View Full Version : Return of the Madd!

The Madd Hatter
01-03-07, 07:35 PM
Now that isn't completely true, I am trying my best to make a full recovery but I must let you know right away my posting will be hindered deeply by this new barrier I have.

Fortunately, it is temporary!

Okay, here is the facts.

-The reason I have been gone since December 17th or so is because I had a combination of sickness, finals, then vacation. I got back yesterday.

-The 'new barrier' is that I developed mononucleosis on the second day of my vacation and it tires me a lot just to even type. I've broken the worst of my symptons, for now, but mono causes mental and physical fatigue and it will be very hard for me to write for a while.

I will be trying my best to post and if it takes me a while then I am very sorry. I am also much agrieved for not fully informing everyone of where I was going before I disappeared.

01-03-07, 09:06 PM
hey welcome back, now we just need a cheshire cat^^

The Madd Hatter
01-03-07, 09:10 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but what is that?

01-03-07, 09:13 PM
Reiko is talking about the evil cat from Alice in Wonderland. You know, the one that helped Alice because everyone else had become psychopathic killers.

Or was that a game and not the book?

01-03-07, 09:17 PM
I think that was the game.

The Madd Hatter
01-03-07, 09:58 PM
Oh, the cat that disappears in turn with his stripes. I didn't know what he was called. I loved that deranged feline freak!

01-04-07, 12:25 PM
I can relate with you man...The doctors almost diagnosed me with mono, until I got better. Jeez, I hope you get better. I mean, I love your writing.