View Full Version : A little lonely...

01-11-07, 12:24 AM
Well, the Althies nominations have come around, and despite my unusual extrovertive(if that's a word) behavior, I haven't been mentioned in the slightest. Not even for a "most normal" catagory....what's up with that? Am I just that darn unsung?

Ah well, after I get some pointless feedback, I'll feel better and be able to drop the subject...so don't anyone go feelin guilty on me, ya hear? :P

01-11-07, 12:32 AM
There are over 2000 accounts that we had to choose between, remember. If there had been a "Most Perkiest" category, I'm quite certain that I would have nommied you. :D

01-11-07, 01:20 AM
Awww, I feel loved...it feels a bit tingly, eh? hmm...maybe if I want to feel loved more often, maybe I should just stick my fingers in a light socket....

of course feeling "loved" in a different meaning, I could just get a job and hire a gigalo...but I'm a bit too decent(and shy) for that. So light socket it is.

Edit: Maybe you should nominate me for Wierdest OOC. Im certainly insane enough....

The Madd Hatter
01-11-07, 02:29 AM
I'd have voted for you if there was a "Hardest to get rid of" catagory.

01-11-07, 02:30 AM
heh really they're just pointless popularity contests that shouldn't affect your roleplaying. no one gets anything from them so don't worry and just remember that having fun is what matters.

though I do know how you feel, I didn't get any nominations the past couple of times they had these contests.

The Madd Hatter
01-11-07, 02:37 AM
I would only be nominated if they mentioned something about inconsistency. Hehe, I love refreshing myself.

But, in an attempt to be nice, I do think she is right, they are pointless popularity contests that are just to try and perk members up for a couple days before everyone forgets about it.

01-11-07, 08:27 AM
*comes back with hair standing on end* ok, light socket was a bad idea*faints*

well, in any case, love the new eggvatar you got there. I thought they were fresh out. :P