View Full Version : It is so very quiet.. (Open)

The Mime
01-13-07, 12:58 AM
(Open to anyone interested really)

She stands before him...golden hair spilling from her shoulders like an affluence of heavenly light, those soft lips glistened from her preperations to display her so very powerful affections, this was not love...this was a display of greed but she hid it quite well. He was far easier to read, muscle bound, sun bronzed...all the markings of a traveller..or farm worker but only a traveller would find a need for such an overladen satchel with only the intent to buy, whatever that commodity might be. She was beautiful if dishonest, the two often get bundled together but that isn't the case, it is just her form of beauty that makes for an easy career...he is so enraptured by those ruby slips of oral progression that he didn't even notice his purse had been deftly liberated...what man wouldn't pay for such a dextrous female, even with her pick-pocketing ways. She was intelligent and knew her trade well, such sensitive work, a coin or two, enough for some fish and water if one knew where to haggle and an extra chunk of silver for a new lace on that corset...it was a dishonourable act and perhaps wrong in certain circumstances but a woman that pushed her lips to another for such a meagre gain, it could only be seen as survival...though of course thats fully open to interpretation.

Slipped back on and he lacks the faintest knowledge his earned cash has been subtracted slightly from...must wonder what he did, perhaps track down some minor criminal, slay a mighty beast...or just return a frightened lamb to a family, wether literal or metaphorical both should be treated as important. Such a wind-swept hide those fingers must have felt like heaven after so long spent on a harsh travel...like one touching silk after a life-time of being wrapped in rusty metal, I could almost regret not falling in love with that woman myself, however temporarily but alas it is not an option open to me...though you have been taken for more than you beleived, please enjoy what you can sir

Those eye-slits finally shifted from the pleasant scene outside the tavern across the streets as the Mime allowed his neck to rest for a moment, easing his unearthly body against the rough texture of the tree he had chosen to perch on...a single claw tip stroked slowly and precisely along the lines of his Harmonicas body. Though they looked incapable of feeling anything but flesh part at their progress his claws had been blessed by his construction...even though they seemed comparable to ivory he could feel any material just like a human..well he often thought that, were the sensations he received from touch comparable to a humans?...his may be heightened,softened...anything, a question his father was unable to really answer. This town was small...at least thats the impression people gave, peddlers and market folk not always looking over their shoulders at the possibility of losing so much more than they could offer...no pools of filthied water outside the tavern, at least no blood in those puddles so it may be a peaceful place to socialise...perhaps...later yes,when the patrons senses are a tad more dulled. This was such a frustration at times but father spoke of patience and he would uphold that virtue, from here they weren't fully aware he was in this town at least... only a handful had ever glanced in his direction, none had yet to pick him out among the branches.

It had been odd leaving home after so long spent there without need of the outside world, everything was so fresh and new as he experianced forests, grass-lands...other communities and it still felt beautiful but lonely...he had found no people to travel with him, merely those willing to guide him to the next settlement in the hopes they could forget his existence...well perhaps it wasn't that bad, surely it couldn't be they were just put off by him being different...yes must be it.

No one is on the streets...I'm sure the birds won't mind too much

Reaching above him the Mime plucked at the fixings on his satchel dangling from the branchs above him, Cerinths case coming free and gliding along his arms into its owners embrace...his father had said he was very sentimental but surely it made sense to treasure some objects, they can bring us joy with a mere caressing of the strings. Stroking down those taut strings with all the attention of a dedicated maestro the Mime began a soft, soothing, stream of notes mingling and complimenting each other almost effortlessly, he had written that tune while sitting on the ramparts of home listening to the waves sweep against those pure sands...he had tried to convey that peace and solace in the notes and often beleived he had suceeded in that effort.

01-18-07, 02:38 PM
"Well, 'tis aye an interestin' world, this Althanas."

The speaker (who had, actually, been speaking to herself just now) was sitting on a low stone wall.

She'd walked far since having been sent through, and had finally come to somewhere to sit and reflect. She'd seen a lot...so many things she'd never seen, though she'd travelled from her little Druid town in Ireland, through England, and into France. But real Elves? Demons? And all so far out of the way the tales made them out to be it was almost as if she was the alien instead of anyone else.

'Tis true. I am, really. Come from Earth, an nae Althanas.

This solitary dreamer was a fairly odd sight anywhere. She had burnished honey-brown skin (smudged with dirt), and there were celestial tattoos (Earth's sun and moon) on her wrists. Her midriff was exposed by the dirty and tattered gray outfit she wore, and a slight golden glint shone from the little ring her father had fashioned for her not the month before he had left. In the center of her forehead, right above sky-blue eyes (complete with almost-white near the edges and a gold ring around the pupil), was a small red dot. Her features were clean (although dirt-smudged) and not unpleasant to look upon. The small, pomegranate-red mouth often shone in a smile or held the traces of one. The shoulder-length hair was pulled back and out of her face, deep red, save where the light hit it, where it glowed like the sunset, and little golden lights skittered through when she moved at all.

At her side was a small satchel, and on her waist was a pouch, and then a sword. But the sword wasn't valuable, merely decorative, and there was no money in the pouch...just small clay tablets with the occasional blood-smear on them. And the little letters which made them useful to her.

A sound...a few notes, a melody brought her out of her reverie, and she searched around for the source of the sound. It came from a nearby tree, so she picked up her satchel and walked over, looking up. It was beautiful...everything she'd ever wanted to say in the few moments of her lonely life when she'd felt like someone cared, when she'd felt all was right with her and the world and the people in it. Such short moments, but well worth remembering.

So, she clambered up the tree, where FINALLY, finally she saw the...well...she wasn't exactly sure what he was. Or if he was even a he. He/She? It?

She let him finish playing before calling his attention to her.

"Hallo. I'm Karuka, an' tho I've nae heard any other of yer work, I can tell y' tha' yer one o' th' best musicians I've e'er heard."

She extended her hand to shake...felt a little uneasy as she got closer to touching this new person, but it was a new world, new people, and for all she knew there might be thousands of people just like -- umm...him? -- here. So best to just be friendly and see what happened with that.

Translations -- added them in tonight because this thing is finishing up and no one understands this wee lass.

"Well, it's a very interesting world, this Althanas."

>>>It's true. I am, really. I come from Earth, not Althanas.<<<

"Hi. I'm Karuka, and though I've never heard any of your other work, I can tell you that you're one of the best musicians I've ever heard."

The Mime
01-18-07, 03:12 PM
To a twist of a wish upon the froth of the surf, in the valley of silenced thoughts...not a day,do I say, dare escape I doth pray...for I seek to one with all...

It was a very unusual idea, singing purely in thought, but he had heard folks hum and it must be something similar...not to mention his only option, the Mimes sight had closed though no change occured on the mask as he continued playing, to be able to make such a delicate sound warmed whatever rested in place of a heart...Slowly he brought his music to an end, almost wanting to just trail his claws along the fine wooden craftsmanship but he managed restraint, his body tensing on hearing the voice suddenly come free beside him, mask turned to survey this...so very welcome presence. A darker skin tone than he had seen around these parts, he had heard people of Fallien were rather brown in skin tone from the desert climate but truly he did not know, the accent was not something he had heard before either.

A traveller like myself, one who seems as isolated if her resort for contact is myself...or perhaps just being friendly, most likely the latter...that soft breeze truly admires her hair

He was likely a heart-beat or two from wandering into a dream land of ponderance and delightfully complimenting thoughts..wait a hand, this was a very unusual occurance but one he would not waste...how best to handle it, he had cut his father once by a mere twinge of his digits and this skin seemed far fairer than the old mans hide. He extended his own hand slowly and cautiously but she could already feel it was one of care and not trepidation, he wanted to have contact but truly was worried for her safety...his claw tips lightly running along the lines of her palm before turning them slightly inward so the smooth, almost ivory feeling digits stroked rather than scratched,his other coming around to hook below her thumb, his grip almost like grasping at smoke it felt like such a gentle hold that his hand was merely placed a hair from hers rather than in full contact.

How do I express with but a nod and gesture how pleased I am to see someone with such openess for interaction..

His other hand set the Violin upon his lap,trailing to the notepad he had been etching his thoughts upon, scribbling couldn't really be used for such intricate cursive writing despite how quick he put it together,flipping over a fresh page and writing down a simple set of words and holding it up beside him.

Good day,I am Mime

01-18-07, 03:25 PM
"Mime? Well, 'tis good t' meet y', Mime."

She leaned back against the tree, looking down. "This is th' mos' wonderous place I could ever imagine...an' so many coming here t' shop an' interact, withou' bein' all in each others' hair."

She'd noticed how the other had been so careful with her hand...had taken pains to not damage her, going so far as to barely have any contact with her. He had such smooth and beautiful hands, if they were a wee bit hard and cold.

Looking at Mime a bit more, she had an almost overwhelming urge to play with his hair, but out of respect for the distance many beings desired to keep, didn't.

"Why are y' way up here, instead o' playin' in th' open fer everyone? Is i' nae a wee bit lonely up here fer y', all by yerself?"


"Mime? Well, it's good to meet you, Mime."

"This is the most wonderful place I could ever imagine...and so many [people] coming here to shop and interact, without being all in each others' hair."

"Why are you way up here, instead of playing in the open for everyone? Isn't it a little lonely up here for you, all by yourself?"

The Mime
01-18-07, 03:42 PM
Yes...but loneliness is not so bad when you can enjoy the sight of nature and life move around you...I should probably write that down..

Doing so and displaying it to her..along with the note that he is mute the Mime took his time in continuing to admire her apperance, such a sound her voice made, it brought to mind green fields and fen covered marshes...he had no idea why but perhaps that was a perspective unique to himself. His claws closed lightly along her hand in perhaps what would have been a soft squeeze if he had not been so careful, trailing them slowly out of her grasp..pained him so but he appreciated some people needed personal space and holding a practical strangers hand for longer than the shake demanded would likely be against form of courtesy. He watched as her eyes traced over the shape and direction of his hair...true it was a tad long and perhaps a bit messy but really there were odder things to his apperance...unless..maybe it was a favourable impression?...he had seen young farmgirls surround those long haired warriors but then they usually had gleaming armour and dashing looks as opposed to a simple black and white striped attire and a face with nothing..

Such an odd way of things, for having no features I am instantly recognizable..a concept changed from words to sight..

He began to write again with his free hand, the one that had been in her grip closing slowly as he savoured the warmth from her skin that still remained on his claws. It had even escaped him that until now the birds had stopped singing, even they were listening maybe?...such a fanciful thought it surely can`t be right..no...comforting to think others enjoyed his music however.

My features often worry people and I do not wish to cause a blemish on someones day merely by my being there, this way they may hear but not be forced to watched...

Taking a moments thought he decided to add more and displayed the addition.

Karuka..is that how your name is spelt miss?

01-18-07, 03:52 PM
"Ay," she began, her voice holding still that lilt that conjured images in Mime's head, "'tis how my name is spelt. At least, so I believe. Mi mathair was ne'er sure o' i', an' I didna get th' chance t' ask mi athair."

She smiled, but it was a slightly pained smile.

"Now, back t' th' fact tha' people dinna like how y' look...well, back where I come from, I look rather rediculous mysel', but that's nae th' point o' what I'm tryin' t' say. What is th' point, is tha' while y' dinna ha' hands like everyone else...while I canna look a' yer face an' see yer eyes...while I dinna know how it'd look i' y' smiled a' me...an' while I canna lie an' ha' t' say tha' yer nae quite like anythin' else I've e'er come across...i' dinna make y' anythin' less o' a person...an' I think yer beautiful."

The tone softened during that long little speech, turning from pleasant to soft and sincere, comforting.

She glanced away, a little more of a red tinge coming to her cheeks, and she bit her lower lip. An' now he probably thinks I'm very forwar'.

A hand came up to fiddle with the little necklace around the slender neck.

"An' so, what I guess I mean t' say is, if they canna see th' beauty in th' beast, if all they can see o' y' is somethin' tha' dinna quite belong...perhaps they dinna know what beauty really is."

"Yep, that's how my name is spelled. At least, I think so. My mother wasn't ever sure of it, and I didn't get the chance to ask my father."

"Now, back to the fact that people don't like how you look...well, back where I come from, I look rather ridiculous myself, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. What IS the point, is that while you don't have hands like everyone else...while I can't look at your face and see your eyes...while I don't know how it'd look if you smiled at me...and while I can't lie and have to say that you're not quite like anything else I've ever come across...it doesn't make you any less of a person...and I think you're beautiful."

>>>And now he probably thinks I'm very forward.<<<

"And so, I guess what I mean to say is, if they can't see the beauty in the beast, if all they can see of you is something that doesn't quite belong...perhaps they don't know what beauty really is."

The Mime
01-18-07, 04:10 PM
...as lovely as those words feel I truly couldn't help but feel my hearing was sinking into a marsh of such a thick accent..I doubt a life-time of travelling could dent that...still...such a thing to say on a first meeting...I should not be blessed with such luck..

He couldn't resist, that sight tempted him so..not in any,well romantic way, though perhaps some stirrings were there, he was so inexperianced and all this was unknown when face to face with it, but his claws reached out slowly,brushing the smooth,flawless backs along her heated cheeks...he had read once that the blush upon a ladies cheeks from honest statements was a beauty no garment nor powder could improve upon...this certainly held true, with his free hand the Violin and its delicate bow were placed carefully back inside their case and planted lightly in a secure spot. He had wanted to move closer to her, that heat was such bliss to feel upon his claws but maybe it was the emotion and honesty that actually made it so worthwhile..a fire gives off more heat but it does not cause a craving.

Many things to tell, of how this mask is not a garment, nor do I truly understand why some are repulsed or at the least wary of my presence...few can understand beauty...what was it again...while the beautiful may surround us beauty itself can never be in one being, it is a moment, a state of being, a way of seeing a particular encounter of your life...but it is magical despite its fleeting graces upon your fate

He did indeed draw slightly closer, she could peer into those black holes upon his face but there was no souless abyss of emptiness there..even with the absence of light and colour there was life in those slits and it did seem as clear as the finest crystal.

01-18-07, 04:30 PM
The finely-shaped head turned at the touch, sun-and-sky eyes looking into obsidian ones in a moment that would last forever.

Perhaps...perhaps he dinnae come ou' o' his mother like th' rest o' us. An' perhaps i' were a wee bit creepy, reachin' ou' t' shake his han' like tha'...but I dinna think tha' I've e'er met anyone wi' such alive eyes.

The wind rustled the leaves in the tree and the silky red hair, sending gold skittering through as the leaves' shadows allowed sunlight to strike different sections.

I dinna think...tha' there's e'er been anyone b'fore this t' look a' me as anythin' other than a burden t' be borne, a menace t' be endured, or a reminder o' everythin' wrong wi' their life.

"How can y' be mute as y' say y'are, when y' say wi' yer eyes an' yer music so much more than mere words could e'er hope t' do?"

The words were quiet but passionate, and her hand dropped the necklace to come up and gently grip the hand Mime had placed on her cheek.


>>>Perhaps...perhaps he didn't come out of his mother like the rest of us. And perhaps it was a little creepy, reaching out to shake his hand like that...but I don't think I've ever met anyone with such alive eyes.<<<

>>>I don't think...that there's ever been anyone before this to look at me as anything other than a burden to be borne, a menace to be endured, or a reminder of everything wrong with their life.<<<

"How can you be mute as you say you are, when you say with your eyes and your music so much more than mere words could ever hope to do?"

The Mime
01-18-07, 04:47 PM
The homonculous froze as her hand came into contact with hers, it just felt so unusual...he had wanted this kind of closeness...only his father and Spriggan had gotten so close and given such contact, he wished he could smile thinking of how his father gave him such an excited hand-shake his arm wound up bending at angles that apparently aren't possible for normal people...he was beginning to understand just what that traveller he had watched earlier had experianced. The softness of a woman, of another human being that wished you no harm...it lifted everything...truthfully he had no huge burdens resting on him, his father took no hesitation in saying that he was proud of him and Spriggan never expected much of him...now the only person who could have expectations of him, was this young woman and he was hoping in this he was at the least meeting them.

He came in slowly closer, legs working silently to bring him in front of her, his claws continuing to run along her cheek as his mask drew nearer...this was what they mean by rushing it surely,yes...but then what can I possibly rush?...there are no lips to kiss with, no tongue to express an emotion...

That is a failing of having no voice...I cannot properly express myself, emotions may run high and be clear but how can I state to someone that the heavens and skies should fall if they were ever harmed...not to mention that I could not express something that had not to do with my feelings...

His advance on her eased up and instead left that featureless face a foot from her, those slits never leaving her, just well he was hesitant to use the word but why not...he just loved seeing her, looking at someone that did not squirm and recoil in his presence.

01-18-07, 05:04 PM
She smiled again before dropping his hand and looking back out at the square.

Everyone down there rushed about their lives, only interested in what was happening around them, or at their feet.

No one ever looked up at the girl and mime sitting together in the tree.

How very sad i' mus' be. How can y' nae desire t' look up, a' th' clouds that swim through th' sky or a' th' warm sun? How can y' nae wonder how 'tis like up there?

"How long ha' y' been sittin' up here afore I came t' join y'?"

She turned her head back to her companion, honestly curious about how long he'd been here, how often he came to sit in this tree, didn't he have any other friends?

But considering the eagerness with which he had reached out to her, the joy with which he had accepted her company, she felt he must be as much alone in this world as she had been in hers.


>>>How very sad it must be. How can you not want to look up, at the clouds that swim through the sky or at the warm sun? How can you not wonder how it is like up there?<<<

"How long had you been sitting up here before I came to join you?"

The Mime
01-18-07, 05:15 PM
The Mime was somewhat caught out by that question..the release of his hand..perhaps he should have continued moving towards her but..well another chance was sure to come. Reaching behind him for his notepad and then glancing through the branches to see the sun casting its light upon the globe, what had once been cursive writing was now in cursable algebra...the Mime attempting to work out just how long he had been sitting there..it had felt quite long and indeed..it was.

Three days

That number suprised him a great deal, perhaps he had slept through the second one or been too absorbed in listening to the bird songs to pay it much heed but yes...three days..he had seen so many people enter and exit that nearby Tavern and watch those small samplings of far greater tales unfold, but those cherished thoughts paled now in comparison to the living being sitting before him..retracting his hand and letting the claws rub over each other he savoured that warmth,eyes falling back to her slowly and then to that little area of street he had been surveying.

Must I be so greedy to wish more of that contact...must restrain myself, balance and moderation were fathers guiding principles...but that soft face,those glistening lips...those silk like palms..I see now why people become slaves to their preferences..

01-18-07, 05:32 PM
"Three days?!"

The gentle voice went up in both pitch and volume when she saw the number.

"Y've been sittin'...in a tree...withou' anyone else...fer three days."

She slumped back against the tree, a hand going to her forehead. "An' here I cannae even sit still fer three minutes most times. Three days, Loki's black heart! ...I think y' need t' get out more. 'Tis nae a life, t' sit ou' here an' jus' watch everyone else pass y' by. I think tha' if everyone else were t' look a' y' while y' were playin', they might learn somethin'. Because fear DOES ay lock people away...but y' dinna have to have th' same sort o' fear. C'mon. An' I'll stay beside y' jus' in case somethin' does go wrong. Because trust me...y' dinna cross an Irish lass, even on a good day."

Karuka grinned, before glancing down, sliding herself over, and dropping from the tree, landing neatly on her feet.

She glanced around, but it seemed she'd gone unnoticed, and she looked up, reaching a hand toward her new friend.

"C'mon. Y' canna stay in th' tree forever."


"You've been sitting in a tree...without anyone else...for three days."

"And here I can't even sit still for three minutes most times! Three DAYS, Loki's black heart! ...I think you need to get out more. It isn't a life, sitting out here and just watching everyone else pass you by. I think that if everyone else were to look at you while you were playing, they might learn something. Because fear DOES lock people up inside. But you don't have to have that same fear. Come on. I'll stay right beside you in case something goes wrong. Because trust me...you don't cross and Irish lass, even on a good day."

"Come on. You can't stay in the tree forever."

The Mime
01-18-07, 05:51 PM
Watching her clamber down and then immediately his eyes went to the village...they would not be at their best around him...should he really force that upon them, it didn`t seem right but...alright he would go, perhaps when around people he could help improve that day and balance the uneasiness he would cause. He should have known other people would have seen the three day solace in a tree as something unusual but it didn`t seem all that strange for him, there was no need for food, water and it had such a spectacular view of the grasslands around the settlement..

Thank you aged sprouting from the ground...I depart with a much lighter bearing than when I found you

Even to him, saying good-bye to a tree seemed odd but father did tell him to respect all that he came across unless it was harmful. Bending backwards, his arms turning in their sockets to give full motion in his reversed state the Mime plucked his satchel from the branches above, eased the Violin case inside and then placed it on his back, returning his limbs to their original positions before looking down at that bright spark of a life below him. Bringing his legs up so that foot and hands were upon the branch he just let go, falling faster than any should but on landing there barely seemed a russle in the grass, his hair wasn't even dishelved...very eerie. He stretched out his arm in a sweeping gesture before offering his other to her...effectively a sign of 'where shall we go then?'

01-18-07, 05:56 PM
Nary a sound o' th' earth t' mark his landin'...nor a scraping o' th' bark as he passed o'er i'...an' t' think I wanted t' go t' Paris t' see th' mimes there! Woulda taken several days, an' here in jus' a couple I've met a real one!

She looked around.

"Where t' go? H'mm...th' fountain! 'Tis nae far, an' 'twill be th' best place t' gather an audience."

So saying, she reached out, taking his hand (a bit hard in her enthusiasm, but she'd worry about whatever consequences there might be in a little bit), and started leading him over to the fountain.

Well...'tis easy t' say why he was so gentle wi' me earlier...but a few wee scratches ne'er hurt anyone.


>>>Not a sound of the earth to mark his landing, nor a scraping of the bark as he passed over it...and to think I wanted to go to Paris to see the mimes there! Would have taken several days, and here in just a couple I've met a real one!<<<

"Where to go? H'mm...the fountain! It isn't far, and it'll be the best place to gather an audience."

>>>Well, it's easy to say why he was so gentle with me earlier, but a few little scratches never hurt anyone.<<<

The Mime
01-19-07, 12:15 PM
His claws had almost tried to pull free of her grip on giving,though unwittingly a few scratches but on realising that would likely just cause further injury halted,though his grip weakened somewhat, giving her every opportunity to just let go if she wanted. Performing for people...had enjoyed that although the time of day and the setting...did he have a song to fit that arena...think..

I wonder how easy it can be to find company willing to be with me...is she truly as unique as I beleive...at least in that regard, she herself is certainly breath-taking...ah

His free hand raised slowly and with a single claw brushed aside a scant few threads of hair playing across her vision, he wasn't sure to what end he did it..it did not obscure her eyes that much to be an annoyance..maybe it was just that it ever so slightly covered up a face he was looking forward to viewing for some time if luck was on his side.

01-19-07, 12:22 PM
Karuka let go of Mime's hand as they reached the fountain.

"Well, d'y'..." she blinked as his other hand reached over to brush a few strands of hair from her face -- she hadn't even noticed them.

"Well...ay, 'tis all o'er th' place t'day...but th' day's been long an' I dinna ha' a good amount o' time t' run a comb through i'."

She looked around...the wee motino by her new friend had distracted her. "I wonder where Nic's gone off t'...he sa' he wouldnae be long...oh well."

She shrugged. "I think y'd best come wi' us instead o' spendin' yer li' in th' tree. I dinna think Nic will mind, altho' I dinna know wha' t' make o' him. Now...I wonder wha't was tha' I was goin' t' say afore I got distracted..."

The arched eyebrows drew in a frown under her chakra.

"Huh. I dinna know. D'y ha' a song in mind t' play fer e'ery one?"


"Well, do you..."

"Well, yes, it is all over the place today...but it's been a long day and I didn't have a good amount of time to comb it."

"I wonder where Nic's disappeared to...he said he wouldn't be long...oh well."

"I think you'd best come with us instead of spending your life in the tree. I don't tink Nic will mind, although I don't know what to make of him. Now...I wonder what it was that I was going to say before I got distracted..."

"Huh. I don't know. Do you have a song in mind to play for every one?"

The Mime
01-19-07, 12:36 PM
Nick?....a male companion?...then it would make sense for people to travel with others for safety and other requirements...this could make things a little more awkward than previously guessed...umm a song yes..

This was a new experiance really, being on the spot like this...he could feel them all over him right now, eyes....peoples visions looking to him and knowing that the source of discomfort and displeasure they felt was him..was threatening to grasp at his throat and choke him, he hadn`t even realised but his posture had been lowering, instinctive defence, making himself look less imposing but the fact he had been brought so low without realising it was very disconcerting. Taking a moment to gather himself the Mime slipped his satchel from his shoulders, keeping his mind focussed on merely unpacking his violin and preparing to tune it...so much simpler than thinking about an audience already spiteful of his presence near them.

I wish to play for you all really...though you may not wish to hear, in which case I apologise but please, allow me to offer some form of compensation for tolerating me...please..

With no breath to sigh, or eyes to close the Mime raised the Violin to his shoulders, taking a long look at Karuka he started to feel more at ease and had at least picked which song to play..one he wanted to play for her. It became with a low...long note that would peirce at a persons perception, draw them in as it grew into a sorrowful rise and fall of volume before life sparked inside its ending cries, another voice among those strings rising up, brighter than the last and wishing to be heard...it was a song of peace, of contentment, if a moment in life it would be to stand in a wide green field and with nothing but the wind sweeping across you falling onto your back, resting in the thick tall grass, hair sodden in the morning dew and hearing every sound of peaceful life go around you...but then another sound would rise beside you, that of your lover, their breath..in your hand you could feel that heart-beat beside you..

Soothing Calm...

01-19-07, 12:58 PM
Karuka perched on the fountain's edge, listening as the song started off forlornly, and then picked up. There were a few hostile glances in their direction, but she wasn't sure if it was because of Mime or because she looked like something swept up off the lowest streets that had the sheer audacity to come up and act like she belonged among civilized people.

The vibrant notes swirled around her, taking her from this wee square, across time and space, back to the bittersweet memories of a childhood long faded...the fields outside of the village, where she'd often take her younger brother, Cael, to play...that was, before her stepfather forbade her do anything with him. The same fields she'd gone to with her father, when she was very little. She had been two when he'd given her Shiva's mark, but she remembered the ceremony. He'd taught her the mantras, too...like an ordinary parent teaches his children nursery rhymes.

Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Sāntir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Pūrnam Bhavatu
Sarveśām Mangalam Bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ | Sarve santu nirāmayāḥ
sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu | Mā kaścit duḥkha bhāgbhavet||

May good befall all,
May there be peace for all,
May all be fit for perfection,
and May all experience that which is auspicious.
Om, May all be happy. May all be healthy.
May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace!

So the prayer went, so the song seemed to go, and she sunk deeper into reverie.

She'd run away from home once, spent the night cold and alone in the lush meadow, had woken up shivering and sopping wet from the dew.

But there were the morning birds, waking to go about their business...and while alone, it was not lonely.

The music shifted again...a warmth, a heartbeat...a gentle love and a well abiding peace.

I canna see how anyone coul' be afraid o' so gentle an' poetic a soul...there isnae anythin' t' fear o' him...an' th' music...i'...i' soun's like home. Nae...nae...i'...i' soun's like wha' home coulda been, ha' a wee bi' o' blood nae been so big an issue fer th' clann.

Her eyes closed as she fought back tears...it wasn't the time or place to let herself cry.


>>>I can't see how anyone could be afraid of such a gentle and poetic soul...there's not anything to fear from him...and the music...it...it sounds like home. No...no...it...it sounds like what home could have been, had a little bit of blood not been so big an issue for the Clan.<<<

The Mime
01-19-07, 02:27 PM
I give to you people, the chance to remember those fond memories...those moments past where you had no regrets and to know that though passed there is no reason to need them again, for they fuel you now on your current path and remain a part of you always...perhaps this will spur you on today to create more of those moments...

He continued playing, from those scant moments he turned his vision to people he could see a handful among the passing throngs stop and listen, some with teary eyes..other with cold indignition..he had glanced a softness in Karukas eyes that led to sorrow and so at the moment, he could not bring himself to look upon her...not all early days were like his own, that would be far too naive a thing to beleive. An increase in tempo though gradual and further life was gained to the tune, a slowly climbing energy that brought back that vision of the fields but that lover was now much closer. There was fire in the eyes and a great pulsing in the heart-beat resting against your chest, it was a moment of pure potential when all could be gained with but a simple movement or selection of words, what people strived for so much...what he himself aspired to.

While keeping his playing consistent the Mime eased himself slightly closer to Karuka, it felt like a natural thing to do and perhaps she needed the reassurance that he was not just there because she came towards him, he was there, for her.

01-19-07, 02:38 PM
Karuka steeled herself to just listen now, and not remember.

What good d'i' be if I canna change any o' i'? Th' only thing I can do is t' try an' make th' bes' o' bein' here, an' hopefully someday I'll be able t' go an' meet my father, i' there be some way t' get back.

The eyes opened, and once again reflected the radiant cheerfulness she tried to project at all times.

She noticed Mime moving closer, and shook her head, guesturing out.

He had an audience, the entire square was, for this moment, his, as the music reached an intensity of potential, and it was not by her he should be now, it was out among them, teaching them that he was as much a part of them as they were.

For now, he was nervous, she'd noticed him shrinking down earlier, as though curling away from the humans he so feared, but she grinned at him, reaching out to pat him gently on the leg, reassuring.

This day was his, and if it went wrong, she was still right here, something a wee bit familiar, and safe.


>>>What good is it if I can't change any of it? The only thing I can do is to try and make the best of being here, and hopefully someday I'll be able to go and meet my father, if there's some way to get back.<<<

Arsenic Ruin
01-19-07, 03:21 PM
Arsenic’s head was hung, as he gave an exaggeratedly pained look. Tears comically ran down his cheeks as he snorted, and sniffed while thinking about where Karuka could have dissipated to. He had only left for a moment to try and buy them some food supplies for the rest of their journey and she had gotten away from him. The mischievous little miscreant that he had come to treasure as one of his few true friends just up and left him. It was a tear jerking moment for him as he peddled his way with dragging steps towards a sound that filled him with that warm feeling he often gained; especially after mother finished a batch of her finest fish.

Arsenic’s stomach growled. That was when he remembered he left the purchased supplies back at the stall that seemed to be leagues away. However, he pushed through the hunger, wiping his face meandered over toward the music.

The notes floated through the air and through his head like a soft lullaby, he almost broke into a leaping frolic but then he saw Karuka. Like a feather in the wind he took towards her, bound rose from the ground into the air drifting down defying gravity landing on her lap, arms slung around her neck tightly as he hugged her sobbing on her shoulder.

“Don’t ever leave me like that!”

He belted, one would think his yelling would interrupt the procession of music. Soon enough though his tears dried, as if nothing had happened, precisely at that moment he had taken notice to Mime, who’s leg was the victim of Karuka’s hand. And, with widened eyes he slipped from Karuka’s lap composing himself, arms slid into opposite sleeves, and he stuck his nose into the air.

“ So that is what happened hm? You found another companion?”

Part of him felt betrayed, because he knew he told Karuka specifically to stay outside the vendor’s stall until he was done.

01-19-07, 03:29 PM
"Er...Hallo, Nic," said Karuka as her companion leapt at her and proceeded to strangle her with the sheer joy of seeing her again. She patted his back reassuringly as he cried into her shoulder...such a scene to make!

"Another companion? Aye, I did." Karuka grinned, standing up as she was released. "This is Mime, he dinna talk much, an he likes t' sit in trees fer abnormally long periods o' time. So I thou' he could join us. Mime, this fella is th' Nic I was wonderin' where he got off t'."

She rubbed her neck gently.

"Tha' were...probably th' mos' enthusiastic 'hallo again' I've e'er ha' in mi life. I kno y' tol' me t' stay put, bu' 'twere a wee bi'...uncomfortable standin' there, dressed like this an' jus' hangin' aroun' like some sor' o' beggar. So I decided t' come an' find a place t' sit. Th' vendor's only on th' other side o' th' square an' round th' corner. 'Twere nae far."

She tilted her head and looked at him. "Well...'twould appear tha' y' were walkin' much farther than tha' wee bi'...didja get los', Nic?"


"Umm...hello, Nic."

"Another traveling companion? Yep. This is Mime, he doesn't talk much, and he likes to sit in trees for abnormally long periods of time. So I thought he could join us. Mime, this fellow is the Nic I was wondering about where he disappeared to."

"That was...probably the most enthusiastic 'hello again' I've ever had in my life. I know you told me to stay put, but it was a little bit...uncomfortable standing there, dressed like this and just hanging around like some sort of beggar. So I decided to come and find a place to sit. The vendor's only on the other side of the square and around the corner. Not at all far."

"Well...it looks like you were walking much farther than just that little bit...did you get lost, Nic?"

The Mime
01-19-07, 03:34 PM
In that display of hurried energy the Mimes notes had almost faulted but he had managed to keep the tune going, though it seemed to have a loss of feeling in it from his distraction,it still felt good but not uplifting. He was nearing the end at any rate and finished off his music before daring to see that new arrival, gently lowering the violin from his shoulder and placing it securely inside the case before turning around to look at this stranger...he...well he had none of the spark he saw in Karuka but then he didn't expect that to happen with all he saw. Not entirely sure what to do he just sort of stood there, claws clicking lightly together as he glanced to his parting audience, as much as they could have enjoyed the song his presence may have perhaps offended them too much to scatter a coin or two for his time...not that he needed such but it was often seen as a sign of appreciation.

Raising a hand slowly and gesturing with a single claw to the half-drow his question was fairly obvious and involved a single word.


01-19-07, 03:49 PM
"He's my travellin' companion, Mime. An' I'd really like y' t' join us. Gave his full name as 'Arsenic,'" here she grinned roguishly, "But I shortened i' down a wee bit so tha' I dinna feel tha' I'm travellin' wi' a poison. An' c'mon, Nic. 'Twill be good t' ha' another person t' come wi' us, an' tho' he may seem a wee bi'...well, a wee bi' scary a' firs', he's ay go' the soul o' a poet an' he is a right fine han' a' pluckin' a tune from his violin."

She looked from one to the other. "Well, y' dinna need t' be jealous, o'er in Irelan', we ha' a firm belief in 'th' more, th' merrier,' an' since havin' friends is a new experience fer us all, 'twill be good t' ha' more than one."

The spunky red-head folded her arms and straightened up imperiously. Even though she was inarguably the worst kempt of the group, there was something, among her tone, posture, and the glint of her eye as she tossed that proud head...something almost regal.

"D' th' dh* o' y' nae agree, there?"


"He's my traveling companion, Mime. And I'd really like for you to join us. He gave his full name as 'Arsenic,' but I shortened it a little so that I didn't feel like I was traveling with a poison. And come on, Nic. It'll be nice to have another person with us, and though he may seem a little bit...well, a little bit scary at first, he's got the soul of a poet and can pluck a fine tune from his violin."

"Well, you don't need to be jealous, over in Ireland, we have a firm belief in 'the more, the merrier,' and since having friends is a new experience for us all, it'll be good in more ways than one."

"Do the two of you not agree, there?

The Mime
01-20-07, 02:12 AM
Glancing about him once again the Mime managed to see that proud tree off in the distance, its not that he was attached to it, just enjoyed seeing but there would be other locales to watch other..other people to play for, yes why not...he was meant to travel and experiance and should do so.

They do look rather...close though..perhaps I would just be an errant subject...well I suppose I should find out

Giving a slow nod of his head,light bending of the back, well it was an acknowledgement of 'yes', he would travel with them...at the very least he may learn of their life-stories before they would part from him, he was not pessimistic but so far had little experiance with people to build on. Barely lowering himself down the Mime plucked up his satchel and slipped it over both shoulders,adjusting his scarf for a moment to get it out from the back. He was...pretty much ready.

Arsenic Ruin
01-21-07, 03:46 AM
Obviously he was only a variable part of the equation. Meaning, that even if he said no, it would be too late to turn the tag along bugger away. With a heavy sigh and a shrug of his shoulders he looked to the spunky red-head as if to find some fault in her stance, some weakness he could expose to get her to change her mind. Even though three was a mighty nice number, and the violin playing mute wouldn’t do much harm to either one of them, there was something which was a tiny bit perturbing about Mime’s demeanor. It was that nagging feeling.

But then his attention was snagged by a comment, a fumble even that Karuka made

"Th' vendor's only on th' other side o' th' square an' round th' cor." She tilted her head and looked at him. "Well...'twould appear tha' y' were walkin' much farther than tha' wee bi'...didja get los', Nic?"

It was almost cute as she played innocent, then looked for his response dealing with his own safety. They both knew he had no sense of direction, when it came to small cities at least, and lost wasn’t the half of it.

“I looked everywhere for you, high and low, this was the last place I came, and I would have been a bit longer had it not have been for the violin playing.”

He huffed, folding his arms across his chest, looking to the city gates for some sort of reprisal to the questions that swarmed through his head. It wasn’t the fact that she disappeared that got him worried, well yes it was, but it was more than that. Karuka was new to the land, and her presence had been more than an uplift since his own birth to the outside world, as a friend and rather interesting traveling partner.

“And yes, your friend can tarry with us.”

So he had to do what made her happy, it felt he owed her that much for being his friend.

01-21-07, 11:46 AM
Karuka looked at Nic's face. It held such an irritated cast...it wouldn't have been fun for him to have been abandoned like that, and she could see from his stance, from the way he glared at her and at the Mime, that he'd had a real fear that she'd left.

An' he were nae worried only fer his ain sel'...he were worried abou' me, too, a wee bi'.

She stepped over to him and gave him a gentle embrace, ducking down a little so her head fit under his chin. A slightly submissive stance, to apologize and reaffirm to him that it was he that led the group (however untrue that may have been in reality).

"I'm sorry tha' y' had t' go through all o' tha'. T' let y' know fer th' future...I canna stay still more than a few minutes, so I tend t' go places. Now, go on an' get yer pack...o'er a' tha' end o' th' courtyard, turn lef' an' three down, 'tis th' one wi' th' green sign ou' in front o' i'. An' then we can be on our way, an' 'twill ay be a merry wee group we ha' here."


>>>And he wasn't just worried about himself...he was worried about me, too, a little bit.<<<

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that. To let you know for future reference...I can't stay still for more than a few minutes, so I tend to go places. Now, go on and get your pack...over at that end of the courtyard, turn left and three down, it's the one with the green sign out in front of it. And then we can be on our way, and it'll be a merry little group we have here."

The Mime
01-21-07, 06:39 PM
There was...mixed feelings in the Mime at the moment, he had not quite expected for such a swordsman to come rushing like a lost child, then to act as if he was being denied what he wanted and throwing what could be seen as a huff..

Perhaps my home-life was a tad too slow and laid back, I do find it difficult to understand why such a quick change and immaturity in his being...while Karuka..

He couldn't help it,there was a pang of jealousy lighting up as she embraced the 'other man' though by all rights that did make more sense, the other man was natural and had known her for longer..how long he had no idea, she could have easily met him here yesterday and like him the person became immediately attached...this would be something to think about...

Was it lonely desperation or genuine attraction that drew me so much to her...I...am not aware of the differences between them..

Despite her questioning and the individuals answer it was very clear this Nic was not the one in charge, easy manipulation..but did this make Karuka manipulative?...she could merely just be using it to keep the peace rather than get her own way..this was a rather mixed bag of an experiance at the moment but he had decided to come with her. He had also been accepted by the other half of the 'group' so it would be a waste not to make use of this offer.

One more round of posts and best to end this thread

02-16-07, 07:23 PM
Karuka gave Nic a gentle push, repeating her directions and then giving him directions to get back -- after all, he was horrible at getting around towns.

As he rounded the corner, the sunny red-head grinned and grabbed the Mime in a hug that had been known to crack ribs. She felt the slight tingle of horror run through her at the contact, but didn't heed it. He seemed a nice enough fellow, though, and so lonely. And the lass knew this from personal experience: the lonely were the ones who most craved and needed the physical contact and emotional bond.

After a little bit, she let her new friend go and stepped back, grabbing her leather satchel and adjusting it on her shoulder. She was grimy, ragged, and doomed to look foreign no matter where she went, but on the other hand she was also chipper, friendly, and open to new concepts.

Bag adjusted, she turned back to her friend in the striped shirt with another one of those cheerful, carefree grins. "C'mon, Mime. 'Tis a wee bi' late t' travel t'nigh', bu' we'll ay fin' somewhere t' get some food an' some sleep, an'...well, I dinna kno' abou' y' an' Nic, bu' I need a bath, an' we can head ou' t' where e'er we're goin' in th' mornin'."

"Come on, Mime. It's a little late to travel tonight, but we'll find somewhere to get some food and sleep, and...well, I don't know about you and Nic, but I need a bath, and we can head out to where ever we're going in the morning.
Bunnied Arsenic out of the thread because we haven't seen him in weeks.

The Mime
02-18-07, 01:44 PM
With Arsenic gone from the scene it seemed far easy to just stand there and accept her affection, a sense of betrayel too perhaps?... he had no real idea if that was true or not. But when she brought him into that hug, his arms did not come up around her like he had seen others do, it didn't feel all that natural, she was showing affection yes... but he had no real foundation that he actually felt it towards her. The lanky homonculous felt all the more curious just towards these new fleeting hints of emotions and letting these things happened gave him a taste, like dragging ones tongue through the air only for a wisp of sugar to brush against those taste-buds.

What now then... I have yet to find myself driven from this town, but it seems like she has difficulty in being in one area for so long...

As she spoke once more in that thick alien accent the Mime had to busy himself for but a moment, gathering up his things and securing the straps of his back-pack securly onto his shoulders, a claw tracing along the red scarf wrapped around his neck... it felt warm so very often, comforting. Her offer of looking for a place for rest and necessities would have appealed to many other beings and so, while he may disturb those who also dwelt in such a place, decided to go with the status quo and offered his agreement in a simple nod... and delicately written...

I agree

02-27-07, 12:15 PM
~Listening to the Melodic Silence~

Hi, all! Raven here! I'll be here to give you a run-down of how you did on this little quest. If you have any questions with the ruling at all, I can be reached via the PM or my AIM and MSN handler found in the profile. I won't usually be on around this time, but look me up around 4 am or pm GMT. My schedule's a bit hectic recently, but I will advise you as best as I see fit, Nyu~ ^_^


Continuity - 6

I got just a bit of feel where each of you were headed for and why you were in the immediate vicinity. Not much beyond that, but it felt like this was a nice interlude to the actions and adventures waiting to begin.

Setting - 6

Good sense of how the area is and how you interacted with them, from the rustling of leaves to the stares of the crowd. The feel was not exactly consistent, as it sometimes disappeared within the posts, but there was enough of it I did not feel lost reading them.

Pacing - 5

A bit too quick for my liking at some parts, though stretching the "Longing" scene a bit was... Eh, I was OK in my opinion. Not too quick, not too slow, but there was not much force going on to feel it was excellent. Not bad, though not golden either.

Writing Style

Mechanics - 6

Mime - I think you may need to take more time formulating your posts than you are now, considering the recurring typos and run-ons that were present almost every other line. I had a bit of hard time reading through your posts, but it was not overly frustrating. It just took me more time to figure out what you were saying.

Check your works with a word processor, if you have one on hand. MS Word is fine, though you would still need to read over what it corrected and see if it is the right one. I have lost a bit of faith with the processor, but at least it could see things my eyes sometimes missed. No machine is greater than the human mind, though having one to help around is certainly not a bad idea.

Technique - 6

There was not much that really stood out, but the ones I saw did well to convey the message. A few were not quite what I imagined, but I did not deduct points from there.

Clarity - 4

Mostly due to having to backtrack and reread Mime's posts, though the overall efforts were commendable and easily understood. Arsenic's reaction to finding Karuka and Mime together was an eyebrow-raiser to me, as it felt kinda off-beat in respect to the rest of the story.


Dialogue - 6

I was a bit surprised that Karuka could readily understand everything the Mime was writing to her and how he could completely understand what she was saying to him. I was expecting a bit of language barrier between the two of you... Then again, one suspension of belief I figured out was that Karuka had been on Althanas long enough to understand the basic concept of Tradespeak and the writing in Common Tongue. Therefore, I was a bit lenient on this aspect of the Rubric.

Action - 6

The Mime's actions was understandable and believable, as with both Karuka and Arsenic. A bit more expression from deeper within each character's personalities would do more, though I think this would be enough for such a spontaneous meeting. I could certainly go for more "personal" reactions, but I think I'm asking a bit too much from all of you for this quest.

Persona - 7

Good introduction to Mime's internal turmoil with the onset of Karuka's appearance, the formulation of "love" in Mime's head lending him more depth of character as well as a good plot device to pursue. For Karuka, she did exude a certain trait of manipulator from the way she acted off her feelings, though coming as a bit of surprise for me. Arsenic... Well, he felt more like an interjection, so I did not get much impression coming from him... ^_^;


Wild Card - 7

I give thee three... Seven. For good luck, good times and have fun. This group of misfits feel like they have a fun adventure waiting for them, to which I am very eager to follow up on. :)

Total - 59!

The Mime receives 700 EXP and the odd 120 GP from the passing listeners at the square. Not much, but should be sufficient for supplies and whatnots along the way.

Karuka Tida receives 700 EXP and 120 GP

Arsenic Ruin receives 370 EXP and 70 GP

Cyrus the virus
02-27-07, 12:30 PM
EXP added! Good job, my boogers :)