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View Full Version : A Diary of War

01-02-07, 08:06 PM
“What we thought was only going to be a quick siege by the Harpies and Cultists has turned into an all out war for dominance on the Fallien nation and the people of Irrakam have begun to fear that they are losing. Moral is dropping amongst the troops who find themselves trapped in the city like rats in a cage. They can only wait as the Cultists beat against the walls and gates that hold the many thousands of people safe within, but how long will it last without the help of others?”

- The Memoirs of Captain Alikam from the Irrakam Guard.

Fallien is in dire need of those who call themselves heroes and strive to help the people who need it the most and right now, Fallien needs it. The great city of Irrakam is under siege by Harpies and Cultists and the military is not alone enough to help push back their overwhelming numbers. The call for aid from foreign regions has been sent out and any able bodied warriors are more than welcomed into the city to help with the efforts, however getting into the city is not going to be easy. The Cultists have it surrounded on all sides; the only area of safe passage is the River Attireyi, which the military has managed to keep safe through the blood of many of their soldiers.

Inside the thick, stone walls of the city things are not as safe as they appear. Though the walls keep out the Cultists, the Harpies fly right over top and attack the citizens from the sky. The archers pick off those they can and the ground soldiers take out those that get too close to the ground but the Harpies do not die so easily.

And for those of you that do not fight for the good cause The Jya gives out great rewards for those who come to the aid of her city.

Anyone interested in contributing to this historical event may post the Siege Discussion (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=46698#post46698) thread.