View Full Version : Introduction to Fantasy

Leon Adalbert
12-31-06, 07:53 PM
What book, movie, game, etc. got you interested in fantasy?

Zook Murnig
12-31-06, 07:57 PM
When I was little, my father used to read to me. He read fantasy books like C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and J.R.R. Tolkein's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Granted, I wasn't old enough to understand completely, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

12-31-06, 07:59 PM

12-31-06, 08:03 PM
Dragon Warrior. The first one, a basic RPG where you play a night out to slay the dragon. really simple but it worked.

12-31-06, 08:08 PM
I started out as a sci fi guy actualy, till my first game of AD&D then i started into fantasy

12-31-06, 09:50 PM
DnD, heh. Though it was also a lot about what the girl I adored (later a gf) liked at the timie. Ciancth played on Althy a lot, and that got me to come over and try it out... so I started writing a lot.... lol.

gf's, what can you do really?

12-31-06, 10:20 PM
I've always had an affinity for magic and medieval combat. Fantasy novels of all kinds, sci-fi, medieval, or otherwise, have always caught my attention, including most of J.R.R. Tolkien's books, all of the Harry Potter series, the first two Artemis Fowl books, all the Redwall books except Marlfox, the Chronicles of Narnia(which I have two of the original movies for), etc.

Games such as AD&D(which I have never actually participated in), Baldur's Gate, The Legend of Dragoon(much like FF, but better), Final Fantasy(have not played very much), Asheron's Call(best MMO ever, but lacking in graphics), World of Warcraft(wonderful graphics, but lacking in play), etc. have also attributed to my love of fantasy RP.

All in all, I often find myself having to convince myself that I'm not some epic-level Elven Mage/ Thief/ Psychic(if that indeed is the name of the class).

12-31-06, 10:27 PM
Mario. I'm not kidding, that was my first introduction to fantasy.

12-31-06, 11:15 PM
Anne McCaffrey

Daven Logarthu
12-31-06, 11:29 PM
I would have to say the Belgariad and the Mallorean by David Eddings. My mom used to read that to my family on long trips and I just loved the epic story, the fantastic magic, and the time period.

12-31-06, 11:43 PM
I would have to say the Belgariad and the Mallorean by David Eddings. My mom used to read that to my family on long trips and I just loved the epic story, the fantastic magic, and the time period.

Heck yes to Eddings! I unwittingly stumbled upon that series in 6th grade and it CHANGED MY LIFE. He wasn't my first, but Eddings definitely had the most impact on my Fantasy-reading life.:D

Zook Murnig
12-31-06, 11:58 PM
As mentioned earlier, C.S. Lewis and Tolkein, but also R.A. Salvatore, Anne McCaffrey, J.K. Rowling, and a bunch of others. I thoroughly enjoyed Salvatore's The Highwayman.

01-01-07, 09:04 PM
Watching the cartoon movie version of "The Hobbit" when I was 5.

01-02-07, 07:14 AM
Man, I can't even remember...it was either Disney (particularly Beauty and the Beast) or this big book of fairy tales from around the world my mom used to read to me. All I know is, my obsession started waaaay early, maybe when I was three or four.

01-02-07, 07:25 AM
David Gemmell's books were the first fantasy I got in touch with. I think I get my tendencies to depict gore from his work. Then, there's Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series) and Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series).

And, of course, Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings and Quenta Silmarillion. Although I must admit that those only came later.

01-02-07, 10:16 AM
Brian Jacques Redwall series. Hands down, the best kemono/beastly portrayal of fantasy society I have ever read.

I cry everytime I hit the bookstores, though... So hard to find where I live... T^T