View Full Version : Currency

12-27-06, 03:55 PM
What is the Althanas currency called? In particular, I need the name its called in Corone. Is it just refered to as gold peices?

Also, how big are the gold peices. While I don't imagine characters have to carry their entire fortunes around with them, I would imagine characters like Serilliant and Rakh, or even Letho for that matter, would have a hard time lugging even a tenth of their fortune around with them every place they go...

12-27-06, 06:01 PM
It's simply a gold piece in Corone. I guess other nations have their own currency, but basically they too have coins, only probably with different stuff on them. Most of them exchange 1 Corone GP for 1 GP of their own.

As for your other question... Well, you're right. I mean, carrying around even a thousand gold pieces would be quite difficult. Some people disregard it, others use coins in their roleplaying that are worth more then others, so you have a coin that's worth a hundred gold pieces or something. There is no general rule though, which kind of reminds me that I should do something about it, at least in Corone, so it would make more sense.

12-27-06, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the help Letho. Also, do you happen to know where a price list is. I couldn't find one in the bazaar, and its hard to know how to write IC transactions without having at least a vague idea what a house or a cup of coffee costs (or the althanian equivalent of a cup of coffee).

12-27-06, 06:13 PM
As far as I know, there isn't one, so you'll have to do some browsing in the Bazaar. You can make a thread there and ask about some prices; the Bazaar merchants won't mind even if you don't buy anything much.

01-01-07, 04:56 PM
Just a bit of a follow-up on the question on how chars seem to carry thousands of gold around on them. I heard that around the end of the 1400s in places like the Holy Roman Empire and Sicily and such, they started trading gold pieces into banks for bank notes denoting how much they had, kind of like the paper currency we have today.

Just a thought.