completely your call. So if you want her tongue action to be as good as it was, no problem.


You people have foul minds.

12-24-06, 03:46 PM
What can I say... Im a foul person:)

12-24-06, 05:19 PM
Let's look at this logically and objectively. Do you really need your tongue?

12-24-06, 06:03 PM
Well, logically, and objectively...YES! Hello! I need to speak to cast my spells. Can you think of another idea?:P

12-24-06, 10:35 PM
1. Sign language
2. Train a parrot to speak for you.
3. Capture a demon and force it to take the place of your tongue and serve you.
4. Offer Ithy tongue in a more . . . French interpretation. :D

12-24-06, 10:41 PM
4. Offer Ithy tongue in a more . . . French interpretation. Hell, offer it in a German interpretation and people will be paying you to watch that match.

12-24-06, 11:46 PM
What can I say... Im a foul person:)

I don't think he means you^^

well I don't think you have much to worry about, you get a new tongue in the citadel and maybe you can use Chiro's advice and get a new and better tongue. well that would have potential to beat Lorenor for most twisted piece of anatomy.

well anyways don't worry, the citadel will replace any lost limb or organ or your money back^^

Wow I think I just proved that I'm a foul person.

Rajani Aishwara
12-25-06, 12:22 AM
Hamnat, keep your distance. No matter what you chant if he can't reach you he can't stop you from singing

Don't utilize all your abilities at once. This way the battle will stretch out and turn to be a quality peice of writing.

12-25-06, 08:21 AM
*Reads Chiroptera's list No. 4*

... Eww...

OK, anyways... what you learn here about fighting Rakh may or maynot be justified in the IC environment off the bat. You can, however, say that she was given advices from people she met along the way about how to fight him - citing specific names of the players here might not give the best IC effects.

It's completely up to you how you want things to play out. Either way, Rakh's taking your tongue. ;)


12-25-06, 01:40 PM
Just go melee. Or better yet, just die. Join us, it's way more fun being deceased :D

12-25-06, 08:52 PM
Aaaa!!! A talking mushroom lich!!!!Runn!!!!

And as any good mage knows, keeping one's distance and conservation of mana(or spells) is the most important thing to remember.

Its just when i run out of Torches, and have only my flame-enchanted staff too defend me that Im worried about. And with how much energy that spell uses, I'll be suprised if she can still be even slightly effective in combat. Probably wouldn't even be able to hold it up.

12-25-06, 09:21 PM
More suggestions from yours truly.

1. Red Bull
2. Guava and strawberry smoothie (it's better than it sounds)
3. Stick fingers in electric socket
4. Any time you get tired, imagine that Ithy's hot on your tail, demanding tongue. That oughta give you a much-needed boost.

Zook Murnig
12-25-06, 09:37 PM
3. Stick fingers in electric socket
4. Any time you get tired, imagine that Ithy's hot on your tail, demanding tongue. That oughta give you a much-needed boost.

You are one twisted sister...

12-25-06, 09:49 PM
I'll rip out your tongue for Ithy. He and I are tighter than a Paris Hilton's G-string on a sumo wrestler. I do so enjoy a good tongue rippage.

Max Dirks
12-25-06, 11:22 PM
Who's afraid of Ithermoss? Seriously!

I almost beat him (while he was four levels higher) with a guy with absolutely no magical aptitude or weapons. Even then, Ithermoss never actually killed him and I'm happy to say that Spade still has his tongue. :p

Cyrus the virus
12-26-06, 01:20 AM
Yeah, but you're a powergamer so who cares?


12-26-06, 01:27 AM
Hahahahhahhahahahahaha. Ah yes, the old Spade vs Ithermoss battle. That was epic. Damn, the glory days.

01-02-07, 09:10 PM
For anyone who hasn't read the thread yet and wants to, you can find us here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3550).

Happy hunting! As long as you aren't hunting for tongues....:P