View Full Version : Leave of Absence

The Valkyrie
01-12-07, 01:16 AM
I'm going out of town for a bit, and will not have access to internet while I'm gone. I will be in Pensacola, FL from Saturday the 13th through Wednesday the 17th, and my 87 year old granny has no internet of any sort. Sorry if I'm leaving you hanging on any threads, but I love you guys and will be back as soon as I can. miss me!

01-12-07, 03:23 AM
*Sobs uncontrollably* I'll miss you, Val! Please don't get in a crash of some sort and die...I'd be lost without you.

Well...I think I'd get over it...but still...you write better then me so you should live! Live I say!

Have fun. ^^

01-12-07, 05:43 AM
How does your granny get to porn without the Internets? :eek:

Have fun with your visit and know that you will definitely be missed.

01-12-07, 07:12 AM
Y-you're leaving me to manage Fallien on my own for five days!?

*grins evilly*


This should be interesting.

Anyway, having fun while you're gone visiting your granny and such. o.O

01-12-07, 01:53 PM
Don't worry, Letho. I'm sure her granny has other ways...*grins evilly*

The Valkyrie
01-12-07, 02:43 PM
Ummm.. ew. You guys are all really screwed up. But I'm glad you will miss me. I know I'm leaving Althanas in competent hands. Ugh, I hate packing.

01-12-07, 05:24 PM
I'm going to pretend Letho said "bake cookies" instead of "porn".

Life is good again...

Artifex Felicis
01-12-07, 05:45 PM
Oh Dear Sweet Lord, Father of Jesus, the mental pictues are giving me nightmares and I'm still awake. I'm gonna go bash my head in and try ti comprehend why the hell people like certain things and hope I forget about that LEtho. You sick sick sick sick man.

And seeya Valk, hope you have fun at grandma's.

01-12-07, 06:10 PM
*smacks Letho upside the head for his disturbing mental images*

Bad, slave!

01-12-07, 07:00 PM
hey, do your best to have fun and all. a change of scenery is good, especially when it allows you to get away from the madness like this.

01-12-07, 07:02 PM
I don't know why you people are all so disturbed all Letho said was her granny probably looks at porn. Of course that would mean the granny probably masturb... Letho, your death is going to be slow and painful.

01-12-07, 07:39 PM
Hey, don't everyone point knives at Letho. We're all thinking it, he just said it.

I'm just wondering whether she uses pay or free sites.

01-13-07, 03:31 AM


Murakama... Do me a favor, will you?

Murakama: Sure. Why not?

*Smacks Kazeryu across Letho's face*

Me: Thank you.

Don't worry about things over here, we'll take care of things until your eventual return. :)

01-13-07, 01:24 PM
I dunno what the hell was going through your head, June, but that's certainly not what I was thinking about.

01-13-07, 01:30 PM
Wait, what? What's all the fuss about? What do women do when they look at porn? o.O

Anyways, come back soon fellow continent writer.

01-13-07, 02:22 PM
your grandma lives in Pensacola? cool :) mine too...and my momma, and 18 sisters..and 33 ergorians....j/k it's just my grandparents :)

01-13-07, 03:06 PM
There is no wrong in octogenerian needs. There is in reacting to the thought.

Foul minds gather here!

I think it's free sites, June. Just a gut feeling.

But really, Valkyrie. You're definitely leaving this place in good hands. Isn't this thread proof of it?

Have fun! XD

01-14-07, 07:19 AM
This thread is proof enough of our insanity, just like 3/4 of the other threads in this place. :p

The Valkyrie
01-15-07, 04:30 PM
Just popping in *pop* okay, I miss you guys! My aunt has internet.

01-16-07, 01:09 AM
No p0rn, I hope. ;)

Good to have you back, Nya~!

01-16-07, 05:03 AM
Check your aunts browser history. There's bound to be porn there. :p

01-16-07, 05:25 AM
Hey~! We're trying not to think about that, Mister Letho! *Smacks his face with her newly-bought punching gauntlets*

Cyrus the virus
01-16-07, 05:40 AM
Dude, quit being a perv and post :p

01-16-07, 05:48 AM
Besides, any responsible person cleans out that sort of thing.

01-16-07, 09:56 AM
But the router will always bear the traces of PERVERSION.

Does it?