View Full Version : Magic Enchantment

Leon Adalbert
01-02-07, 08:47 PM
Alright, I see a few characters with defined abilities for enchanting items, but not many. Is it possible for a character with magic (for example the Fire Summoning spell of Caduceus Grimaldi) to use their magic for the purposes of enchanting an item (giving a sword a fire enchantment, following the same example)?

Cyrus the virus
01-02-07, 08:49 PM
I don't see how that could possibly make sense, honestly. It's one thing to cast flames upon a sword and mentally sustain them for a time, but another thing to permanently enchant one.

Those characters with enchanting abilities would be the only ones who could actually, well, enchant an item, and they'd need to do it in a quest.

Leon Adalbert
01-02-07, 09:02 PM
I meant that merely as an example, and a poor one at that. Let me make another attempt at explaining the idea. For example, Caduceus gathers energy from around him of the Fire element in before casting his Fire Summoning spell, sort of to enchant his body temporarily to be capable of creating a flame. Rather than using it all in a burst from a short charge time, would he be able to draw upon that energy in an environment where the element is abundant (for instance, a hot smithy) and focus the energy on, for example, a sword as it is being shaped and crafted by a skilled artisan of that trade, in a sort of ritualistic enchantment ceremony?

As it stands now, very few characters would be able to come up with enchanted items at all, and all other enchantments would have to be either purchased at the Bazaar, or, if possible, gained by use of an NPC spellcaster with no known specific abilities who only exists for the purpose of enchanting a single item, which seems, to me, to be a cop-out. I was simply looking into an alternative method.

The characters who currently have enchantment magic mostly use it in the short term, as a quick spell to give them a temporary edge in combat. It's, as far as I've seen, an afterthought that they could spend more time at it to get an extended or permanent result.

01-02-07, 09:05 PM
You can cast a temporary enchantment on a weapon, like Shenjara's Flaming-Weapon Enchantment spell, or create items with permanent enchantments like Mac Axehart(one of my other characters) can do. But you need to have those as character abilities, and they must be approved.

Even afterwards, if an enchantment is deemed to powerful, the moderators will cause the enchantment to fade or fizzle or whatever they can think of. In any case, all that you need to remember about everything in RP is in two questions: "Is this fair?" and "Does it make sense?" If you can honestly answer both those questions with a "Yes." you're doing perfectly fine.

Cyrus the virus
01-02-07, 09:43 PM
Oh, well you can certainly have a smithy NPC and have your character channel fire into a sword as it's being tempered. Just try to make a quest out of it. As long as the enchantment isn't too crazy it should be just fine, since you're still earning the sword through effort.

It's just like questing for an item, I guess. Being creative is totally fine! Your original example did kind of suck ass. Or maybe I can't read :p

01-02-07, 09:47 PM
I think you don't even need the smithy if you put effort into it. Like you could research the things you need to enchant the item. Like a fiery sword might need an ancient ruby for the enchantment to work and then there's the actual enchanting of the item that you can pretty much do your own way, if it makes sense, put in the effort and it should work. in the end it's no different than say stealing the sword form some elfin noble.

Sighter Tnailog
01-06-07, 12:44 PM
You can also go to the schools of magic in Eluriand to learn more about enchanting.