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01-02-07, 12:47 PM
"We seek to meet your avatar needs - Old School Style!"

That has been our motto back then and it is still true today.

Avatar Central is now open! Looking for an avatar but can't find that one picture you really want? Why not ask the your residential artists to help you out?

For those of you without an avatar source that really suits you, Avatar Central can help you custom-create that avatar you have always been looking for.

As of now, there are no fees or payment required for your avatar request. However, all requests taken are on a First Come, First Serve basis and I will take only 5 requests per series.

Colored avatars are available as well, though it may be a bit late from time to time.

Here is the list of characters awaiting Avatar Creation as of the latest list I can find:

- Catherine (Urei)
- July Nusquam (Run)
- Kuroki (Kuroki)
- Zerith Dracosius (Zerith)
- Seth Dahlios (Dissinger)
- Kishurin (Kishurin)
- Maximillion (Bandit Brother)
- Ifrit Obsidian (Seth_Rahl)

I realize that this list is more than the Five-At-A-Time limit, but what can you do when the list keeps on growing? For now, new requests will need to wait until I clear off these old requests (with new updates) and I shall cater to your avatar needs. Also, I am clearing out old requests that the characters are no longer active, which means that any character that has not seen action for at least two months is considered inactive and will be taken off this list. So... off goes Hellscream and Roscar unless they contact me.

Updated characters are in Italics.

Tune in for your monthly list updates! Thank you for using our service!

01-02-07, 12:56 PM
Hiyas, everybody! I'm the colorist here at the Center. I utilize pixel-art techniques to create a colorized avatar almost exactly like the original, but with color! For all your avatar needs, welcome to the grand re-opening of Asuka's Custom Avatar Center!

01-02-07, 01:24 PM
Huh? Asuka's Custom Avatar Center? I think you got the wrong thread... O_o;

This is just Avatar Central. Asuka's working as my Public Announcer.

As for the colors, I can do them on my own now as well. Thank you, Photoshop CS2! ;)

01-02-07, 01:43 PM
O_o NOOOOO!!!! does that mean I'm fired?

Cyrus the virus
01-02-07, 02:11 PM
Madyrn needs an avatar similar to what he has now, but more masculine!

01-02-07, 02:41 PM
Yay CS2! Not to clog this thread, but I was wondering, do you draw your pictures on computer or by hand? Just curious.

01-02-07, 02:50 PM
Unless you've started on it already, could you change "Bohemia" to Run"?

01-02-07, 06:01 PM
@ Hamnat: *Ahem* Eh... Yes, you pretty much summed up what I was about to say. Sorry. ^_^;

@ Cyrus: Madyrn's avatar will have to wait until the list above is cleared up. Soon, hopefully.

@ Chiroptera: I draw each and every avatar by hand, scan them and then edit/color them using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I prefer Photoshop 6 by far, but I'm getting used to it.

@ Run: Changed, it is. :) List is updated.

Cyrus the virus
01-02-07, 06:45 PM
Excuse me? Cyrus doesn't wait in line, sonny!

Virtual lines, though, I guess I'll have to put up with...

01-02-07, 08:55 PM
Darn...I've been waiting for months to color up some avies....oh well...I will miss the job:(. Good bye everybody, happy hunting.

The Madd Hatter
01-03-07, 09:12 PM
I still want that avy for Urei, if you would be so kind.

01-04-07, 07:07 AM
Alright then. But just a little clarification needed here...

Would the Urei avatar be one in the Urei account (Character = Catherine) or the Character by the name Urei?

Please respond and I will update the list.

As for progress... The above-mentioned avatars are on their way. Just to get them on paper now... :p

01-04-07, 07:09 AM
I'd ask for an avatar, but you already owe me a doodle at the moment anyway~ >)

Plus, you're so busy. I wouldn't want to add to that. XD *cheers you on*

The Madd Hatter
01-04-07, 12:22 PM
There is no character that I have ever created named Urei, so yes, Catherine. Catherine still exists in a format, just not on Althanas at this moment, but she will be back when I get the time for her.

01-04-07, 10:36 PM
Acknowledged. Lucky for me, I still have Catherine's appearance on file so I won't have to do much searching for now. At least. :D

List updated!

02-17-07, 02:29 AM

Also... An announcement from your very own lazy Avatar Artist...

Series I of the new Avatar Central series is almost finished! Here are the Avatars awaiting finalization:

*Catherine (Urei)
*July Nusquam (Run)
*Kuriko (Kuriko)
*Zerith Dracosius (Zerith)
*Kishurin (Kishurin)

And here are those waiting final drafting and... Stuff. But is still on the list!

*Seth Dahlios (Dissinger)
*Maximillian (Bandit Brother)
*Ifrit Obsidian (Seth_Rahl)
*Madyrn (Madyrn)

Alright, I should have these done within the next few days unless my last three Finals papers decided to blind-side me. :p

Be on the lookout for updates and the re-opening of the request list, Nya~! :D

02-21-07, 03:11 PM
...Well, Sorta. ^_^;

Hello, everyone~! Asuka here to announce the reopening of the Avatar Central queuing list! Also, here are the five finished avatars currently ready for you to pick up!

* Catherine (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l163/AdventWings/Althanas/Avatar%20Central/AC-Series-I-Catherine-FINAL.jpg) (Urei)
* July Nusquam (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l163/AdventWings/Althanas/Avatar%20Central/AC-Series-I-July-FINAL.jpg) (Run)
* Kuroki (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l163/AdventWings/Althanas/Avatar%20Central/AC-Series-I-Kuroki-FINAL.jpg) (Kuroki)
* Zerith Dracosius (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l163/AdventWings/Althanas/Avatar%20Central/AC-Series-I-Zerith-FINAL.jpg) (Zerith)
* Kishurin (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l163/AdventWings/Althanas/Avatar%20Central/AC-Series-I-Kishurin-FINAL.jpg) (Kishurin)

As for the next peoples in line, here they are~!

Avatar Central Series II

* Seth Dahlios (Dissinger)
* Madyrn (Madyrn)
* Lucien (Lucien - Just because he waited patiently for so long)
* (Empty)
* (Empty)

People currently removed from the list:

* Maximillian (Bandit Brother)
* Ifrit Obsidian (Seth_Rahl)

Not to worry! Master Raven still have their characters on file and is still keeping them in waiting until they return...

However, the active people get first priority slots! Grab 'em while they're still open! I will nag Master Raven to have them done within the two month timespan, good sirs!

Thank you for using our services~!

Artifex Felicis
02-21-07, 04:08 PM
Claimed! I don't think I've ever actually asked for you to draw Leon too. Odd. Either way, too bad you're not doing the full bodies anymore. Those were good too.

02-21-07, 04:51 PM
I claim a space!

Pretty please with sugar on top? ^_^

02-21-07, 05:37 PM
Alright~! And that sums it up for Series II of Avatar Central Avatar Requests!

Please check back in about one to two months and Master Raven should have the requests fulfilled by then.

Oh, and Mister Atrifex... I do believe Master Raven still has a full body shot of your character completed from way~ back in the Akashiman Artists Association thread. I'll see if he still has it stashed somewhere in his room...

He's been complaining about how hard it is to come up with good poses... Though he might do them if he finds enough motivation...

Either way, here is the list for Series II:

Avatar Central Series II

* Seth Dahlios (Dissinger)
* Madyrn (Madyrn)
* Lucien (Lucien - Just because he waited patiently for so long)
* Leon Timyon (Artifex Felicis)
* Karuka Eithne Tida (Karuka Tida)

Thank you for using our service~! Have a nice time!

02-22-07, 05:19 AM
Not too bad, fellow artist. I still like my work better....fire me will you...

06-12-07, 11:00 PM
i wouldn't mind another drawing of Banda. Plus, i'd like to see him in color. :D

08-05-07, 12:50 PM

This is an announcement from your Lazy Artist Who Lives on the Other Side of the World (aka Southeast Asia).

I am attempting to revive ~Avatar Central~ in an attempt to revive my creative spirits, although that is going to be extremely difficult as NeNeNe (my trusty and loyal laptop) had been sent to the Servicing Center in the Capital to have her LCD Screen fixed. Poor girl *sniff*

So, the projects here will be... uh, postponed until NeNeNe comes back. Projected revive time is two weeks if all goes well. :)

Anyways, to sum up the people waiting in line at the moment:

Avatar Central - Series II

* Seth Dahlios (Dissinger)
* Madyrn (Madyrn)
* Lucien (Lucien - Just because he waited patiently for so long)
* Leon Timyon (Artifex Felicis)
* Karuka Eithne Tida (Karuka Tida)

Off-the-List Avatar Requests ((Will probably be listed as Avatar Central - Series III))

* Shell (Shell)
* Banda (Streak101)

So, that's it for the time being. I'll open up three more spots for Series III, but I really don't know if I can keep up with the demand along with the usual Mod work. Who knows, maybe I will be able to handle all these stuff. ;)

Stay tuned! :D

Kially Gaith
08-05-07, 01:03 PM
Add me on? ^.^

08-05-07, 07:50 PM
ill take a spot

08-05-07, 08:08 PM
I want in too.

08-05-07, 11:34 PM
Well, ain't that fast. ;)

Alright, I'll put you three down for the up and coming Series III but don't expect them to be done anytime soon. NeNeNe won't be back home for another week or two. :(

List is closed from this point on and I will not be accepting anymore requests until the above lists are cleared.

Give yourselves a pat on the back, Kially, Damian and Renjiro - You just got lucky. ;)

Torin Reahkari
08-15-07, 02:10 PM
Agh, damnit. I was just gonna ask for an updated Torin like you suggested in my re-introduction thread. :( Oh well.