View Full Version : Dark Skies… and a long night. (Closed to the following: Kell, Nein)

01-04-07, 06:50 PM
Rathbran City.

Rathbran was one of the major air ports in Scara Brea. Was being the man word as it wasn’t even a hot spot any longer as a total of two ships flew between the city and whatever destination was on the list and only one of them was ever in port at one time. This of course wasn’t a huge problem because the towns population was nearly none existent.

Not because no one lived there- but because they almost all worked on the Airship and where always out and about. The port currently had one transport class airship getting ready to depart in the next couple of minutes. At that point it would leave for parts unknown! The ship was taking a small detour at the request of a client who was paying them a decent amount of money for such a small pit stop.

Whoever he was the only thing he was waiting for was his body guards.

A tall- lean burly gentleman stood outside the entrance ramp while a few dock workers carted things up another larger ramp and inside. His rank signified but the rather large extravagant red hat he wore- blue over-alls and black boots. As for a shirt- a simple white linen dress shirt though it was somewhat grease stained- he thought a bit higher of himself then he'd ever admit aloud. He was waiting for passengers and as this ship didn’t transport people unless requested he was told that the first two people to show up would most likely be who he was looking for- provided they looked strong enough to handle the job.

The man- the captain didn’t know what his passenger was worried about… what could possibly happen in the air?

Either way- the ship would depart in about ten minutes… with or without body guards.

(This is just the opener- feel free to enter how you wish but your first post should bring you in front of the Captain.)

01-05-07, 10:25 AM
Trouble is expected…

If trouble was to be expected on a travel, it was generally due to several various reasons that no one ever mentioned but most knew the innate nature of. Unfortunately, being rather new to the continent itself, he bore little experience with the native dangers and would be left to rely on the instinct of whichever captain he found himself working under.

Naturally, there was much to look forward to.

If not the harsh wind that cut into uncovered flesh, it was the bitter cold of a foreign continent that drew a loathing dislike for this land so rapidly. Alone in his own distress, he walked, each foot ahead of the other as tan robes lashed about – a hint of crimson played within the vortex of the wind, beneath the folds of a heavy cloak. Broad shoulders held the brooding young man, until flickering lanterns could be seen marking the barren streets of a large and now abandoned port town.

Rathbran, I assume.

As if the salted scent within the air called upon the sea itself, the wind grew less so and settled as a thick fog did too. Such strange weather patterns unnerved Drenn, as he had seen little else in his years than an unforgiving sun. If only such was true and apparent now. Growing in shadow from the grayed background loomed the outline of a large ship. Slipping the hood of his cloak back only slightly, Drenn followed the length of the ship with his eyes before they darted to the silhouette of a great man – though miniscule in comparison to the belly of the ship.

“Here for the job.”

Simple, short words that explained nothing more than necessary; an open and gloved hand turned over requested payment. Nervousness played a factor in his silence, though perhaps the cryptic appearance would help avoid further questioning and trouble from this man in the future.

He really didn’t look too friendly anyways.

I’ve arrived! Hope it’s alright. I’d suggest you look over the first post again, just for those minute details…

01-06-07, 01:04 AM
It was a pretty simple add on the tavern announcement board and it didn’t pay much, but that wasn’t what the feline tinkerer was interested in. Rathbran City was fairly small compared to most of the towns she had been to in the last few weeks, but once again; she wasn’t there for a city.

No, the quarry she was after was a chance to examine up close and personal one of the few coveted airships in this part of Althanas, marvels of technology that brought the flightless terran races to the level of angels.

The winds had blown themselves out allowing the fog to roll in from the nearby ocean. Rathbran City wasn’t as well designed as the airship docks in Alerar, or so she heard from a few drunken crewmen that spent their pay for the sight of the bottom of a bottle.

A chill clung to Kell as she stepped into the gently lamp lit streets that were filled with the darkening pillow of fog.

Hope they haven’t left yet…

A quick pace made her boots sound like drums in the hollow fog as she made her way to the dock noted on the announcement.

Kell paused for a moment as she saw her fist glimpse of the grey hull, she was hoping it was one of the more ornate pieces of craftsmanship she had heard they were, but this was rather unceremonious. But a grin did form on her face as the fog moved for a moment, showing a very well done painting of a sensuously clad elven woman over the very beautifully done name of the craft.

“The Knight’s Errant” She whispered as she read the name, taking in the humor of the name.

Keeping only a moment more, she turned and moved quickly once again before seeing two men talking near the entrance ramp. The cat approached slowly, hearing that the more peculiar man, whom dressed in robes of tan, was also there for the job, whilst the more normal of them, dressed as a career mechanic, was clearly the captain.

Her foot falls slowed to a stop as she stepped up to them from the side.

“Still looking for a bodyguard?” she said, holding up the announcement for the captain to see.

01-07-07, 12:09 PM
Almost as if on que two people seemed to show up- one after the other. While one asked for his payment the other simply inquired as to if bodyguards where still for hire which was of course a yes. The Captain gave them both the once over as if he was examining a piece of merchandise.

“Firstly if you think I’m going to pay you before the job is even started you are sadly mistaken. Secondly- I’m not the one who hired you- he’s inside and waiting for you both so if you want your pay go to talk him.”

This was of course all directed at the male up until this point. The Captain then turned and moved up the ramp and into the air craft. “I’ll take you to the room we got for him.” The ship wasn’t very roomy as a lot of the rooms where full with cargo for the run which didn’t leave many places for there few passengers to stay in.

“We’ve left a pair of small cargo rooms open- you two will have to share one. The other one is for our other guest. The trip will only be over night and we should arrive there by early morning. ”

The captain finally came to a stop- giving a large door wheel a turn and pulling the door open for them. “If you have any questions- here’s where you ask.”

The room was small- and contained no furnishings other then a small simple bed and a wooden chair. A tall figure sat in the chair- arms crossed and shadowed in his own cloak and hood. It was hard to tell if he was asleep or awake but if one was observant enough it was easy to tell a few things for sure, like the fact he was elvish and mostly quite clearly watching the two from the place in the corner.

“Your room is right next door on the left. We’ll be departing in the next few minutes. I suggest you get comfortable as soon as possible.”

01-19-07, 02:59 PM

Short, guttural and seemingly meaningless would be the only response suited for such statements. If he was present, the job was indeed already underway, and payment would be turned over upfront lest his services be taken elsewhere. So much for the understanding and promise of foreign prospects, noted the Fallien native. Still, he would follow, even as the man explained it was not he who had done the hiring – but another.

As the discourteous captain led him and the strange girl throughout the ship, Drenn made note of the quarters given; one room for the guest, one room between the girl and he to share. Glancing over her, a slight grin crept upon his smug face, though the darkness cast by his drawn hood would conceal such mental musings to himself.

“If you have any questions- here’s where you ask.”

I’ve a question…


01-21-07, 01:55 AM
The man that she had initially approached about the job, Kell quickly figured to be a crew member of the ship and from his garb, not the kind of person to have the money to hire himself a pair of bodyguards. However as she followed him, keeping her eyes open to all the little mechanical devices on the ship, such as the automatic locking doors, the crank open windows.

Then they arrived at the point where they met the real employer. He had an air about him, evlish, quiet, reserved and clearly expecting just about anything. The man who she figured to be her partner on the endeavor was a blunt one, almost to the point where she found it a little rude.

“Yeah, whenever you need me, just call for me.” She said softly as she moved pass her partner and the crewman to the door designated to be their quarters. Her gloved hand slowly pressed open the door to the simple room.

Her eyes squinted a bit at the less than desirable quarters. A single hammock and a bed roll on the floor.

Doesn’t take a genius to make this decision…

Tossing her bag into a vacant space she crawled up into the hammock and laid there for a moment, waiting for her partner to arrive so that he could note her dominating choice.

01-22-07, 03:27 PM
The captain wandered off as the inquiry about payment continued. The figure of the man slowly stood from his chair on the floor and shifted patiently about before one fine leather gloved hand came free and tossed a bag of coins on the floor. At the same instant a yell formed and the hull started to vibrate for a few moments. A tremendous roar forming as the propeller blades started to lift the airship off the ground.

“Full payment.” Was all the evlish man said. He didn’t seem worried about him leaving- after all the ship was most certainly in the air now and only getting higher. He could leave… didn’t mean he’d live through the drop though. Regardless he brushed aside the hood and started to undo the broach holding the mantle together at the from draping it over a chair.

First assumptions seemed true enough as he was- indeed an elf. But he seemed ready to battle despite being in his quarters wearing a series of black boiled leather armor pieces, chest piece, spauders, bracers, leggings. Each with a strange red symbol marked on each but not large and flamboyant like a tabard- but subtle and out of the way as if to mark the maker. Despite this he haphazardly toss himself onto a hammock and places his hands behind his head- fair skinned and blonde he peered at the man once again.

“There’s nothing to worry about until Night fall- which isn’t for about another twenty minutes or so. When the time comes tell your partner I need you two to stand guard outside my door until sun up or until we arrive at out destination.” Once again speaking with authority- after all he was paid- he would do what he was told or he’d have to pay for the ride he was taking. This wasn’t open to debate.

[Meanwhile- just outside the airship.]

The sun was setting when Aial arrived to see the airship readying for departure. This wouldn’t do! The man had to be heading- she’d tracked him all the way here and this was the only ship leaving in the time schedule she figured! Pulling the dark mantle over her head and realizing it was too late to try to find passage herself she did the only thing she could think of.

Some last minute cargo was being hailed upward in a net basket as the ship was pulling off the ground. They where in a hurry so she tore off in a run towards the net- stepping onto a shipping crate and jumping onto the side- the cargo neat full of barrels swayed as she took hold and rose into the belly of the ship. It took only a few moments for the she-elf to enter the ship after the cargo hatch closed.

The cargo room was left in darkness for a moment as the sun finished setting. A faint blue glow slowly flooded a small area of the room mixed with violet and dark red hues. A soft smile touched Aials lips…



She slowly reached into her robe and drew the sax (dagger) and twisted it in her hand while running her finger over the blade. The dagger soon disappeared as she drew the hood over her face to hide her hair.

“Now to get the journal back. I’m coming for you…”

01-28-07, 11:52 AM

One sweet sound among the symphony of material pleasures, payment had been received, just as the lopsided leather pouch skidded softly against the hardwood flooring. In the shroud of shadows that still veiled most of his fair face, a smirk, even as Drenn crouched to grab said payment. Listening to the directions given, he nodded respectfully and responded carefully.

“Of course, sir.” Along with protection, a new title, when such finances were finally received. Turning sharply and closing the small door behind him with a gentle click of the latch, Drenn stepped across the narrow hallway into his own quarters.


It was a rhetorical question.

“We’ve twenty minutes before duty. So I either search the ship, or endure those twenty minutes with you. Which shall it be?” Already he had slipped down his hood, revealing every hidden feature that had before been lost to darkness. Staring into hers with his own brilliant icy eyes, he mused over other questions.

Testing the water…

She would be figured out shortly.

02-16-07, 10:16 PM
This had better have been worth it…

Kell listened silently at her partner for the job before rolling over onto her back and giving him a neutral feline stare for a few moments.

“Do what you want, I’ll be outside his door when the time comes.” She said without changing her expression.

In all honesty she really didn’t trust this guy, he was to short in words as well as he hadn’t introduced himself before addressing her. But all that didn’t really matter, she would deal with the business when the time came and hopefully this guy would stay out of her way.

She didn’t want to see him have an “accident” after all.

02-24-07, 10:29 PM
“If you insist…”

Unfortunately, the waters were cold.

Though she had lain silently upon his entrance, already dominating the available space, the girl showed little interest in his presence. Drenn glanced towards the bed roll upon the hard wooden floor and frowned at the thought, instead turning to leave. One hand on the doorframe, he turned and looked over the girl’s prone figure. Without further expression, the man left her to be amongst the shadows that now consumed the bowels of the ship.

06-13-09, 02:11 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.