View Full Version : This is what you get when you mess with us

01-12-07, 11:49 PM
Maybe there aren't enough Radiohead fans on this site for me to do this, but I'm hoping that there are. For a long time I've wanted to do a thread that sort of "went along" to an album. After a lot of thinking about it, I've decided on Radiohead's OK Computer both for its popularity and subject matter.

Rather than being just a normal quest, it's going to be a series of short stories with a common theme/location linking them together. Here's how it's going to work: This will be a single thread of 12 different, very short (3 to 6 posts each) solo quests. Each one will follow a different character in a different situation in Ettermire. But here's the catch: Each of these mini-solo quests will correspond to a song on OK Computer. It won't be an exact science. Just try to keep the tone and the message the same as in the song you're writing along to, but remember to be creative. Don't worry about having a complete story arc, either. Just paint a picture with a message behind it. OK Computer is all about feelings of alienation toward technology/the modern world (which I think is especially appropriate for a place like Althanas) so Alerar seems like the best location for these stories to take place.

If you want more info on the specific song you're writing for, you can take a look here (http://www.greenplastic.com/lyrics/) on the song you are doing. Or you can just write with the idea of what the song means to you. Just try to keep the idea of alienation toward the modern world/technology in mind.

Songs are claimed on a first come, first serve basis. No one may claim more than two songs at one time. This may change depending on how few or how many display and interest in this. Anyway, here's the list of songs, in order:

» Airbag - Ashiakin
» Paranoid Android - Open
» Subterranean Homesick Alien - Open
» Exit Music (For A Film) - Open
» Let Down - Open
» Karma Police - Open
» Fitter Happier - Open
» Electioneering - Ashiakin
» Climbing Up the Walls - Ashiakin
» No Surprises - Open
» Lucky - Open
» The Tourist - Open