View Full Version : After a LONG hibernation - Character Retrieval??

Freedrick the Fuzz
12-28-06, 07:57 PM
Freedrick the Fuzz, and perhaps a few other of my entourage of characters, is returning. Freedrick was always the best, so look I'll work on him first.

I may end up having to start over, in which case Freedrick will probably pass into oblivion. BUt, if anyone has any REALLY old files/backups of old incarnations of Althanas, they might find some of Freedrick lying around in databases somewhere.

Anyone in particular have this type of info?

Other characters worth looking for:

Lexan the Librarian

There were others, but they weren't nearly as good as those four. So, if anyone can resurrect them, great, if not, I get to make up another cool new character, which won't be too bad.

Thanks for the looking.

01-02-07, 11:22 AM
Sorry, Freedrick. I've done multiple searches and checks on the Google cache, but found nothing of any of the 4 characters you listed...

I think your best chance now is to re-create your character data all from scrap. Sorry.