View Full Version : Sway to and fro... Sway. (Restricted: Pm if intrested)

12-30-06, 07:23 PM
The world is full of questions, millions upon millions just waiting to find answers. Dakkon Rycks questions have very little to do with the world. His questions have always been centered around himself and like most things whenever one question seems to conclude another pops up in its place. Progress is a difficult thing to acheive on Althanas- many strive for it there entire exsistance and never even touch it- others obtain there hearts desires without any effort at all. Some would say such is the will of fate.


The word it self speaks of the bondage of free will- a lack of choice for all those who belive in such a thing. It could be agreed that fate is non-exsistant and that ever choice you make is your own. Then again the opposite could be argued, every choice you've ever made or will make has already been decided for you... and theres nothing you can do to stop it. Many belive this... and many do not. The universe does not work in absolutes though... if 'Fate' truely exsists- what is its counter balance?

They are 'The Sway'

Dakkon took a moment to tilt his head to the side streching the tense sore muscles of his neck he'd spent the last few days leaning over this book and all he'd translated was the first two paragraphs a dead black campfire remained nearby a hiss and swirl of smoke all that remained from the warmth it had been giving earlier. Dakkon remained near the treeline not far from a large road- over looking a large city as the sun began to settle.

"Aleria do you have any idea what the hell this book is talking about? I think I felt something in my head break by the second paragraph."

Dakkons fingers stroked the yellowed pages tracing the underlining runes that covered the manscript pages and quite a book it was. Dakkon was relaxing with said formentioned book the one he'd aquired on his return home- the only book he'd found that remained in the entire Royal Larosian library.

At the time he'd taken the book with no intention of reading it as he had no idea how at the time. Things had changed over the past year and a half though. None of his memories had returned from the first five thousand years of his life but Aleria had prove to be a great deal of help with helping him relearn his native tounges. Complicated society had three different languages. They had come to him rather naturally though and he found he had no trouble speaking them... funny thing- no one else alive spoke them other then him. Cliche- perhaps to be the last of his people but if one wanted to get technical he was also the first of a new people. Always a complicated mess.

Dakkon... did you hear a word I just said?

No. Say it again.

Ugh... how easily you get lost in your own thoughts is starting to worry me a little.

You gonna say it again?

Truthfully I said nothing of any real importance. So no.

In other words you have no idea what this thing is talking about do you?

Not at-... actually I just remebered something.


Don't quote me on this- it kind of just came to me- in my younger years I remeber attending a lecture by someone while I was training in basical magic combat tactics- they'd always bring in these lecturers to try and broaden our based knowledge and get-

To the point- please.

...Arse. Anyway I can't remeber the womens name who came in to talk on the subject but the basic jist of was this. There are two conflicting forces in the universe- as with everything something must have an equalized opposite to keep things in balance. The first force is Fate- a group of beings whos soul purpose and wish is to nudge things in the right direction to create a series of event that will despite the attempts of lesser beings end as they see fit. The opposing force was known as the Sway, whose goal was to effectivly bring the chaos factor to each and every one of those events if so possible.

... So basicly you're saying that 'Fate' and 'Sway' are a group of beings instead of a disembodied ideal?

In a manner of speaking... yes.

My head hurts...

You're thinking about this the wrong way. What she beleived perhaps this being why she was kicked out mid presentation, was that this group known as Fate and the other known as Sway where actually a factionized group of people who where at war with one another. One group wanted absolute control and the other absolute power over everything.

Sounds reasonable enough... sort of. But that raises one very important question involving myself and thus self preservation.


What would both factions do if- one being fairly unimportant bound by preffected events to create a fate for said person- somehow- someway completely alters the selected outcome to be something completely different-

Then Sway has done its job-

I wasn't finished. I was about to say without any attempt or assistance from the Sway.

Ah... such a thing, such a person would be a large threat to both groups as it would serve neither of there intrests.

How big a threat?

Big enough to explain what we're watching...

Dakkon paused for a short moment to watch the spectal taking place a few miles into the distance. They had just entered a trade area heavily populated by trade centered commerce driven town. The sun left a twisted distorted blanked or orange and red light over the buildings roofs almost as far as he could see. The day was ending Dakkon snapped the book shut in his hand twisting around to slip it into the bag. The cities- versed, large but not far apart where silent and motionless.

Dakkon and the presence of Aleria observed the bleak obsidan spires coming down from the depthless void of a darkeing sky landing in the middle of the cities- one for that he could see they had been watching since the first one came. It had taken less then an hour for them to clean out the cities. The spires landed- rooted- corrupted the soil then something came out of the spires. From this distance he could tell exactly what- but it started taking towns people those they didn't take where killed- which was mostly the young the and the old.

Fate had played against Dakkon and lost (or he likes to think so) and now aparently the otherside wished to try its hand.

The Sway had come- and they weren't being subtle about it.



Can we start running now?

(To be Edited for spelling later.)

12-31-06, 12:45 PM
Run? Showing that usall streak of cowardice a little early aren't we?

Funny man. I know you're planning on running you've just been taking your jolly sweet time.

Yea. I get it we're going... where are we going anyway?

Who cares- away from here would be a good start.

The road was obviously out of the question and the area around the road was either farm land or swamp one of which was no easy task to travel the second of which was difficult to travel without being seen. Dakkon was quite but far from a master of stealth. Yet Aleria had made a good point- he'd been here to long as it was he gathered his things- what little he had and slipped away from his vantage point and into the treeline. It wasn't long before he was knee high in muck with a seriously impeaded movement speed. Not to mention the smell.. oh yes the smell was fun. He was half tempted to use the mask he'd bough specificly to deal with the masma when he went to visit the Temple of the Forgotten- yet the plant used in the mask a slow burner smelled just as bad though with the lovely side effect of killing the masma and preventing Dakkon from dieing.

Not dieing is always a plus.

Most swamp land because of the moisture and water is flat and this was no acception a variet of trees and bushes closely knit together occasionaly blocked his path if he couldn't move around them he'd cut his way through the the trail left behind was a bit obvious but couldn't be helped. That and he wasn't particularly worried about it. The heavy woolen leggings where soaked in muck, the geives of Kaku where full of it as well and fortunatly for him he'd ditched his mantle a few days ago. That would have weighted him down all the more. A shout echoed out over the marsh behind him... he wasn't sure how far but it was obvious he'd made a serious mistake in his movements. He was being followed no longer an if. He couldn't help but make a slight groan shifting his body to push through the muck and postion himself behind one of the few trees thick enough to sheild his presence- a few branches up and he was fairly well concealed.

He'd either let them pass- or if need be take them out it was a matter of how many there are.

Should have taken the road and switched up to the farm land when you had gotten to it. Speed of stealth- which you lacked as it was.

I'm trying to watch here- you mind keeping it down? Your sarcasum is distracting enough without the insults.

The first of the group came into veiw his heigh was similar to Dakkons as he was about as deep in the muck as he had been- the difference being he was heavily armoured but lightly armed- a thick carpace like chest peice, leggings, gauntlets, greives, helmet and spauders- the substance looked like leather but he couldn't be sure mainly because it held a sheen like metal and was slightly transparent. He was sure he could see the person wearing the armour but a general outline was all he got the helmet was a slited visor giving a wide feild of vision but impeding ones ability to see something above or below. He had a strung crossbow that definately wasn't made of wood- he didn't know what it was made of... it almost looked alive and it certainly didn't look like it had an arrow in it. Lastly a sheathed short sword- same material and a small circlular buckler resting over his back.

He was flanked by a second, armed the same way but with a companion whatever the hell this was it floated in the air it was strangely tear drop shaped the pointed tip pointing foreward... it took a few moments before it moved splitting open almost like a blooming flower a long... very long black pointy tendril slipped out and seemed to flick the air.

Well thats not good...

I take it that thing is tracking by scent?

You guessed it.

Dammit. That makes things a lot harder if they get to close I lose the element of surprise and if I act to soon they might get one of those cross bow... things... off.

All problems and yet not your biggest worry.


Dakkon heard them before he even saw them shifting on the branch to peer back over his shoulder around the tree to catch a glimpes of more figures there exact appearance shrouded by the trees branches and leaves but he could tell that they where armoured like the other two and that one was smaller, more lithe a female perhaps?

This is stupid.

What? Hows this stupid?

So we have two groups of people- obviously tracking you and armed as such. They have a tracking creature of some kind and are decently armoured in what could equally be light plate with unknown tensil strench and you're till planning on trying to ambush them.

...Well of course it sounds stupid if you put it that way.

12-31-06, 12:46 PM
Well... lets get this over with.

You have a plan?


... You're kidding right? You always have a plan. You've never NOT had a plan before. I think I might actualy be worried.

You're always worried- I have a plan...ish... at this point it's more trying to think of a reason why I shouldn't just try to avoid them completely.

That critter will smell you out and you'll lose your advantage of surprise. Not to mention... I am somewhat curious as to how they knew your general location or how they got a hold of your scent for that creature.

Who says its tracking by scent?

Good point.

The pair of groups where making there way foreward again the group with the creature was making for the tree Dakkon was currently concealing himself in. The other group was keeping it's distance and oberserving in Dakkons guess providing support for the Hunters. Dakkons focus for the moment was on the creature watching its behaviour as it followed the exact path he'd taken through the muck more or less ever so often that black tendril would slip free and stroke of the surface before contiueing on. It wasn't long before they where under the tree. He was somewhat surprised when he wasn't noticed instantly by the creature while in such close proximity.

That didn't last long- the creatures 'mouth' opened and out came the tendril. The sound the creature made was frightening... almost disableing. It tilted backward and faced upward... the creature had no eyes he noticed or none that he could see. But the fact of the matter was he had been spotted.

Dakkon slipped from the tree branch removing a chakram from his belt gripping it in the tightening metal plates in his left gauntlet- the first blow to land came as he drove it into the creatures mouth silencing the horrible noise instantly a spurt of black ooze started to poor from the various openings as he tried to yank his arm out. He had no idea why he attacked the creature first- his entire phyical being had demanded him to after the sound started. Perhaps that was the intent all four trackers where aware of his presence now. There organization was also startling as they spoke not one word to one another and simply acted soundlessly, obidently and with obvious intellegence. The closest to Dakkon withdrew his short sword the dark translucent blade tearing free from the sheath with a wet somewhat gross sound. Dakkon brough his Chakram upward after managing to free it and used the flat side to deflect the incoming downswing. The sword was light- the Hunters balance wasn't even impared.

The second the one who'd been behind the tracking creature stepped backward to stay out of the way of the first as well as draw- load and aim that cross-bow like weapon. Dakkon moved just in time pushing himself back away from the next blades swing and the weapons first shot. He didn't know what he was expecting an arrow of some kind.

But Dakkon saw very little a sharp movement from the weapon that passed infront of him- like distorted air striking the tree he'd been in only moments before. The entire tree shook and swayed a few inchs from side to side.

Well ain't that lovely.

Shut up! I'm busy!

I know- by the way the other two are getting in postion to flank you.

Well ain't that lovely.

Things where not improving Dakkon decided to go on the offensive- remaining close to his attacker would prevent another shot from being fired at him. Moving in Dakkons usall speed was seriously impeded by the muck- ranged weapons where at an advantage- he knew that which gave him a few options. The next sword strike was waist level and aiming for a clean cleave. Using the arm guard of his left gauntlet he blocked the strike shifting his body weight inward and bringing the chakram around to attempt to blow it into the mans stomach- a gut shot would certainly be fatal.

Dakkon was disapointed when the charkrams blade found the armour to hard to penetrate striking with a heavy clunk- strangely the metal crack and he felt the weight of the man push him back. He heard the next shot before he felt it- a deafening thud rocked through his body pulling him from the muck and sending him tumbling through the air. He hit a rock.

12-31-06, 12:47 PM

You're at a serious disavantage here.

You think? Ow...

The Hunter with the sword was moving in- the other three where spreading out- one behind two on either side as the sword bearer approached from the front.

Being as you are not only out numbered but these people obvious know how to use it to there advantage. Tactics- you either need to find a way to use it agasint them or run.

Shifting to his feet Dakkon peered around Carefully at the four. Dakkon had barily kept coniousness after the first hit- so another was out of the question- the Swordsman was just trying to keep him busy. The others where just waiting for a shot- they even postioned themselves out of one anothers line of fire.

Not a word had been spoken.

He heard another shot- these guys weren't kidding around. Dakkon didn't have time to examine the direction it came from so out of the muck thanks to the rock he lept foreward towards his attack. He didn't catch the other by surprise the sword came up in a quick sweep. Twisting the chakram around in one hand Dakkon used the hole in the center to loop around the sword and drag it downward locking it into postion. Quickly unlatching the second from his belt he swept the blade upward towards the swordbears neck. The protection in this area though exsistant was lacking to allow for movement a clean cut through the layrinix and both jugulars. He was more then a little surprised when a spurt of red blood covered his arm and weapon.

The sword came free of the mans hand and Dakkon worked quickly to free his Chakram. He heard another shot- their companion was dieing so they had no reason to hold back from firing. Trapt in muck again jumping was out of the question. So he did the only thing he could think off- and dove into the mucky water- squeezing his eyes shut and even taking a moment to plug his nose.


Did you see that?!

Yea that was a lot of blood.

No. The color- I think these people are human.


So why would Humans be running The Sway?

You have a point... lets stay on the topic at hand huh?

That being that Dakkon was nearly out of air- he'd managed to move a short distance so he wouldn't surface in the same place. Dakkon took a moment under the surface before he surfaced to latch his weapons to his belt and place his hands together. He'd never done this before- the swirl and twisting of shadows pulling towards him as the dark energies that filled his blood stream seeped into the palms of his hand twirling before forming a fist sized ball. He placed it near the ground before surfacing.

He had less then a moment to clear his vision and catch his breath before he saw all three weapond trained on him.

He felt the rush of energy and water under him as the water seemed to bubble upward- and pop with a loud bang sending large splash of water in all directions. This had caught the group off guard. Dakkon attempted to move in to take advantage of the situation yet found that the group retreated taking shelter behind whatever they could find.

It seemed surprise didn't last long with these people. That thought was only on his mind for a moment before he caught sight of a corpse floating in the water nearby. It was the corpse of the sword bearer- his armour was melting off his dead body slowly.

Isn't that...

12-31-06, 12:49 PM
Son of a...

No kidding...

The man Dakkon had seen only a few days ago he'd taken a break and a rest stop in a tavern a town back the man had been serving drinks at the bar to much Dakkon had drank liberaly. It took a few moments for his mind to set in place what the hell he was doing here- or for that matter in helping The Sway capture him.

The Invasion.

The Sway where recruiting people with those creatures he'd seen from a distance invading the town. A form of enslavement- not only did they get solider but they wouldn't have to deal with the population either.

So each and everyone of off these people used to be... a regular person?

Seems that way...

Ugh... great. This could pose a problem.

So then-

Dakkon heard a shot. Dammit! He'd let himself get distracted jerking his body to the side he felt the blast- whatever it was- brush agasint his side and twist his body it numbed his arm down to the bone. Jerking one of the chakram free from his belt he twisted his body around trying to use the momentum from his spin to increase the speeds throw and taking only a moment to aim.

Yet he didn't throw it.

Instead he stumbled to maintain his footing and tried to move for cover.

The hell- why did you stop?


Dakkons cover wasn't overly impressive the tree was of moderate size- his shoulders sticking out from either side. He could hear the Hunters moving which gave him a moment.



Why didn't you attack!?

I... just...

Get it over with and tell me!

I've never killed anyone before? Alright! At least not... like this. I don't remeber killing anyone and everytime I have they weren't...well it wasn't like that. I didn't kill the men that came with Krysta, and Radick he... well he wasn't even alive anymore and the fall killed Tnyhuk! I've never taken a life before- a real life... an innocent life.

You've killed before!

Not a person though! Creatures, monsters, spirits! These are people, that was a person. And if you're right they can't even control their actions.

Well this is just great.

I need to get out of here.

To late.

Dakkons conversation in his head took up a few moments to may- catching a glimpse of one of his attacks out of the corner of his eye. He heard the shot and went to move- he stumbled on the muck catching the blast full force to the chest the force pushing him back agasint the tree almost hard enough to completely uproot it. His body numbed and head throbed before darkness seeped into his mind.

01-02-07, 11:49 AM
The ground twisted and tore with the abundence of energy- lightning tearing to and fro raking up not only the soil... but the poor souls caught in the spells range. With a crack the lightning disapeared the shock and obvious panic spread through the assulted ranks.

Very few people could go up agasint a Valdar in combat and it could be said few brigades could either and this was proof in the making. The caster was already preparing another red ambiant energy surging through his arms to the tips of fingers working the delicate magical energies together twisting with heat and light the fire forming at the base of his hands. A volly of arrows tore through the air all though not making it anywhere near this... man.

A moment later screams echoed outward- the archers ranks spreading as another Valdar tore through the ranks two curved swords in hand- speed- strength and raw power allowing them little time to react before the archers all fall- the rest of the spearman carbonized in a burst of flames.

A third and final Valdar stands nearby over looking the battle feild- and it was quite the feild. The the battle could be seen for miles off the two armies seeming to clash back and forth neither one winning or losing.

Sword, bow and magic tearing off across the fields leaving deep scars across the land and in both armies.

The third Valdar takes a moment streching his hands a part twisted black sparks passing bettween his palms forming a small translucent negetive space raising it over his head the size suddenly increases becoming massive at least ten times the size of the weilder- who takes a moment to launch the blast into the middle of the enemie troops though quite obviously mixed with there own.

The blast is strong enough to shake the ground, twist the air and knock over any who were fortunatly enough not to be killed by the blast.

The there Valdar gather closer- though obviously different there armour is strikingly similar. Full body dark Damalisk plating- with an artistic flare for the spauders, gauntlets and greives... one more so then the others each set though similar was obviously crafted for its user.

"They have yet to develope a decent resistance." The female spoke turning to look over the battle- with the death of the support units and that last blast the tide had turned in moments a retreat would be begin shortly.

"True..." the Caster spoke his fingers still dancing with the left-overs of his last spell. None of there faces where visible but one could tell by his voice he was probibly smiling. "Sooner or later we'll piss them off enough they'll start sending in something a little more our level... thought I doubt they'll have anything on par with our fearless leader."

"Radick you'd be lucky if it was your level- and not over your level considering how you are the weakest out of all of us." The girl this time the sarcasum just dripping through as she twirled one of the blades expertly effectively cleaning the blood from the blade.

"Aleria don't you start-"


The silence that followed was instant- partialy obidence and partly fear the leader had spoke and it had their complete attention. A pause before he finally turns to look at the pair slowly sitting down and working to remove his helmet.

"This battle is over- and if what they are working on true we're going to have a serious problem. A few of us might be powerful enough for these troops but if they finish making these warriors of theres we'll have a serious problem."

"We? You'd have a problem with something barely over Radicks level?"

"No... but I will if theres a hundred thousand of them..."

The helmet came off and Dakkon looked at Aleria and Radick before turning to examine the battlefeild again.

Dakkon! Wake up dammit!

Dakkon blinked... his senses slowly returning as he looked around the darkened room he quickly became aware he was bound.

Finally... are you alright?



It's... its nothing... just a night mare.

01-02-07, 09:34 PM
Well snap too you have bigger things to worry about.


And don't you dare think I'm going to forget about you freezing up... then again I think we might solve that problem with this little encounter.

Why's that?

You're about to find out.

Dakkon jerked and twisted his arms which where restrainted by something which had his entire forewarms and hands bound to the point of being unable to move. He sighed slowly his vision still clearing itself... it wasn't often he felt groggy- then again he hadn't be captured before so all and all this would be a new experience.

Maybe that's what Aleria ment... maybe that's why he was worried. The smell hit him suddenly causing his nose to curl in revoltion. What was that god aweful smell- where had they shoved him that would smell like this, grotesque but oddly familar. He would have killed for a light and it wasn't long before he got his wish... regretfully. The lights came on... more or less- no torches or stone walls the entire room just seemed to light. A slight glow was emiting from the ceiling- translucent like the hunters let it emited light instead of impeading it.

The room was small- smaller then most rooms he could afford scuffing his feet to try to stand- whatever had bound his hands also had him bound to the wall near his back preventing any movement more then a few feet away but he did manage to get to his feet thankfully. He was mostly unarmed his armour and weapons elsewhere- he had a decent idea where the gauntlets and greives of Kaku where- he was attuned to them after all but he couldn't be sure about anything else. One of the walls seemed to open, or die... he wasn't sure which but the people who came through were not what he wanted to see. They where heavily armoured- more so then the party that had been tracking him eariler- two of them and both female they took a moment to step to one side before being followed by another. At first Dakkon thought he was like the others but his armour was... perhaps more artistic and it became obvious that he wasn't some poor bastard forced into this.

A commanding officer of some kind.

"So this is him? Not much to look at is he- I'm surprised he gave the group this much trouble. Reguardless Frea will be happy to know we caught hold of the little half breed before The Fate did. Have you informed Tyre of his capture yet?"

"No- you told us to report directly to you if the Hunter team found anything." A muffled female voice- it sounded dead and bland.

"Good... keep it that way. The interigation should take place first, I want to get all the information we can out of him before Tyre knows he's here. Feel free to hurt him just don't kill him... he'd have my head on a pike." Whoever this person strode foreward with an air thick confidense that would have no doubt broken had Dakkon not been bound- he had no idea who this person was or... on reflectoin- what. The soilders- all the ones he'd seen so far where human but this- he certainly wasn't.

His shape was basicly humaniod, yet he was stocky like a dwarf with a tail he was also dark blue- a series of ridges covering his head from his forehead back around to some reversed horns. Any other physical details where lost under the dark armour.

"So what happens from here?" Dakkon had to ask... to bad he felt he already knew.

"Listen- The La'fury half breed even still speaks the langauge I'm surprised this will make the interigation a lot easier." The man- creature- grinned strangely at him- hey white teeth... least they had teeth.

"I guess that means you don't speak common- I'll remeber that when I start cursing at you." This of course was spoken in common he had a feeling this would be bad enough as it was.

"... I'll check back on you in a few hours. I expect progress- and for him to be sufficently tortured... disgusting creature that it is it shouldn't be treated like a prisoner."

Hear that? I'm the creature...

Told you this would solve the problem.


You said you'd have trouble killing them if they where human like this- I can almost promise you a few hours into the torture you'll be wanting to return the favour.

01-02-07, 09:35 PM
The Fun that is Torture

Angry yet?


Angry yet?


Angry yet?

"Agh! God damn mother son ass fu-!" Dakkons body curled in pain the flesh over his shoulder spliting like a ripe cherry and letting little more then a trickle of blood trace down his shoulder another to match the many slowly dotting up his back.

How about now?

Yes.. god dammit yes I'm angry- I'm really starting to hate knives even more then I used to.

That so? How goes that escape plan?

It's going slowly but I should be out of these bonds in a short while longer...

You said that two hours ago you know... the more you say it won't make it come true any faster.

I really wish I could hit you right now.

Dakkon let out a sudden hiss- one of the girls was doing what they'd been doing for the last hour- finding an untouched spoke on his back, dipping the knife tip in until it broke skin before giving it a flick and a twist to see what happened. It hurt like hell... could have been worse things... it was more the relentless unending pattern they seemed to be working it in... worst part was they hadn't really asked him a lot of questions. Just one... and as if on que a hand gripped the back of his head jerking his hair back and forcing his back to arch.

"How'd you do it?"

Relief finally came as the commanding officer whos idea it was to start this little interigation finally returned, and according to Aleria about three hours late.

"So what have you gotten out of him?"

One of the girls took to inflicting a minor but painful knife wound like the others while the second who was taking a break responded. "Not much, a lot of swearing and screaming..."

"Yea... and just you wait- once I get out of these bindings I'm going to tear our a pair of throats and put my fingers into your eye." He indicated his eye gouge target with his own eyes- the man.

The man... thing... smiled slowly before dropping to a knee in front of Dakkon. "You know it would be much much easier if you just told me what I wanted to know- then Tyre can get on with his interigation and we can kill you before the day is out.


Dakkon seethed for a moment- before speaking one of the more coherent less swearing filled sentences he'd made in the last few hours.

"Fine... I'll answer your question."

"I'm waiting..."

"I did it by working my hand around until I had enough slack to move my fingers..." One of Dakkons hand came free- the Demon-Steels overlaping carpace spreading over the fingers to reveal the deadly sharp claws.

He'd actually managed to catch them by surprise- until the pack Hunters. The first of the females... the one with a knife got an open finger uppercut to the stomach and with the claws it easily penereated the carpace formed an effective gut shot. It smelled nasty... but was a painful way to die. Dakkon then removed the knife from her hand and made a wild slash towards the second who was on her feet. He kept this promise the blade finding level with her throat- cutting both juggulars and her larinix. She didn't get to scream in pain like the other.

The man had managed to get his sword out. Dakkons rage fulled his next term blowing his arm towards it's face- he didn't even form a fist- a claw for each eye and around the brim of his forehead. He made a strange squeeling sound and weezed as Dakkon drew out some rather dirty green blooded claws.