View Full Version : Althanaversary - 5 Years of Althanas

01-02-07, 10:11 PM
For those of you who weren't aware, I'd like to let you all know that today was the fifth anniversary of this forum being founded. Back on January 2nd, 2002, myself and four other Althanas staffers created this forum to replace AllRPG's old Interactive Village, and by all accounts it is going as strong as ever. If you want to see what Althanas looked like when it first launched, you can do so by clicking on this link: http://web.archive.org/web/20020225134951/www.allrpg.com/iw/

So in celebration of this milestone, I'd like to announce three events that will be taking this month to mark the five years:

1) The Althies - The Althies will be Althanas' year-end awards event. Players will be able to nominate other members in over 35 different categories, and voting on the winner of each category will begin shortly thereafter. The Althies will be hosted by Althanas staffer Lucien.

2) The Althanas Hall of Fame - The Althanas Hall of Fame will celebrate the greatest players ever to write on this forum. Because the Hall of Fame will be seen as one of the greatest honors awarded on the site, nominees must have been members of the site for at least 3 years. This will event will be hosted by myself, Santhalas.

3) The Althanaversary Tournament - The Althanaversary Tournament will be a one-on-one battle tournament where players will have the opportunity to make their own brackets and plot out tournament match-ups for themselves. Expect tournament registration to begin in 3 or 4 days. This event will also be hosted and judged by Santhalas.

I'd like to wish you all a happy and safe 2007 and I hope you'll be spending some of your year here with us!

Althanas Administrator