View Full Version : Supply and Demand?

12-27-06, 05:42 PM
Quick question. My character is a novice glassmaker--and I plan to make him more and more skilled at his craft as he progresses. So here's a thought: can I produce glass goods to sell in the Auction House? I know you can sell items you bought in the Bazaar there--but what if you made the item?

That said, I would probably have to pay for materials--some good quality glass from Fallien on occasion--so it could get kinda complicated, but still lucrative. Thoughts?

12-27-06, 06:14 PM
It sounds like an awesome idea. If the Cult of the Thayne: Gol-Bron, is still focused somewhat like the old RH than you should check that out too. It should be moving here pretty soon, but it's basically what used to be a clan of merchants, craftsmen, and professionals (mining/lumber/ect).

I think it's an awesome idea though, something that'd probably be cool for other peeps to try too.

Artifex Felicis
12-27-06, 08:15 PM
As a bazaar mod, my answer should probably be what would be taken. Assuming my mind holds the rules correctly.

If you get awarded something in a thread, then you could sell it in the bazaar. OF course, that also means having stuff that people wish to buy in the auction house as well. So just a little warning in this particular case. A glass flower might not sell too well in the auction house, but a glass flower that holds some magical property would. Or for that matter, a very hard glass dagger or something.

Also, you could always just talk it over with a bazaar mod. I'm sure I could make a snooty woman who would want to buy custom glass things for herself. Either way, hopefully this should answer your question with some more clarity.

12-27-06, 10:32 PM
Heh, on the subject of enchanting...

I was going to make a newer PC that is an enchanter. If you want to team up, perhaps... let me throw a few enchantments on your stuff it'll probably sell a little better.

Lol. Catch me later and we'll see what comes of it.

12-27-06, 11:05 PM
Ah, Arty beat me to this. :p

Yes, what he said is correct. On that vein of thought, you can make your wares and sell them to NPCs and PCs as long as there are people willing to buy them. You can discuss this with a fellow user or with us mods about your wares before and during their creations.

Remember that if your character is an artisan, you should at least mention the vague process of it and the outcome. Just for IC incentives, that's all. :)

12-27-06, 11:08 PM

Funny you guys thought of the enchanting; I had been planning to give Kalamu some enchanting skill when he leveled up, such as imbuing glass with the enchantment his shamshir has, and maybe some new properties too. A partner enchanter could be a quicker fix, though.

So...what if I worked it this way:

Could I start a closed thread where Kalamu meets with Fallien merchants, pays them for some shard glass, forges it into a dagger, meets up with his enchanter friend, and then ends the 'quest?' Then the judging mod could subtract the gold he spent on materials and award the final product as "spoils."

Then he could go to Auction like he normally would with quest goods.

12-27-06, 11:16 PM
Fine by me. :D I'm a judge too, you know.

Read up on the glass description in Fallien and their relative rarity to outsiders while you're there. The Fallien people are a tad xenophobic, so even the process of acquiring Chillu should prove to be... interesting. ;)

12-27-06, 11:32 PM
Thanks! Will do.