View Full Version : Hi, my name is Aial and I'm a recovering-

01-03-07, 12:35 PM
Just kidding. I'm new here and just posted my profile a few mintues ago. I'm going to read around a bit and see if I can figure out where I want to start.

Any suggestions?

01-03-07, 12:42 PM
I saw your profile, and I commented on it so that we could get it approved and you writing! It looks really good for the most part. Also, I actually like the fact that you have one of the few female characters on Althanas with a height weight proportion that is remotely logical. Word to you!

Anyhow. I guess my biggest advice to you would be to make the battle for revenge something that you don't accomplish really quickly. It seems like it could be cooler if it has a few levels of buildup and some interesting challenges along the way. Perhaps you could work for a few quests finding out the guy's identity, then his motive, and then after all that, have a few battles to eventually kill him! That'd make for much better TV (or writing, seeing as that is the medium of communication on the site!).

01-03-07, 01:51 PM
The best way to start is to do a quest with me. And I'm not saying this just because your character is a redhead. ;)

Seriously though, welcome to Althanas. The offer for a quest/battle/something still stands though. Yes, I like redheads very much. :cool:

01-03-07, 01:57 PM
Look for a few good quests in Scara Brae, or put up a few yourself. I spend alot of time with the newbies, so say hi sometimes!

01-03-07, 02:00 PM
:: Cough, cough :: She's never going to get her revenge - because it is not who she suspects nor is it someone she knows... sort of. I'm already writing a short opener which I'm going to keep a solo until it's finished and I establish a solid set of personal traits for this character.

Afterwords how ever I'll be glad to do something with anyone.

And Lentho- battle might be a bad idea.

Level 9- well versed VS a Level 0 - 0 Combat experience.

Wouldn't last long- but I'm up for the other stuff.

01-03-07, 02:02 PM
Look for a few good quests in Scara Brae, or put up a few yourself. I spend alot of time with the newbies, so say hi sometimes!

You are a newbie!

01-03-07, 02:05 PM
Everyone was a Newbie at one point or another.

Workout Wonder
01-03-07, 02:08 PM
I never was. I was born with eight years of role playing experience.

Artifex Felicis
01-03-07, 02:20 PM
Bullcrap, I remember Marin "Oak" *insert last name*

Anyways, welcome to Althanas, land of pretty people, red heads and magic. Enjoy your virtual crack and try not to knife the pimps too often. And yeah, I was/sorta still am a newb too. Just try not to be a n00b in the bad sense.

Also, INDK and Workout Wonder are the same guy.

01-03-07, 02:35 PM
And Lentho- battle might be a bad idea.

Level 9- well versed VS a Level 0 - 0 Combat experience.

I battled Letho when he was level 6 or 7 and I was level 0. It was a fun match, and you can really kick some damage into him if you use your head or kidnap his woman.

01-03-07, 02:36 PM
Marin "Oak" Faith.

Now that thats settled, welcome to the Site. If you have any questions the mods are of the nice type and are more than willing to help you in your endeavours. I'm surprised Withblade hasn't come in and started her typical welcome speech...

01-03-07, 02:58 PM
Above all else, stay away from Letho. ;)

And a welcome to you, Aial!

Where you want to start out mostly depends on where your character was last seen according to your History section. Or just create a recruit thread in the Role-Player's Corner and recruit people for your intro quest!

Or just, you know, send us oldbies a PM or two to help you on your way through your first role-playing experience here.

But avoid Letho. ;) His obsession with redheads is... unconcerting.

01-03-07, 03:37 PM
I battled Letho when he was level 6 or 7 and I was level 0. It was a fun match, and you can really kick some damage into him if you use your head or kidnap his woman.Or if he doesn't use any of his abilities or his sword/gunblade. :P

When you finish up your solo, throw me a PM then and we'll do something if you like, Aial. And don't listen to AdventWings. He's only saying that because I'm after one of his redheads.

Cyrus the virus
01-03-07, 04:22 PM
Hi. I really, really like your avatar.

Devin Argente
01-03-07, 04:50 PM
Distant voice: Fresh blooooooooood


Sorry, lost it there for a moment. Welcome to Althanas. As you might have noticed, I'm a member of the newer Althanas generation, too. Toss me a PM if you feel like it, we'll write.

Hope you have fun here. That's the most important, after all... :)


Distant voice: Hihi... Rip, slash! Blood! Fun! Blood!

Thus ends my attempt at a Witchblade-like welcome post. Without the rape and cookies.

01-03-07, 04:52 PM
Hi! I 'm not sure of how keen on bloodshed you are, but I wouldn't suggest jumping into a battle first thing. It's more fun to start somewhere like the Peaceful Promenade- though I warn you that quests there have a tendency to not get finished. Tavern threads are good at helping one get acquainted with their character.

01-03-07, 05:21 PM
I'm surprised Withblade hasn't come in and started her typical welcome speech...

I'm here, I'm here! I was at work all day!

Thus ends my attempt at a Witchblade-like welcome post. Without the rape and cookies.

Bwhahahahaha! You can never match my greatness!


*clears her throat*

Welcome to Althanas, please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times or they may be removed by rabid, zombified charactes. Do not feed the following people: Letho, Cyrus the Virus, Slayer of the Rot, Dissinger, Devin Argente, Atzar Kellon, Santhalas, Sighter Tnailog or grim137 for they may become dependant on you afterwards and are hard to get rid of. Any screams you may now be experiencing are the sound of dying characters. Do not be alarmed for they shall be revived in new and inventive ways the following thread. Have a nice day. ^^

*gives you a plate of cookies, which is good! But some of them are poisonous...which is bad...*

By the way, Fallien is in the middle of a civil war, you should check it out and participate if you're interested. ^^

01-03-07, 06:44 PM
"Thanks for the warm welcome... as to my Solo... I kind of went insane and finished it.... already. Its 16 posts and I apologize for my spelling and or grammer errors... I'm VERY rusty. Either way now that the introduction is done I cane get into... things."

Aial peers over said cookies- but Valas uses them as deadly projectiles and kills a few innocents for the hell of it.

"Noo! Me cookies!"

01-03-07, 06:52 PM
Bullcrap, I remember Marin "Oak" *insert last name*

Alright gbaman.

01-03-07, 06:57 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Aial. I can't wait to immolate you.

01-03-07, 06:58 PM
Welcome Aial I look forward to rapeing you.

01-03-07, 07:01 PM
Look for to rapeing you?

I was just raped... by grammar...

Artifex Felicis
01-03-07, 07:05 PM
Ow. That hurt man, that hurt a lot. A Real lot.

Also congrats on getting your first quest done Aiel, hope you'll stay forever like some of us.

01-03-07, 07:09 PM
I should- I see no reason not to- unless my first quest is bashed so badily that it destroys my sanity and I retreat to an Althanas inside my head...

"I'm not crazy... honest" Slight head tilt.

01-03-07, 07:16 PM
is it just me, or has the brunette majority become the minority? Because there is yet another redhead here. Another red-headed elven magess, too. Looks like Shen's gonna have some competition...

01-03-07, 07:16 PM
Ow. That hurt man, that hurt a lot. A Real lot.

Also congrats on getting your first quest done Aiel, hope you'll stay forever like some of us.

sorry blackHole, that was below the line.

Anyhow Aiel, I wouldn't worry about your first quest getting bashed. The judge who claimed it is kind of a jerk, but he's known to be nice on occasions.

01-03-07, 07:25 PM
Oh? That was encouraging- though obviously sarcasum... I hope. And the assumption is she's an elf- as the first solo quest hints at thats not nessisarily true.

And she's only a red head during the day- at night she'll kill you...

01-03-07, 07:28 PM
Look for to rapeing you?

I was just raped... by grammar...

That was supposed to be "forward" but for some reason I forgot to type those last four letters.

01-03-07, 07:34 PM
Anyhow Aiel, I wouldn't worry about your first quest getting bashed. The judge who claimed it is kind of a jerk, but he's known to be nice on occasions. He's also known for male impotency and has been incarcerated for public lewdness.

Or rumor has it

Edit: Now that I think about it, those things aren't mutually exclusive.

01-03-07, 07:40 PM
Oh? That was encouraging- though obviously sarcasum... I hope. And the assumption is she's an elf- as the first solo quest hints at thats not nessisarily true.

And she's only a red head during the day- at night she'll kill you...

He is the judge. He probably just thinks he's clever by messing with you like that. Well I'm here to tell you he isn't.

INDK, I'm not afraid of you or your level 12 bad self!

01-03-07, 09:03 PM
is it just me, or has the brunette majority become the minority? Because there is yet another redhead here.

hehe it's equaling out a little. one little red head isn't a red head anymore^^

Welcome Aail, the recovering hyphen^^ Althanas needs more hyphens bcause they really are useful.

I hope you have lots of fun and it's cool to see your solo was finished so quickly, that's an awesome start. Though don't worry about the score, everyone that's cool will still roleplay with you even if you have low scores.

01-03-07, 09:13 PM
He is the judge. He probably just thinks he's clever by messing with you like that. Well I'm here to tell you he isn't.

INDK, I'm not afraid of you or your level 12 bad self!

I'm not afraid of him either- at least while he's not around.

01-03-07, 09:16 PM
I don't know why you would all be scared of INDK he's just like a teddy bear who happens to be powerful enough to kill any three of us at once.

01-04-07, 12:35 AM
Not true, me and Letho could take him!

You with me leth-


Torin Reahkari
01-04-07, 04:25 AM
Bullcrap, I remember Marin "Oak" *insert last name*

Anyways, welcome to Althanas, land of pretty people, red heads and magic. Enjoy your virtual crack and try not to knife the pimps too often. And yeah, I was/sorta still am a newb too. Just try not to be a n00b in the bad sense.

Also, INDK and Workout Wonder are the same guy.

Sort of? -cough- Maia / Amy / a bunch of other newb accounts -cough-

I'd totally take Damon. Not even joking, I'm pretty sure me and Shyam set up battles that never happened for one reason or another, but yeah.

That really isn't why I'm posting.

Welcome! I've been here too long and don't write nearly enough, so if you want to quest or whatever, give me a shout.

And you should fear Damon, he wasn't kidding about the being born with 8 years of RP experience. He was just being modest, it was actually 12.

EDIT: Oh my God, Jeff, were you really GbaMan?

I've been here too long. :eek:

01-04-07, 07:33 AM
I really think you all need to seek some time of professional help...


My-my cookies? You used my cookies as projectiles!?

*gets angry and turns into super-witch and goes on a killing rampage*


*clears her throat*

Anyway, don't be afraid of Shyam, he may be level 12 but surprisingly with enough strategy his character dies rather easily. I think The Cell proved that a level four or five could kill him.

*looks at her level*

Perfect. *evil grin*

01-04-07, 07:58 AM
Haha... why not? Your cookies have done a hundred times more damage then they ever would have if I had simply eaten the- least I saved a few for later.

First quest was already judged- which was faster then I expected... then agian it wasn't a very long thread and it went about as well as expected considering I rushed it.

Couldn't help it- you know how it is when you get an idea in your head of how you want to do something... thus the slight confusion and it looks like I'll need to get Microsoft word to help with my spelling- this computer doesn't have anything but normal word.


01-04-07, 08:41 AM

Yeah, right now we've got Shyam on vacation so he's plowing through those judgements. Kind of makes me feel bad when I realize I barely have the time to do the ones I take because I work so much. ^^;

Stop wasting my cookes though, they takeaa while bake and have more uses than just projectiles.

01-04-07, 09:05 AM
Haha... why not? Your cookies have done a hundred times more damage then they ever would have if I had simply eaten the- least I saved a few for later.

First quest was already judged- which was faster then I expected... then agian it wasn't a very long thread and it went about as well as expected considering I rushed it.

Couldn't help it- you know how it is when you get an idea in your head of how you want to do something... thus the slight confusion and it looks like I'll need to get Microsoft word to help with my spelling- this computer doesn't have anything but normal word.


What do you mean by normal word? If you have word on a computer that runs windows, you have Microsoft Word. If you don't, use this.


01-04-07, 05:33 PM
I mean I have Word- the basic word program which is only a small step up from Notepad.

I don't have Mircosoft word- yet. Working on it.

Devin Argente
01-04-07, 05:35 PM
You mean... WordPad?

Poor you *pats back*

01-04-07, 05:41 PM
That's the one.

01-04-07, 05:51 PM
Word pad sucks...

download a cracked version of word off some downloaqding server like Limewire, honestly you can get them anywhere. You can get anything off the internet. ^^

I have lots of cracked stuff... *coughs*

01-04-07, 05:57 PM
I'm working on it!

01-04-07, 05:58 PM
Work faster!

01-04-07, 06:03 PM
Openoffice (http://www.openoffice.org/) is a free equivalent of Microsoft Office more or less. I don't use it personally, but I tried it a couple of times and it's not bad given the fact that it's free.

01-04-07, 06:34 PM
"I'll bite you Witchy and feed you to the evil alternate being inside my body if you try to give me another order!" Shakes fist!

Then sweet smile at Letho


01-04-07, 07:38 PM
Pfft, I'd like to see you try, besides, how do you know I won't like the biting part?


By the way, you may sweet smile to Letho all you want but his character is already called for, good luck getting into his pants. Good thing I've got Malagen. ^^

01-04-07, 07:48 PM
Pfft, I'd like to see you try, besides, how do you know I won't like the biting part?


By the way, you may sweet smile to Letho all you want but his character is already called for, good luck getting into his pants. Good thing I've got Malagen. ^^

Yeah, it's not...it's not that hard at all to get into his pants. Letho is sort of more of a slut than any of our current female characters.

01-04-07, 07:56 PM
You can get into any of his other character's pants, but Letho seems to be off limits now because of his stupid NPC wife.

*kills Myrhia*

There, how do you like them apples!?

01-04-07, 08:00 PM
Vic's off limits, I'm worse than Myrhia will ever be.

01-04-07, 08:09 PM
It's quite unusual to find married characters. Unless one's planning to kill the spouse off, of course. That's always fun.

I'm curious, Alial, do you think a woman with two people living in one body could get married to a man without having the other personality kill off the spouse?

01-04-07, 09:10 PM
That would depends on serveral factors (In my characters case):

1: It would depend on which personality was the one that got married- and if the other one knew about it.
2: If they both of them feel the same way about said person.
3: If the spouse could handle having someone young, innocent, short tempered and revenge driven by day and having someone evil, insane, and a murder by night.

And on another note: It is my hope to actually establish a relationship bettween my character and someone else.

To be exact I'm kind of hoping both personalities will have a love intrest the other doesn't know about... would be fun later.

01-04-07, 09:17 PM
I'm a psychotic, revenge driven, soon to be thermal vampire pyromaniac that sometimes likes to eat bits and peices of the people he cooks. What d'ya say? Eh? *winkwink*

01-04-07, 09:23 PM
wow I don't want to go over there when it's cooking night^^

But I do like the idea of multiple boyfriends. I thoink it would be fun when they fond out about each other and the two personalities.

and if you need a foxy heroin to stop your dark side, I'm available.

01-04-07, 11:00 PM
Hehehe... So, Vic's off-limits is it? I'd like to see how Murakama will respond to that, Reiko. ;)

Very interesting take on marriage, Aial. I'd like to see how things eventually end up after the dust settles. :D

Artifex Felicis
01-04-07, 11:16 PM
Poor Leon, he's still single right now. As for stuff, I'm willing to quest with you sometime, though it'll be sparse posting for a bit.

01-05-07, 02:39 AM
I was more thinking that when they find out about it... they don't know its two different people and- more or less they end up fighting about it.

It would be funny- and not nessisarily marriage though as that would complicate things. And be careful Reiko- make offers like that and you'll have your hands full.

She likes to stab things... a lot.

Cyrus the virus
01-05-07, 03:20 AM
I still like your avatar :)

01-05-07, 09:45 AM
I have a different one for Valas- which will be displayed when I play her for an entire thread.

01-05-07, 05:33 PM
Having relationships with other people on the board is hard because some people tend to not make it matter once the quest is over. I'm trying to get my one character Ira into a meaningful relationship, while poor Witchy... she just can't have physical contact with people, she'll never get laid...

*pats Witchy on the head*

Though I am currently rather busy with a lot of stuff, your character does interest me. So if you ever have a quest idea--or if I seemingly come up with one--we should quest together sometime.

01-05-07, 05:49 PM
Hey Witch, Tarry's a psychotic, sadistic, mildly machositic, vampire with a massive superiority complex. A relationship Witchblade and Tarry would make a good match. Hell, consumating their relationship could involve slaughtering a small city.

Just letting you know...;)

01-05-07, 05:57 PM

Yeah, I'm sure they'd make a very...interesting couple. Not to mention together they could effectively terrorize areas of Althanas and if Tarry's interested in a relationship in which he cannot touch his 'lover' it would work out perfectly.

01-05-07, 07:18 PM
Ah, MPD. Gotta love it. I have to admit that from your first quest, I like the evil-ish one better. If the two of them ever have to duke it out . . . in the same body . . . I'll be rooting for the one that likes to stab people.

Just so you know. :eek:

01-05-07, 07:43 PM
Well to be perfectly frank with the way things roll it might end up sooner or later that only one of them is in the body- or that one is simply a by stander... or even worse-

Worse being as of right now-
Valas can only come out at night.
Aial can only come out during the day.

Sooner or later they might just randomly switch as there situation gets... worse? It should be intresting. Hell my latest thread with invovles two people playing body guard to someone on an airship and the point of the matter is said person is not me.

In fact Valas is going to be trying to get to the person they are guarding. Should be fun...

01-05-07, 07:51 PM
Yeah, I dunno what it is, but badass women who stab people just seem to have a better following than those goody little toe shoes who save every frikkin' bunny they come across.

It should definitely be an interesting plot to unfold.

01-05-07, 07:53 PM
Oh. Aial isn't like that. To be honest neither of them are good... just unlike Val she's not aboslutely bad.

I don't know that didn't come out right, you get what I mean.

01-05-07, 07:55 PM
I love bunnies! Watership Down was my favorite book in middle school.

Oh, wait . . . ahem. I mean, of course, I love to SLAUGHTER bunnies. With six-pronged forks and jagged pieces of glass. *looks around hopefully for fan club*

01-05-07, 09:10 PM
Bunnies are great- catchem, skinnem, and make stew! Yum...

01-05-07, 09:49 PM
I particularly resent that comment about goody-two-shoes saving bunnies!

Because it oh so applies. Ouch.

But yes, rabbit stew is better than you.

01-05-07, 10:05 PM
aww what's wrong with bing a heroine, they named one of the worlds most addictive opiates after the term^^

though saving Bunnies is pointless. They are capable of saving themselves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usagi_Yojimbo)

and for Kit it's Goody two Geta, she doesn't wear shoes.

01-06-07, 06:35 AM
Nothing wrong with Heroines... it would just be boring if everyone was a heroine though.

01-06-07, 06:48 AM
Welcome. I like your avatar. Let's quest some time. More chauvinism.

01-06-07, 10:11 AM
And one more to the prospective harem ;)

01-06-07, 01:05 PM
Eh, nothing wrong with heroines, I've got one. Witchblade isn't my only character, I play a 'save the world' kind of girl too, one soul at a time. :p

*steps on a bunny*


01-06-07, 06:08 PM
Wow, this is quite an introduction thread. Welcome Aial...out of curiousity how did you find this site?

01-06-07, 08:16 PM
My manly musk is responsible for 67% of our female members. I'd turn it off, but I like the smell of menstruation.

01-07-07, 12:09 PM
How? Oh- I was just looking for someplace new to go as I couldn't find any decent place to roleplay other then this one. Or at least this is the first one I came across.