View Full Version : Most Memorable Death Scenes

Leon Adalbert
01-05-07, 02:30 PM
Alright, here's where you can tell about your best (and worst) death scenes. It can be your characters' deaths, an enemy's death, or an NPC's death.

To kick it off, I'll give one of my most embarrassingly simple deaths.

Alright, I had a character on another RP who was highly skilled in martial arts, and, along with the other characters, had busted out of prison. In the process he'd pulled off maneuvers like getting punched in the stomach and then breaking the guy's nose. Anyway, I decided that I didn't have time for that RP anymore, so when they sent me off to scout around for a while, I had my character do so. In the process, he managed to trip on a rock and impale himself on a particularly sharp stick.

Now, what're yours?

The Valkyrie
01-05-07, 02:55 PM
I think I have to say my favorite was in one of the earlier chapters of Diary of the Exile, I think while they were in Alerar, when Bryn killed Jared. They had been locked in a prison cell, and the only way for them to escape this rapidly shrinking room was for them to fight to the death - then the White Guard would give them the piece of armor Bryn needed to rescure her lover from the Underworld. In the meantime though she had fallen in love with Jared, and the only thing she could do that was honorable was kill him, which she did, stabbing her sword straight through his chest. I cried when we wrote that scene.

01-05-07, 03:23 PM
I think I have to say my favorite was in one of the earlier chapters of Diary of the Exile, I think while they were in Alerar, when Bryn killed Jared. They had been locked in a prison cell, and the only way for them to escape this rapidly shrinking room was for them to fight to the death - then the White Guard would give them the piece of armor Bryn needed to rescure her lover from the Underworld. In the meantime though she had fallen in love with Jared, and the only thing she could do that was honorable was kill him, which she did, stabbing her sword straight through his chest. I cried when we wrote that scene.Yeah, it was in Alerar and it was totally wicked. I didn't think you'd be able to make her do it. Ah, the good ole days. :)

Another memorable death that I think is worth mentioning is one of Selena, an NPC that Storm fell in love with during "To Expedite, Explore and Extract..." quest. At the end of the quest, in the frozen land at the end of the world, Letho and Selena fought atop of a tower for the Blade of the Judicator. Letho was maddened by his craving for the power of the sword, and just as he was about to kill Selena, Storm fires one of his lightnings. Unfortunately, the crazed Letho uses Selena to shield himself from the attack, and thus Storm ends up killing the woman he loved. The final scene is one of Selena sliding over the ledge and Storm desperately holding on to her before she slips from his grasp. Damn, now that I look back at it, I can't believe Letho was maddened enough by the sword to be such a bastard.

EDIT: And let us not forget Vorin's death by decapitation by a big fucking rock. Yeah, that one was just temporary since it was in the Citadel, but it was still nice. :P

01-05-07, 03:31 PM
Over the small number of quests I have done. I've realized I developed Zerith into this character that seems to collect things that belong to main NPC's that he's killed. Though out of the couple he's collect, there is still one that's my favorite.

The one I'm referring to is the one he obtained from one of my first quests. "Defend the fortress!" was the first quest I wrote with others and also the first quest that Z-Man was put up against a major NPC, Marcus. I wasn't exactly sure how the fight would end when I started writing the post, but I enjoyed how it ended.

At the end of the fight Zerith was on his back and pinned by Marcus, who towered over him ready to deal the final blow with Amenzanil. Then at the last moment, Zerith managed to grab half of the halberd he improvised with during the fight and swung upwards. the end resulted with having the bladed edge of the halberd dig into the side of Marcus' head. However, Z-Man didn't have enough strength to cut right through, so the result was that the blade got stuck halfway through. "Nearly faceless Marcus" is how I like to think of it.

Thanks to that death, Zerith obtained his first trophy and what is now his primary weapon.

01-05-07, 04:02 PM
In my old solo "Asaraka zor Vampira" (it translates to mountain of the vampire in ancient vampiric) my character was acted by Nodre, a fire demon who was the right hand man of the central villan of my character's storyline (Do'negh). After just when Nodre is about to finish Tarry off, Tarry blows up both of the demons eyes, and then blasts the cliff around the demon causing it to collapse on Nodre.

Devin Argente
01-05-07, 05:47 PM
Hmmm... I think the most memorable would be the time when I finally dropped out on my very first roleplaying character. A chaotic evil Blood Elf, if I recall correctly; cliché beyond redemption. No, really. Not like "a bit clichéeeeee" or "been done so many times before".


That kind of cliché.

Anyhow, I grew tired of him as I became more experienced. So, I had him absorb the blood of a demon, which burnt his entrails from the inside. Now that I think of it, RPing that part was rather... disturbing. Still, I had to get rid of him some way. He's probably the only character I'll ever kill without reincarnating him somehow. You can't just let go of a roleplaying persona that's well-written.

The Madd Hatter
01-05-07, 10:49 PM
I like the time Elbert Humpeldink died.

The Valkyrie
01-05-07, 10:53 PM
Do you mean Engelbert Humperdink?

The Madd Hatter
01-05-07, 11:15 PM
For some damn freaky reason I always forget his first name and spell his last wrong. And yes, it was a joke for anyone who knows what I am talking about.

The Valkyrie
01-05-07, 11:27 PM
Of course, he died of a cold... *nods*

*shakes head*


no really he did...

Sighter Tnailog
01-06-07, 03:51 AM
The best death scene ever was when Redrick's PC Mazrith challenged Redrick's NPC, Vordutin, the FQ. Vordution said, "Mazrith, prepare to die," and Mazrith said, "You first," and it gave me chills in an incredibly cinematic, totally non-cliche sort of way. Because Mazrith was a badass, although he occasionally spelled his name Mazirth, and you know, cheap melodrama is such a good way of inspiring people.