View Full Version : Corone: A new plot element

01-08-07, 09:08 AM
Hey everyone, especially you Coronians out there. I’m relatively new to the board, but I’ve been stewing some ideas lately. I discussed a few things with Letho and Izvilvin about Corone and the latter’s PG group Step; I was given a bit of liberty in developing the intelligence services of the Coronian government, though I was careful to not enter anyone else’s creative territory. Anyway, you can check out my character sheet to get an idea of the history and current model of the intelligence agency in Corone, and I would like any and all people interested, moderator and player, to become involved in this thread. I don’t want this thing to be just an element for my character’s progress, but rather an important tool that intertwines into other Coronians’ actions and events, and that won’t be possible without the participation of moderators and player interaction. For that reason, if anyone is interested, please, tell us your ideas!

Devin Argente
01-08-07, 11:50 AM
My character would absolutely adore an intelligence agency in Corone, being an enforcer for a mafia-esque family. I see lots of storyline potential with an organization like this keeping watch over Radasanth. Lots of blood, too. ;)

01-08-07, 07:07 PM
Well, in my current quest, there's gonna be a spy in the Syndicate for the Corone government. So I guess I could have him working for the CIA (Corone Intelligence Agency) XD.

01-08-07, 08:13 PM
Yep, there's all those great intelligence-crime connections in Corone as well. Think of it as a business relationship, in a sense. Organized crime and top business organizations (perhaps banking or finance, if that is relevant to contemporary Corone) are a solid part of the intelligence establishment; the mafia/mob, the Radasanth Crime Syndicate, the Coalition, piracy, etc., all have potential connections. :) I hope it will open up some interesting possibilities when writing about Corone's more underground policies and characters.

01-09-07, 10:00 AM
Alongside all of those organizations, a cult of Y'edda just struck my mind. The intensity of it is open to suggestions; perhaps it is just an informal group of DI members that wish for change (Y'edda's aspect of Revolution), or perhaps it is a ultra-secret group that occupies the core of power in the Directorate of Intelligence heirarchy and is maneuvering to grab the hidden reigns of power in Corone. Such a cult would almost certainly be under the sway of the Coalition; however, its members would not necessarily be affiliated with the Coalition - that organization cannot afford having members be captured or revealed, so if the cult was ever exposed or infiltrated, the Coalition would not have to worry about being compromised. It is too old and cunning to make such mistakes.

I'm wondering how the Scarlet Brigade will factor into all of these power politics. By Letho's thread "The Price of Freedom" the Brigade seems to be working in support of a draconian Tribunal, so whoever organized said Tribunal also has some form of loyalty from the leader of the Brigade (or is the leader?). This kind of element would have to be discussed with Letho's permission, I think, but it is curious to think about still. :D