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View Full Version : Even foxes need something special from time to time

04-06-06, 09:37 PM
Sakura took in all the sites and sounds of the Bazaar of Radasanth and smiled the whole time with her tail wagging as well. So many merchants in one place and so many shoppers, it was like she could get lost in a flood of them. The drone of bartering filled the place, it sorta hurt the vixen’s ears.

Then a place showed up, a small shop that the noise did not penetrate as badly. The shop was cool and the furry girl was quite happy for that, outside it seemed like she might’ve broiled in her fur but now it was quite comfy. The store was a general store with all kinds of items from weapons to clothing to food. Anything she could need.

Sakura smiled as she started to look at dresses, some kimono that were quite nice but she found herself looking more towards the exotic elfin dresses and their easy to put on design but as she wandered, the girl came upon some staves for wizards and some for fighters, Sakura wasn’t one for a swords but she had some training with staff fighting. Some were ornamental and top heavy like a scepter with a way to long handle but she then saw what looked to be a well-balanced staff. Sakura picked it up studied the fine yew staff with three woven patented cords, two at the ends and one in the center. It was a simple yet pretty staff, something that she would like. But there was something strange with the center cord, it went inside the staff and wasn’t tied around it. Maybe it’s stuck? the girl wondered as she pulled at the cord.


Sakura jumped as she heard the mechanism release and a steel blade coming out of the top. The staff was actually a hidden blade staff. Sakura thought it was odd but the weapon might be useful, she had never seen a shikomi zue before. Sakura walked to the front of the store, holding the hidden blade staff with one hand and trying to smooth down her fur that raised up from the jump.

The vixen put up a nervous smile. “How much, um much is this?” Sakura asked as she placed the weapon on the counter as it was deployed, she wasn’t sure how to retract the blade quite yet, but she was sure she could figure it out.

04-07-06, 09:26 PM
"That will be 100 gold my firend, a nice round number for you," Lionel said, after was seemed like hours of calculations before speaking to the fox girl. "You need any help with that?"

04-07-06, 09:57 PM
Wow she could afford it. Sakura smiled as she felt the smooth wood, it was of fine craftsmanship. Sakura felt the smooth wood and pulled on the cord thinking it would retract the blade, and it did. "I'll take it, I can handle it from here." Sakura placed her coin on the counter; the vixen had yet to learn about saving money.

04-09-06, 11:51 AM
"Thank you." Lionel replied, taking the momeny. He smilied, happy that he job was finally done. For some reason business had died done lately, and he enjoyed the sparse people who came i every once in a awhile.

((100 gold done, I'm assuming it's starting gold, so yeah. 0 gold remains at time of transaction))